The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165783


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Flinching a bit at Pangy's intro of her, she turned towards Mr. Threehorn with the friendliest smile she can put on, not making eye contact and keeping her head down, very much like the way she would talk to her own father. "Hello, Mr. Threehorn. It's a great," -'And scary!'-, "honor to meet you."

Hoping to distract herself, she then proceeded to watching the whole blind-folding process, which she found to be very interesting; she even strained to hear some of Ozzy's grumbles with no success, though that's probably for the best. And Strut was so adorable, she wanted to huggle him!

And when Pangaea came over with that vine..... "Trust me, it would be my greatest pleasure, Pangy!" Taking hold of the vine very carefully, she then beamed at Pangaea's next suggestion and lowered down to the ground next to Guido. "Climb aboard, buddy." she coaxed the adorable bundle of feathers with a gentle smile. Hearing news of their beginning to move out, she felt her heart speed up in excitement. She was surprisingly calm for the situation: being escort to two of her favorite Egg Stealers, offering a ride to little Guido, going on the adventure of a life-time....Nope, those don't warrant spazz-attacks at all!  :rolleyes:

Must be the presence of so many Valley residents (namely Mr. Threehorn) that kept her calm and in line. Gotta make a good impression!!


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Threehorn eyed the new dinosaur with some sort of interest. He knew very well that this was no ordinary dinosaur, definitely another outsider, but he wasn't sure how to feel about it. Should he welcome her into the group openly, or should he block her out, just like the rest of the Great Valley blocked out Rob. At this point, he was in no mood to start another fight, not while they had two prisoners to transport out of the valley. "Just try and stay out of trouble," he replied to Sparky. "You newcomers already aren't on best of terms with everybody here."

Littlefoot watched as Ozzy and Strut were blindfolded. He had never thought of covering their eyes with leaves; it sounded like a really strange thing at the time. Now that he was watching it happen, he couldn't help but feel relieved. Now they can't see where I am in case they try to come after me. I should be safe now. "Great idea Pangaea," he chimed in. "Now they don't look so dangerous."

"Is everybody here that is going to go?" Threehorn addressed the group. "Once we leave, we are not coming back until these two vermin are out of the valley for good! If you don't want to go, now is your chance to leave."

"I'm coming too!" Threehorn and Littlefoot turned around towards the source of the voice that called out. To their surprise, they saw Rob approaching them. They could both tell that he was getting used to his fast biter form, almost as if he weren't a human at all. "I'm coming with you guys," Rob repeated when reached them.

"Rob?" Littlefoot asked in shock. "What are you doing here? I thought you were going with Zaine and the others!"

"I told them to go without me," Rob explained. "It didn't feel right for me to get involved with their feud. Besides, I want to see those two out of the valley as well."

"Are you sure you should be here?" Threehorn asked skeptically. "You're not the most popular dinosaur in the Great Valley right now."

"I know," Rob nodded, "and I don't care. You're gonna need help making sure they break free and to protect the group. Seeing as I'm a fast biter now, perhaps I can be of better use to the group."

"Fine," Threehorn agreed. "You can come with us."

"Thank you," Rob bowed his head.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"I'm going to go too, Pangaea, like I said before. You're gonna need a lot of help to keep these two clowns out of trouble, after all." Von said.

(OOC: Sorry I can't think of anything better at the moment, but wanna get my post in, so the rest of ya'll can continue.)
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Jasper said to Pangaea, "Alright then Pangaea let's get these two yellow bellied cowards out of here. The quicker we get them out of the Great Valley the less stress anyone around here has to deal with."

The Chronicler

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Chronicler saw Claw move to protect Chomper from one of the two young Fast Biters. That made him glad that he wouldn't have to face both Fast Biters at once.

"Good idea. You take care of that one," said Chronicler as he turned to face the other young Fast Biter. "I'll handle this one."

Chronicler swung and twirled his bamboo pole around a few times, hoping to intimidate the Fast Biter by showing that he was very skilled with such a weapon (but in reality he was more mediocre). Snapping back into his fighting stance, he simply said, "Bring it on."

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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<Get back here, Bo!> Guaro called out to his fast biter brother.

<Fine.> He called back, coming back to his side.

<I'd rather not get in a fight, either, so we'll just warn you to get out of our territory... now!> Guaro warned. <Also, come along now, Cutter.>

<No!> the little fast biter replied.

<Um, Cutter, I think it'd be better if you went with them.> Chomper said.


<Please, Cutter? If you go with them, they might leave us alone.>

<Oh... okay> Cutter said with a frown, before reluctantly joining his brethren. Guaro watched the remaining group, seeing if they would comply.

"They're saying we're in their territory. If we go ahead and leave, they'll leave us alone. "
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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"I would like to come along, but my place is here. Good luck, friend." John said calmly, he decided that there may be more trouble in the valley and he would help resolve it.




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((OOC: bdlkwQNHD:oa|hCANHCPoabfcHIPSAhfcDI'MSOBEHIND!!!!))

