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In The Name of Science


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Yep, this is one of the main reasons I joined. :)

I had had the idea for this story for ages before I sat down to write it. I first got the idea from an old PC game I used to have, Primal Prey. It was a hunting simulation in which you go back in time and hunt dinos for cash. In hindsight it wasn't that good a game :lol: , but the core themes of hunting and time travel were great food for thought.

I was sitting around one day and suddenly said to myself "Hey... this situation could be applied to LBT...!" And, as strange as it sounds, the premise was the base for this - my first fan fic to be shown to the world. Chapters 1 and 2 are here:
And Clicky again

And Chapter 3 is in the works. Enjoy... :DD


  • Jedi Knight
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This is a really awesome story! I love the way you capture both Ali and Jenning's perspectives so completely. It really immerses the reader into their experience. I'll be waiting for chapter 3!


  • Yet another wordsmith
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I remember reading the two chapters of "In The Name Of Science", its one of my favorates,P.S the plot of that Primal Prey game sounds similar to Carnivores 2(another PC game).



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I really, really like this story. The characterization is dead accurate, not to mention the science fiction aspect is pretty cool.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Spike
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Cheers guys...  :DD

I've gotten Chapter 3 Part 1 down (yep, it's a two-parter) and I'm about halfway through typing it up. But with the school week and another of my league races coming it remains to be seen whether I'll get any of it done tomorrow. :rolleyes:

I'll keep yaz posted.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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That was indeed a great story. Spot-on characterization, and I like the Jennings character. Tried to post a review on, but I don't have an account.

Have you ever read A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury? It is one of my favorite short stories, and I think you would really enjoy it. To quote Jurassic Park's John Hammond, it's right up your alley :)


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Oct 20 2009 on  11:53 PM
Have you ever read A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury? It is one of my favorite short stories, and I think you would really enjoy it. To quote Jurassic Park's John Hammond, it's right up your alley :)
Just read it through, an excellent story. I've also read There Will Come Soft Rains as well... Bradbury's one of my favourite authors. :D

Thanks for the comments... :)


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There was a movie adaptation of A Sound of Thunder, although it was dramatically changed from its original format. The "going back in time to hunt dinosaurs" is kept in, but the effects of what happened on that fateful hunt are completely different. Personally, I liked it although it could have been better and more realistic.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Oct 21 2009 on  07:30 AM
There was a movie adaptation of A Sound of Thunder, although it was dramatically changed from its original format. The "going back in time to hunt dinosaurs" is kept in, but the effects of what happened on that fateful hunt are completely different. Personally, I liked it although it could have been better and more realistic.
Interesting. After giving this a bit of thought, I've come to this conclusion: though I do like stories of this nature, and the idea behind it is pretty cool, the logic of it doesn't really make sense to me. One can't "change" time. If you were to go back and kill an insect, that would be in the past - since time is constant, your killing of the insect would have happened anyway, recorded in history, and there would be no effect on the present or future. Like they say in The Lion King, you can't change the past. It's still a cool idea, and you could make heaps of stories from it.

Speaking of stories, I just finished typing up chapter 3 part 1... I'll upload it tomorrow. :)


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Actually, it would have an effect on the future if you kill an insect; just not as major as seen in the movie. For instance, if you were to kill off the first mammals, according to science, you'd kill off our chances of even existing. Bring a dinosaur into our time and you also change the course of history; you've erased a dinosaur from the timeline essentially and changed the events that were supposed to happen. Change the past and you do change the future in some way. History will not stay the same if you change something in the past.

Of course there is the time paradox theory. For instance, if you went back in time and killed..oh say, your mother. This would prevent you from being born. Then you wouldn't be able to go back in time to kill your mother and thus your mother is never killed, then the timeline goes back to normal, in a sense. Interesting theory and it does make sense.

However, changing the past is still very dangerous. No one can be certain if the time paradox thing is correct or not. While killing an insect would not cause changes as dramatic as in the movie, it isn't true that it wouldn't change the past, in my opinion. As I said, if you were to take a dinosaur out of the timeline, that would, in fact, change the past because now that dinosaur is in an area that it should not be; it's no longer in the place it was supposed to be in the original timeline.

