The Gang of Five
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  • Jedi Knight
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Personally, I think #1 is the better idea. :)


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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Well, it seems like the GOF fanfickers have spoken! Looks like I'm going route #1 then! Thanks guys...appreciate the help! ;) I'm about 90% done with chapter 24 so with a bit of luck it should be up sooner rather than later :D


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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Alrighty then! I've finally managed to update BOSE II with chapter 24. It's only taken....what?....3 months to write 7,400 words (pretty poor working ratio eh? :oops ). Anyway, I thought, seeing as you guys influenced my storyline in this chapter, I'll post the latest chapter up here as well as on :D The part that you guys helped me write is when Littlefoot and the gang make their final escape. Enjoy and thanx again ;)

If anyone wishes to read this chapter on click the link below:

BOSE II - Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Smoke, Heat and Fire

"Holographic Light Sphere activated," a computerised female voice said monotonically as a neon blue gridded orb floated up and out of the screen of the little device to help illuminate the pitch black. Kairyn held the Minicom up allowing the piercing light to fall on a clump of huddled bodies as one by one, they unfurled from one another.

"Everyone all right?" Kairyn asked as the mass of limbs and tails untangled themselves.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Littlefoot responded battling with his weary legs to grant him permission to stand once again.

"We are okay, yep, yep, yep," Ducky replied feebly as she clambered through a gap between Spike and Cera.

"Me be okay...if Spike get off me..." Petrie's muffled voice emanated from beneath Spike's belly. Spike hummed in slight confusion as he slowly pushed himself up off the ground and looked under him. A shadowy eagle-spread imprint of Petrie lay squashed in the rocky soil as he whimpered at the pain of being compressed. Spike carefully took Petrie in his mouth by the back of the neck and stood him up in a clear space where the little flyer warbled and stumbled on his feet. Spike licked Petrie apologetically but this only made the disoriented flyer tumbled over backwards to land flat on his back on the dusty floor.

"Anyone have any idea where we are?" Cera then asked as she shook the loose dirt off her back. Kairyn lifted the holographic sphere higher to try and spill more of its incandescent light into the cramped dark cave.

"You got me," Kairyn said finally, "a cave of some sort."

"Looks like rocks fell in behind us so that way is blocked," Littlefoot said eyeing the pile of boulders jamming up their way in.

"So we're trapped in here? Great," Cera huffed irritably.

"Hang on, there's a tunnel back here," Kairyn announced from around a blind corner. The gang all carefully made their way over to where he was calling from. With the Minicom held high, they could all just make out the mouth of a high roofed tunnel leading the way deeper into the mountain.

"Where do you think it goes?" Ducky asked apprehensively.

"Guess there is only one way to know," Littlefoot said sounding slightly nervous himself.

"It's not like we have any other way to go. Come on," Cera said before bumping Kairyn in the small of his back with her nose horn, "you've got the light so you lead human." Kairyn sighed before reluctantly stepping ahead of the group followed closely by the rest of the gang.

The rugged walls of the tunnel made the walkway unnervingly narrow despite the height of its ceiling. Kairyn cautiously wandered down the path with the Minicom held aloft in his left hand. The dinosaurs were literally at nose to tail proximity to each other as they followed Kairyn's lead. The air was chokingly thick as they shuffled their way down the passageway; their husky breaths echoing between the tight walls.

"Sure is dark down here..." Petrie quivered lowly, staring up at the rugged surfaces either side of him in the pale glow of blue light. No one spoke back to him but they all silently felt the claustrophobic walls pressing down on them like spiteful creatures trying to reach out and grab at them. Having followed the tunnel for a little while, all without gaining any noticeable headway, one of the gang made a peculiar observation.

"Urrrgghh! What is that smell?" Ducky then said. The sudden pique of her voice from the darkness made the others all jump a little.

"What smell?" Littlefoot asked feeling a little more relaxed to finally be engaging in conversation rather than enduring the tense silence draped over them all.

"That nasty stinky smell. It smells very bad, it does, it does," Ducky said disapprovingly.

"Whatever it is, it better not be Spike," Cera scorned bluntly. Spike let out a grumbled groan in offense.

"It is not you Spike. The air smells funny down here, it does, it really does," Ducky continued. Littlefoot lifted his hanged head up and inhaled sharply. A strong pungent odour shot up his nostrils and down into his throat forcing him to gag and cough.

"Oohhh! Errugh!" he cringed, "Ducky's right! That is nasty!" Even though they had just all witnessed Littlefoot choke on whatever foul scent was floating in the air, everyone else unintelligently decided to do the same and sample the quality of the tunnel's air only to fall victim to the same result.

"Oh man! There's a stink I could have done without," Kairyn wheezed pinching his nose.

"Eww! It smells like that pit back when those weird Rainbow-Faces helped us get to the Stone of Cold Fire," Cera flinched, her eyes watering a little.

After a quick fit of coughs and splutters, the gang all took whatever measures they could to minimise breathing in any more of the unpleasant aroma and continued down the tunnel.

"Whew. Is it just me or is it getting warmer in here?" Kairyn then said slipping his hand over his forehead to mop his suddenly damp brow. He paused for a moment to remove his hooded jacket and tied it around his waist.

"It's not just you Kairyn. It does seem warmer all of a sudden," Littlefoot agreed feeling a little flushed himself.

"Maybe it is because we have been walking for so long," Ducky suggested.

"The Minicom's heat sensors have detected an increase in the air temperature as well as a serious decrease in air quality," Kairyn reported as he poked his Minicom and a holographic display of numbers popped up around the glowing blue sphere, "that'll explain the smell but I wonder why it's dipped so much."

"Lookie there! Light!" Petrie then announced pointing down the length of the tunnel. Everyone looked to where he was signalling. Sure enough, a warm glowing light was emanating from the end of the tunnel.

"Finally we can see a way out," Cera sighed but was quickly reacquainted with the foul stench that had been lingering around them and wrinkled her face with disgust, "uck! But that bad smell is still here."

"C'mon guys. Let's just keep going. We're almost out of here," Littlefoot offered encouragingly. With nothing more said, and the light slowly piercing the darkness, they marched towards the exit. As they journeyed on, they started to find the simple act to breathe becoming a chore but no one wanted to complain. Then Petrie picked up on something else.

"What that hissing sound?" he asked anxiously.

"What hissing sound?" Cera asked back impatiently just as a jet of air shot at her from her left hand side and directly in front of her making her squeal and stop.

"That hissing sound," Petrie said unhelpfully. Cera whipped a scornful gaze back at the little flyer who quickly shrunk behind Spike to dodge eye contact.

"Where did that come from? It looked like it came from out of the rocks," Littlefoot analysed sounded a little bewildered. He leaned in closer to where the jet of pressured air had emerged from but Kairyn pulled his head back.

"Littlefoot, careful. It could be more steam like back out on that geyser field. You don't wanna burn your face," he warned. Suddenly, Kairyn's Minicom let out a shrieking little buzz. Drawing his attention immediately, Kairyn read the display and his eyes widened with worry.

"What is wrong Kairyn?" Ducky asked reading the look on his face.

"Temperature's reading thirty-seven degrees Celsius and steadily rising. Air quality's degrading," he said sounding disturbed as he tapped more buttons, "this isn't steam...Guys! Get back from the gas! Don't breathe too deep!"

"Why? What's wrong?" Littlefoot asked as Kairyn backed him up.

"The gas seeping out of the rocks, the bad stink we've been smelling all the way down here; it's some sort of sulphurous gas!" Kairyn said forebodingly. The others, again confused by the human terminology, looked at each other blankly and back at Kairyn in hope of an explanation.

"What's a sul-phur-ous...?" Littlefoot began to ask but Kairyn cut in as he had hoped.

"A gas with the element sulphur as its key constituent component. According to this, this gaseous compound is poisonous. If you breathe in too much of it, it will probably knock you out or possibly worse! That's why the air quality reading has been getting worse as we've been walking down here." The gang all stiffened at Kairyn's warning; even Cera who had duly learnt not to challenge Kairyn's knowledge of things they weren't entirely sure of. As much as she would never admit it, he was far more resourceful than she was.

