The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 168769

Cancerian Tiger

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"Geez, I wish we had some light in here," Anna said anxiously as she and Ducky continued to follow Tricia.

"You are not getting too scared, are you?" Ducky asked out of concern.

"I'm okay 'cuz I'm not by myself in here, but I don't like surprises very much.  I know y'all never go into an empty cave, so I'm pretty sure somethin' might jump out at us at any time.  Bad things can hide in the dark easily," Anna said before she rubbed where Cera had plowed into her.  Since that had happened, aside from being sore, she felt like she could vomit at any moment.

"So, why are you scared of the dark?" Ducky asked curiously.  Before Anna could answer, Tricia spoke up.

"Cewa!" she squeaked with a giggle.

"Tricia?  Tricia, is that you?" Cera's voice spoke from somewhere nearby.

"Yes it is Tricia, and me and Anna too, yep yep yep!" Ducky said excitedly as Tricia led them over to what looked like a pit.  "What are you doing down there?"

"Thank goodness you guys are here!  I got myself stuck and I can't get out.  Can you guys get me out of here?" Cera asked.

"How far down are ya?" Anna asked.

"Oh, I'd say twice my height," Cera guessed.

"A'ight, I'm comin' down," Anna said before she got on her belly, as painful as it was, slowly lowered herself into the pit.

"Where ya at, Cera?" she asked.

"Right in front of you now," Cera replied.

"Listen, it's too small in this cave for me to change into my dinosuar form, so what I'll do is lean against the wall so you'll be able to climb up me to the top, and then lift me out.  Does that sound like a plan?" Anna asked.

"Works for me," Cera replied.  Anna could sense she was embarrassed and felt uneasy around her human friend, but there would be time for therapy later.  All Anna was worried about was them making it through their adventure in one piece.  With that, Anna faced the wall and braced her hands against it before leaning forward enough for Cera to climb up.

"A'ight, girl.  Up ya go," Anna said before Cera did as told.  Cera was heavy in comparison to Anna and caused a couple of her joints to crack, but the threehorn was able to climb to safety before she lowered her tail down far enough for Anna to grab on.  She then lifted her out of the pit.

"There.  Back together at last.  Now, let's go back to what we had planned," Anna said.  Cera looked down in shame before she turned to the human.

"Anna, I'm..." Cera started in a whisper, but was interrupted by a shaking feeling.

"Is that what I think it is?" Ducky asked nervously.

"Aw, s***!  C'mon, guys!  We've gotta move!" Anna barked as they tried to quickly retrace their steps.  Meanwhile, rocks and stalagmites crashed around them.  Next to a sharptooth, the last thing any of them wanted to be stuck in a cave with was an earthquake.  Everything was going fine, until a rock crashe in front of Cera, tripping her and causing her to fall down.  When she attempted to get back up, a sharp and hot pain tore through her right front paw, causing her to fall back down.  Her yelp of pain caught the attention of the others.

"Oh, no!  Cera needs our help, yes she does!" Ducky squeaked as she and Tricia followed Anna over to the older threehorn.

"Go on ahead of me, guys!  At least get my sister out of here!" Cera cried out in fear as more of the cave collapsed around them.

"Hell no!  We're not goin' anywhere and leavin' anyone behind!  C'mon, Cera!" Anna argued as she helped Cera stand up and supported her right side.  "Okay, let's move!"  The group's escape was short-lived, for as they approached the cave entrance, a whole bunch of rocks collapsed in front of the entrance, blocking it off entirely.

"Aw, crap!  We're trapped like rats!" Anna wheezed as whatever was causing movement in the earth came to a halt.  "We're so screwed."


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Petrie's mother watched as her children flew around to play. She oversaw them just to be sure everything was a-ok. However, the loud call rang in her ears and it make all the kids, except for maybe one or two stop playing and listen to the call.

After a bit of a pause, Rebecca hurriedly nudged her children in midflight and stated urgently, "Kids, go back in the cliff home, now." By the tone of her voice, her children could tell she was not kidding around, so they, one by one flew back to their cliff home and their mother stated,

"I'll be right back, I'm going to see what the commotion is about."

She then took off to find the source of the noise, looking below her, she saw many trees and dinosaurs blundering around to a certain direction. However, as she flew over even more, she saw below her dinosaurs running even more frantically. She sighed and then took to rest on a branch.

She asked a nearby dinosaur in calming tone, "What is going on? Why are you running?"

A tree-sweet colored three horn looked around frantically for her family, having heard the alaram, Tria was all too wary and scared for her family, her valley, and herself.

Oh Topsy, where are you when I need you?!