No offense intended or anything.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Oct 21 2009 on  08:14 AM
For instance, if you were to kill off the first mammals, according to science, you'd kill off our chances of even existing. Bring a dinosaur into our time and you also change the course of history; you've erased a dinosaur from the timeline essentially and changed the events that were supposed to happen. Change the past and you do change the future in some way. History will not stay the same if you change something in the past.
As I said, if you were to take a dinosaur out of the timeline, that would, in fact, change the past because now that dinosaur is in an area that it should not be; it's no longer in the place it was supposed to be in the original timeline.
I guess what I mean is, if you were to kill an animal in the past, nothing would change because, as time is straight and rigid, the animal's death by your hand had already happened, and probably set the course for the events leading up to the present. History would stay the same, because you are doing something that helps build the path it follows.
I suppose you could call it "doing what history dictates"... making an event happen in the past so as to introduce the present. Like a jigsaw puzzle: There are notches that shapes fit into - your travelling through time and the animal's death is the shape, and history is the notch.
In the end, I suppose I'm saying that what happened in the past, happened. And your actions helped it to happen. Of course your example of killing the first mammals could well be an entirely different matter.

...I'm probably making no sense whatsoever. :p Apologies... bedtime for me... :wave


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I don't think I really agree with you on this. As previously stated, there are changes you can make to the past that would dramatically effect the future. If the current timeline dictates that mammals become the dominant vertebrate after the death of the dinosaurs, then how would killing off the mammals and letting dinosaurs continue to rule after what was supposed to be the K-T Catastrophe be doing what the timeline dictates? It seems contradictory to me. No offense or anything.

I find the idea of time travel cool and all, but I do fear of changing something in the past because you never know what kind of impact that would have on the future. I don't think it's a good idea to be all "I can change whatever I want and it won't effect anything" while being in the past, doing whatever we want.

And again no offense. And if I misunderstood you, I apologize.

Edit: I posted this before I saw your modified post. :p Whoops.


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Hey, no problem. I like a good discussion. :lol:

I'm sure your theory would indeed work under extreme circumstances (KT event and all) but when talking about smaller cases such as one animal, my theory would be slightly more plausible.

Anyway, I think we should agree to disagree. Shake hands? :smile

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'm with SouthPaw on this one, but as you've both said we have no way of knowing for sure. In my fanfics, the timeline is set, and the knowledge of this sometimes surprises the characters when a Chekhov's Gun comes into play.

Can't wait for chapter 3!

The Chronicler

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When it comes to time travel, particularly into the past, here's how I see it happens.

For the first part of my description, I believe in the existence of parallel universes. For example, somebody is walking down a path and reaches a point where it goes in two directions, and the person has to choose whether to go left or right. What really happens is that the universe splits into two universes, in one universe the person goes left and in the other universe the person goes right.

In this case, imaging the time-line being like a tree, which means the present is like the tip of one branch. All the other branches are like different versions of the present (parallel universes), where certain past events happened differently. If you travel back in time, it's like going downwards on your branch. Whatever changes you make in the past don't change the branch you came down from. Instead, you create a new branch, where the "present" of that branch is different from the one you came down from, due to the events you caused. (heck, even being in the past to begin with would be enough to create a new branch) However, no matter how much you try, you'll never be able to go back up the branch you originally came down from. You could create a new branch that would be extremely similar to the one you came down from, but you can't go back to the one where you first came from.

That's how I think time travel works.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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That is a very interesting proposition Chronicler. :yes

Chapter 3 part 1 is up!

Click me pleez

Enjoy... :DD


  • Yet another wordsmith
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I just read chapter 3 and I can't wait for chapter 4(or chapter 3 part 2).



  • Spike
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Jeez, I've really been neglecting this poor story... :blink:

Update time methinks.

I've gotten Chapter 3 part 2 about 85% done on paper. I just need to work around a bit of the dialogue and I'll be done, then it's just a case of typing it up and it's ready. I haven't abandoned the story, and unlike my other fics, I probably won't until it's finished.

Still, I've got to be one of the s-l-o-w-e-s-t fan fiction writers ever... :o


  • Yet another wordsmith
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your not the slowest, I can be pretty slow most of the time until recently  :lol