"We need to be careful walking through big clouds of this stuff. It might be damaging to our health," Kairyn tagged on as he flicked the clam-shelled device shut. The light coming from the end of the tunnel was now illuminating the narrow walls just enough for them to see the path ahead. That's when a damning realisation hit all six of them at exactly the same time. Turning rigidly towards their path, they could see a dense concentration of gassy blasts shooting out of the walls from every inch up and down their rocky surfaces.

"Great! So how are we supposed to get to the end of the pathway if all that nasty air is in the way," Cera muttered wincing at the scent.

"The bad air isn't spraying out of the rocks all the time. Maybe we could slip in between the blasts and get to the other side," Littlefoot suggested.

"But how we know when bad air going to squirt out again?" Petrie countered.

"There's no real way to tell sadly. Guess we've just gotta time our moves carefully and hope we don't get sprayed," Kairyn said shrugging. He was starting to feel a nauseating sense of dread well up in the pit of his stomach as a harrowing series of thoughts passed through his mind. "I hope we're not where I think we are," he pondered fretfully.

"So, who's gonna go first? There's not enough room for all of us to move at the same time," Littlefoot asked.

"I am small and the bad air is spraying upwards; maybe I can get through," Ducky bravely volunteered. No one had any objections so with a quick well-wish each, Ducky slid off Spike's back and edged as close as she could to the nearest steaming crack. She did her best not to inhale too sharply as the oozing split in the wall seeped out a strong blast of the noxious gas. The pressure then dropped and the clouded air space cleared within a second. Ducky seized her chance and darted forwards. Holding her breath, she past two vents in succession before pausing to allow the third one to shoot just before her. The sudden burst of gas made her yelp but she quickly covered her mouth to prevent wasting any more breath. The others watched her movements anxiously from their end hoping that she'd pass the sulphurous gauntlet without falling victim to it venomous fumes. Still on a single breath, Ducky made another quick dash as the gas evaporated from view. Repeating her start/stop routine, Ducky past the remaining few cloudy jets to end up safely at the far end.

"I...I made-ed it! I am okay!" Ducky puffed as she fought to breathe again.

"She did it!" Littlefoot beamed.

"Yeah, she made it look easy," Kairyn agreed impressed.

"Well, guess it our turn now," Petrie said with a small gulp. After a brief battle of suggestions as to who was to head out next, Cera boldly took the second run in a boastful effort to prove that a threehorn could clear the danger just as efficiently as any other creature; if not better. Cera had successfully past the first couple of venting cracks when Littlefoot decided to make his move in the hope that Cera's progression wouldn't falter. With a held breath each, Spike followed behind Littlefoot's lead with Petrie riding atop him and Kairyn brought up the rear.

"You can do it guys. You are doing fine," Ducky cheered trying to help keep them focused. Cera, Littlefoot, Spike and Kairyn were now all immersed in the foul smelling corridor of putrid air trying their best to ignore the burning in the back of their throats where tiny slithers of the gas had managed to seep into their nostrils. Cera, with one last leap, jumped clear of the last vent and exhaled sharply.

"Ergh! I'm gonna need a bath after walking through all this smelly stuff," Cera cringed as she pulled up alongside Ducky as far as she could get from the shooting jets. Ducky giggled at her statement. Littlefoot quickly followed behind Cera and he breathed a sigh of relief once he was out of range of the nasty scented gas. He returned a smile offered by Ducky before looking back towards the gassy passage. Spike emerged a few seconds later carrying Petrie who immediately took to the air to distance himself as quickly as he could from the sulphurous gas.

"Whew! That stuff smell terrible! Worse than the stinky swamp we cross when we go to find Littlefoot when he and his grandparents go to that giant hole!" Petrie said as he landed between Cera and Ducky.

"Well it is over now Petrie. We can move away from the smelly air now, we can," Ducky said smiling as Spike waddled over.

"You okay Spike?" Littlefoot asked the young stegosaurus who hummed happily after a short sharp exhale.

"So where's the two-footed know-it-all?" Cera then said sarcastically.

"He was right behind Spike," Littlefoot replied ignoring her mocking tone.

"I hope he is alright. He is taking a long time," Ducky said starting to sound concerned.

"Kairyn! Kairyn, are you alright?" Littlefoot shouted down into the tunnel. The tightly packed walls made his voice reverberate and repeat in the confining space. To Littlefoot's fear, Kairyn didn't reply. Littlefoot then turned to Petrie.

"Petrie, can you fly up and see if you can find Kairyn?" he asked.

"Umm...okay," Petrie replied nervously. With a quick beat of his wings, Petrie shot into the air to try and gain an aerial view of the gas-shooting section of the tunnel. The clouding gas made it difficult to make out anything specific but Petrie soon spotted Kairyn just over three-quarters of the way down the passage. He was lying face down on the ground and didn't appear to be moving. With a quick loop, Petrie dove to the ground to report the grim news.

"Kairyn still in there! He lying down but me no think he moving!" Petrie said urgently. Littlefoot's gut turned ice cold. Kairyn was obviously unconscious in the gas.

"We've gotta help him!" Littlefoot cried making a beeline for the gauntlet. A strong blasting jet shot as a warning in front of Littlefoot's face as he approached. Littlefoot ducked his head low to try and see underneath the viscous clouds.

"I see him!" Littlefoot shouted but quickly coughed and gagged as the dissipating particles of the dense gas shot into his open mouth.

"Littlefoot! Be careful! Don't breathe in the bad air!" Cera scorned as she and the others trotted up behind him.

"We've gotta get him outta there!" Littlefoot barked as he caught his breath again. He almost choked on the air again when he saw that Ducky had already made a start on trying to reach Kairyn's incapacitated position. He was desperate to set out after her but the vent let out another blast of noxious fumes that prevented him from venturing out.

Ducky had reached Kairyn's fallen position and was trying her best to try and pull his dead weight along the gravelly floor towards the exit. He began inching slowly as she tugged at his arm with all her might. The gassy sprays discharged dangerously close to her head at high pressure but she remained as low as possible to avoid being hit by the airy shots.

"That's it Ducky! Bring him closer!" Littlefoot urged. His head was ducked low primed to snatch at any inch of Kairyn that came close enough to pull him out of harm's way. Ducky struggled and strained with Kairyn's limp arm, trying her hardest to get him within range of Littlefoot. She was starting to felt light-headed as she could feel the burning sensation of the poisonous chemicals seeping down her throat.

"Me help!" Petrie cawed as he swooped down from in between the blasting vents. Landing beside Ducky, he grabbed the same arm and tugged as hard as he could. Littlefoot was anxiously waiting beyond the last sulphurous vent. Another jet had just disappeared and Kairyn was almost within snatching range.

"A little closer...gotta time it right..." his mind edged. A new wave of explosive blasts erupted near his head stealing Kairyn and his rescuers from sight. Littlefoot's nerves tingled violently but he remained trained on his task. The gas then dissipated and he saw a limp hand pass into the path of the depressurised vent. Littlefoot extended his coiled neck, shot his head forward, clamped his jaws around the appendage and yanked it towards him fiercely with Ducky and Petrie still attached. Kairyn's flaccid body rushed along the ground kicking up a dusty haze just as another shot of potent gas erupted out from the cracks in the wall.

Littlefoot dragged Kairyn down to where the air was a little cleaner and let his arm flop to the floor. Cera, Spike, Ducky and Petrie (who had since let go of Kairyn whilst he was being dragged) ran over to the pair of them as Littlefoot dug his nose under Kairyn and rolled him over onto his back.

"Is he...okay?" Ducky asked nervously. Littlefoot's eyes darted up and down Kairyn still body. His mind was racing far too fast for him to think clearly.

"I...I dunno," he flailed.

"Littlefoot, calm down; try not to panic," Cera eased. She could see he was very distressed.