Suddenly, at the corner of her eye, she sees a spot of brown, and getting closer to it, finds Amy walking around, seeing aimlessly.

"Hello my dear, please, please tell me, I am sorry to bother you, but have you seen Cera, Tricia, and Topsy? And do you know what is going on?"
Amy jumped back when she saw the thundering dinosaur coming her way, she was shakey a bit, but attempted to calm herself down when she was asked these questions. The siamese patterned flyer inhaled and exhaled and spoke.

"S-Sorry...I-I really don't know what's going on..." Her eyes seemed to tell Tria that she was just sleeping, and Tria, while felt bad for scaring the flyer, was much more worried about other bigger things.

"Oh no...I'm really worried what is going could be anything...I mean it cold be RedClaw...other sharpteeth...and ah...what am I doing standing around here, I need to find them."

Amy stated something that she herself actually was flabbergasted that she would offer, "I will help you look for them."

Tria then looked at her softly and gratefully. "Oh thank you so much my dear, but you do look tired, maybe you should ride on my back and we can find them together?"

Amy in return looked grateful and accepted the offer. So she, in a tiresome, spider-like fashion, crawled up from Tria's tail to her crest. Tria would have probably giggled a bit at the ticklish feeling, but she was too afraid right now to even think of such a thing. And with this, they strode off in the valley, running, running, unknown to them what would unfold.

Cancerian Tiger

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Meanwhile, Anna's group stared at the blocked entrance before them.  They knew it would take a long time to move enough debris out of the way in order for them to even squeeze out of the cave.

"Man, this sucks," Anna finally spoke up.

"Well, what do you suppose we do?" Ducky asked nervously.

"Well, my dear, this is the only way out that we know of.  There's only one thing we can do," Anna replied before she stepped over to the debris and firmly took hold of a larger rock.  As much as she grunted and squirmed, she was unable to get it to even wiggle.

"S***, this is much harder than it looks," Anna gasped before she turned her attention to Cera, who hadn't moved from where she was standing since the entrance had caved in.  Tricia was keeping her older sister company.

"Cera," Anna said, getting the threehorn's attention.  "What's your thoughts?  Are ya feelin' up to knockin' this blockage out?"

"Do I ever not?  A threehorn can do anything they put their mind to!" Cera said proudly as she positioned herself to charge at the wall of rocks.  This was short-lived when more pain shot up her right front leg, causing it to give out on her first step and consequently making her fall down.

"Yeeouch!  I've got a problem here.  I'm sorry, guys," Cera whimpered in pain as the others came over to her.

"Here, lemme have a look," Anna said as she sat down right in front of Cera.  She then gently took hold of her injured limb and felt for any sign of injury.

"Where does it hurt?" Anna asked.

"Just above my paw," Cera replied as Tricia sat on the other side of her and curled up against her.  

"Joint pain, eh?  Hopefully it's just a sprain," Anna said before she gently flexed the joint, causing Cera to hiss in pain.  She then felt the joint and noticed nothing out of place.

"Yup, it's just a sprain.  That'll put ya outta commission for awhile, but I know a trick that can speed up healing," Anna added before she began to carefully but firmly massage the sore joint.  "Some Vitamin E oil or Tiger Balm would be helpful right now, but this'll have to do."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but it seems like you know a lot about healing.  Is that what you do back in your world?  Heal others?" Cera asked.

"No, but I almost did.  At one time I wanted to do work like what Ducky's mother and your stepmother do, which is being a healer.  I ultimately never went into that field of work, but it's still valuable information to know.  I'm especially big on alternative medicine," Anna explained.

"What is that?" Ducky asked from where she sat near Anna.

"Nature-based medicine and healing.  I do not use human-created or conventional medical practices unless it's a last resort, like it could mean life or death.  I used to believe in conventional medicine, until something scary and potentially fatal happened from a medicine I was on at the time," Anna explained.

"Was it as scary as whatever made you scared of the dark?" Ducky asked curiously.

"Close enough," Anna replied before she returned her glance to Cera.  "Hangin' in there?"

"I am, thanks," Cera whispered sheepishly, having been reminded of her behavior toward her human friend from before.  "If I may ask, before anything else happens, why exactly are you scared of the dark?"

"I would like to know too, oh yes yes yes," Ducky added.  Anna continued to work on Cera's joint as she explained to them about experiences she's had with paranormal activity in dark spaces, having claustrophobia, and having been spooked numerous times in the dark by others.  She also explained about how many grownups are actually scared of the dark but too afraid to admit it.

"So, now y'all know," Anna concluded.

"At least you are not by yourself in here, so you do not have to be afraid, oh no no no," Ducky said.

"You're right, and since I'm a grownup and responsible for you guys, that gives me more reason to not act upon my fear," Anna said.

