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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165112

The Chronicler

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Chronicler stared at Chomper in confusion and said, "Uh... yeah, just tell them what I said: We're just passing through because we're in a hurry, and we'll be out of here soon."

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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"To be honest, those two took it surprisingly well. They'll probably have left by nightfall." John explained as he approached Grandma Longneck, Littlefoot, Rob and Mr. Threehorn.




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Watching all the events that had gone by had been an interesting experience for Nana. She had been silent for a long time, but no one really seemed to mind. Mind you, that was a good thing for the young longneck. She could live without speaking for a while, and she was happy that the dinosaurs (and people) were willing to except that. However, she had stopped just outside the boundary of the great valley, much like Sparky had before her, and smiled. This was going to be fun.

She took a step forward and stood beside Sparky. "Wow, this is more exciting than I thought it would be," she commented, tapping a front foot on the ground.


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Screech snarled inwardly. Somehow he had never considered the prospect that Red Claw would find someone to replace him and Thud if the pair ever stopped helping him or, Bright Circle forbid, died under his command. Thud’s latest counterpoint to his argument for abandoning Red Claw had caught Screech utterly off-guard, and that infuriated him. In addition to being the more dominant of the pair, Screech had always fancied himself as more sensible and perceptive than his brother, so to have Thud beat him in an argument was downright painful to his pride.

Screech could have argued that Red Claw was unlikely to find other sharpteeth crazy enough to aid in his plot, but if last night’s bloody battle had demonstrated anything, it was that it was surprisingly easy to convince fast biters to agree to participate in a crazy and dangerous scheme if there was a promise of food. And honestly, at this point, Screech had lost interest in pursuing his argument further. With a bitter and frustrated growl, he turned his nose to the ground to avoid looking at Thud.

Let’s just keep going,” he grumbled. “We're getting close to the valley entrance we used yesterday.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Miles hadn't considered just how much walking a trip like this entailed. His large form was built for traveling large distances, but even so, his feet were beginning to ache, and he was starting to miss a rather important beverage from the future: coffee.

"Hey," he said to the group, "anyone want to stop for the night?" he looked around. The sun was only beginning its trip back to the horizon.

"Ooookay," he said, "how about a noon nap?"


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Chomper said <We'll be on our way now.> to the three fast biters as they were moving. as his group started to leave. He noticed how confused Chronicler looked, and just thought to himself "he probably just doesn't know how sharpteeth think or something. hmm, poor... human."

Cutter was really torn, being torn away from his friend just as he had met him again, but he did kind of have to listen to his big brother's wishes too. They were his only family, and also his only protection. He was a young rebellious little child that would often get himself in trouble, and it was usually his big brother's that had to get him out of said trouble. His young mind was starting to think about just running off and joining his friend again, but he was really conflicted right now.

Von thought about what Pangaea had said, and realized that it would probably be for the better if he stayed in the safe valley. He had just been flung into this crazy place, afterall, and he was still very much so a stranger. "Yeah, your probably right, Pangaea." Was all he could really muster himself to say.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Miles yawned after completing his statement and began to shudder. Slowly, he began to shrink back down, his features blending until he was once again a human in ABU's.

"Dang it," he said, "I liked being a dinosaur!"


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(ooc: I just updated my second to last post. It's still mid-afternoon).

The Chronicler

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Ruby took the lead as the group resumed their journey, since she was the only one who knew exactly where to go.

Chronicler rested his bamboo pole over his shoulder as he walked. "Well, that resolved itself nicely," he said, happy that he didn't have to pick another fight again. Why are we even bothering with such a risky journey, anyway? he thought. Then he looked over at Claw. Oh, right, that's why. He seems to have been rather quiet lately. I hope for his sake we won't be too late to save him. "Hey, uh, how are you feeling?" he asked Claw.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Claw was relieved that the situation had been resolved without violence. There had been enough fighting already in past couple of days.

“Well… I’m certainly not getting any better, but the headache isn’t getting any worse,” he said to Chronicler. “I hope this is a good sign… How much further we have to travel?” he asked Ruby.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Chronicler

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"It shouldn't be much longer, now, before we get there," replied Ruby. She looked up in the sky to see where the Bright Circle was and smiled. "We're actually doing very well with how quickly we are going. We might even make it there before the Bright Circle goes down."

"Good, because it's nice to actually see where we're going," remarked Chronicler. True, they would still have to spend the night there, but at least they hopefully won't have to keep walking by the time it got dark.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Exploiting the benefits of a neck that could twist a hundred-and-eighty degrees, Pangaea took in a full panoramic view of the group’s surroundings. They were still in the canyonlands beyond the Great Valley’s (presumably) western border, with walls of rock towering over them on both sides of the river, like a giant, ceilingless hallway. Pangaea had spent much of the past few hours gazing mesmerizedly at the spectacular stony scenery; scrutinizing the bands of color and sculpted appearance of the canyon walls, and nearly dizzying himself in his attempts to see how high the surrounding mountain peaks reached. Almost the entire time his feet had been on autopilot, as he walked robotically along over the relatively level surface of the canyon floor, paying very little conscious attention to where the group was going (Not that it mattered, given that they were simply following the river, and for the moment were in no danger of getting lost). This was the first time in a while that he had really taken note of where the group was, and of the progress they had made since leaving the valley. He noted that the canyon walls and surrounding mountains were gradually becoming lower the farther they traveled from the valley, and the canyon walls were growing wider apart, so he and his friends were no longer hemmed in as close to the water’s edge as they had been at the start of their journey.