"Is he breathing?" she then asked. Littlefoot took a quick breath before bending his head down to Kairyn's face.

"I don't think so," Littlefoot reported quickly, having not heard any effort to inhale nor any air brush his cheek from Kairyn's nose.

"What we do?" Petrie whined.

"C'mon Kairyn! Wake up!" Littlefoot pleaded at the unconscious boy but he didn't respond. Littlefoot began nudging and shaking him trying desperately to get him to awaken. His mind's eye then flashed a disturbing image of deja vu; a replay of an event Littlefoot was forced to witness before. In a panicked move, Littlefoot dropped his front feet directly down onto Kairyn's chest in an effort to try and disturb what looked like a deep slumber. The force of the movement was unintentional but the impact was strong enough to make Kairyn lurch up. Littlefoot, surprised at first, watched the body fall back to the ground as the reaction subsided. Puzzled as to what he had just done, Littlefoot then felt something gently tapping the underside of his right foot as it sat on the boy's chest. Flinching at first, Littlefoot then slowly pressed his foot down a little harder and felt the rhythmic tapping again.

"Is that Kairyn's heart I can feel?" Littlefoot pondered. The thought brought a wave of relief that began to calm Littlefoot's own surging heartbeat. Kairyn was alive to a degree but he had to start breathing again. Lifting his feet slightly, Littlefoot pushed down on Kairyn's chest again. He lurched up again but this time Kairyn gave a sickening cough. The gang's faces all lit up as Kairyn rolled over on his side and gasped to replenish the breath stolen from his lungs.

"Kairyn! Are you all right?" Ducky asked through her fingers that were pressed to her face with worry. Kairyn moaned giddily and slowly pushed himself up on to his hands and knees.

"Urrghh...ohh...what the hell happened?" Kairyn groaned once his choking coughs subsided.

"You passed out in the bad air. Ducky and Petrie pulled you over to us and I pulled you out," Littlefoot explained overwhelmed with relief to see Kairyn animate again.

"Really? After all my warnings to you guys about inhaling that sulphurous gas I was the one who got knocked out?" Kairyn said half smiling.

"Maybe you should have listened to your own warnings instead of worrying about us," Cera said smugly. Littlefoot was about to throw her a dirty look but Kairyn's light chuckle made him withhold the gesture.

"Guess you're right there Cera. You guys seem to be perfectly capable of looking out for yourselves," he said as he tried to stand upright, "Whoa; I've got a thumping headache now, but thanks Ducky...Petrie. Thanks for coming back for me." Ducky and Petrie both smiled warmly and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Can you walk?" Littlefoot asked catching Kairyn as he stumbled to one side.

"I think I'll be okay. Think I just need to get out of here before anything else goes wrong," Kairyn said using Littlefoot's head to steady himself.

Grateful to be leaving the sulphur vents behind them, the gang made towards the tunnel's exit. All the while, they all found that their surroundings were starting to become increasingly uncomfortable.

"Whew! It getting hot in here!" Petrie said fanning his face with the tips of his wings.

"No fooling, air temperature's sky rocketed in just a short walk from the gas back there," Kairyn agreed as he brought out his Minicom again.

"You'd think with it being so hot we were inside the Smoking Mountains or something," Littlefoot jested as he flicked off the beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead.

"I wouldn't joke about that too much Littlefoot," Cera slurred as they came to the exit of the tunnel. The gang wandered out from the stuffy tunnel and stopped on a ledge to stare out at their new environment.

"Oh boy...this is what I was afraid of," Kairyn sighed defeated as the realisation kicked in.

"Oh no! We no go past the Mountains That Burn...We walk straight into them!" Petrie cawed in dismay. From their ledge, the gang found themselves gazing out over a giant lava pit. Their evasive dash from the sharpteeth through the geyser field had forced them to blindly charge into an access passage that led deep into the fiery bowels of a volcano. Peering over the edge, Kairyn's foot nudged a loose stone that fell away and tumbled down. It landed in the fiery pit with a gloopy splash, hissing as the intense heat melted it down almost instantly.

"I'm guessing this wasn't the route you first took to get to the Great Valley huh?" Kairyn asked eyeing Littlefoot sideways as he backed away from the edge.

"N-no...I past the Mountains That Burn and I remember going back to help the others when they got into trouble but, we never went directly into one of them," he responded unable to take his eyes off the bubbling magma pool below.

"So now what? We can't go back the way we came," Cera rightly pointed out.

"Look, there is a ledge going around the outside of the mountain," Littlefoot then said signalling to a thin-lipped path running around the inside edge of the volcano's rocky wall.

"And it leads right to the top," Cera added following the path's spiralling route upwards. With no other possible way out, the vote was unanimous. Baked by the intense heat of the boiling lava not too far below them, the group all shuffled to the start of the corkscrewing pathway and began marching up its steep slope.

In a single filed line, the group of youngsters cautiously made their way up and around the edge of the volcano. The heat rising up from the pit beneath them distorted their view to a queasy wavering that only added to their physical discomfort alongside the blistering warmth. Kairyn's Minicom was blipping intense warnings of the elevated temperature strongly advising that he and his travelling companions seek shade immediately.

"Can't you stop that stupid thing of yours from making that annoying sound?" Cera barked irritably having attempted to ignore the piercing bleeping coming from Kairyn's pocket. Kairyn sheepishly dipped his hand down the side of his leg and pulled out the Minicom that was flashing a warning red around its closed rim.

"Sorry. It's just warning us that we shouldn't be in here coz it's too hot to tolerate for an extended period of time," Kairyn said tapping at the screen.

"Well I could have told you that without that thing!" Cera remarked grumpily.

"C'mon guys, let's just get to the end of the path," Littlefoot urged trying to keep everyone's tempers down. The last thing they needed besides walking on a hazardously narrow ledge over a magma pool was for fiery attitudes to add to the already unbearable heat.

"There...done," Kairyn announced poking one last key silencing the computer's screeching.

"That's better," Cera huffed flicking the rolling sweat off her brow. However, after only a few steps further, the Minicom started wailing again. Cera ducked her head and grinded her teeth.

"I thought you said you'd stop it from making that stupid noise!" she snapped shunting Kairyn in the back of the legs.

"Oww! Hey! I DID stop it!" Kairyn protested reaching for the Minicom again, "I dunno what's up with it." Flicking open the screen again, Kairyn examined the device but his face pursed up in confusion.

"Hmm...that's new..." he hummed.

"What wrong?" Petrie asked taking a short flight from atop Spike to perch on Kairyn's shoulder to look at the device. Naturally, the little flyer couldn't make heads nor tails of what Kairyn was reading.

"I've never had an alert like this before. Must be something Dad installed when he updated it last for me," Kairyn said aloud but to himself.

"What is it?" Littlefoot asked.

"It's a scientist's application for measurement tools; like the temperature gauge. This one is for measuring seismic activity," Kairyn said, his face still buried in the screen.

"What does that mean?" Ducky asked curiously.

"Well, it's for measuring movements in the earth to detect earthquakes..." Kairyn said trailing off.

"Earthquakes?" Petrie said gulping, "Is that anything like...earthshakes?"

"I'm gonna guess that that's your dino talk for the same thing, yeah," Kairyn grimaced nervously. The group then all suddenly paused in their tracks as another threatening realisation kicked in.

"Don't tell me that an earthshake's gonna happen while we're in here!" Cera said miserably.

"I don't think so...not by this reading anyway," Kairyn reported as he pecked at the Minicom with his finger, "we're definitely inside an active volcano so there is bound to be some seismic activity going on. The readings are sharp but small and quick so I don't think we're in any danger of being caught up in a volcanic eruption."

"Well, guess we'd better get out of here before this mountain changes its mind," Littlefoot suggested.

"Yeah. If this mountain is gonna blow up, I don't wanna be anywhere near it," Cera added. With an anxious nod each, they all quickened their pace.

