The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Celebrate! GOF's 5 Year Anniversary

Petrie. · 53 · 3937


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Yeah, you kind of had us on edge your first couple of months here Austin.  I do remember were close to a suspension. :p :p  Close.  It never happened though.

Great memories guys. :)  Keep them coming if you think of others.


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Congrads on the 5 years.  I've been here almost a year myself.  It is one of the nicest online places I've been to and the only one that still exists and that is this active.  I hope it continues to be as such in the future.


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Ah, nostalgia.

Quick recap:

December '06
While searching randomly on Youtube, I see the clip from the first LBT, where Littlefoot gets his Tree Star. After watching, a wave of nostalgia hits, the way the smell of ribs would hit Michael Moore.  Full movie is "tracked down" (deep shame is felt for such a despicable action).

January '07
New Year's Day, a little after Midnight, I ensure that LBT becomes the first movie I watch that year. Have highly enjoyable time; happiness increased by delicious cup of Mint Hot Chocolate.

February '07
Out of curiosity, all other LBT movies are "tracked down" (shame). Have become re-hooked on series.

April '07
After hanging out at the various LBT IMDB message boards, user "novaflare" invites fans to this ol' place. Registration takes place. Semi-accurate prediction of lurker-based future made in introduction topic. Later in the month, RAEG at Cartoon Network for poor handling of the TV series; heavy use of profanity earns me a strict PM warning against such behavior here. Message is edited, foul language removed; RAEG refuses to follow suit.

October '08
Post is made recalling memories of re-introduction to the fandom, discovery of this forum, and unbridled RAEG. Eyes almost fall from sockets when I see that, despite only having joined a year prior, Kor's post count  stands at a staggering 8600+, almost thirty times that of my own. Head spins. Tostitos are consumed. "Add Reply" button is clicked.


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See? I told you I'd bring cake!
Happy Birthday to the GoF!


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I remember posting my first RP post here. It was in the Sadow Raptor series, and I was so nervous. Thanks to guys like GVG, Kor, Aves, Starfall, etc... I was able to gain my confidence to rp.

I remember when I posted the link to my first music video. I was nervous that people weren't going to like it because it was my first one ever. Well it's been a year since I released the video, and it has over 10,000 hits. Some of those views came from you guys, and you continued to support my videos.

Recently, I finished my fanfic LBT Revenge. I didn't now what the basic reaction from people would be once I started writing, and thankfully you guys stuck with it till the end, giving me inspiration to continue writing stories.

Also recently, with the help of Mumbling, I recorded my first offcial song. I had recorded some things already, but they didn't really turn out that well. I was so pleased with the results of the finished product, and I'm so thankful that you guys liked it as much as I did.

Pretty much, GOF has helped me become more open with my passion for LBT, and I am grateful to have found this place!


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When I first joined, I went totally crazy with posts.  I would make a post about anything.  I remember the first........20-50 posts I made were just ridiculous.  After my first 100 or so I got better though.  If you look in my profile, I have like almost 10 posts per day or something.  Well that's not true anymore.  Nowadays, I only post when I really feel it's necessary and when I really have something worth saying.  I don't just post for something to do like I did in the beginning.  I remember I used to always get on GOF at least twice every hour I was awake and I was always the first to reply to any topic (except in the gaming and artwork section.  I was never really active there back then and I'm still not).  Yeah....good times.  GOF really has come a long way and so have I.  I've made a lot of friends through GOF and that's how I got into MSN.  

The person so many of you know today hasn't always existed.  I used to be sorta rude and offensive online and I thank all of you who have known me from the beginning for putting up with me. :p You've all helped me to become a better person.  People can change.  I never thought that was true before, but now that I have changed so much as a person I know it's the truth.  

Without GOF I wouldn't be the master in photoshop that I am today.  It's helped me a lot, especially with designing the yearbook for my school.  Without GOF motivating me to learn more and more about photoshop, I couldn't have gotten into yearbook until I was a senior in high school, however they took me in as a sophomore because of my photoshop abilities.  Thanks a lot GOF!

Without GOF I wouldn't have as many online friends as I have today.  Sure I might not be so close with many of you as I should be (due to my lack of time on MSN), but I know that any member and myself could easily become close friends if we talked on MSN for a while and got to know each other more.  Just the ability to make friends like that is wonderful and I'm very grateful to GOF for that.