"I'm sorry I made fun of you before," Cera spoke softly in a remorseful tone.

"Don't worry 'bout it," Anna replied, still working on Cera's joint.

"But I should.  I got us into this mess.  I said mean things to you, I falsely called you a liar, and I even attacked you.  I could never expect forgiveness from you, nor can I understand why you're healing me right now even though I never did the same for you," Cera said, unable to even look at Anna due to embarrassment.

"Don't ever expect anything but forgivness from me.  Even though the way I'm wired makes it difficult to forget," Anna said, in reference to how AS can make one wired to feel their hurt feelings all over again when they see or hear whoever caused them to begin with.  "I hate grudges and do my best to not let 'em get the best of me.  They lead to nowhere."

"I'm still sorry," Cera sniffed.

"Don't be sad, girl.  S*** happens and we all get in bad moods sometimes.  We all do things we regret, but life goes on.  There's no sense in beating yourself up for a wrongdoing when the future provides plenty of opportunity to make things right," Anna said before she gently rested her hand on Cera's shoulder.  "Feel better?"

"Yes I do.  Thanks for looking out for me," Cera said before she managed to make eye contact with her human friend.  "And thanks for your understanding."

"You're absolutely welcome.  Now, about your injured leg.  I think it's best we wait awhile in order to be sure you're well enough to help take this wall out," Anna said.

"Well, I wouldn't mind that anyway," Cera replied before letting out a big yawn.  "I'm sleepy after all this."

"I am too, yep yep yep," Ducky agreed with a yawn.  Unable to verbally articulate herself yet, Tricia simply let out a deep yawn.

"It's this dark cave that's makin' us feel sleepy," Anna yawned.  "The darkness makes our pineal glands in our brains release melatonin, which is what makes us sleep at night."

"Whatever it is, it's working," Cera said sleepily before she tucked her front legs in and rested her head on them.

"Well, since we must wait to see if your leg is okay, I guess we can take a nap break," Anna said before she stretched out on her back next to Cera.  Ducky then curled up on the other side of Anna before the group fell asleep, resting up so they would have energy to take on the wall of rocks later.

The Great Valley Guardian

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After hearing about what this Hitler person had done to other humans... Longtail felt his heart skip a beat, and his feathers lost some of their color. "How.... could one person... be so cruel?" he asked softly to those around him.

Rick scoffed after hearing about Hitler.
"You ask me, he should have suffered FAR more than he did in the end. He should have been tortured for all the bad things he did.and then kept alive until he felt his heart beat its last." he commented aloud with spite in his voice.

Cyrix shook his head. "No Rick. This person you speak of has paid for his crimes, and it should be left at that. Nothing more can be done about it and despite my personal feelings on the matter, we must learn to move on, or risk losing ourselves to things that can never be."

Crusher was also stunned to hear the story and gasped. "I... I didn't think that any creature could be... so evil. He actually makes our leader look... peaceful by comparison!"


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Rob nodded. "I hate to admit it, but Cyrix is right. He may have been one of the most evil humans in history, but nobody deserves to be tortured, no matter who they are. He's dead now, and there's nothing we can do about it. Unless somebody develops a way to go back in time and stop him from causing all that death, we just have to move on."

Zaine was really impressed by Rob's self-control. "I have to admit, I don't think I would be able to look at it the way you do," he admitted. "I would probably want to make hims suffer til the end of time itself for what he did."

"Are there any others like him," Littlefoot asked. "Has anybody else done something horrible like that?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Rob replied, "but I'm not going to explain it further because I don't want you to think that all humans are bad, because they aren't. There are some truly wonderful human beings that have lived throughout history. We just happen to have a bad one every now and then."

"Well I'm glad that you aren't like that," Littlefoot said happily, "even if you are a fastbiter now."

"Thanks," Rob smiled. "I'm glad too." He looked down at his new claws again, which he seemed to be getting used to the feel of his new body. Still, he did miss his human self."


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Guido hesitated for several seconds, as if he were still trying to comprehend that his friends wanted to help this pair of mysterious nest robbers. Eventually, though, he seemed to realize that almost everyone had left without him, and with a cry of, “Hey, wait for me!” he took off in pursuit.


Pangaea saw Sparky waving at him out of the corner of his eye, but he figured that waving back might upset his flight pattern. So instead he just smiled back at her, craning his neck slightly downward and twisting his head to the side so that his face would be more visible from below. This position was slightly less aerodynamic, but it didn’t significantly effect the stability of his glide.

It did, however, affect Pangaea’s ability to perceive what was in front of him.

In this case, a green Archaeopteryx sleeping in the tree ahead of him, on the same branch Pangaea was going to land on.