Determined not to be caught in any eruptive event that the volcano may have had in store in the near future, the gang were relieved to realise that they were nearing the top of the mountain. There was an odd clash of temperatures as the cool soothing winds from the outside world struck head on with the rising heat from the fiery pit below. The stifling atmosphere was slowly lessening in intensity as they progressed further upwards but they soon stopped as their path suddenly became a little more perilous.

"Aww man! Are you kidding me?" Kairyn whined as they stood a few feet away from the path ahead which had now separated itself from the wall and was now suspended over the lava pit.

"We've done this over a bottomless chasm in the forest AND over a pit full of ice spikes. Now we've gotta do it again but over FIRE this time?! Does someone up there not like us or something?"

"Ohh, quit complaining you baby!" Cera retorted as they all scanned the dimensions of the floating rock bridge.

"It does not look very thick or wide, no, no, no," Ducky pointed out.

"They never are for some reason and they all seem susceptible to breaking apart whilst we're on them," Kairyn continued to rant.

"Well, we've got no other choice. The way out is just there on the other side. Once we cross the path, we're out in the open again," Littlefoot said. Kairyn sighed in defeat. He knew all his complaining would be for nought since they'd have to cross the floating walkway anyway.

"Chased by predators, crushed by snow, gassed by sulphur and now death by freefall into molten lava. How do you guys cope with all this crap?" Kairyn said half laughing.

"Do not worry Kairyn. Life in the Great Valley is much easier than all of the things we have had to do out here in the Mysterious Beyond. It is, it is," Ducky said encouragingly.

"Your Valley sounds like a corner of heaven compared to everything we've been through," Kairyn said smiling idyllically, "I can't wait to get there." Cera then mumbled something out of earshot but Littlefoot promptly elbowed her in the side.

So, one by one, the six adventurers slowly inched their way along the narrow floating path in single file. The rising heat from the lava pit beneath them seemed to lick at their skin as they wandered out over the bubbling molten pool. Cera led the group trailed by Littlefoot and Spike (with Ducky and Petrie riding on his back) with Kairyn walking rigidly at the back muttering quiet prayers of his disdain at the idea of falling to his doom should the path split apart under him. A breathy updraft flushed up from below and threatened to snatch at Petrie but Ducky quickly took his floundering hand and pulled him close. With their concentration cemented on traversing the rocky bridge safely, no one uttered a word but the silence was broken when an ear-splitting wail rang out over them.

"Aaahh! W-wh-what was that?!" Cera said quivering now rooted to her spot.

"S-sorry! Sorry! That was my Minicom again…its alarm when off again," Kairyn sighed having nearly leapt off the path from sheer fright.

"That stupid shell thing again?! If that thing goes off one more time, I'm gonna…" Cera started but Littlefoot bumped her rear with the top of his head as hers swivelled round to try and locate Kairyn.

"Cera! Now's not the time! Just keep going!" he ushered signalling to the bank in front of them. Cera, failing to see Kairyn over Littlefoot, locked eyes with the longneck for a second before snorting as she turned back to face forwards again muttering angry growls under her breath. To their relief, the gang managed to make their way over the rocky suspended bridge with little trouble.

"Well, guess that wasn't so bad," Kairyn said smiling as he cleared the last few metres of the path with a leaping hop, "at least nothing wild happened."

"Nope," Littlefoot replied happily as his eyes then traced the remaining section of the path, "and look how close to the top we are."

"Me just be glad when we get out of here. Strong blowy winds from fire pit almost carry me away," Petrie said finally freeing himself from Ducky's mothering grip. Spike hummed in wholehearted agreement.

"Then, let's go," Cera announced making a start for the remainder of their climb. Taking her first step, Cera immediately cringed as the same shrieking wail emanated from Kairyn she had come to recognise as nothing more than an irritancy. A flared stare shot around and locked on Kairyn who had slapped his hands down onto the side of his thigh to muffle the shrilling ring his Minicom was making.

"I thought I'd given you enough warnings about that thing making that noise! It's giving me a headache!" she said dangerously.

"It's not doing it to be annoying Cera," Kairyn said nervously as she slowly trudged towards him, "it's a warning alarm that's telling us that something requires our attention."

"Then what is it supposed to be warning us about?!" Cera snapped. Kairyn rapidly dipped his hand into his pocket and examined the device which was pulsing a panicked red light around its closed rim.

"Uh oh..." he grimaced as he read the screen.

"What? What's the matter?" Littlefoot instantly inquired. Suddenly, they all felt a great rumbling ripple beneath their feet and the whole area around them shook.

"THAT'S the matter!" Kairyn cringed, "the seismic sensor in the Minicom has been going off coz of the increased amount of activity inside the volcano. I think we might have an eruption brewing down there!" As if to enforce Kairyn's point, the surroundings gave an extra strong shudder that peeled off large boulders and chucks of rock from out of the walls. They spun and tumbled down into the lava pit which was bubbling furiously and began billowing a thick, streaming, smoggy black cloud. Kairyn's Minicom's buzzing suddenly exploded into a piercing wailing, screaming at the panicked group as they tried their hardest not to be thrown off their feet by the mighty tremors.

"We'd better get outta here! There's no telling when this mountain will blow!" Littlefoot warned. Already several steps ahead of his proposed idea, the gang had made a start for the trembling spiral path that was snaking its way up to the summit of the fiery mountain. The fierce vibrations rippling through the ground made it difficult for the gang to run at full stride without having to fight to prevent themselves from being thrown off balance. Giant rocks shed themselves from the wall running along their right side threatened to tumble on top of them. Spike yelped in fear as one large boulder came crashing down in front of him just between him and Cera.

"Go on Spike! Keep running!" Littlefoot urged nearly slamming into the back of him. Regaining his momentum, Spike tucked himself close to the wall to dodge the residual rocks that had broken away in the boulder's bounce with Littlefoot just behind him. The tremors were getting worse as they scrambled their way desperately up the long corkscrewing path. The hailstorm of rocky debris did not relent as they climbed; all the while, the magma below was beginning to bubble with increasing turbulence. Kairyn's Minicom was still screaming above the low pitched rumblings of the falling rocks and the shuddering tremors that was throttling the entire mountain.

"Look! We almost at the top!" Petrie cried as he quickly evaded an aerial barrage of smaller stones and rocks falling from the mountain's top ridge. Delighted to final see the sky again, the gang all pushed themselves to reach their goal; their feet sore and throbbing from pounding the gravelly floor. Suddenly, a giant boulder fell away from the summit and dropped onto the path shaking the ground with tremendous force. Cera squealed as the boulder plummeted just in front of her, punching a great hole the path.

"Jump!" Littlefoot cried seeing the threehorn freeze on the spot. Cera took a step back before charging at the newly formed gap with a roaring cry. She made it. Sliding to a stop, she glanced back to her friends.

"C'mon guys!" she edged. Spike took the next jump but stumbled as he took off. The awkward jerk destabilised Ducky from her seat on his back and she fell sideways whilst Spike was airborne. She let out a terrified screech as she saw the flaming pit beneath her. Just as quickly as the slip had occurred, Ducky suddenly felt something halt her descent in mid-air as two clamps fastened themselves onto her shoulders. Glancing back up, she found Petrie flapping madly as he strained to keep her up and him aloft. With some difficulty, Petrie managed to get the pair of them to the ledge where Cera and Spike were waiting where he sat them down thoroughly exhausted.

"Thank you Petrie! Thank you!" Ducky wheezed as she hugged him tightly.

"You welcome!" Petrie quacked through her crushing grip.

Meanwhile, back on the severed path, Littlefoot was steadying himself for his leap. He was lined up and applied his burst of speed just before Kairyn called out to him.

