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An adult themed LBT fanfic?

karkovice · 77 · 12322


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If what you say is true, then writing a fanfic about Little Foot and Allie becoming mates would not be considered incest. But the general opinion I've noticed here is that such stories would be frowned down upon because it is viewed that they ARE, in fact, cousins.

But if ever I write a fanfic about Little Foot taking on a mate, I'll make sure it's a totally unrelated long neck he mates with.  :smile

Aves the fox:

You need not worry about me putting up my adult themed LBT fanfic on; or anywhere else, for that matter. If anyone wants to read it privately, they have but to send me their personal email and I'll send them the .doc file. But I make sure that these people are grown up and mature enough to read such stuff.

And if anything, I am certainly NOT a pedophile.

Malte270(Mr. Admin):

You can rest assured that I wouldn't put up anything on here that would be viewed as explicit or profanic in any way. I know that kiddies and "Big Brother" may be watching.  :smile

Finally(General comment):

I am literally quite surprised by the amount of reader response I've gotten from this initial post! It was initially intended as kind of a whimsy, but it is quite stunning how much interest this has generated!

Anyway, I'll keep looking for update every other day, on average, in between my fanfic writing and RL craziness!

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Well, well, well.  I read your adult-themed story all the way through and I am impressed.  To be honest, I am unsure of how I feel with the Chomper&Cera pairing.  In all honesty, I'd pair Cera up with Shorty. (In all honesty, Malte inspired the idea when he pointed out how well they got along.  It just seemed to spark something right then and there.)

You did incredibly well with the sex scene, especially with Cera not knowing what mating with a male was like. (Did Cera's father even have "the talk" with her?  I almost feel like that's missing somehow, especially since they aren't even allowed to look at another male when they go to the bathroom in your story. (Not to mention she's a freaking doctor in this story.  You'd think they'd at least "allow" someone like that to look there if needed, despite the gender.)) When this is done, it creates limitless possibilities of how it could be taught and executed.  You did really well with the choice you made.  It did feel more natural.

This being said, you exceeded the level of professionalism required for a story to get a more positive response from me.  So I think it could do well at the other places I'm thinking of.  Especially at those that take it more seriously.  So, if you wish, I can give you the information of where you can post it by either e-mail or PM. (Your choice if you choose to do so.) However, understand that these places aren't really associated with LBT, so you might have to explain a few things.

In the end, I'd give the story 10/10, 5 stars, A+, whatever.  You did a great job.

Way to go.  You exceeded my expectations. :)


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I send mine, but I have not found Karkovice's yet.


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Poke player:

It makes me glad that you truly did appreciate that story I wrote.  :DD

But I wanted this to have a beginning and an ending to it. Not just have it be a "Slam! Bam! Thank you, Ma'am!!" type of story you'd see in a porno film or read about in a nudie magazine. (To the admins, if such language is not allowed on this board, my sincere apologies!). I wanted a level of intimacy that was befitting of two characters who, deep down, care for each other very much.

To put it into perspective, though, I'd say Topsy must've had some sort of talk about "the birds and the bees" with Cera; but just like anything else, you never really learn unless you try it.

Keep in mind, though, that Cera is 10 seasons older than Chomper in my fanfics(it makes sense because, in the cartoons, Cera's the oldest of the gang; and Chomper is the youngest.) Yet, oddly enough, Chomper has been"intimate" with V'leck many times, while Cera's obviously never been mated to a male of any kind before she did what she did with Chomper. She saw Chomper as the young, strong male who was capable of teaching her this "great secret of togetherness" in a "we may die tomorrow" scenario.

I wanted Chomper to refuse, at first, thinking that it wasn't right; and then let Cera talk "sense" into him. At the time, they still haven't found the cure to the Bloody Tummy disease; and Cera wanted to experience this "cardinal sin" before they got sick themselves and moved into The Great Beyond.

You say you know of sites that would love to have me put my story up for all to see? Well, you can email me the links at  :smile

But I want this to be a morality story, not just a "Hey! Come check out my porn flick!!" type of story. I'd like it to teach those old enough to read it something like "this is what procreation/love making is all about." or "don't do this until you're married" or "only do it you love the guy/girl you're with enough to be this intimate with them, and you're mature enough to handle it, and the consequences involved."

THAT's the kind of mark I want this story to leave with people!  :angel

BTW, since I have no idea who "Shorty" is, I can't tell you if he and Cera would make the ideal couple or not.  :p


Yeah! I got your mature story "effort", read it, and replied to it.

I could've sworn I've sent you mine, though. It was .doc file. Do I have to send it to you again?

Peace and long life!
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Quote from: karkovice,Aug 3 2009 on  05:44 PM
BTW, since I have no idea who "Shorty" is, I can't tell you if he and Cera would make the ideal couple or not.  :p
Just so you know, Shorty is from LBT 10: The Great Longneck Migration.  He is Littlefoot's adopted brother.

Here's an image.  He's the green longneck laughing at Littlefoot.

