The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165422


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"What is all the commotion?" Threehorn had heard something was happening in the valley and decided to check it out while Rob and Zaine stayed with Longtail and the others. Littlefoot was right behind him as well, curious as to what was going on. Of course, Threehorn barged his way towards the middle when he saw the two egg eaters. "What are egg eaters doing in the Great Valley?" he asked angrily.

"Egg eaters?" Littlefoot caught up to Threehorn and gasped when he saw Ozzy and Strut. "It's them!" Littlefoot quickly shuffled back a little in fear. "Those are the two egg eaters who tried to eat Chomper when he was still an egg. They tried to throw us off the Great Wall!" While it didn't seem like the two egg eaters would be able to try anything with the group surrounding them, Littlefoot still was terrified to even see them again. "What are they doing here?"

"Cera mentioned you kids had a run in with egg eaters," Threehorn commented. "You are sure these two are the ones from before?"

"Y... Yes sir," Littlefoot replied, his voice shaking a little. "I'm sure of it."

"Then well just have to deal with them now!" Threehorn bellowed and approached the two egg eaters.


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Jasper turned to see Mr. Threehorn walking towards the egg-stealers. Jasper said to the egg-stealers, "Here comes one of those residents that won't be nice. Especially since you two endangered the life of his daughter and his daughter's friends and it looks like you two are about to get the horns." Jasper then took several steps out of the way of Mr. Threehorn.

The Chronicler

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"Relax," assured Chronicler. "Don't you see that the only way across is now gone?"

"But what if those Fast Biters are coming from this side of the gap and not from that side of the gap?" asked Ruby.

Chronicler hadn't thought about that, but he still wasn't too concerned. "Well, then, let's just say I'll have to give them a nasty headache," he said, tightening his grip on his bamboo pole.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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After looking over her young ones, Tria realized that Anna was speaking as well, so she got out of what seemed to be some sort of motherly trance and she responded a bit embarrassed to not respond right away.

"Oh my dear, it's quite fine. I can be too distractible at times. That's responsible of you to say that. I suppose I can relate to an extent too, while I loved kids, I was unsure whether or not I could do a good job raising them...and finding a good environment to do so. The Great Valley has been a great opportunity for me, and well...oh now I'm off on a ramble." She giggled at this, but abruptly stopped her giggle when she heard a bellow in the distance. It was too familiar and in response she sighed in frustration.

"Oh boy..."

Amy walked along side the group, Anna, Ducky, Cera, Tricia, and Tria, so now she could hear a bellow as well. This made her even more nervous than she originally could have been.
Rebecca thought over Pangea's words for a moment. She looked to the egg stealers and then looked towards Pangea and his group. Things seemed to cause a commotion even more, now that Topsy Threehorn and others came onto the scene. So now she had to stop herself to think. Finally, she saw and opportunity present itself and she flew to attempt to stop Threehorn from whatever he was going to do.

"Three horn, please don't do anything to harm these two. These dinosaurs were just about to escort them out of here."

When this was going on, Hyp was hiding in the bushes, slightly amused and rolling his eyes at what was taking place.

And a fight is going to start in...3...2...


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Seeing Mr. Threehorn enter the scene, Sparky practically felt her heart stop...But not in excitement to see yet another well-known LBT character, but in pure fear. Already, he was heading for her Egg Stealers, no doubt with harmful intentions. She saw and heard Mrs. Flyer's attempts to persuade the hot-tempered male to calm.

Not knowing if the Flyer's attempt will work, Sparky gulped down her fear enough to harden her face in determination and actually shifted herself completely inbetween the angry Threehorn and the defenseless Egg Stealers. However, she wasn't fool-hardy enough to verbally express her defiance or follow that dinosaurian instinct of hers to spread out her claws in a show of agression. She had a feeling that doing so will get her in a whole heap of trouble. Mr. Threehorn already reminded her enough of her dad; she'd rather the resemblance didn't get any stronger with unneeded conflict.


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"Out of my way flyer," Threehorn demanded. "Those two egg eaters are a threat to this valley and have attacked the children before. I'm going to make sure they never do that again!"

"Wait a minute!" Littlefoot called out. "You said you were all taking the two of them out of the valley?" A rush of relief filled Littlefoot's body, happy that they weren't going to have to fight them. Still, he was terrified that they even made it back into the Great Valley. At the same time, he wanted to make sure that they would never come back as well. "I'm coming with you guys!"