"Littlefoot! Look out!" he yelled over the rumbling around them. Littlefoot glanced back at Kairyn and then up to where he was pointing. Another supersized rock had exfoliated itself from the wall and Littlefoot was directly underneath its growing shadow. Already in full stride, Littlefoot attempted to outrun it. Passing underneath the falling rock, it slammed into the path between him and Kairyn forcing Kairyn to skid to a stop to avoid being crushed. The crash landing of the rock rippled through the path as Littlefoot crouched to make his jump. The quaking of the path made his knees buckle as he took off, killing the stored energy in his coiled legs to power his leap. Littlefoot's eyes gaped as he stumbled as he jumped. His flight was coming up too short. The gang on the other side all held their breath as Littlefoot flew through the air. Approaching the ledge, Littlefoot instinctively stretched himself out as far as he could reach. To his relief, his forefeet hit solid ground but his body was left dangling precariously down over the bubbling lava that had since started to rise.

Littlefoot struggled and strained to keep himself from falling as Kairyn approached the edge and paused. There wasn't enough room for him to make his jump with Littlefoot still hanging onto the ledge of the path ahead.

"C'mon Littlefoot...get up!" Kairyn begged silently. He was so focused on Littlefoot trying to haul himself up that he almost didn't catch wind of Petrie yelling at him.

"Kairyn! Big rock! Look out!" the little flyer cried pointing above the boy. Kairyn snapped his eyes up and saw yet another boulder tumbling down towards him. With a yelp, Kairyn took a step forwards and forced a static jump from a standstill. The boulder crumbled the path as it struck down but thankfully Kairyn was already clear and was sailing through the air to the ledge that Littlefoot was still trying to climb up.

"Heads up Littlefoot!" Kairyn warned as he came within a few feet of the scrambling longneck. Littlefoot paused for a second and looked back just in time to see Kairyn come rushing at him. Gritting his teeth, Littlefoot felt Kairyn crash into the back of him and clamp his hands onto his already aching shoulders. Having controlled the momentum of their swing, Littlefoot and Kairyn both glanced at each other and smirked nervously at their uncomfortable closeness.

"C'mon you two! What are you doing?" Cera bellowed having just sidestepped another hailing rock.

"I can't pull us both up!" Littlefoot strained, "Kairyn, you climb up first." Kairyn nodded and carefully attempted to climb Littlefoot's back and up to the ledge he was clinging to like a living prehistoric ladder. Littlefoot shut his eyes tight as he felt Kairyn's shoes dig painfully into his back, all the while trying his hardest not to relinquish his grip on the path edge. With feet now on Littlefoot's shoulders, Kairyn pulled himself up onto the floating path and breathed a sigh of overwhelming relief. In that brief moment Kairyn drew breath, the air became wedged part way down his throat when he saw the ledge Littlefoot was holding onto crumble away.

"Catch him!" that same ghostly voice Kairyn had guiding him before said from out of nowhere. Obeying immediately, Kairyn swung his top half out over the fraying edge and thrust his two hands out to grab Littlefoot by one of his wavering front feet. He caught him to stop his freefall but Littlefoot's weight, greatly outmatching that of Kairyn's, began dragging them both over the edge. Unable to gain traction on the rolling gravel, Kairyn groaned despairingly. He was determined not to let Littlefoot fall to his death but he couldn't stop his sliding.

Almost dangling back down over the pit, Kairyn suddenly felt something clamp onto the back of his legs. Startled at first, Kairyn then felt his body being inched back up onto the ledge. Despite the blood rushing to his face, Kairyn looked down to Littlefoot who was panting heavily but still offered very grateful smile. Kairyn beamed back as he sat back on the ledge and, with the help of the others, hoisted Littlefoot back onto terra firma.

The group all sat back for a moment to recover, despite the pandemonium going on around them. With just enough energy reclaimed, they all got to their feet and began running back up the spiralling path to the summit. Another rock struck their path behind them causing the path to break away from the wall in a tumbling wave that was now chasing after them. With every last ounce of strength, the gang fled for their lives as the tremors of the volcano worsened even more. The thick billowing smoke almost filled the entire inner chamber of the flaming mountain as the gang clambered up through a breakaway in the rock face that led them out into the open air. Fortunately for them, the volcano's sides were not too steep despite its height as they hurried down to a safe distance away from the rumbling top of the volcano.

"I wonder where we are now," Ducky said as she surveyed the surrounding mountains from their vantage point.

"Look! There are the tar pits down that way," Littlefoot said in between gulps of cooling air, "I think I remember the way from here."

"Phew! Me no believe we get outta that one!" Petrie sighed weakly.

"We're not safe yet," Kairyn said forebodingly as he checked his Minicom whilst still breathing hard. The device was screaming warnings and flashing a dangerous shade of red.

"What now!" Cera whined. By way of response, the gang felt a mighty shudder beneath their feet and a deafening explosion erupted from behind them. Gawking in awe and terror, the gang all looked up to see the sky become blotted out by a thick rising black cloud of dust and ash along with flecks of burning rocky debris shooting up out of the volcano like fireworks. Accompanying the fiery hailstone was a thick stream of magma that was pouring out of the crater and any other porous holes the explosion had forced out of the mountainside. The gang all wailed in fear as the flaming rocks rained down around them.

"Run for it!" Littlefoot cried. Despite their aching bodies, the gang all felt a surge of adrenaline course through their fatigued muscles to aid their frantic bid for safety. With no other way to go, they headed down the mountainside towards yet another nostalgic location their first journey to the Great Valley had challenged them with. In their desperate escape, they headed for the tar pits.


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Hey guys!

For anyone who has been waiting patiently for me to update BOSE II, firstly I thank you graciously. It has taken me an unforgiveably long time to get my arse in gear and finally get an update on That being said, I'm gonna be making more of an enough to post up here as well as on I realised that my last post up here was almost a year ago and I haven't put up the subsequent posts following chp 24 :oops. The next couple of posts here will bring you all up to speed with what's happened since chp 24 (if you haven't read them already). Chp 27 is the latest one but here they are in order since the chp you guys helped me write.

Thanks again guys! ;)