Yeah, they really didn't get along at first. -_-

Anyways, I'll be sending you those sites soon. :)


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Okay, I haven't had a chance to go through all of the LBT movies and TV episodes yet. I've been so busy with RL stuff, and getting these fanfics in my head onto a .doc file. But I DO intend to see all there is to see about LBT!  :smile


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very well written, Bravo


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Then resend me your email address at

The Chronicler

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Well, now that I've (finally) read this, I must say that I am impressed. Like you and other readers had said, this is actually a well-written story (something I don't see much here on the internet when it comes to this kind of subject). I'm also impressed by how realistic you made it, even the fact that the 'male parts' on dinosaurs were different than those on humans (something most people either don't know or simply just don't understand).

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Curiousity is getting the better of me... could you send me a copy of this story?


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Can someone give me the link for the author of LittlefootXCera. I am going to ask him to post it (temorarilly) on Fanfiction Wiki, so I'll have my own copy of it.

The Chronicler

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A better idea would be to ask him to simply e-mail the story to you. That way, you can have your copy of it without having to post it online.

Anyway, I think the author of that story was LBT writer, or something like that. That story was taken down nearly a year ago, and I can't find any fanfics written by that guy. You can go ahead and find his profile on, but I doubt you'll be able to contact him, let alone convince him to send you a copy of that story. (My theory, when the author noticed his story got removed, he probably realized how bad it was and he simply deleted the whole thing from his computer.)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I must point out that if links were posted in the GOF the admins may have to delete the links as we have done in similar cases before. While we try our best at the splits between wide freedom of discussing and contents on the one and the interest to keep this a board for all ages on the other hand we do not want the GOF to become a distribution place for adult themed LBT stuff of any sort. Those who want access to this kind of material will certainly be able to find a place for that.


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Quote from: The Chronicler,Apr 18 2010 on  04:00 PM
A better idea would be to ask him to simply e-mail the story to you. That way, you can have your copy of it without having to post it online.

Anyway, I think the author of that story was LBT writer, or something like that. That story was taken down nearly a year ago, and I can't find any fanfics written by that guy. You can go ahead and find his profile on, but I doubt you'll be able to contact him, let alone convince him to send you a copy of that story. (My theory, when the author noticed his story got removed, he probably realized how bad it was and he simply deleted the whole thing from his computer.)
I found the website of the author: LBT Writer. I asked if he could post it on because my email was deleted from the website I'm on, besides I'd remove the content from the page, so as it's on the website, so LBT Writer dosen't get in trouble. I just want to see how the story ends, I read the whole thing and I want to see the ending. If something like Twilight Valley can be posted and kept on then I don't think LittlefootXCera would be trouble just for a few minutes.


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Quote from: ScratteLover2,Apr 18 2010 on  06:55 PM
If something like Twilight Valley can be posted and kept on then I don't think LittlefootXCera would be trouble just for a few minutes.
There is a HUGE difference between a VERY graphic NC-17 rated porn without plot story and a PG-13 war story. For starters, NC-17 stories are not permitted on

Seriously Scrattlover, is Twilight Valley THAT violent that you actually questioned whether it was allowed on Because if you did question that I can point you to a fair number of FAR more violent stories on

And your comment on Fanfiction Wikia:

Rated PG-13 for Intense Violence/Graphic, Disturbing Scenes/Gore, Suicide, Blood, Drug Use and Strong Language

makes TWV sound like Reservoir Dogs.

It took months for the admins to remove that story but that does not mean that LBTWriter is going to post it for you and possibly risk getting banned. Emailing him would probably be the best way to get in contact with him. Or I can private message him for you.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Graphically violent stories are permitted on Fanfiction.Net. It's NC-17 stories that are not allowed. Anything above R can't be posted. Twilight Valley is only rated PG-13. R rated stories can be even more violent, and there are a lot of R rated stories on FF.Net, including my Out of the Shadows story.

LittlefootXCera was a story that I had reported twice and there's probably other people who reported it as well because it did, from what I recall, contain sexual depictions beyond the rating of R (NC-17). Stories that depict graphic sex are not allowed on FF.Net. It is probably a better idea just to have him e-mail you the story (it is easy to get a new e-mail account if you need one) rather than have him post it back on FF.Net after it was removed.


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Quote from: Serris,Apr 18 2010 on  09:46 PM
It took months for the admins to remove that story but that does not mean that LBTWriter is going to post it for you and possibly risk getting banned. Emailing him would probably be the best way to get in contact with him. Or I can private message him for you.
Yes you can email him a private message for the story, if he still has it. I wasn't saying that your story should be removed, it's actually the best of the violent stories I've read. I was actually referring to stories like Time Gate X, I just can't think straight when I'm tired, from what I can remember it was late when I last posted.


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ScratteLover, a private message has been sent to LBTWriter alerting him of your request. Your name has not been used.

Once he confirms that he has the story, I will private message him your email address (which would ideally be sent via forum PM to me).

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.