How long have I spent on GOF?  I'm not exactly sure (I wish invisionfree had that feature), but I do know that I really like this place.  Will I be here in another 10 years?  If it still exists I will.  Even if for some reason I stop liking LBT, the people here are enough for me to want to stay.


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Well, like LBTFan13, when I joined GoF, I was inspired to write my first and second fan-fics. I also began to RP, which I found out to be fun.


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Ah, yes.  How can I ever forget.  Here in this place, I joined my first RP, which was Sleep and Remember.  From then on, I've gotten really fond of the RP's, and meeting everyone's awesome and fun characters!


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Twenty-five score sixteen years ago Christopher Colon (aka Columbus) landed on an island and to this day they are debating on which exact island it was he set foot on.
A quarter of a score years ago the first land before time board under the name "The Gang of Five" was established. This should put us in our place, shouldn't it :lol
Same as Colon was not the first European to come to the "new world" the Gang of Five was not the first land before time board around and it was not certain by any means that it would be as successful as it did become.
Let us take a little trip through the history of some LBT boards. Probably the most important for the GOF is the Network54 LBT forum. It is probably the oldest land before time board existing. It cannot be ruled out that there may have been earlier Yahoo Groups on LBT, but for certain N54 was the first successful one. It was founded in 1999 and it was there (on August 1st 2000) that I met other land before time fans for the first time. The importance of this board for the later development of the GOF can hardly be overestimated. Many of our members of the first hour came from the N54 board and it was there in September 2002 that I got to know Adam. A funny coincidence had it that there had been a spammer calling himself Petrie the Pteranodon shortly before Adam arrived under the name Petrie. At first I thought him to be the spammer (though that one was quickly solved). Many of you will remember N54. Today the board has become rather silent. I will continue to keep out the spam and respond to any non spam messages though.
I must point out the invaluable service on behalf of the land before time fan community which the founder of that board did. He called himself Littlefoot but did not post in the board for ages. He is kind of lost and all attempts to find him have failed. I don't even know if he is aware of how much has become of all this...
Overspammed and desolate are today the many Yahoo groups about the land before time. Many of them never really took off, but some did and were the first places I am aware of where the exchange of land before time pictures occurred...
Much that once was is now lost, even though they still live who remember it (and will hopefully continue to do so for a long time :smile). An example for this is the board which I think could have developed into what the Gang of Five has evolved into. It was the 2001 founded board of a land before time fan who called himself Zaroff. I do regret that he never made his way to the Gang of Five, but perhaps I will try to find him and invite him. His board did have the same advantages as the GOF did over the alternative boards. I don't know why it did not become as successful and I can only guess that it may have lacked what one might refer to as the Adam effect.
Today there is just the background image left of that board and all that was posted there is now lost. I will always remember that board affectionately now for it was there that I first met our GOF member Littlefoot in January 2002.
Zaroff's board is not the only one that is lost. This now empty Jurassic Park board may in a sense be considered an early ancestor of the GOF as well. It did have a Dinotopia and a land before time section and unless my memory fails me Adam was an admin there. Perhaps it was there that the thought of an independent land before time board of a similar kind came up in his mind.
That board came along in late 2002 I think and parts of it are still existing while other parts have been deleted. It was titled Welcome to the Great Valley and some of you will remember it. That one is truly the parent to the GOF. The first LBT ez-board group founded by Adam. In spite of the creation of the next board I'm going to mention (the one whose founding occurred exactly five years ago) this one continued to be active until 2004.
What we are commemorating today appears almost like an arbitrary point in time in the development of the land before time Forums. I do not even remember for sure why this board was to replace the Welcome to the Great Valley board in the first place, but in any case it was the first to bear the name Gang of Five.
At last in fall 2004 the Gang of Five page we are visiting now was created. I cannot say that it was the founding of the GOF "as we know it". For it was made "as we know it" by YOU. Every active member here has done a part to make the GOF what it is today. And I don't want to rule anyone out from that. We have members who have been around since the N54 days of 2001 and we have members who are around for weeks only, but have shown great activity in those weeks already. It is the activity of our members and their enthusiasm which makes projects such as those conducted by us as a community possible. And it is this enthusiasm which makes me not doubt for a second that we will hold on together, that our dreams will never die, and the GOF will last. For all this I am really grateful to you :)
Let's go for the decade now!


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The day is here!
Time for some summarizing!