Chapter 25: Into the Black Pits of Despair

   “Go, go, go!” Cera cried as the young group of six sprinted down the mountainside of the erupting volcano that they had, only a few minutes ago, escaped via its craterous summit. Within that brief time period of exiting the fiery innards of the violently trembling mountain, it had since exploded at full force, throwing a barrage of molten rock up into the air and a thick billowing cloud of smoke and ash that blotted out the sun as it filled the atmosphere like a floating, rising ink spillage.
“Whoa! Look out Spike!” Ducky warned as a flaming rock shot down and crashed just to the side of the fleeing stegosaurus. Spike yelped and swerved to dodge the incoming hailstorm as he followed Cera, Littlefoot and Kairyn’s lead down the mountain; desperate to keep ahead of the constant flow of lava that was giving chase not too far behind them. Petrie was having a hard time keeping up with the group as he ducked and dived in between the raining mortar blasts of flames and rock.
“W-w…wait for Petrie!” the little flyer squawked breathlessly over the deafening rumbles of volcano.
“Petrie! C’mon!” Littlefoot yelled glancing backwards as he ran at full stride. He could see Petrie was having difficulty navigating through the flaming missiles whilst trying to match the speed of the fleeing group.
“Me…trying!” Petrie complained taking a hard bank to the left only to have to switch direction as another rock came crashing down just in front of him. Suddenly, a raining rock shot down from the summit and made a beeline for Petrie’s aerial position whilst his back was turned; marked with deadly accuracy. The rock hit its target with bludgeoning force completely knocking the exhausted flyer out of the air.
“Petrie!” Littlefoot cried despairingly as he witnessed his friend tumbled out of the sky and hit the rocky ground. He skidded to a stop which forced Kairyn to do the same.
“Littlefoot! What’s wrong?” Kairyn asked trying to find Littlefoot’s wide eyes but he was too concerned about his friend to even glance sideways at him.
“Petrie’s hurt! I have to go get him!” Littlefoot said before doubling back.
“Wha-what? Hey! Littlefoot!” Kairyn shouted after the longneck. His vision then focused on the continuous storm of rocks that were still slamming down around them and the running flow of lava that was consuming every bit of solid ground between the summit and the distance their evasive dash had made.
   Littlefoot was quickly at Petrie’s side as he lay unmoving on the quivering ground.
“Petrie! Petrie! Are you alright?!” Littlefoot said hurryingly as he checked the little flyer over for any injuries, “Petrie! Please! Say something!”
“Urgh…ouch…” Petrie then winced in reply. Littlefoot sighed in relief but was then shocked to see Kairyn pull up beside him.
“How is he? Is he okay?” Kairyn asked Littlefoot before gazing down on the eagle-spread pteranodon.
“Me hurt all over…” Petrie groaned weakly as he tried to stand but he quickly flopped down as the pain and fatigue overwhelmed him.
“Take it easy Petrie,” Littlefoot soothed.
“Err…Littlefoot?” Kairyn slurred nervously, pointing uphill. The lava flow was dangerously close and was still rolling towards them consuming every inch of ground in sight.
“We’ve gotta help him,” Littlefoot said to Kairyn but the boy was already one step ahead of him.
“I’ll carry him,” he offered scooping the injured flyer off the ground and held him close to his chest, “c’mon! We’d better get outta here! I don’t fancy taking a bath in that stuff!”
Littlefoot nodded and the pair of them turned heel and headed back down to the bottom.
   A little further down the mountainside, Littlefoot and Kairyn caught up with Cera, Ducky and Spike who had stopped for a moment to recover their spent stamina.
“What happened to Petrie?” Cera asked eyeing him as he lay cradled in Kairyn’s arms.
“A flying rock hit him,” Littlefoot reported gravely.
“Is he okay?” Ducky gasped leaning closer to get a better look at Petrie as he groaned and wriggled in Kairyn’s grip.
“He’s a bit banged up but nothing serious I think. Think the shock of it caught him moreso than any physical damage,” Kairyn said, “I’ll check him over with the bioscanner on my Minicom once we reach a safe spot.” At that moment, a huge flaming boulder came crashing down just to the group’s left side making them all scream in fear.
“Whoa! Time to go!” Kairyn yelled as he shot off with the others close behind him.
   Nearing the bottom of the volcano, the gang were surprised to find themselves running along a network of high walled trenches. The weaving pathways bred a fearful confusion amongst the group as they tried their best to keep their bearings and navigate a way down through the labyrinth of trenches that didn’t offer any helpful hints as the right way to go.
“Which way now?” Cera barked as they hit another horizontal T-junction.
“How should I know? I don’t spend my free time playing near active volcanoes!” Kairyn bantered back still cradling the wounded Petrie.
“This way! Littlefoot shouted above the two of them as he spied another path a little further along that looked as if it was heading down the mountain. Following his lead, the others took off after him.
“What’s with this place? Why all the tunnels all of a sudden?” Cera grumbled as they slid around the corner.
“They’re lava channels. Paths carved into the rock at the foot of the mountain by the molten lava from the surrounding volcanoes,” Kairyn explained as he ran on, “think of them as riverbeds but for lava flow rather than water.” Just as he had finished his explanation, the group rounded another corner but came to an abrupt stop when they found a rolling mass of lava tumbling towards them.
“Oh no! Fire water!” Ducky yelped as Spike backed up giving the leading few enough room to stagger backwards.
“Ahh crap! The lava’s caught us up and is already in the channels! We’d better shift it unless we wanna end up cooked!” Kairyn said wincing at the heat and sight of the lava oozing towards them.
“Back this way!” Littlefoot instructed, taking the lead again. Close behind him, Littlefoot steered the gang back the way they came and past a channel they had previous run down which was now flooded with fiery magma and was beginning to spill into theirs. Desperate for a way out, the gang followed the decreasing slope of the mountain until Ducky spied an opening and a change of scenery.
“Lookie! There are the tar pits!” she squeaked excitedly pointing at a break in the solid wall in the trenches.
“Finally! A way out!” Cera sighed. However, their joy was short-lived as they quickly realised a long stream of lava was already flowing out of Ducky’s spied exit.
“It’s already flooded out,” Kairyn grumbled.
“Let’s keep going. Maybe there is another one further along,” Littlefoot suggested. Unfortunately for the group, every other gully leading out of the maze of lava channels was already occupied by a streaming flow of glowing magma. To make matters worse, they had run themselves into a dead end and the chasing lava flow wasn’t too far behind them.
“Great directions Littlefoot,” Cera muttered sarcastically. Littlefoot didn’t listen as he scanned the high walls for an idea. Sadly, his panicked mind failed to produce anything viable.
“What will we do now? We are trapped and the fire water is getting closer!” Ducky warned. Then, Petrie let out a painful groan.
“You okay Petrie?” Kairyn asked looking down on him as he held him in his arms.
“Big…rock…” the little flyer said weakly but Kairyn only looked at him peculiarly. Reading his expression, Petrie then stretched out his right hand and pointed.
“Use…big…rock…” Petrie said again. Following his skinny finger, Kairyn looked up at the high walls boxing them in. Then he saw what Petrie was signalling to. There was a large boulder sitting on the edge of the channel, threatening to drop in given a strong enough push.
“The rock! Petrie you’re a genius!” Kairyn cried jovially as he laid him on Spike’s back next to Ducky who instantly wrapped her arms around the flyer.
“Littlefoot! Gimme a boost up!” Kairyn said as he approached the wall and looked up at it. Doing as instructed, Littlefoot stood parallel to the wall and Kairyn quickly hopped up onto his back. Jumping as high as he could, Kairyn managed to grasp the ledge and pulled himself up.
“Oh great! So the whiny human gets to escape while we sit here to get burned alive!” Cera snapped sounding desecrated.
“He’s not leaving us here Cera. Look,” Littlefoot said smiling as a wave of dÈj‡ vu flooded his mind to when he and Kairyn were alone in the canyon. Although they couldn’t see him, they could hear Kairyn grunting and straining behind a boulder that was teetering worryingly close to the edge of the gully.
“Just like old times…eh Littlefoot?” Kairyn said making Littlefoot’s grin grow wider.
“The fire water is really close now! It is, it really really is!” Ducky warned in a high-pitched tone of fear.
“Come on human! Hurry it up!” Cera ordered.
“Okay…stand back guys. Incoming…” Kairyn said through his struggling efforts. Backing away from where the boulder was scheduled to land, the gang were relieved when Kairyn gave one last shove and the giant rock tumbled into the channel granting them a stepping stone out of danger. Once the dust settled, the gang, one by one, clambered up and out of the lava channel that swiftly became saturated by the fresh flow of magma that had been pursuing them all the way down. The boulder sizzled in the intense heat of the lava and slowly receded into the superheated river as the last of the gang clambered out.
   Glad to finally be in a safe spot and out of harm’s way, the gang all collapsed on the ground utterly exhausted. Having puffed and breathed their energy levels back up to a state where they could stand again, everyone turned their worried miens towards their incapacitated flying friend.
“Hey Petrie. How are you feeling?” Littlefoot asked softly.
“Me okay. Still kinda hurty though,” Petrie said back as he lay with his head in Ducky’s lap. Littlefoot smiled then looked over to Kairyn. The second he caught Littlefoot’s beseeching eyes, Kairyn dipped his hand into his pocket and produced his Minicom. Flipping the machine open and tapping the screen a few times, Kairyn then ducked next to Petrie.
“Hey Petrie. I’m gonna run a green light over you. It’s just a medical bioscanner. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt but it’s gonna give us an idea of what’s wrong, okay?” Kairyn told him as gently as he could. Petrie nodded as Ducky released her mothering hold on him and allowed Kairyn to pick him up and place the little flyer gingerly on the ground. He didn’t want a scan of Spike as well as Petrie as their fused anatomies would probably have baffled the machine.
“This might tingle a bit, you ready?” Kairyn assured. Activating the scanner, a green gridded beam of light shot out of the hinge end of the device which Kairyn passed slowly up and down Petrie’s body. After a couple of sweeps, the Minicom blipped and Kairyn examined the screen.
“What’s it say? Is he hurt bad?” Littlefoot asked leaning over towards Kairyn who was busy prodding the screen.
“Suffered heavy blunt trauma around the trapezius area…contusions to back and upper arm muscles…no spinal damage detected…” Kairyn read aloud but remained focused on the Minicom’s screen.
“So…is he gonna be okay?” Cera asked pressingly but without anger.
“Bioscanner says he’s got some nasty bruising to his back and arm where the rock hit him; that’s where his pain’s coming from,” Kairyn diagnosed snapping the device closed again, “no extensive tissue damage or broken bones so that’s good news. I think the strike has dazed and disorientated him a bit but that’ll pass. As long as he stays rested, he’ll be back to normal in no time.”
“Good,” Littlefoot said smiling.
“That little green, flashy light told you all that about Petrie?” Ducky asked sounding impressed.
“This is only a minor injuries bioscanner; helpful for small case bumps, scrapes and breaks. It’s nothing like the ones used in hospitals but it comes in handy. Dad got me this one from Keltech,” Kairyn explained as he slid the Minicom back into his pocket, “as long as one of us is carrying Petrie for a while, he’ll be back in the air sooner rather than later.”
“So…me no can fly?” Petrie asked in a groggy whisper.
“Not right now Petrie. Kairyn says you need to rest,” Littlefoot said as Kairyn picked him up placed him on the longneck’s back.
“I will look after him. Yep, yep, yep,” Ducky volunteered as she scrambled up Littlefoot’s tail to support Petrie. Kairyn nodded, admiring Ducky’s unselfish, caring nature. With Petrie’s injuries analysed and worries about his well-being quelled, the gang made their way along a narrow path alongside the flowing river of lava and down into the tar pits. With all they had endured so far, the idea of curling up in their beds back home sounded all the more welcoming as they journeyed ever close to the Great Valley.