"Are you crazy?" Threehorn asked. "You just admitted that these two trued to kill you, and now you want to walk with them?"

"Mr. Threehorn, look at them. They're restrained. They aren't going to do anything to me or anybody else here. I don't like the fact that they're here just as much as you, but if we can get them to leave without any hassle, then I say we do it."

"Are you sure about this?" Threehorn asked again. "It has been a while since your last encounter with them. They could have changed."

"Mr. Threehorn, haven't we done enough fighting?" Littlefoot asked back, making reference to the night before. Threehorn sighed, as he knew that the fight last night took a lot out of them.

"Okay, fine." He turned back to the group. "But I'm coming too. I want to make sure that these two egg eaters stay far away from the valley AND that they don't do anything to any of you."


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"You shan't have to worry, oh foolish one. It shall be done" John said to Mr. Threehorn in a Welsh accent.



  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Hey, I wanna go too!" Von called out. He was pretty excited to see Littlefoot, and he hoped he'd be able to chat with the young Apatosaurus.


"I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, Chronicler. Sharpteeth can be pretty nasty. Believe me, I know!" Chomper warned.

Just then, the faces of Cutter's brothers popped out of the nearby foliage.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Jasper said to Von, "Awesome Von. This should be fun I hope. As long as we don't encounter anything that is trouble along the way this should be a relatively easy task."


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(OOC: I am so, SO sorry for not posting in here sooner. :bang I originally delayed posting this to give FlipperBoidSkua a chance to post first, but with my sporadic activity on the GOF, I haven’t been keeping track of this RP as well as I should have. This entry was difficult for me to write, so sorry if it is awkward in any way. :oops)

Pangaea’s heart had performed a remarkable impression of a terminally malfunctioning elevator the instant he heard the familiar blaring voice of Mr. Threehorn. He had been so close to smoothing over the egg stealer situation with Rebecca, when the two worst possible dinosaurs had stumbled across the scene: the grown-up who was least likely to show the egg stealers any mercy, and the youngster who had nearly been killed by them the last time they were here. Apparently it doesn’t matter if I’m in a completely different time period in a completely different universe in a completely different body; Murphy’s law still finds me, he thought sourly.

Panicking, Pangaea had frozen up, unsure of what to say or how to act to avert the catastrophe he had seen coming. To his immense gratitude, however, Littlefoot himself had intervened (Pangaea marveled at the young longneck’s capacity for forgiveness). Not only had he successfully stopped Mr. Threehorn from attacking the egg stealers outright, but it appeared that he had succeeded in swaying him to agree to simply escort the egg stealers out of the valley.

Unfortunately, Murphy’s law was still at large, and apparently adamant about not letting Pangaea get off that easy. Even though both egg stealers had been visibly alarmed by Mr. Threehorn’s arrival, the sight of Littlefoot apparently sparked enough vengeful rage within Ozzy to temporarily enfog any thoughts of fear or self-preservation (or, for that matter, sensibility). “Wait a minute,” Ozzy began, glowering at Littlefoot, “you’re the little twig-teether who cost us our lunch and nearly our lives the last time we were here!” He moved as if to take a threatening step towards Littlefoot. “Why, I oughta…”

A red blur raced out in front of him. “DON’T. YOU. DARE!” Pangaea screeched at the top of his lungs. Ozzy drew back in surprise, clearly not expecting such an outburst from the little red featherball.

Pangaea continued in a voice that was lower, but still unrelentingly stern. “Whether I’m involved or not, you aren’t going anywhere in one piece if you don’t treat the dinosaurs in this valley with respect. That means don’t insult them, attack them, threaten them, lose your temper, or try to get away. And you certainly won’t be making things any better for yourself by holding a petty grudge over some stupid ancient misunderstanding whichóif I may speak franklyówas entirely your own fault! You stole an egg from one of his friends’ families, they defended it just like any other parent or older sibling would, and you tried to kill them just for taking your lunch. The fact that you failed is the only reason you’ve been getting as much compassion as you have. So if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay put, be polite, and maybe even think about apologizing.”