“Uhhh…well…I–I don’t know about a nap,” he said, responding to Miles’ query, “but it might not be a bad idea to take a break and rest our feet for a few minutes.”

“Well then,” came Ozzy’s gruff voice, “I think it’s been long enough. Can we take these Bright-Circle-blasted leaves off of our faces?!”

Oh, right, Pangaea thought. I’d almost forgotten about them. Ideally, he would have wanted to travel down a few forks in the path to the Big Water, so that it would be more difficult for Ozzy and Strut to find their way back to the Great Valley if they ever attempted to do so again. (It had occurred to Pangaea that the blindfolds’ intended purpose of disorienting Ozzy and Strut would be essentially moot if the path connecting the two locations was as straightforward as following a river.) But the egg stealers had been so patientófar more so than Pangaea would have ever expected, especially as far as Ozzy was concernedóthat he felt guilty about forcing them to wear the blindfolds any longer. Maybe I am just too soft for my own good, Pangaea thought with a sigh. “All right,” he said. “You can take them off.”

“About time!” Ozzy groused, as he reached back to yank his blindfold off. Unfortunately, the hot sun had dried the sap affixing the the leaf to the back of his head, and Ozzy discovered the hard way that removing it was like peeling off a band-aid (a sensation that he was, obviously, not acquainted with). As Ozzy gave the back of the blindfold a tug, he let out a yelp of pain.

Pangaea started. “You okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine, you fluffduster!” Ozzy snapped. He picked at the back of the blindfold with his claws. “It’s stuck!”

“Oh, the sap must’ve dried out,” Pangaea said. “Uhh…just try tearing it off really fast; the pain won’t last as long.”

Ozzy clearly didn’t trust Pangaea’s advice. “And rip the skin on the back of my head off? Not likely!” Finding the overlapping end of the leaf with his fingers, Ozzy began slowly peeling it off. However, he was dealing with the equivalent of a band-aid that wrapped all the way around his head, with one sticky end stuck directly on top of the other sticky end, which was in turn affixed directly to his skin, and so once he had endured the painful process of unsticking the first part, he was still only halfway done (and even he could tell that the second half was going to be even more agonizing).

Struggling desperately to hide the fact that his eyes were watering slightly with pain, Ozzy glared at Pangaea, the ferocity of his gaze somewhat undermined by the half-removed leaf blindfold dangling from the back of his head like a loose scarf. “You knew this thing was going to hurt coming off, didn’t you?” he accused.

Pangaea seemed to shrink down, a profoundly guilty expression on his face. “S–sorry,” he said. “Um…you could try getting the back of the blindfold wet; it might come off easier.”

Ozzy’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, but this time he seemed to accept Pangaea’s suggestion. “If this is a trick…” he growled threateningly.

“It’s not, I swear,” Pangaea assured him. He motioned to the water’s edge. “Just go over there, splash some water on it, soak your entire head if you have to. It should at least make the leaf less painful to pull off. Just watch out for bellydraggers or swimming sharpteeth.”

“Thanks for the advice,” Ozzy grunted sarcastically as he made his way to the riverbank.

(OOC: Stopped here because I figured this post was getting long enough. I’ll focus on Strut next time. ;))

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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((OOC: I don't wanna put too much until Pangy puts up the second half of his post, so here's something to show I'm still alive :lol ))

Having kept mostly to herself for the journey so far, Sparky was just as engrossed at the scenery as Pangaea was, as well as savoring what time she had 'walking' her new hostages-er... I mean, pets -er...I mean, Egg Stealer companions. Yeah, that's it! Stopping with the others, she watched the trouble Ozzy was having with concern. She was going to offer help when she realized that there really wasn't much she can do. So she just stayed where she was, occasionally making a move as if to assist in his efforts before holding herself back.


Normally, Thud would relish the fact that he won an argument, maybe even take a minute to rub his brother's sniffer in it, but not this time. The situation and the topic was just too serious and dire. So instead, he just nodded in compliance, following his brother as they got nearer to their destination.

However, after a few moments of silence, he felt he allowed the fire to simmer down a bit and he muttered in a voice barely loud enough to hear. "We should just give this situation some more time. Maybe everything will work out for the better, eventually." Although he himself wasn't so sure that he believed those words.


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While Ozzy dunked his head in the river (looking amusingly similar to those depictions of ostriches with their heads buried in the sand; something ostriches don’t actually do), Pangaea turned his attention to Strut.

“Okay, Strut, it’s time for that blindfold to come off.”