The adolescent longneck had lost track of, somehow, both time and her group. Not being familiar with the Valley, she turned her head frantically in all directions, hoping to see some form of them.

"Oh noohnoohno, how did I miss them!" she chastised herself inwardly.

Finally, she saw them, more people had joined her, residents she hadn't seen before, and, to her suprise, two eggstealers! Also, was that Mr. Threehorn there? She had an idea of who they were, but couldn't be sure from such a distance away. Shaking her head, she quickly ran over to them. As she got closer, the identities of the two eggstealers were confirmed. Definitely Ozzie and Strut.

"Hey!" she called, making her presence known and slowing down. "What's happening?"


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Spotting her friend, Sparky beamed and was more than happy to catch her up. "We're about to leave the Valley to take Ozzy and Strut to the Big Water. You wanna come with?"


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"Sounds like fun! I'm in!" Nana smiled, signaling her approval.

The Chronicler

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Chronicler relaxed at the possibility of not having to fight again. "Well, good," he said. "After all, the only urgency is for us to get there, so we can afford to take the long way back home. Besides, I really don't think we'll be able to get back across that." He pointed at the large split in the ground that he and the rest of the group had just crossed.

Ruby nodded in agreement. "Yes. That tree was the only way across, and now that that tree is gone, there is no way we can get back across, so I am sure we don't have to worry about crossing their territory again."

Chronicler turned to the young Fast Biters and said, "Yup, don't mind us, just passing by."

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Miles Way sat at his standard-issue USAFA desk, with a study sheet in front of his face, as usual. One walking past his room could be forgiven for assuming that he was studying. In fact, he was not. Miles was actually doing two things simultaneously: staring at the aircraft he'd just sketched, searching its sleek fuselage for any imperfections, and more importantly, awaiting that all-important bugle call. Any second now...

And suddenly, there it was- the call piped over the loudspeakers that meant only one thing: academic call to quarters. Freedom. Miles closed his door and sunk into his chair, bringing up his laptop and heading for the Gang of Five forums. He had a new picture he wanted to submit for his fanart page, as well as a new chapter for his latest fanfiction. He took a look at his drawing: an Amargasaurus. It wasn't simply any Amargasaurus, however. This one was orange, and sported a black stripe and spines. It was none other than Fyn, a character he'd created long ago, and continued developing. He'd enjoy submitting this latest work. As he hit "enter," to submit his search request (GoF), however, he was greeted by a strange sight. His computer screen was displaying an image of a desert.

"What the heck?" he muttered to himself. He had to admit- the picture was pretty cool, certainly not like any desert he'd ever seen. It almost looked... prehistoric. He leaned in closer, to get a better look.

And that was when Miles Way's small part in the puzzle that was slowly taking shape came into play.

There was a loud roaring noise, and suddenly everything around him besides the image on the computer turned into rushing streaks of blue.

"Air Force pride," he thought, trying to ignore the thought that he was scared out of his mind. The screen image was changing, too. It was growing bigger, filling his field of vision, and night appeared to be falling. Now it was tilting upwards, and to Miles, it seemed he was now falling towards the hard ground. None of this could be real. It had to be some sick upperclassman's trick, but that ground looked very real, and it didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

Miles prepared himself for impact, executing the position for a parachute landing fall, getting ready to tuck and roll upon contact. Given a few extra seconds, he might have made it. Unfortunately, the ground had other plans. Miles hit it with a sickening thud and his world went dark...


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Miles came to with his face pressed against the cold, dry ground. It was still nighttime, and dark. He raised his head to get a better view of his surroundings, sure that everything that had just happened had been a dream. After all, waking up on a hard floor was routine for him. He often slept on the floor to keep his bed in inspection-ready condition. Then his eyes focused and he realized that he was most definitely not dreaming.

He was still here, in the desert, and completely alone.

"Hello?" he called out, attempting to stand up. Something felt strange, like he'd put on weight. It wasn't as if moving was any more tiresome, it was just that there seemed to be more... mass behind every little movement. He tried standing straight up and fell over immediately. His first clue that things were not right was the tremendous "crash" he made when impacting the ground.

"What is going on?" he asked. Then he saw his Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) lying on the ground, with his boots neatly beside it. At that moment, he realized he was also completely naked. Something odd was going on. He turned his head around, to take a quick glance behind, and found that he was able to turn it completely backwards. What he saw behind him was the biggest shock of all: he had a tail.

"Not cool," he said, "what is this?" He looked down at his legs and arms. They were stubby, but strong, and his skin was orange. He took another look at his back, stretching his neck as much as he could. As he'd expected, his neck was long, too, and at its base were... spines?

"Holy cow," he breathed to himself, realizing what he'd become, "I'm an Amargasaurus."

Then he passed out.


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Miles awoke, still unclothed, still in the desert, but this time he felt like his old self again. The sun was out, and he opened his eyes, daring to look at himself. He was a human, just like always. Had he dreamed of being an Amargasaurus? At this point, part of him was hoping he hadn't. That had been pretty cool.