Ozzy appeared every bit as flabbergasted as Pangaea would have expected after such an admonishment, and the red glider braced himself for an indignant response from the temperamental egg stealer. But before Ozzy could so much as formulate a syllable, Strutówho, in contrast to his brother, had appeared completely and consistently terrified from the first moment Mr. Threehorn entered the sceneóspoke up. Cringing as if anticipating a blow, his eyelids squeezed shut and his fists clenched close to his body, he cried out, “I’m sorry for suggesting to throw you off the Great Wall!” He proceeded to collapse face-first to the ground, planting his beak in the soil.

Pangaea’s bamboozled stare lingered on the fallen egg stealer for several seconds. At some point his eye twitched. He wasn’t sure whether Strut had fainted, or was just being overly dramatic. Either way, his apology had sounded surprisingly sincere.

“Uh…very good, Strut,” Pangaea finally said, managing an approvingóif strainedósmile. He turned to Ozzy, who looked equally bewildered. “See? Why can’t you be more like that?”

Ozzy shot a chilling glare at Pangaea, but in the face of the circumstances, he grudgingly relented. “Fine,” he snarled. With overwhelming reluctance, Ozzy turned in Littlefoot’s direction, his gaze fixed on what must have been a remarkably interesting pebble on the ground, and muttered an almost imperceptible apology. “
[size0]I’m sorry.”

“C’mon, you can do better than that,” Pangaea chided, elbowing Ozzy’s ankle.

Grumbling something probably unrepeatable under his breath, Ozzy’s eyes shifted briefly upward, making contact with Littlefoot’s for a split second. “I’m sorry,” he growled through a gritted beak.

Guess that’ll have to do, Pangaea thought. He brought his hands together and interwove his fingers, fidgeting them as he was apt to do when nervous or contemplative. “Um…okay, if we’re all good now, there’s a couple more quick things I wanted to do before we started on our way. Guido, could you find me some big, long, narrow leavesóthe kind you could wrap around somethingóand bring them to me, please?”

“Uh, sure,” Guido responded compliantly, sounding a bit puzzled at the odd request. He immediately scurried up a nearby tree, and quickly located a plant with leaves matching Pangaea’s specifications.

“Thanks,” Pangaea called after Guido. Now he turned to Sparky. “Um, Sparky, when Guido gets back with the leaves, do you suppose you could poke some holes in a tree trunk with those claws of yours and get me some sap?”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Having wisely remained silent through the whole thing, Sparky felt huuuuuuuuuuge relief to know that no harm will come to her little Egg Stealers. That was certainly a close one. Keeping in her astonishment at Pangaea's reprimand to Ozzy and Strut's resulting collapse (she hoped he was okay) and of course her amusement at seeing Ozzy apologize to Littlefoot, she refocused her attention to drawing as little attention from Mr. Threehorn as possible.

Stay low and tuck your claws and maybe he won't notice you... her thoughts went as she lowered her body into a sit, tucking her claws under her body with her tail wrapped defensively around herself. A childish hope it was that fluttered into her head; Mr. Threehorn would take notice of her eventually...

Pangy's request then cut into her increasingly nervous thoughts and she smiled at her buddy. "No prob, Pangy." This is good her thoughts continued on a lighter note as she stood back up and sidestepped towards a tree, waiting for Guido to return. Doing something useful will take your mind off your troubles. At least for a little bit...And hey!! Maybe it'll show Mr. Threehorn that I'm no trouble at all! Although she couldn't help but wonder what Pangaea had in mind with such an odd request.

The Chronicler

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Ruby heard the rustling noise behind the group, who were still looking out across the gap they had just crossed. Ruby looked back and saw the two adolescent Fast Biters. "Uh, Chronicler?" she asked nervously as she lightly nudged him to get his attention.

Chronicler looked back and saw the Fast Biters. He immediately moved into a fighting stance and tightly held his bamboo pole in front of himself defensively. He wisely chose not to make the first move. Instead, he said, "Chomper, give them a warning to go away, and no, I won't tell you what exactly to say to them. Believe me, I learn from my mistakes, so say whatever you want to them." Last night's incident was still fresh in his mind, and there was no way he was going to let himself repeat that big mistake.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Littlefoot wasn't sure how to respond to the egg eaters apologizing to him. Strut really seemed sorry for what had happened, but it was clear that Ozzy felt nothing but hatred towards him. In fact, if there was nobody around, Littlefoot was sure that Ozzy would have exacted revenge on him for what happened, even though as Pangaea stated it was their own fault. Still, he couldn't help but feel some relief that things were different, and now they were the hostages trying to stay alive instead of him. "Just stay away from me and my friends and we'll get through this with as little trouble as possible. The sooner you two are gone the better." It seemed weird that he as making demands towards them. It was clear that Ozzy could easily overpower him by himself, and with Strut it wouldn't even be a fair fight. Littlefoot almost wanted to make more demands and really take advantage of the situation, but at this point he didn't want to start another fight with anybody. Luckily, Mr. Threehorn was there to make sure things would go smoothly. He looked up at Mr. Threehorn. "Should I tell my grandparents about this? I'm sure they might want to know exactly where I'm going and who I'm traveling with."