Moments before his anticipated alightment on the tree which he had scoped out from several yards away (too far to have noticed its feathery, camouflaged occupant), Pangaea turned his head to face forward again. Several things then happened in quick succession: A squawk of surprise from Pangaea as he spotted the Archaeopteryx. The bird’s eyes snapping open in response, an instant before it let out an alarmed cry of its own. A small explosion of red and green feathers commemorating the second collision between two feathered creatures of those colors seen in the Great Valley in the past two days. And finally, a racket of squawks of alternating aggravation and pain (from two respective sources), mixed with the sounds of a flurry of rapid, plumage-cushioned blows, as a cranky Archaeopteryx railed on the bumbling Microraptor with beak, claws, wings, and syrinx* alike.

Normally, Pangaea would have been thrilled to encounter a live Archaeopteryx. This time, however…well, he was still thrilled, but he also wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

“Sorry, sorry!” Pangaea whimpered meekly as he rushed to jump from another branch. His apologies seemed to be of no avail, however, as the Archaeopteryx’s beating wings and furiously pecking toothy beak continued to hammer him. “Didn’t mean to land on you thereóOw! It was an accident! Ow, ow, ow!” Pangaea couldn’t really blame the Archaeopteryx; it was probably frightened, perhaps thinking that Pangaea had been attacking it. It couldn’t have been too happy about being so rudely awoken from its sleep, either. Heck, it might have even had a nest or something; Pangaea hadn’t been able to see whether that was the case. Now that would be irony for ya, he thought. On my way to save a couple of dinosaurs from getting in trouble for raiding a nest, I get in trouble for “attacking” a nest. A blow from the Archaeopteryx’s beak right on the top of his skull threw Pangaea from his train of thought. Pangaea clenched his teeth. That one really hurt. Not wasting any more time, he launched himself into the air.

But the Archaeopteryx wasn’t finished with him yet. And although it was slightly smaller than Pangaea, it had an advantage over him in the air: the capacity for powered flight. This information was brought to Pangaea’s attention when he felt a nip on his tail in mid-flight; he glanced over his shoulder to see the Archaeopteryx chasing him.

“Aw, c’mon!” he complained. “Look at me, I’m leaving! You can go back to your nap now!”

The Archaeopteryx only flapped its wings faster, speeding up until it was flying directly above Pangaea. Its beak then darted down and plucked a feather from Pangaea’s back.

“Yeow!” Pangaea yelped. “I told you, I’m sorry! I totally acknowledge you as the boss! Please, just leave me alone!”

The only response he got was a series of loud, shrill caws from the pursuing bird. Pangaea started in surprise as these were answered by a chorus of identical cries from the trees around him, and as he heard the rustle of many wings taking to the air, he suddenly realized that the situation had gotten several times worse. The cawing continued, and a glimpse out of the corners of his eyes dispelled all doubts. A small flock of Archaeopteryx was descending on the fleeing Microraptor. Apparently, like many modern birds, Archaeopteryx practiced mobbing behavior.

Pangaea muttered what would probably be considered the appropriate response for anyone in his position:

“Oh, crap.”

*That’s the avian equivalent of vocal cords, for those who don’t know. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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OMG, Attack of the Birdies!! Sparky watched this new and completely unexpected situation with basically a face like:  :blink: She found mobbing behavior to be very interesting and often watched crows attack hawks back home. But this was too much, especially since it's directed at one of her best friends. And oh! her mind began, no doubt to bring up something negative... This is totally your bad, by the way... And there it is... Her face turned on the sheepish side, knowing that her brain was right. Also knowing her friend needed help, she quickly changed her course towards her aerial pal-in-distress as fast as she could and called out to the approaching mob of angry birdies:

"Hey, leave him alone, will ya?!" she began firmly but with her usually sweet tone. "He already said sorry, and really, I was the one who distracted him. So if your gonna pick on someone, pick on me."

She didn't even know if these birdies could understand her to begin with, since the original bird made little to no acknowledgement to Pangaea's pleas to stop. But there was no harm in trying. Her OC Teryx could understand and even talk; maybe it won't be too farfetched to assume that at least some of these featherballs could too...


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On one hand, the naturalist in Pangaea was fascinated to witness a flock of Archaeopteryx cooperating to drive away a perceived threat to their community, and actually felt rather privileged to be the subject of their mobbing. On the other hand, he didn’t relish the prospect of a half dozen sets of talons, beating wings, and toothed beaks using him as a piÒata, and so he focused his attention on escaping as quickly and directly as possible. On the next tree he hit, he didn’t bother climbing higher to make up for the altitude he had lost during his glide. He just scampered straight across the branches on that level to the other side of the tree, and launched himself into a new glide, hoping that the flock’s pursuit would be hampered by the foliage. He didn’t bother looking back (Well, maybe he did glance behind him a couple of times); he just kept jumping from tree to tree, focusing solely on moving forward as fast as he could.