He spotted his ABUs and walked over them, prepared to change into them, when he tripped in something deep and almost fell. When he regained his balance and observed what he had stepped in, he knew for a fact that he hadn't been dreaming. He had just stepped in his own massive footprint from last night.

"Great," he sighed, "so I could just go Amargasaurus at any time. Just fantastic." He slipped on his uniform and sorted out his priorities. He'd need water soon. Out here, he'd become dehydrated quickly. There were some mountains to the east. They'd be his best bet. Miles took off at a slow jog, donning his ABU cap to keep the sun away. Perhaps there were others, he mused. After all, if he'd just been sucked into his own laptop, or something of that nature, it must have happened to someone else.

At least, he hoped so.


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"Look out below!" A familiar voice that hadn't been heard for quite some time was heard as the flyer known as Daniel came falling out of the sky. Not falling so fast as to cause himself harm, he landed right on Sparky's back with a thud.
"Ah, gotta work on landing..." He mumbled to himself as he lay there.


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Sparky blinked as her eyes was covered in limp membrane from a Flyer's wing. But just hearing that voice, she knew who it was even lacking vision and she practically 'squeed'. "Dan! You be backz!! I'd hug yas, but I don't wanna choke ya!" Her tail began wagging in happiness!


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Pangaea had noticed Sparky’s discomfort around Mr. Threehorn; it was the reason he had seen fit to introduce her, before the belligerent Triceratops could conceive any bad assumptions about her. Now, however, he felt a twinge of uncertainty. Had what he had done been a good idea, or had he only made Sparky even more uncomfortable?

Pangaea was at least relieved that Mr. Threehorn seemed to be accepting Sparky for the time being. However, Mr. Threehorn’s announcement that he would be coming with them to the Big Water set off alarm bells in Pangaea’s head; he wasn’t sure Sparky’s nerves (or Strut’s, for that matter) could handle being around the intimidating Triceratops for the full duration of the trip. Somehow he had to convince Mr. Threehorn to stay behind without offending him.

“Um…with respect, Mr. Threehorn,” he said, “I think it would actually be better if you stayed in the valley. You might be needed here, in case there’s another sharptooth attack or something, and I don’t expect these two will be giving us too much trouble…” He motioned to Ozzy and Strut. “After all, they know that if they come back to this valley, they answer to you. Right, fellas?”

Strut whimpered, and even Ozzy visibly cringed, grimacing in fear beneath his blindfold. Clearly these egg stealers knew not to mess with threehorns.

“Also,” Pangaea added, glancing around at the other dinosaurs and GOF members assembled, “I think it would be better if we kept this group small. We don’t want to attract too much attention. The more of us there are, the more likely sharpteeth will notice us.”

A moment later he added, "By the way, welcome back, Daniel. And nice hat, Sparky."

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Miles gasped for air as he climbed over the ridge of his first mountain that day. It had taken practically all day for him to get here, and he was still wierded out by last night's transformation. Reflecting, he realized that his situation, gasping like a fish out of water on the top of some prehistoric mountain, could actually be considered comical. He certainly didn't think it was, however. He paused to wipe the sweat from his face, and when his hand fell away, he was struck by an amazing sight. Below him was a massive, green valley. It took him a while, but he finally realized where he was.

"No way," he said aloud, "I'm in the Great Valley."

A flying reptile ripped through the air above his head, and Miles ducked. He seemed to be heading for a spot in the Great Valley. Miles's suspicions were confirmed when the Flyer divebombed what he could only assume to be another dinosaur. It seemed friendly enough, so, taking his chances, Miles decided to go introduce himself. After all, he'd just been sucked back in time, spit out in the Cretaceous period, changed into an Amargasaurus, and changed back into a human. What more could the world do to him?


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Miles was halfway down what he now knew was the Great Wall.

"I should really get some cool background music," he thought, panting, "this view is pretty awesome." Feeling tired, he decided to rest against a large, gray-green boulder.


Miles jumped. The boulder had just spoken... hadn't it? He looked closer. Suddenly the boulder stood up and moved, revealing itself to be a living, breathing Stegosaurus!

"Holy crap!" Miles exclaimed, then took two steps back and tumbled the rest of the way down into the Great Valley. When he hit the ground, he began bolting through the trees. He hadn't actually expected to see dinosaurs here! He ran as far and fast as he could, until he came to a clearing, where he stumbled over a boulder and fell headlong into the grass, stopping right in the middle of where the Flyer and another dinosaur were gathered. Miles looked up sheepishly, dusting off his ABUs.

"Um... hi?" he said, putting his hat on and trying to look as if he'd meant to do what he just did.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Well, if that's the case, someone who can fight needs to stay behind and help watch after the children, sick, and elderly in case of any sharptooth attacks," Anna spoke up, before glancing down at Cera.  "I'm just getting over feelin' busted up."