   “This way!” one dinosaur shouted over to the pursuing group of others.
“No! I think it went this way! Over here!” another yelled pointing in another direction.
“Don’t lose it! We must make sure we drive it out!” Mr Threehorn bellowed leading the large herd of Great Valley denizens as they searched the area.
“Please! Everyone! Just calm down for a moment,” Grandpa Longneck entreated as he approached the riled group of dinosaurs as they meticulously scanned every open patch of ground for their target.
“Not this time Longneck! After what happened last time, there is no way I’m going to allow another intruder get into our Valley and cause more trouble!” Mr Threehorn growled glaring up at the elderly brontosaurus.
“Please Mr Threehorn. I understand that you are upset about the disappearance of your daughter, but we must not act so viciously towards those who enter our Great Valley,” Grandpa Longneck pressed, “remember what happened with the Tinysauruses the last time we all when on a hateful rampage?”
“Another dinosaur I could tolerate Longneck. But not another one of those two-footed peace wreckers!” Mr Threehorn scowled, “they have done nothing but bring disaster to our Valley ever since that day they first arrived. And now they’ve come back, our peace has been disturbed once again and our children have been missing for days; all because of them! I will stand for their interfering with our lives no longer!” Grandpa Longneck sighed in defeat as a number of other Great Valley dinosaurs yelled angry cheers in favour of Mr Threehorn’s aggressive means of deterrence. In most circumstances, he had been the peacekeeper of the Great Valley and managed to ensure that rash actions were never promoted as positive means of tackling a situation. But this time, even Grandpa Longneck felt a heavy burdening weight upon his mighty heart about this one. His treasured grandson had been snatched from before his and his partner’s eyes and whilst clinging to the optimistic hope that Littlefoot was safe somewhere, somehow; the recent invasion of humans into the Great Valley spurred outbreaks of pain, upset and anger within the Great Valley’s peaceful community. Even within a soul as deep and as caring as Grandpa Longneck. Even he felt tainted by the flurry of heated emotions brought on by the reappearance of humans to the Great Valley.
   Suddenly, there was a fearful scream which snatched everyone’s attention. Mr Threehorn looked up a high rising path heading up and towards the surrounding mountains as a small clutter of pebbles and gravel rolled down the path and stopped at his feet.
“There it is!” Mr Threehorn boomed signalling up the path.
“It’s heading towards the High Cliffs!” a male parasaurolophus exclaimed as he watched the human scramble up the path in a panic.
“Let’s make sure it gets out and stays out!” Mr Threehorn trumpeted as he started marching up the dusty path. A large chorus of roar and angry cheers filled the air as the search party all filed in behind Cera’s father.
“Everyone! Please wait! Let’s not be so aggressive! I’m sure we can work something out!” Grandpa Longneck hollered desperately but his tired voice was drowned out by the continuous roars of the group. Knowing his protests would not be heard this time, Grandpa Longneck bowed his head and sighed heavily. On hearing the thundering footfalls of another dinosaur behind him, Grandpa Longneck craned his neck around to find his partner walking up to stand beside him.
“What happened? Did you speak to them?” Grandma Longneck asked.
“I tried dear,” Grandpa Longneck sighed, “but they are all much to bitter about the last human invasion to listen to sense.”
“Where are they all now?”
“The human was spotted heading towards the High Cliffs near the mountains. Mr Threehorn and the others are ensuring that it is seen out of the Great Valley.”
“But the human looked so young. Maybe it was looking for a safe place to stay?”
“I don’t know dear. But the Great Valley dinosaurs have made it quite clear that they do not want any more humans in our homeland.”
   Grandma Longneck sighed just as her partner had. It was evident that, with the kidnapping of Littlefoot, and the disappearance of his friends, humans were never going to be trusted again. With no other options, the elderly pair watched as the pursuing dinosaurs chased the human up the steep path into the mountains. They silently pressed their heads together side by side, in an effort to comfort each other. The loss of Littlefoot had hurt them deeply but they still clung to the hope that they would see him again. Him and his friends.