"There's no time for that, Threehorn grunted. "I want these two egg eaters out of the Great Valley now. I say we leave as soon as possible."

"Oh, okay." Littlefoot bowed his head a little bit. He really wanted to see Ozzy and Strut leave the Great Valley, but at the same time he didn't want to upset his grandparents. He could already tell that this was not going to be an easy trip.

Cancerian Tiger

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It wasn't much longer before Anna's group reached Mr. Threehorn's group.

"There he is, Tria, and some of the others as well," Anna said before she noticed Ozzy and Strut.  "Hey, aren't those two eggstealers the ones who threatned y'all before?"

"Huh?" Cera uttered before she looked in the same direction as Anna.  "Yeah, it is.  I say it's tail-kicking time!"  Before she could charge, Anna gently but firmly gripped her napeshield.

"Not so fast, Miss Fiesty.  It looks like your father has everything under control.  Just stay close to us," Anna said before she let go of the threehorn.

"Humph," Cera snorted in disappointment.  Meanwhile, Anna continued to carry Ducky, afraid she would be vulnerable to the eggstealers if she were left to her own defenses on the ground.


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"Well, it seems we're all here now, no?" John said just enough that a few others could here him.
From a distance, Ali observed the scene unfolding in front of her eyes.



  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Can I come along, though?" Von brought up again. "I mean, there's strength in numbers, and you probably need a lot of numbers to make sure these two don't do anything funny, right?"


"Alright, Chronicler!" Chomper said. <Just stay out of our way! I'm warning you!>

<Cutter, what the tail you doing with the herd of... weirdos?> Guaro said.

Chomper looked back at Cutter confused, while the little fast biter replied. <Don't hurt my friends, brother!>

<He's your brother?> Chomper questioned.

<...Yeah. They both are.> Cutter replied.

Chomper didn't have much time, but he needed to let his flattooth speakers know what was going on. "Hmm, seems like these two are Cutter's brothers."

<Cut it out, and get back here, Cutter!> Guaro ordered.

<No, I wanna stay with Chomper!>

<Fine, but I won't let you have that problem for long!>

"I think they're going to attack anyway!" Was all Chomper could get out, before Bo charged forward and slashed at him, just barely missing.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Seeing that one of fast biters meant to hurt Chomper, Claw jumped to his friend's help. He moved between little biter and Cutter's brother. He growled at him threateningly, making sure that other fast biter understood he will pay dearly, if he try to attack Chomper once again. Nevertheless, Claw hoped that things won't get worse. He and his friends had enough troubles, without fighting with pair of fast biters.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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“Um…sure, I guess you can come along if you want to,” Pangaea said to Von. He hadn’t yet thought about whoóif anybodyówould be going along with him. He hadn’t even paused to consider the responsibility of leading Ozzy and Strut to the Big Water as anything but his and his alone; though he knew he would be more comfortable with friends accompanying him, it would be more for his own protection than for assistance with his task. He was dubious as to whether bringing an overly large group along would help him more, or if it would just be putting extra lives at risk.

“I guess anyone else can come with, too,” he addressed the rest of the crowd. “Though perhaps I should warn you, I think we’re going to be traveling pretty far, and we might be gone for a long time, and if you were to change your mind partway through the trip, it could be hard for you to get back to the Great Valley. So only come with if you’re sure you want to commit yourself to this.”
“Got the leaves!” came a call from above, and a moment later Guido parachuted down, a bundle of foliage clasped between his feet. He hit the ground a little heavilyóthe leaves were fairly large and weighed him down quite a bitóbut his cargo cushioned his landing and the teal glider appeared unfazed by the jolt. “Will these work?” he asked, presenting the leaves to Pangaea.

Pangaea beamed. “Yes, they’re perfect! Thank you, Guido.” The leaves were exactly what he was looking for: long, tapered, strap-like, but not too narrow for the purpose Pangaea had in mind.