Pangaea wasn’t sure how far ahead of Sparky he had traveled, or even if he was still going in his originally intended direction towards the anticipated angry mob of local dinosaurs intent on ousting a certain pair of egg stealers. He became aware of some good news, however: he could no longer hear the incensed cries of his own recently acquired angry mob. Taking a good look behind him, he found that the Archaeopteryx were nowhere in sight, either. Whether he had succeeded in outrunning (outflying? Technically, neither of those terms were entirely accurate) the flock, or if the birds had simply decided that they had chased the peculiar intruder far enough, he would never know. He was just relieved that he had gotten away with just a few minor scratches, bruises, and plucked feathers.

Having escaped one setback, Pangaea turned his attention to a new problem: the other members of Ozzy and Strut’s impromptu rescue squad were nowhere in sight, and with his poor sense of direction, the ruddy Microraptor had no idea where he was going. He also realized that he would be hitting the ground soon; because each of his glides carried him down a few feet for every several feet he moved forward, he had been gradually dropping closer to the forest floor throughout his absconsion from the Archaeopteryx, and now he was sailing just a few feet above the ground.

It wasn’t a huge inconvenience, Pangaea figured. He would just touch down, climb a new tree, and see if he could spot the others from there. If he couldn’t see anyone, he would just find his way out of the forest and reconvene with them later. After all, if his hunch was right and an anti-egg-stealer mob was forming, how hard could they be to find? He spied a large, cushy-looking clump of bushes directly ahead of him. As good a place to land as any, he thought. He braced himself for landing.

He wasn’t prepared for the two large shapes that burst from the bushes, directly in his path.

The split second Pangaea took to recognize them left him with just enough time to mutter a single thought; the first one that came to mind:

“Aw, great. What are the odds?”


“AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!” Ozzy screamed, panicked by his sudden inability to see. “GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!”

“Give you coffee?” the still tinnitus-deafened Strut asked, “what’s coff–OOF!” One of Ozzy’s flailing arms whacked Strut in the face, twisting his head sideways and causing him to stumble. Meanwhile, the hysterical Ozzy blundered in front of Strut, and as a result the latter first collided with, and then tripped over, the former. Both egg stealers tumbled to the ground, while Pangaea, thrown from Ozzy’s head by the force of Strut’s collision, hurtled through the air ahead of them, hitting the ground a few feet in front of the two dazed Struthiomimus, his eyes rolling in their sockets.

Pangaea groaned painfully. “Why does this keep happening to me?” he grumbled.

Meanwhile, Ozzy and Strut were coming to their senses. Ozzy was the first to notice the dazed lump of red feathers in front of him, probably because it was just a few inches away from his face.

“You again?!” Ozzy exclaimed, pointing an accusatory claw at Pangaea.

“Huh? Who?” Strut asked, the ringing in his ears having nearly faded. He was lying nearly perpendicular to Ozzy, so he had to turn his head to the side to see who his brother was talking to. Upon doing so, his face lit up with recognition. “Oh, hey, it’s the Gooey guy!”

Pangaea sighed. Now he wished he hadn’t been such a wiseguy and told Ozzy and Strut all that scientific information about Microraptor gui. But he’d have to deal with that later. “What did you two do?” he inquired dryly as he pushed himself to his feet.

“Was that you who hit me?!” Ozzy barked, paying no heed to Pangaea’s question. “What’s the big idea?!”

“Uh, yeah, that was me,” Pangaea said sheepishly. “If it helps, I’m sorry. I really am. It was an accident, I swear. That sort of things been happening to me a lot lately.”

Ozzy didn’t seem to accept Pangaea’s apology. Standing up, he looked down at his brother. “Strut, get up! Let’s go!”

“Hooooooold on there!” Pangaea shouted, dashing in front of Ozzy. “I may not have meant to crash into you, but I have been looking for you guys.”

“And what makes you think we want to talk to you?” Ozzy snorted.

This time it was Pangaea’s turn to ignore Ozzy. “You got caught trying to steal eggs, didn’t you?”

“I was not!” Ozzy snapped indignantly. “It was Strut’s fault!”

“Hey, I was only doing what you told me!” Strut protested, awkwardly clambering to all fours, and then to a hunched standing position.

Pangaea made another sigh-like exhalation, more like a puff of air forced out his mouth. “I tried to warn ya…” he muttered before speaking up again. “Is anyone chasing you?” he asked.