I joined here the 28th of March this year.
I remember having some trouble with avatars and usernames. Hence, the member "Lillefot" doesn't have an introduction topic!  :lol:
I had been looking for an LBT community for ages. And stumbled across this while searching for LBT fanfictions at good ol' Google.
I joined instantly.
I'm up to 1,759 posts with this one, and GoF is thereby the forum where I've been and is most active.

With GoF.... Ah, so many good memories! I could write a whole book about it!
Many fun moments!
Not even speaking of the joy of having meet with all you wonderful people!  :yes
Some of you, I know better than others.
Even experienced something that I didn't thought would be possible, my meeting with Patrick.
Has GoF learnt me something? Oh yeah.
With GoF, I've discovered talents that I didn't knew I had.
Drawing... Design... and RPing, of which I'm very grateful! I didn't know I'd be so much into RPGs at all!
Webdesign, photoshop... Two areas that I think I've evolved most in. Yeah, this place has inspired me alot. And it's niced to know that there's always a place to show off your creatings.
Also, I've learned thing about myself. I feel that I've becomed a much more stronger and safe person with myself. That is, not just for my love for LBT, but in general aswell.
I'm sure to have more to say, but that's it for now!

Thank you Gang of Five! I'm forever grateful for everything it has given to me.  

GoF is a wonderful place, and I hope for many more good years to come!

Oh man, this is overdone! Let the party start already!

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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I joined at the begining of September, only 1 month as passed, but it fells like that I've been here for longer.
I wrote my first fic and started to draw(horrible draws yet <_< ).

Thank you landbeforetimelover for the link in your site
thank you Gustav and Patrick for helping me when I first joined.
Thank you all :)

Happy fifth Birthday GOF :birthday  :birthday  :birthday  :birthday  :birthday


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Seems like Malte took a visit to the Wayback Machine to find these. :p  I can fill in a couple of gaps.

I don't know why it did not become as successful and I can only guess that it may have lacked what one might refer to as the Adam effect.

Yeah, beware the Adam effect. :lol  I don't quit.

Zaroff's board is not the only one that is lost. This now empty Jurassic Park board may in a sense be considered an early ancestor of the GOF as well. It did have a Dinotopia and a land before time section and unless my memory fails me Adam was an admin there. Perhaps it was there that the thought of an independent land before time board of a similar kind came up in his mind.

This board still exists on IPB.  I convinced the owner to move here not long after I moved the GOF here.  It's pretty much dying a slow death unfortunately...its in our affiliates at the top.

That board came along in late 2002 I think and parts of it are still existing while other parts have been deleted. It was titled Welcome to the Great Valley and some of you will remember it. That one is truly the parent to the GOF. The first LBT ez-board group founded by Adam. In spite of the creation of the next board I'm going to mention (the one whose founding occurred exactly five years ago) this one continued to be active until 2004.
What we are commemorating today appears almost like an arbitrary point in time in the development of the land before time Forums. I do not even remember for sure why this board was to replace the Welcome to the Great Valley board in the first place, but in any case it was the first to bear the name Gang of Five.

The boards were created to be separate places.  WTTGV was meant to be the discussion place, and (what became) the GOF was the feedback forum for  What actually happened was the feedback forum was more active in the general discussion sections, so I ran with a good thing and kept building up the feedback forum (the GOF) instead of WTTGV and let it go.  That's why you have the GOF today, and not WTTGV.

Is WTTGV the actual parent to the GOF as we know it?  More like a cousin really.  I created them for different purposes, and one just happened to survive and the other didn't.

The real parent you could probably put the connection to is the only board you failed to mention (but I think its in the GOF's History Topic in the announcements section).  Its my original Dinotopia board that I started in 2001.  You're probably thinking what the hell does that have to do with the GOF?  That board was around for three years and was quite successful.  I eventually added a LBT section to it, made a few name changes, and shuttered it in 2004 after some bad staff appointments left the board empty.  If that board didn't die, I probably would not have considered or its feedback forum, or even the GOF.  This wouldn't be here if I didn't have a reason to create a new place.


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For those who want to know more about our board's path to these five years, please read our GOF's history topic.  This was written from my point of view.


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This board still exists on IPB. I convinced the owner to move here not long after I moved the GOF here. It's pretty much dying a slow death unfortunately...its in our affiliates at the top.
The messages posted on the old board are gone though. That's what I was referring to. Strangely some of the messages in some of the other GOF predecessors disappeared too while some remained there.
As for WTTGV as a parent to the GOF, whatever the intention behind it, it did become an LBT discussion board with a similar staff and similar sections to the GOF. With the higher activity in the feedback board it is almost a coincidence that GOF turned out to be the way to go.