He took the leaves and turned to Ozzy and Strut (the latter of whom still had his snout stuck firmly in the dirt). “Okay, now, you probably aren’t gonna like this, but you have to trust me. I just want to take an extra precaution so we don’t risk causing a panic on our way out of the valley.”

“What are you talking about?” Ozzy asked, eyes narrowing suspiciously.

“Well, call me overly cautious, but I’m a little worried that if the other leafeaters around here see you two passing by, even with us escorting you, someone who isn’t aware you’re voluntarily leaving might freak out again and start a ruckus, and this time someone might end up getting trampled. My idea is that if we make you look like you’re already…captive, there’ll be less chance of some bystander jumping to conclusions and trying to attack you. Ya follow me?”

Ozzy appeared skeptical, but he slowly nodded. “Okay, so what’s this precaution of yours?”

“Well, basically,” Pangaea said as he held up one of the leaves, “I’m going to blindfold you.”

“What?!” Ozzy screeched.

“Shh!” Pangaea hissed. “If you behave, I promise we’ll take them off once we’re out of the valley. But as long as we’re still here, we have to convince everyone that you’re not a threat; that you’re not gonna bolt away and steal somebody’s eggs at the first opportunity. Do you really want to take the chance of being run down on your way to the Land of Endless Eggs?”

“…No,” Ozzy growled, grudgingly.

“Then calm down and let me put this thing on you. You’ll, uh…have to crouch down and lay your head flat, if you don’t like the idea of me climbing on your neck.”

Ozzy grumbled, but moved as if to comply. He paused, however, and fixed Pangaea with his glaring orange eyes.

“If you go back on your word…” he snarled.

“You can hurl me off a cliff, feed me to a sharptooth, or stomp me into the ground,” Pangaea said flatly. “I promise I won’t do anything to hurt you get you into trouble.” Well, not deliberately, at least, he thought pessimistically. I can’t account for unexpected circumstances and my own screw-ups. “But you should remember that a little guy like me only has so much control over this kind of situation. So keep your temper and don’t try anything sneaky, or I’ll tell Sparky over there that she can hug you.”

Pangaea noted with amusement how strongly the egg stealer flinched at that particular threat.

“Hey, Sparky!” he called to the Therizinosaurus in question, “how’s that tree sap coming along? I’m gonna need it to hold the blindfolds in place.”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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As soon as she saw Guido appear with the leaves, she of course did exactly what she was told. The bark wasn't as hard as she expected, though that probably had to do with her being a dino now. Digging her claws in only deep enough to draw sap, as she didn't wanna risk killing the tree, she dragged down the trunk a bit, fighting the urge to rip down the trunk and see just how much power and damage she can inflict, as such a show of spontaneous violence might scare the others.

Hearing Pangy's 'threat', she tried to hold back her laughter, probably breaking a few ribs and bursting a few guts in the process :lol  :lol !! She will happily go along with that threat, most definitely!!! And at Pangaea's inquiry, Sparky answered carefully, trying to keep from cracking up. "It, -hehehe-, It's coming along great, Pangy, -hehehe-! The tree's being surprisingly cooperative :D !" Taking a deep breath to calm her underlying giggles, she looked over at her friend, pulling her claws out the bark and allowing the sap to flow freely.

"Ya think the sap will hold long enough for the hostage plan to work?" she asked curiously, putting playful emphasis on the word 'hostage', as she found Pangy's plan incredibly humorous. As she spoke, she was subconsciously licking the sticky sap from her claws, finding it quite satisfying to her sweet-tooth. Good, she'll need something to replace chocolote for the time being!


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“Excellent,” Pangaea said (hoping his approving smile would disguise his own amusement over Ozzy and Sparky’s opposing reactions to his ëthreat’). He approached the tree Sparky had tapped, and carefully dabbed both ends of one of the leaves in the oozing sap.

“Well, to be honest,” he whispered in response to Sparky’s question, “I’ve never used sap as an adhesive before. I’m hoping that if it does fail, it won’t matter much.” In truth, the explanation Pangaea had given to Ozzy about the blindfolds wasn’t the whole story. He was secretly hoping that Ozzy and Strut would be disoriented by the lack of visual input, unable to tell exactly where they were being taken, so that once they were out of the valley, they would have a difficult time retracing their steps and finding a way back in if the coastal pickings turned out not to be to their liking.