A fleeting expression of fear flashed over Ozzy’s face. He turned to look in the direction from which he and Strut had come, and listened for a moment for any sounds of pursuing leafeaters. “I don’t think so,” he said.

“Good,” Pangaea said. “Now, I need to talk to you two, and again I wish to stress that it’s very important that you listen; even more so than last time. You’ve gotten yourselves in big trouble with the valley, and I’m one of the few dinosaurs here who’s likely to stick my neck out for you.”

He briefly glanced over his shoulder, as if expecting something or someone to come barreling through the bushes behind him at any moment. Just in case, he decided to give the egg stealers a preliminary warning. “Oh, and if you see a huge, spazzy, terrifying-looking long-clawed creature…don’t run. I promise you she’s harmless.”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Great, you lost him... Sparky's mind told her the obvious. Well, at least the birds were gone, though she doubted it was because she told them to leave her pal alone. Looking about for any hope to locate her friend, she was at a loss and with a heavy sigh of disappointment, she headed back to the others.

"We lost sight of Pangy. I think we should try to find him." She couldn't help but wonder if she could use her 'sniffer' to find him...


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Amy and Tria "galloped" through the valley, in search of anyone, someone that was Tria's family. Tria then skidded to a halt around the barrier, she caught the scent of something, something unfamiliar.

Amy then slid down Tria's back to look around as well. She and Tria were at the rock barrier, where Tricia, Ducky, Cera, and Anna would be hidden in. Amy's claws clicked the rock, unknown to her what laid below.

"Cera, Tricia, Topsy! Where are you?" Tria called out, though wary of the unfamiliar smell.

I really hope they are okay
Rebecca shook her head and blinked at first, not sure if she heard the other dinosaur correctly.

"The what now-?"

But the leaf eater already left, running or rather plundering frantically for her life.

Well...I hope they're already off and away.

Rebecca got herself up, and took off to search for any egg stealers that may be near by. She looked around and then suddenly caught sight of a very large, clawed thing, which took her by surprise and made her squawk, though it wasn't too audible.

She swooped over the clawed thing, which COULD have had a spazz attack at any moment. Maybe.

Cancerian Tiger

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In the meantime, Ducky was sleeping soundly until she felt a rock almost her size roll over her.

"Yeow!" she squeaked, mostly in a startled manner, as she shot up awake.

"Sorry 'bout that," Anna said from where she sat near the barricade.  "I was workin' on these rocks and took a fall instead."

"Oh, that is okay, yep yep yep.  May I help?" Ducky asked.

"Uh, sure.  We'll work on this 'til Cera's up 'n ready to go," Anna replied.  The two continued to work on the wall of rocks in a quiet fashion so they would wake the threehorn sisters as they slept.  Some time passed before they heard a voice speaking from somewhere on the other side of the wall.

"Hey!  Did ya hear that, Ducky?  Someone's on the other side!  Maybe if we can somehow get their attention, they can help us outta here," Anna said.  Then, they heard the names of the Threehorn family mentioned, minus Tria's name.  That only meant one thing...

"That is Tria!  It is, it is!" Ducky squeaked excitedly.

"Yeah it is.  However, I don't either of us could make our voices heard through here.  We need someone with not only a voice that carries, but also a loud one.  I know just the right one," Anna said before they headed over to Cera and Tricia.  "C'mon, girls.  Wake up.  It seems help has arrived."

"It is time to get up, oh yes yes yes," Ducky chirped in agreement as she managed to wake up Tricia, who simply giggled and wagged her tail before she stood up.  Cera, as usual, was another story.  No matter how much they called her and shook her, she would not do anything other than grumble in her sleep.

"Hmm...let's see.  I see no water to splash her with, and I'm not about to yell in her ear 'cuz I'm afraid I'll get plowed over again.  Not even a bug to put on her.  This only leaves me with one other option, a painful but successful one at that," Anna said before she stepped over by the tip of Cera's tail.  Ducky seemed to catch on, for she brought her hands up to her beak and held her breath.

"Hey, Cera!  Time to wake your tail up!" Anna hooted before she sprung up into the air and stomped on Cera's tail as hard as she could.  This worked, for the threehorn jumped up while howling in pain.

"Sorry 'bout that, but nothin' else worked," Anna said nervously.

"Why, you little...!" Cera started, but but interrupted by Ducky.

"Tria is outside the wall!  She is, she is!" Ducky announced, hoping it would get Cera's attention.

"She is?  Why didn't you say so before?" Cera demanded, causing Anna to facepalm.

"Hey!  Looks like your leg is better," Anna pointed out, drawing Cera's attention to the subject matter.

"It is!  Now I can get us out of here," Cera said proudly.

"Of course ya can, but with that voice of yours instead.  See, we need to get Tria's attention.  She's lookin' for ya, so we feel the best thing to do would be to use your voice to get her attention," Anna said.  Cera thought for a few moments, but then understood what Anna was talking about.

"Okay, sure.  Just be sure to cover your ears if needed," Cera replied.  Anna did just that before Cera began to call out to her stepmother.

"Tria!  Tria, can you hear me?!  It's me, Cera!" the young threehorn shouted in a voice several times her size.


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Claw looked into the split in the ground and he couldn't repress the shiver when he saw the deep of it. If Chronicled won't make it then he will be hurt for sure by the fall. Claw turned around to stop fastrunner, to tell him they should think of any other way to get across. It was too late however. Chronicler was already too far away to hear him.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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“What?!” Ozzy exclaimed. “You mean you know that thing that scared the wits out of us earlier today?”

“Yes, I was there when it happened,” Pangaea said flatly. “I was standing right next to her; didn’t you notice?” He contemplatively moved a hand towards his mouth as he considered his own question. “Oh, then again, I suppose I might not be that noticeable next to a Therizinosaurus.”

“And you’re telling us that thing’s harmless?” Ozzy continued incredulously. “Then what does it use those claws for? Picking its nose?”

She,” Pangaea emphasized, “is a leafeater. Her kind uses those claws for gathering green food. You know, pulling down branches, knocking down tree sweets, and stuff. Probably for defense, too. Think of them as like a threehorn’s horns or a spiketail’s spikes, only they’re on the hands of the dinosaur.”

“That’s not very reassuring,” Ozzy grunted. “Ever been charged by a threehorn?”

“Believe me, she’d more likely use those claws to defend you guys from something than use them on you. She loves you two. In fact, she and a bunch of others are rushing out here right now to save you.”

Ozzy’s twitching, contorted facial expression indicated that he was having a difficult time processing this information, and even more difficulty accepting it. “How do you even know us?!” he blurted. “We’ve never seen you before in our lives!”

“Well, we did see him yesterday,” Strut offered. Ozzy stomped on his foot.

Pangaea sighed. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. If you really want, I can tell you all about it later, but for now, I think you should be more concerned with the angry mob of leafeaters that’s probably looking for you right now, and the plan I have to save you from them.”

That expression of fear and uncertainty returned to Ozzy’s face with Pangaea’s sobering reminder of the situation at hand.

“Now, I know it’s gotta be hard for you to trust someone who’s basically a complete stranger to you, and I wish I could offer more than just my word to gain that trust, but I can’t. So here’s your choice: You can either keep running and hiding from the valley dinosaurs, who, I should remind you, are now all on alert that you’re here, and have probably stepped up their nest security so that it’ll be even harder for you to get your claws on any eggs, or you can let me help you. I have an idea that will help you get out of the valleyóand maybe even find some foodówithout anyone getting hurt. So what’s it gonna be? If I were in your position, I know what I’d choose.”

Several seconds passed before Strut, who had ceased hopping on one foot while clutching the other with an agonized expression, piped up. “He’s got a point, Oz.”

Ozzy grumbled something under his breath (from what Pangaea could hear, something about not believing what he was doing, that he must be insane, and that rutabagas make excellent sandwiches…or maybe he misheard that part).

“Okay, Fluffball,” Ozzy growled, “what’s this plan of yours?”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Rebecca perched nearby the clawed dinosaur, or the Therizinosaurus. In all honesty, she was scared stiff, but she hated to let fear take over her decisions, so she calmly decided to comment towards the creature,

"Hello? Uh, excuse me? You there, I'm up here on the tree branch."

Swallowing, she waited for the other dinosaur's reply.
Amy and Tria heard Cera's yelling through the rocks and Tria's expression was a mixture of worrisomeness and relief.

"Cera? Cera! Where are you!?" The pink three-horn began scanning the rocks, hoping to be closer to the source of the voice.

"Is Tricia with you?!" Tria shakily asked in a hopeful manner.

Amy also tried to use her hearing and found herself over the spot Anna and the others would be. She never worked well under very stressful situations, this being no exception, but she tried to muster her strength the best she could and blurted to Tria,

"Tria! I think they're under here. I-I could hear..."

Amy trailed off for a moment, realizing that Tria was quickly onto the case, bashing her head as a three horn would to clear the rocks out of the way.

The Chronicler

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After running a much further distance than previously, Chronicler finally stopped and turned back to face the obstacle. His raised his bamboo pole in preparation for the pole-vaulting and took a deep breath. He understood that he was taking a big risk, but as far as he was concerned, there was simply no other way across.