“Already?” In sharp contrast to Ozzy, Strut actually sounded a little disappointed. “I kinda like having this thing on; I feel like it gives me some privacy, ya know?”

Forced to pause while his brain processed Strut’s words and failingly attempted to analyze the logic in them, Pangaea took a few seconds to respond. “Well, Ozzy’s taking his off, and given the relationship between you two, I think you’d be better off if you could see when you needed to duck, if you know what I mean.”

Strut quickly comprehended Pangaea’s reasoning, flinching as if in remembrance of some particularly painful bruises. “Oh. Okay.”

“Now, if you can just lie down and rest your head to the ground, I can get that thing off for you.”

Evidently more trusting of Pangaea than Ozzy (or maybe just more easily influenced), Strut complied. “This isn’t gonna hurt, is it?”

“Well, it’ll hurt less if you know how to do it right. Now, I’m gonna have you count backwards from five, and when you hit one, I’ll pull the blindfold off. I’m gonna need to put my foot on your beak to brace myself, if that’s okay.”

“Uhh…sure, I guess.”

Pangaea carefully placed one foot on top of Strut’s snout and grasped the top end of the leaf blindfold. “Okay, start counting.”


Pangaea ripped the blindfold off in one swift yank.

“YEOW!” Strut’s yelp was muffled slightly due to his lower jaw being pinned to the ground by Pangaea’s foot, but it still made the sound-sensitive glider cringe. “What did you do that for?” Strut whined. “I didn’t count all the way!”

“Hurts less when you aren’t expecting it,” Pangaea explained with an apologetic shrug. “Sorry about that. How’s your head feel now?”

Strut rubbed the nape of his neck where the sap-covered end of the leaf had been stuck. “Hurts less now, actually,” he said with a hint of surprise.

“See? What did I tell you?” Pangaea glanced at Ozzy to check that he still had his head in the river, then held up the blindfold in front of Strut. “Here,” he whispered.

Strut looked perplexed. “What’s this for?”

“To eat!” Pangaea hissed. “You must be hungry, and Ozzy’s not looking. Quick, take it!”

“Oh!” Without delay, Strut grabbed the leaf in his beak and wolfed it down.

“Hmm, very good! Thanks, Pangaggy!”

“That’s ëPangaea’,” Pangaea corrected, sighing lightly but smiling amusedly.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Miles tiptoed close to the water's edge, careful not to get too close. "And this is the only thing that scares me," he said. "Are we by any chance in Deinosuchus territory?"


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“Deino-what now?” Guido asked.

“Bellydraggers,” Pangaea translated. “And I wish I knew. Just to be safe, we should probably only go near the river if the water’s clear enough to see all the way through. Y’know, so we can tell from a distance whether or not there’s something hiding in the water.

The mention of bellydraggers must have triggered bad memories for Strut, because he yelped fearfully and ran over to Ozzy, who was still dunking his head in the river in an effort to loosen his sticky botanical blindfold.

“Ozzy!” Strut shouted, tapping his brother on the shoulder.

The other egg stealer withdrew his face from the water. “What?” he asked grumpily.

“Has a bellydragger bitten your head off?”

Ozzy’s response was to slap Strut across the face with the leaf he had just peeled off the back of his head.

Pangaea sighed. “Well, Ozzy’s okay,” he observed sardonically. “Why don’t we all carefully grab a quick drink of water and then keep going?”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Miles nodded and knelt at the water's edge, cupping his hands and drinking some of the clear water. "This is really great!" he said. "In fact, it's some of the freshest water I've ever tasted."


The Suchomimus peered at the group once more, bringing only his eyes and nostrils above the waterline like a crocodile. It was certainly the oddest assortment of creatures he'd ever seen. As he retreated back to some reeds, he wondered just what sort of circumstances had brought them together. His head buzzing with questions, the Suchomimus crawled up on the riverbank, out of sight, and dozed off for a few minutes.


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"Probably due to the lack of human contamination!" Sparky chirped in response to Fyn's comment as she wandered to the bank. Taking Pangy's advice of caution, she scanned the water first before leaning down for a drink, always keeping her head level to accomodate her Flyer hat.

The water did taste decent, she supposed, but then again water tended to taste the same to her. She hoped her dinosaur body meant that she won't get sick from drinking such 'fresh' water. When that thought flickered in her head, she quickly sated her thirst before turning her attention to Fyn.

"You'd be safe drinking this water in your human form, right?"


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Miles shrugged. "I guess so. I'm just thirsty, so anything looks good to me." He looked up at the sky and narrowed his eyes. "Pangaea, should we get going soon?"


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"Um, yeah… I kinda just suggested that we do just that," Pangaea told Fyn meekly, hoping that he didn't offend or embarrass the were-longneck in any way.

Walking to the river's edge, Pangaea checked carefully for any predatory creatures that might be lying in wait beneath the surface, then scooped a few quick gulps of water. Guido, following Pangaea as always, did the same.

After glancing around to see who else looked like they were about ready to keep going, Pangaea moved on ahead, hoping that the others would follow him. As he walked further down the canyon, he began to hear the rising rumble of cascading water…

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.