“Oh, yeah, did I mention?” he said, turning to address the other LBT locals who were present, particularly Mr. Threehorn. “Despite appearances, Sparky here is NOT a sharptooth, nor an egg stealerómy guess is you’d probably call her a longclaw. She is completely harmless and friendly, and as she is demonstrating, a very useful dinosaur to have around.”

With that potential issue hopefully taken care of, Pangaea made his way back to Ozzy, who by now had laid obliginglyóif reluctantlyócrouched down and stretched his neck forward so that his head was within Pangaea’s reach. Gently and carefully, Pangaea wrapped the leaf around Ozzy’s head so that the center covered his eyes and the ends overlapped at the nape of his neck. After making sure it was tight enough, he tacked down one end on top of the other, the sticky sap holding them together as well as affixing the back of the makeshift blindfold to Ozzy’s skin. Ozzy grumbled throughout the whole process, but didn’t outwardly complain.

“Can you see?” Pangaea asked.

“Not a (*grumble grumble*) thing,” Ozzy groused.

“Perfect,” Pangaea said brightly. He picked up a second leaf for Strut’s blindfold and started back towards Sparky’s tree.

“I have just one question: how are we supposed to follow you when we can’t see?”

“Oh, uh…derp…” Somehow, Pangaea had managed to overlook what should have been the most obvious flaw in his plan.

Fortunately, a solution came to him quickly. “Hey, uh, Guido? Can I employ your assistance again?”

“Anytime!” Guido said, saluting him cheerfully.

“Could you please climb up there again and cut down a vine? It needs to be long enough for Ozzy, Strut, and someone else to hold onto without getting in each other’s way.”

“Sure thing,” Guido replied, and promptly darted up the nearest tree.

Feeling grateful that the little glider was so eager to help, Pangaea made his way over to the tree and applied another two globs of sap to the fresh leaf. He then moved on to Strut, who was still lying flat on the ground with his face stuck in the dirt, and tapped him on the head. “Uh, Strut?”

“Is the scary threehorn still there?” Strut whispered.

Pangaea sighed. “Yes, and he’s not going to hurt you. In fact, he’s agreed to help escort you out of the valley. So as long as you and Ozzy cooperate, you’ll get out of here just fine.”

“Still don’t wanna look.”

Pangaea gave an ironic smirk. “I can take care of that right now. Now look at me.”

Reluctantly, Strut raised his face from the soil. His eyes brightened when he saw the leaves the glider was holding. “You brought me lunch?”

Without moving from where he was standing, Ozzy lifted a foot and delivered a perfectly aimed sideways kick to his brother’s ribs. “Oof!”

Pangaea sighed. “No, I’m going to cover your eyes so that you don’t have to look at the scary threehorn and so no other dinosaurs we pass by get scared at the sight of you. Please don’t eat it.”

“Oh, okay,”

In a matter of moments, Pangaea had applied the second blindfold to Strut, who, in contrast to Ozzy, seemed much more comfortable being unable to see what was around him. It didn’t do any favors for his equilibrium, though, and he weaved slightly on his feet as he stood up. It was just as well that Guido arrived right then with the vine. This time he returned on foot, dragging the vine behind him.

Guido had exceeded Pangaea’s expectations. The vine would have been long enough to completely tie Ozzy and Strut up, and still have length left over to drag them along. Bringing it back had clearly taken a lot out of the small glider. “One…very long…and surprisingly heavy…vine,” he gasped, panting between breaths. He managed one more step before collapsing forward onto the forest floor.

Grinning, Pangaea walked over to Guido, picked him up off the ground, gave him a hug that forced any remaining air out of his lungs, set him back on his feet, and patted him on the head. “Thank you, Guido. You’re the best.”

With slightly less effort than Guido, Pangaea dragged the vine the rest of the way over to Ozzy and Strut, and instructed them to take hold of it. “There,” he said. “You just keep ahold of that, and be careful not to trip, and we’ll lead the way.” He walked over to Sparky and offered her the other end of the vine. “Care to do the honors?” he asked. Pangaea then glanced over to Guido, who had fallen down again. “Oh, and, uh…I think Guido would appreciate a lift, if you wouldn’t mind,” he chuckled.

He now turned to the others. “Well, uh, I guess we’re ready to go,” he said. “Can anyone here lead us to the shortest route from the Great Valley to the Big Water?”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.