Ready to risk it all, Chronicler ran forward at top speed. Considering how fast he was going, he would have to time the impact just right. As he came closer, he mentally calculated the precise moment he had to drive the pole into the ground.

As he finally reached the edge, Chronicler drove his bamboo pole into the ground and quickly began climbing it as it started to pivot forward. He was able to clear a huge distance, but it wasn't quite enough to land on the other side. He reached the other side, but his feet came down just one foot short of the ledge. As a result, his chest took the impact on the cliff, while his arms reached forward onto the other side.

Ruby gasped in shock to see that Chronicler had not quite made it.

Chronicler cursed as he clawed his hands along the rocky ground to avoid falling into the split. He tossed his bamboo pole forward so that he could use both hands, but it didn't have much of an effect. I need some leverage! he quickly thought. Just as quickly, he realized what could give him that leverage: his legs. Using all his effort to avoid falling, he swung his body around just enough for his right foot to grasp the top of the ledge. Finally having the leverage he needed, he hurled his body over the ledge and rolling across the ground of the other side. By the time it was over, Chronicler was on his back, gasping for breath.

Ruby let out a sigh of relief to see that Chronicler was okay.

Chronicler slowly stood back up, still breathing heavily. He looked to his left across the split in the ground and realized that he had indeed made it across, but barely. "Whooooo!" he shouted. After another gasp of breath, he added, "Let's not do that again!"

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Nana saw Pangaea disappear from sight and sighed.

She walked over to Sparky after. "So, what do we..." The young Longneck then noticed the Flyer in the tree and looked at her.

"Who's that?" she whispered to Sparky.


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Sparky looked over at the Flyer perched nearby, tilting her head before answering Nana's question in her own whisper. "I think that be Petrie's Mama..." In a louder voice and a happy beam, she called a greeting to the flying reptile. "Helllloooooooooo'zzzzzzz!"

She was about to wave, but instantly decided against it in case the blue Flyer will take it as a threat. Still keeping her friendly smile, she continued her words in a hopeful tone, hoping to get some help with their current situation.

"Excuse me, Miss, I don't mean to be rude, but do you happen to know where our friend went? He's a red little Glider named Pangaea. You know 'im?" It sounded like a longshot that their visitor would know who Pangaea was, but there seemed to be no harm in asking.


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Jasper had also covered his ears too and said as he uncovered his ears, "S*** that has got to be the second loudest sound I've heard. I don't know about everyone else, but Von I agree with you on that maybe we should go and see if we can be of any assistance. I'm going to go over there right now and see if I can help are you coming along too?"


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Daniel sat on a tree branch high above the ground as he looked out into the valley. He was just getting the hang of flying and thus a simple breeze had carried him way off course. "Maaan, where are they?" he said to himself as he tried to spot the other GOF members, it wasn't like the Great Valley was full of Therizinosaurus


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(OOC: Hey FBS, I wasn't sure if you knew this already, but Rebecca is my fanmade name for Petrie's Mom. Just so you are aware. ^^)

The blue flyer was a bit startled by the long clawed creature and the longneck. But she smiled calmly and responded, "Yes, I do know him. He visited my home once. But I unfortunately have not seen him in awhile, though I wonder if you could tell me what happened here? I realize some egg stealers came in loose, but perhaps...if we could find a way to get those egg stealers out, everyone would calm down."

She stopped to take a breath, a bit surprised in herself to trust these newcomers so easily, but she figured that if they knew someone like Pangaea, the blue flyer thought they couldn't be "terrible" or anything of the nature.
Tria huffed and puffed to break the boulders off. She was physically very strong, thought maybe not as much as she could be. Amy was sure to stay out of the way as Tria did her work. It was one of those moments where Amy felt somewhat useful, despite her lack of physical strength. But it sometimes, just sometimes she wished she could be as strong as a three horn.
After yet ANOTHER lecture from his father, Hyp decided to take a break from everything that was going on and take a walk by himself. Usually he would stick with his pals Nod and Mutt, but he really wanted a break from those "dummies" as he would ever so endearingly call them. He wasn't in the best of moods at the moment and all he wanted was some peace and quiet.


Wha--? Hyp perked up his head hazily at the sound of the yelling. But then he snorted.

"Huh...babies..." He scoffed to himself. However, something in him thought that maybe, just MAYBE he could find these egg stealers and bring them to justice. While he proclaimed himself the "all around tough guy", that still did not mean he would leave some kids at the mercy of some dumb egg stealers.

So he followed his gut and went on his way, running through the grass that tickled at his face and ran toward a cliffside that would lead him to the mysterious beyond.