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As with Malte's long and winding tale of how he came to the GOF. Mine is similar...only without so many twists and turns in the road  :DD

Way back when (as to exactly when I can't remember exactly :lol: ) somewhere around 2003, I just so happened to come across the N54 LBT board where by I fell in with the tight little community that was that forum. Hence, I linked up with Malte and a few others. It was from here that Malte diverted my attention and passion for LBT to the "Welcome to the Great Valley" forum, the parent site to this one. It was there I became aquainted with our fearless leader under the guise of "Captain Arvens" at the time. By this point I had just started university so it was a great find for me while I was adjusting to living on my own for the first time ever.

Then, as history progressed, the Gang of Five was made back on this day 5 years ago. It was shortly after that our forum founder then gave me the prestigious honour of becoming an administrator (or it might have been moderator first....memory's a little hazy :smile ). Still, honouring Petrie's new grant of position I have since stayed with the forum and watched it grow and flourish into the wonderful virtual community that it has become today.

At this point, I would personally like the thank each and every one of our outstanding members of the GOF in being the very building blocks that have helped this space evolve into what it is. If it were not for you all, this forum would not be the shining jewel of LBT fandom that has since been recognised by many over the net. Through, news reports, concepts and ideas, music projects and wondrous pieces of art and written work. It shows definitely shows we are attracting attention with the recent influx of new members, and with it,  we hope will continue to build and extend our forum and help it reach new heights.

Thanks be to all of you GOF members! And here's to many more years to come!

Littlefoot-1616 B)


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I haven't been around for long too, but people are really friendly, it gave me a major will to keep writing (both my fanfic and my book) and... well, what can I say?
'Birthday to the GOF!


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Malte has a good point about how time plays tricks on ones memory..  As I recall, I joined here in March, but actually didn't post until almost May! :DD LOL! :lol: It was like, really late at night, and as I recall, I had just finished watching a LBT movie, though my memory escapes me as to which one. :p This is a great forum, and like some of you, my creative potential has only blossomed as a result of being here.. :) Four of you fellow members inspired me to start drawing, yet sadly I haven't found the time to resume it...  It's safe, and I hope to pick up on it one day again, soon... :^.^: Also, there's something else that'll come up soon, something that I worked hard on, but the results...  ...Ehh, I feel like I could do better... :p Anyway... :) Happy fifth, GOF, and like a couple have said, here's to a decade! :D

EDIT: And yes, I would definitely say that, a few of you here, have so deeply impacted me, that my whole life has changed for the better.. :) You know who you are... :^.^:
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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march 07: i discovered the GoF with help from a link,
21 august 07: i joined the GoF as a rather clucky member with a horrible writing style and without introduction,
december 07: i hestitated to leave the forum but i didn't (or else i wasn't here i guess?)
february 08: reached 500 posts,
march 08 till june 08: a lot of dutch members joined,
hopefully before december 08: reaching 1000 posts :angel ,

so you will see, history will understand, but whatever, idea! :idea  lets celebrate! :rolleyes  :smile


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As I recall I saw the address a few times around before I decided to try it.  I looked it over as a guest for a day or 2 & saw how nice the folks seemed so decided to join.

The Chronicler

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I remember when I first joined the Gang of Five. I had just recently created my first (and so far only active) e-mail address. (I had made an e-mail address a few years earlier so I could join bzpower, but my inactivity caused it to disappear) I had been thinking about rejoining bzpower, but I decided to join this place instead, as it was smaller and I felt I would have a better chance of fitting in. I joined on the day after Christmas in 2007. Back then, I was using a laptop in my room that I considered a piece of junk.

About a month later, I got a new desktop computer, and I went to work on my fanfic. I had dozens of ideas for fanfics (and I've recently been thinking about turning some of them into RPs), but the basic idea that my first fanfic is based on seemed like the kind of thing I should do (being perhaps the biggest Bionicle fan around here). Despite numerous breaks and a lack of replies, my fanfic is making good progress.

I see myself as a semi-active member. (I'm here every day, but I don't do much here) I'm hoping to increase my activity here as I feel more confident about doing new things I haven't done before.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls