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Ask Pangaea

Pangaea · 530 · 47288


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pfft...I must be getting old then...alas.;)

Well I doubt you have been asked this quesiton before...and if you have, I'd be highly suprised.  Anyway if you had to choose one as a pet what would you go for:  

A Gremlin
A fairy
A Pixie
A leprachaun
A goblin
or A brownie.


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Now there's a random one. :lol

Probably a brownie. We could use someone to help clean the house. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Poor Brownie...imagine Sasquatch's reaction to having one of those in the house.:p

Does Sasquatch bring friends into the house?  And by friends I refer to other cats?  Have you seen him interact with other cats?  


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Quote from: Saft,Jan 23 2011 on  01:04 PM
Poor Brownie...imagine Sasquatch's reaction to having one of those in the house.:p
That's one reason I don't think any of those pets would really be a good idea, unless they had a background as the fae world equivalent of a lion tamer. :p

Does Sasquatch bring friends into the house?  And by friends I refer to other cats?  Have you seen him interact with other cats?
To date, no to both of those questions. :o

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Just so you know, you're not the only one who has been rather bust lately. I've been bogged down by college work so much last week that I've decided to wait another week to post the next chapter of my fanfic. (I usually planned to post them once every two weeks, in case if you haven't noticed.) Also, I don't care if I have to wait until my next birthday until you're finished with that card for me. As much as I would like to see it, I would prefer that you continue to comment on my fanfic, if I had to choose between the two.

This brings my to this question: How busy are you, really? How many and what things are you trying to get done, both here on GoF and at home?

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Something I should clarify is that the main reason for my recent struggles with reviewing isn’t as much that I'm so constantly busy that I don't have time for it, but that the pressure from all the tasks and issues I've had to worry about have left me feeling spread thin, too stressed out for extensive posting (sometimes even forgetting entirely). Just typing posts has become an effort for me; it can take me an hour or more to write a single large paragraph or a review for a story such as yours. Much of that time is spent simply trying to figure out the right words to express my thoughts. Composing a short post from whatever thoughts are present in my head at the time doesn’t take too much out of me, but writing a review is, by comparison, a long, meticulous, and arduous undertaking that requires me to analyze the events of the chapter (often looking back to previous ones to get a sense of continuity), scrutinize the text to scope out errors, mine my vocabulary for the right words, and organize those words such that my thoughts are properly conveyed. (Your story presents a particular challenge, as, to be honest, it's not the kind of LBT fanfiction I would typically review on my own, having very little familiarity with Bionicle; it's harder for me to comprehend the world of the story and recognize its “rules”.) I might seem sharp from the posts I write, but in reality my mind works very slowly. While I’m ashamed to admit it, a lot of the time I have so much on my mind, and feeling so frazzled and unfocused because of it, that I just don’t feel up to the task at that time, telling myself I’ll work on it later. Pathetic, I know. :oops This isn’t anything personal; I’m like this with almost everything I do (one reason I honestly don’t think I have much hope of making something of myself in the world :().

As for the things that have been keeping me occupied, one particularly significant real-life distraction is my first real job: proofreading recipes for a cookbook that my college is preparing for its centennial. Originally, it was just my job to read over the several hundred recipes (all submissions from students and staff of the college) for errors, consistency, and comprehensibility, but then I accepted an offer to input recipes into the database (many of them are originally submitted in paper form, and must be typed in to the computer) for additional pay. That, however, takes considerably greater time and effort. In addition, I quickly discovered that since I usually look at my keyboard while typing instead of my computer screen, I may accidentally create my own errors while typing and not notice them. I couldn't have that, so I've been trying to train myself to look at the screen as I type. It's not as easy for me as it is for some people, since my hand-to-eye coordination isn't great, and my fingers regularly “forget” where the right keys are, so I end up making a lot of typos. While at least I am able to see them and correct them immediately, it takes me longer to type as a result. The good news is that just a couple of days ago, I finally finished inputting all of the recipes I currently had, so at least some of the burden is off my back for the time being. (I’ll be getting more recipes soon, though… :unsure:)

Another real-life matter that has occupied much of my time in the past month is my brother (the older of my two younger brothers, specifically), who, in mid-December, returned home for the first time in nearly five months, having been studying abroad for his fall college semester. He had a lot of catching up to do with the rest of the family, and vice versa. He came back with over 20,000 photos (yes, that’s the correct number of zeros) of his time overseas that he was eager to share, and we eager to see. On evenings when the whole family had a simultaneous hour or so of free time, he would show us these photos on a projector. There were also several films he wanted to see, from Tangled at the movie theater to Life (a nature documentary consisting of eleven one-hour episodes) on our Blu-ray player. Not to mention all the talking and socializing with his siblings that he hadn’t been able to do since July. He had less than a month to do all the things he wanted to do with us before he had to go back to college, andóhaving always been closer to him (and my other family members) than to any other person in the worldóI was obliged to spend a considerable amount of my time with him. You could probably say that it was my first priority. (To say that family is very important to me is a monumental understatement; I probably don’t devote enough time to it as it is.) My brother has been gone for several days now, so I can’t use the excuse that I couldn’t review your chapter sooner because I was spending time with him. However, while he was with us, I didn’t find a whole lot of time to devote to other tasks, namely my cookbook job. Since focusing on several things at a time makes it harder for me to get any of them done, so I decided that I wanted to get that job over with as quickly as possible. (It seems that it really has made a difference; I’ve noticed that I’m managing to get a lot more posting done at a faster rate since I finished with the cookbook.)

There have been some other, minor family issues that have caused me stress and/or distraction, but I have a great deal of respect for the privacy of my other family members, and so one of my personal rules is to not post anything that I imagine they would rather not have shared on a public forum. Just to avoid causing undue concern, however, I want to emphatically assure everyone that I have a very loving, stable, and supportive family to whom I am very close, and that whatever unwanted drama and grief they bring to my life is insignificant to my long-term self-esteem and well-being. That said, being as sensitive as I am, when there is drama in my family, it generally doesn't put me in a great mood for writing reviews.

Other items on my agenda:

ï Continuing to volunteer at the local aquarium.

ï Household chores. (Lately I’ve been worrying that I’m not pulling my weight around the house, so I’ve been trying to help out more.)

ï Reviewing fanart and fanfiction, such as yours, Caustizer’s, Sky’s, and FlipperBoidSkua’s.

ï Keeping up with the “In The Land Before Time” RP. (These posts require a particularly extensive amount of time, thought, and effort for me to write.) Again, thankfully I don’t have to worry about it for the time being.

ï Posting photos in my “Twin Cities” vacation thread, after which I’m going to start another thread for my vacation to Florida in November.

ï The three (ridiculously belated) star day cards I'm making, which are by far the things I've been devoting the least time to. :oops

Believe me when I tell you that I really have been feeling overwhelmed lately (probably due to trying to do too many things at once). I've even given thought to taking a break from the GOF, but I imagine that that would only make things worse, as I would be letting down the people for whom I have obligations to post, and that when I returned I would only find an immense backlog of fanart and fanfiction to review. I really don’t know what to do at this point. :unsure:

I have to say, Chronicler, that your post reminds me a lot of an exchange we had almost a year ago when I was late in sending you reviews for your first fanfic. (You told me that I wasn't the only one with problems then, too.) I am more than aware from reading other people's posts on this forum (especially the “How Are You Feeling” thread) that I am not the only person on this forum who is feeling stressed or having difficulty in their life. Forgive me if I'm wrongóthis could just be my paranoiaóbut I'm getting the impression that you're irritated by my lateness to review, andójust maybeóby the explanations I give as well, like I’m just complaining or trying to make excuses.

Let me just say this: I think that, by most people’s standards, I’m lazy, or at least a wimp when it comes to stress. I have dismal willpower and am pathetic at handling pressure. I’m a severe procrastinator and a supreme failure at delivering promises on time. And I hate myself for all of this. :bang I really am sorry for being so late with reviewing your chapteróand I know there are several members out there to whom I owe the same apology, for various things. :neutral When I posted my review, I thought it would be better if I at least offered some explanation for why I was late, rather than just casually posting it without any indication that I cared that I had taken so long.


Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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I greatly apologize for giving you the impression that I'm irritated and impatient with your lateness. I certainly never intended to give you such an impression. :(  I kind of figured it would be okay to mention it when I'm also falling behind schedule, so to speak. :oops  I feel that I should also confess that whenever I see something I didn't expect numerous times (like long delays), I get curious about why it happens and start to demand answers. At least I'm trying to learn from my mistakes. Believe me, my impatience used to be even worse when I first joined a forum (bzpower, the Bionicle fan forum) back in 2004. :oops

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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^ That's okay. I know can be pretty over-sensitive at times, not to mention my notorious habit of misinterpreting people's words and intentions. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

By the way, while individual time-consuming matters like the cookbook project will come and go, I sadly don't expect that my life will be anything less of a mess anytime soon, so if I'm late in the future (I'll try to be less so, but I've seen how my promises turn out), you can safely assume that it's for similar reasons as I described above.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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:bang By the way, how did the Sasquatch get on at the kennel?

Oh, yes..found something that might interest you (being the dinosaur avid that you are).  If you haven't already read it already.:p

For Pangy

I came across it just before, when I was looking at the news...I'd be honest when I say I'm not  :anger  at a new study find when I've written one of my exam eessays on the subject (first humans out of africa).  Obviously poor timing. :bang


  • Petrie
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Are their any other reptiles you are interested in other than Dinosaurs?


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Quote from: Saft,Jan 27 2011 on  04:51 PM
:bang By the way, how did the Sasquatch get on at the kennel?[/URL]
I came across it just before, when I was looking at the news...I'd be honest when I say I'm not :anger at a new study find when I've written one of my exam eessays on the subject (first humans out of africa). Obviously poor timing. :bang
Wow, I could have sworn I was asked that question (and answered it) before, but having checked the last few pages of this thread, it would seem not. :blink:

We didn't press for details when we picked him up from the kennel (on the same night we returned home; we couldn't stand to wait until the next day, even though it was dark out and our driveway was snowed in :p), but apparently he got along fine and was well-behaved. The bad news is that he didn't get to interact with any of the other cats in the kennel because none of them were friendly. :p) He didn't seem any worse for wear when we brought him home; still the same unpredictable combination of affection and spazziness as ever. :lol

And thanks for the link to that article; :) I hadn't heard about this dinosaur! :! So it actually had just a single claw on its hand? :wow I know that other members of its family, like Mononykus (literally “one claw”) and Shuvuuia, also had extremely reduced digits, but apparently they had vestigial second and third fingers in addition to the large thumb claw.

Quote from: oogaboo,Jan 28 2011 on  09:21 AM
Are their any other reptiles you are interested in other than Dinosaurs?
Oh, definitely. I never professed myself to be solely a dinosaur nut. :p

Let's see…for modern reptiles, I'll just quote the relevant section of my list (which I'm sure is missing some entries :p) from the “What animals does everyone like?” thread:
Quote from: Pangaea,Sep 7 2010 on  11:33 PM


ï Monitor lizards
ï Tegus
ï Basilisks
ï Iguanas
ï Anoles
ï Flat lizards
ï Collared lizards
ï Horned lizards
ï Helmeted iguanas
ï Chameleons
ï Agamas
ï Thorny devils
ï Bearded dragons
ï Water dragons
ï Forest dragons
ï Flying dragons
ï Dragon lizards
ï Frilled lizards
ï Sailfin lizards
ï Forest lizards
ï Garden lizards
ï Dab lizards
ï Butterfly lizards
ï Eyelid geckos
ï Leaf-tailed geckos
ï Tokay geckos
ï Day geckos
ï House geckos
ï New Caledonian geckos
ï Flying geckos
ï Web-footed geckos
ï Frog-eyed geckos
ï Knob-tailed geckos
ï Sand geckos
ï Marbled geckos
ï Green geckos
ï Forest geckos
ï Alpine geckos
ï Harlequin geckos
ï Gold-striped geckos
ï ÜKawekaweau
ï Girdled lizards
ï Shovel-snouted lizards
ï Fringe-toed lizards
ï Wall lizards
ï Green lizards
ï Lava lizards
ï Alligator lizards
ï Caiman lizards
ï Crocodile skinks
ï Five-lined skinks
ï Blue-tongued skinks
ï Shingleback skinks
ï Shinning-skinks
ï Prehensile-tailed skinks
ï Berber skinks
ï Eyed skinks
ï Tree skinks
ï Fire skinks
ï Mabuyas
ï Sandfish
ï Slow-worms
ï Glass lizards
ï Grass lizards
ï Wood lizards
ï Spinytail lizards
ï Whiptail lizards
ï Swift lizards
ï Beaded lizards
ï Gila monsters

ï Pythons
ï Boas
ï Burrowing asps
ï Corn snakes
ï Cobras
ï King cobras
ï Rattlesnakes
ï Giant vipers
ï Bush vipers
ï Pit vipers
ï Adders
ï Puff adders
ï Death adders
ï Horned adders
ï Cottonmouths
ï Sea snakes
ï Kraits
ï Mambas
ï Tentacled snakes
ï Vine snakes
ï Garter snakes
ï Cat-eyed snakes
ï Hog-nosed snakes
ï Central American tree snakes
ï Gopher snakes
ï Pine snakes
ï Bullsnakes
ï Kingsnakes
ï Coral snakes
ï Pipe snakes
ï Mangrove snakes
ï Egg-eating snakes
ï Leaf-nosed snakes
ï Grass snakes
ï Tiger snakes
ï Liana snakes
ï Bushmasters
ï Blind snakes

ï Matamatas
ï Softshell turtles
ï Pig-nosed turtles
ï Spotted turtles
ï Chicken turtles
ï Painted turtles
ï Pond turtles
ï Map turtles
ï Sliders
ï Cooters
ï Terrapins
ï Giant tortoises
ï Gopher tortoises
ï Pancake tortoises
ï Radiated tortoises
ï Red-footed tortoises
ï Geometric tortoises
ï Angulated tortoises
ï Leopard tortoises
ï Spurred tortoises
ï Star tortoises
ï Tent tortoises
ï Russian tortoises
ï Hermann’s tortoises
ï Cape totoises
ï Box turtles
ï Snapping turtles
ï Big-headed turtles
ï Side-necked turtles
ï Snake-necked turtles
ï Musk turtles
ï Mud turtles
ï Spiny turtles
ï Sea turtles

ï Gharials
ï Crocodiles
ï Alligators
ï Caimans

As for prehistoric varieties, I'll provide a less specific list of the general kinds that interest me the most:
Sphenodontians (includes modern tuatara)
Squamatans (includes modern lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians)
Crocodylomorphs (includes modern crocodiles)
Chelonians (includes modern turtles)
basal archosauromorphs
non-dinosaurian ornithodirans

EDIT: Messed up a little; ctenosauriscids and prestosuchids are both subclades of rauisuchians.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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(oogaboo @ Jan 28 2011, 09:21 AM)
Are their any other reptiles you are interested in other than Dinosaurs?

Oh, definitely. I never professed myself to be solely a dinosaur nut. dino_tongue.gif

Let's see…for modern reptiles, I'll just quote the relevant section of my list (which I'm sure is missing some entries dino_tongue.gif) from the “What animals does everyone like?” thread:
QUOTE (Pangaea @ Sep 7 2010, 11:33 PM)


ï Monitor lizards
ï Tegus
ï Basilisks
ï Iguanas
ï Anoles
ï Flat lizards
ï Collared lizards
ï Horned lizards
ï Helmeted iguanas
ï Chameleons
ï Agamas
ï Thorny devils
ï Bearded dragons
ï Water dragons
ï Forest dragons
ï Flying dragons
ï Dragon lizards
ï Frilled lizards
ï Sailfin lizards
ï Forest lizards
ï Garden lizards
ï Dab lizards
ï Butterfly lizards
ï Eyelid geckos
ï Leaf-tailed geckos
ï Tokay geckos
ï Day geckos
ï House geckos
ï New Caledonian geckos
ï Flying geckos
ï Web-footed geckos
ï Frog-eyed geckos
ï Knob-tailed geckos
ï Sand geckos
ï Marbled geckos
ï Green geckos
ï Forest geckos
ï Alpine geckos
ï Harlequin geckos
ï Gold-striped geckos
ï ÜKawekaweau
ï Girdled lizards
ï Shovel-snouted lizards
ï Fringe-toed lizards
ï Wall lizards
ï Green lizards
ï Lava lizards
ï Alligator lizards
ï Caiman lizards
ï Crocodile skinks
ï Five-lined skinks
ï Blue-tongued skinks
ï Shingleback skinks
ï Shinning-skinks
ï Prehensile-tailed skinks
ï Berber skinks
ï Eyed skinks
ï Tree skinks
ï Fire skinks
ï Mabuyas
ï Sandfish
ï Slow-worms
ï Glass lizards
ï Grass lizards
ï Wood lizards
ï Spinytail lizards
ï Whiptail lizards
ï Swift lizards
ï Beaded lizards
ï Gila monsters

ï Pythons
ï Boas
ï Burrowing asps
ï Corn snakes
ï Cobras
ï King cobras
ï Rattlesnakes
ï Giant vipers
ï Bush vipers
ï Pit vipers
ï Adders
ï Puff adders
ï Death adders
ï Horned adders
ï Cottonmouths
ï Sea snakes
ï Kraits
ï Mambas
ï Tentacled snakes
ï Vine snakes
ï Garter snakes
ï Cat-eyed snakes
ï Hog-nosed snakes
ï Central American tree snakes
ï Gopher snakes
ï Pine snakes
ï Bullsnakes
ï Kingsnakes
ï Coral snakes
ï Pipe snakes
ï Mangrove snakes
ï Egg-eating snakes
ï Leaf-nosed snakes
ï Grass snakes
ï Tiger snakes
ï Liana snakes
ï Bushmasters
ï Blind snakes

ï Matamatas
ï Softshell turtles
ï Pig-nosed turtles
ï Spotted turtles
ï Chicken turtles
ï Painted turtles
ï Pond turtles
ï Map turtles
ï Sliders
ï Cooters
ï Terrapins
ï Giant tortoises
ï Gopher tortoises
ï Pancake tortoises
ï Radiated tortoises
ï Red-footed tortoises
ï Geometric tortoises
ï Angulated tortoises
ï Leopard tortoises
ï Spurred tortoises
ï Star tortoises
ï Tent tortoises
ï Russian tortoises
ï Hermann’s tortoises
ï Cape totoises
ï Box turtles
ï Snapping turtles
ï Big-headed turtles
ï Side-necked turtles
ï Snake-necked turtles
ï Musk turtles
ï Mud turtles
ï Spiny turtles
ï Sea turtles

ï Gharials
ï Crocodiles
ï Alligators
ï Caimans

As for prehistoric varieties, I'll provide a less specific list of the general kinds that interest me the most:
Sphenodontians (includes modern tuatara)
Squamatans (includes modern lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians)
Crocodylomorphs (includes modern crocodiles)
Chelonians (includes modern turtles)
basal archosauromorphs
non-dinosaurian ornithodirans
:blink: I see...
What is your favorite film staring one of these reptiles?
Jurassic Park? :lol:


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Well, except for pterosaurs, none of those reptiles I mentioned really have a starring role in Jurassic Park. Picking favorites is rarely easy for me, and I'm actually having a hard time coming up with examples of movies I really like that have reptiles (let alone prehistoric, non-dinosaurian ones) in a prominent role…which says to me that reptiles really need more attention and respect in film. -_-

As far as prehistoric reptiles go, the second and third Ice Age movies both had themómarine reptiles (ichthyosaurs/mosasaurs/short-necked plesiosaurs) and pterosaurs respectively. And there's LBT, of course: you've got pterosaurs (namely Petrie), plesiosaurs, Archelon (Archie), two species of giant crocodilians (Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus, and ichthyosaurs (Mo). And while it's technically a TV series, Primeval has had more non-dinosaurs than dinosaurs, including Coelurosauravus, Scutosaurus, mosasaurs, pterosaurs, and Pristichampsus. (That reminds me; I have to check out the new season of the show! :blink:)

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You know anything about prehistoric cockroaches? I read they've been around forever and can endure practically anything.


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I don't know nearly as much about them as I do some prehistoric creatures, but I can tell you that their ancestors are first known to have evolved in the Carboniferous period (~359 to 299 million years ago). These weren't technically the same as modern cockroaches (order Blattaria); they were the common ancestors of cockroaches, termites, and mantises. The oldest known true cockroaches date from the early Cretaceous (though they may well have evolved before then). The early cockroach-like insects are distinct from modern roaches in having long ovipositors, or egg-laying tubes; true cockroaches have short ovipositors, and lay their eggs inside leathery cases called oothecae.

The Carboniferous is famous for its giant arthropods, a result of oxygen levels being much higher than today. However, its cockroach-like insects aren’t known to have been any larger than the biggest modern cockroach species. One of the largest proto-cockroaches, Archimylacris eggintoni (one specimen of which was recently modeled in 3D* :smile) measured 3 1/2" in length; about the same as large specimens of Australia's rhinoceros cockroach or giant burrowing cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) and Latin America's giant cave cockroach (Blaberus giganteus).

Most known fossil cockroaches (and cockroach-like insects), like the majority of modern species, were detritivores, feeding on decomposing organic matter, one family, the Raphidiomimidae, adopted a predatory lifestyle, evolving spiny front legs similar to the raptorial forelegs of their relatives, the mantids. Another interesting family, the Umenocoleidae, developed their forewings into hard covers (elytra), like those of beetles. (Ponopterix axelrodi from the early Cretaceous of Brazil shown here.) Some extinct cockroaches are known from specimens preserved in amber (this PDF article has some excellent photographic examples), while others are known from fossils so well preserved that their original color patterns are still visible.

While cockroaches are definitely tough, their reputation of being able to survive anything is slightly exaggerated; namely, the belief that they will inherit the Earth in the event of nuclear warfare. While cockroaches can certainly survive far higher doses of radiation than humans, their resistance is not nearly as high as that of some other insects, such as flour beetles and fruit flies. (This was demonstrated on an episode of MythBusters.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Hey Pangaea, what do you think of this article?

Using a new dating technique, these people have dated a dinosaur bone to 64.8+-0.9 Mya. The K-T event took place 65.5 Mya ago. Now, I have only basic education in statistics, but assuming that the scientists took multiple measurements, and that these measurements follow the normal distribution (or bell curve), and knowing that the 1st standard deviation is 0.9, this should give a probability of cca 78% that the fossil is younger than 65.5 Mya. This is exciting!


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This definitely is interesting, though it's not the first time I've heard of dinosaur fossils being dated to the Paleocene. If the fossils are indeed post-Cretaceous, my personal hypothesis is that they represent a small population of dinosaurs that survived the K-T extinction event, only to succumb later to another natural disaster, disease, too few healthy individuals to sustain their numbers, or some other cause.

Thanks for sharing this, jansenov. :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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What did you think of that tribute video I made about Sky?


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I've only been able to see the soundless version (my computer won't play the downloaded version; what program do you need for the format?), but I'm impressed. :wow I like how you organized the pictures; it must have taken you a lot of time to put the whole thing together. It was all a very kind gesture of you, too. :yes

I hate to say it, though, but at the beginning of the video, you left out the “t” in “Artworks”. Also, just wondering: why did you put the “Dawn of a Wingtail” pictures after the “Artwork By/Video Produced By” screen? (I would have put that after all of the pictures, right before the “Special Thanks To” credits.)

Personally, I think you should have made a separate category for “Fly With Me”, “One Longneck Family”, “Majestic Flyers”, and the picture of Star “kissing” Sky (why wasn't the animation shown, by the way?), along with the picture of Mo Sky drew for July 2010's LBT fanart contest, which I noticed was missing.

I must say I was quite surprised to see the picture of my signature with the dinosaur pen come up at the end. :! I feel almost too complimented. :oops

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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