“Look out! He is right behind us!” Ducky yelped in fear as Littlefoot galloped as fast as he could to keep ahead.
“Holy crap! Where the hell did he spring up from?!” Kairyn shouted as he strafed a large boulder in the middle of his fleeing path. Glancing back, he saw the giant maw of the same stalking Tyrannosaurus Rex that had been chasing them their entire journey since Littlefoot and Kairyn first met it in the canyon.
“I can’t believe that guy is STILL after us!” Kairyn exclaimed. Failing to acknowledge the road ahead of him, Kairyn’s foot kicked a rock which broke his running gait and forced him to tumble down into the dirt. Controlling his roll, Kairyn paused on his hands and knees for a brief second just as the T-Rex let out a deafening roar to accentuate its already looming presence right behind him. Locked to the spot by fear and the piercing roar, Kairyn then saw another figure slide into view between him and the rampaging carnivore.
“C’mon! Get up human! Let’s go!” Cera barked as she rammed Kairyn to standing with her nose horn. Snapping out of his trance, Kairyn scrambled to his feet. The T-Rex took a lunge at the pair of them forcing them to leap in opposite directions sideways to avoid being snapped up.
“Whew! Too close! Thanks Cera,” Kairyn puffed as he and the triceratops ran alongside each other.
“Yeah well, don’t let me have to pick you up off the floor again. I might not do it next time,” Cera scorned as she ran at full stride. Kairyn nodded just before the pair of them made another evasive dart laterally to avoid the fallen boulders in their way and the yawning jaws of the predator behind them.
“C’mon guys! Maybe we can lose him in the tar pits ahead!” Littlefoot suggested once Kairyn and Cera were within earshot again. Without an alternative plan, the four sprinters charged down the sloping road and towards their next challenge.
   The tar pits were not a welcoming location to enter having just fled from the fiery wrath of the active volcano. Instead of flowing rivers of superheated molten lava, the dank area had now become a crater punched land filled with countless pools of thick, jet black tar that simmered with viscous bubbles that expanded and peeled away as they popped on the surface; leaving a disgusting stench that lingered in the air. Even without the volcanic ash cloud plumed overhead, the sky over these dismal pits seemed to be forever enveloped in a dreary grey overcast of dense, dark clouds that made the land look all the more dangerous and sinister. Having clashed with the lava flows from the surrounding volcanoes, the pyroclastic rocks and debris bent and twisted around the tar pools creating some bizarrely sculpted pathways, bridges and overhangs which the gang used to the best of their abilities to put some distance between them and the chasing sharptooth.
   The beast was still tailing them as they weaved their way through the tar pits. Although they were traversing the sullen land at speed, they were doing their utmost to evade the black bubbling pools. A wrongly placed footstep would undoubtedly see them ensnared by the tar and swallowed down whole into its bottomless crater of suffocating muck. Littlefoot hurdled over one pit that he could not steer around forcing a bump that threw Ducky and Petrie up and down as he landed. Ducky let out a frightful yelp as she saw the bounding sharptooth perform the same jump and its crashing footsteps thundered as it cleared the sticky trap. Suddenly, the gang was forced to a stop when they found a wide river of tar stretched straight across their path.
“Ahh crap! Now what?!” Kairyn said breathlessly as he scanned the dimensions of the long pit that spanned seemingly infinitely in both directions. Its construct was bizarre by nature since it stretched out a channel like any normal river, but because of the viscosity of the tar, it didn’t appear to flow at all. It simply sat still, blowing putrid smelling methane bubbles so thick in texture, it could have possibly even held any one of them without bursting. Not that any one of them wished to test this theory.
“That’s too far to jump and we can’t walk through it without being dragged down,” Littlefoot said puffing sharply. His mind suddenly flashed back as he recalled this tarry river. It was the very same pit he, Spike and Ducky were forced to leap into on their maiden voyage to the Great Valley to save Petrie when he fell in. They almost didn’t make it that time so the idea of doing again didn’t seem very appealing.
“C’mon guys! What are we doing? That T-Rex is coming up fast!” Kairyn warned feeling the rumbling of the ground as the sharptooth trudged towards them. Then, the weakened Petrie let out a soft moan.
“L…land path…” he whispered.
“What? What’s he saying?” Cera asked hurryingly.
“Land…path…” Petrie wheezed again pointing over to their right side, “it where…me fall off Cera…when me no could fly…” Ducky followed Petrie’s finger and instantly understood. The wave of remembrance of her role in rescuing Petrie from the tar pit all that time ago replayed in her mind and the scene suddenly became recognisable again.
“Lookie there! The land path over the pit! Over there!” she squeaked. The gang all followed her signal to a bridge of fused pyroclastic rock that arched over the river of tar. There was a gaping hole in the middle of the irregularly formed bridge which Cera guiltily recalled how she had jeopardised her friend’s life. She had made the jump but was completely oblivious to Petrie’s tumble into the murky pit and subsequently left him as he battled to keep his head above the tar which began to pull him down the second he touched it. Shaking the silent guilty thought from her mind, Cera made a start for the bridge.
“Let’s go already!” she ordered just as a bellowing roar shot out at them. All looking round behind them, they all gasped when they saw the pursuing sharptooth suddenly within pouncing range. They all dove to the right as a low lunging bite came down on them. Just missing Spike as he rolled out of the way, the T-Rex then tried its hardest to counterbalance its over emphasised attack before it landed face first in the bubbling tar pit. Unable to completely pull back in time, the giant beast felt its leading foot drop into the black muck but managed to yank it back out again before the tar got a chance to apply its dragging force. Growling lowly, the sharptooth glanced over to the right as it shook the sticky substance from its dipped foot and saw the children making a dash for the broken bridge. Roaring aloud again, it quickly gave chase as they began to climb its slope.
“Uh oh! Here he comes!” Kairyn warned. The crashing footfalls grabbed his attention while he awaited his turn to jump the break in the path.
“Hold on tight Ducky,” Littlefoot said as he steadied himself to make his jump. Ducky wrapped one hand around Littlefoot’s neck and the other around Petrie.
“We are ready Littlefoot. Yep, yep, yep!” Ducky announced. With a short sprint, Littlefoot made a clean sail as he cleared the hole and landed on the other half of the path.
“Come on Spike!” Littlefoot signalled across to the other side. The hefty spiketail took his turn and landed safely albeit a little clumsily. Kairyn hastily followed up with a dash and leap that almost overshot him into Littlefoot and Spike spectating on the second half of the bridge.
“All yours Cera!” Kairyn then shouted over but he took a second glance when he saw Cera frozen to her spot. She looked terrified.
“Cera! C’mon! What’s the hold up?” Kairyn hollered over to her but she didn’t seem to hear.
“What is wrong with her?” Ducky asked anxiously.
“Cera? What’s the matter…? Cera!” Littlefoot called out but still she didn’t move. Cera was firmly rooted to the ground. She gazed down over the edge into the bubbling tar below, frozen solid. Her mind flashed back to when she was last here. She saw herself in exactly the same position. She was younger but was cocky, confident and proud; feeling the bridge shake and shudder as she prepared to jump. Petrie was clung to her neck whimpering feebly. He rolled onto her leg as she ducked to launch herself over the gap. As she did, Petrie lost his grip on her and fell like a limp leaf into the tar below. She carried on without a care in the world almost glad that she was on her own again. She didn’t need anybody. She could take care of herself.
“Back then…Petrie almost didn’t make it…because of me…I-…I left him behind…” Cera’s mind echoed, “I was so stubborn back then; I didn’t care that I almost lost one of my best friends. I led them here…into danger…and they almost………all because of me…I went the wrong way…and endangered them all…” Cera’s conscience was torturing her with replay after replay of her selfish actions that nearly got them all killed the previous time they walked this path. Her arrogance nearly saw Ducky and Spike burned alive by molten lava, Petrie almost drowned in tar and she, herself, was almost beaten to within an inch of her life by skull bashing dinosaurs that tracked her down into the caverns further down the road. All that needless threat of life, all because she was too proud to admit she had made a mistake. The realisation crippled Cera into a quivering statue staring down into what could have potentially been Petrie’s grave.
“Cera! …Cera! For God’s sake! Jump!” Kairyn yelled.
“Cera! CERA!” Littlefoot cried out despairingly. She was in a world of her own and the sharptooth was right behind her.
“It’s my fault…I’m so sorry guys…” she whispered hoping that they were hear her but they were too busy yelling at her to jump over to notice. Suddenly, a voice spoke out to her that made her snap out of her self-punishing trance.
“Cera! Please…” it called to her. She recognised it instantly.
“Cera! Quick! You gotta jump! Me no wanna see you get hurt,” Petrie said, his voice strained and weary. Cera looked up and across to her friends standing on the opposite half of the bridge. Petrie was beckoning to her from atop Littlefoot. He sounded drained but his eyes were wide and fearful. Petrie’s voice seemed to quell the tormenting thoughts fogging Cera’s mind. She snapped a glance behind as the sharptooth made its first step onto the bridge. It shook unhealthily; the underside crumbling under the massive weight of the beast as it approached Cera. In that moment, her rigid muscles slackened just enough for her to prime her jump.
“Jump Cera!” Petrie cried out one last time. Honouring his request, Cera took a few steps before leaping as far as she could. The flight was flawless and physically unchallenging for the threehorn but she landed before her friends panting hard as if she’d run a marathon just to get to the gap.
“Took your sweet time,” Kairyn said smugly. Cera glared at him but didn’t say anything. He wouldn’t have understood the emotional turmoil that that single jump had bred inside her. Somehow, just hearing Petrie’s voice and seeing him in Ducky’s arms gave her enough respite to console her guilty conscience. Suddenly, another roar snatched their attention as they quickly realised that the T-Rex had made the jump but without hesitation.
“Look out!” Littlefoot shouted as the airborne sharptooth’s leap threatened to come down direct on top of them. Turning tail, they all fled as the beast came crashing down on their side of the bridge which did not support the impact of its landing. The pyroclastic rocky structure crumbled with the force of the landing allowing the sharptooth and the gang to fall down towards the pit. Fortunately, Spike, Littlefoot and Kairyn managed to get to the bank just as the bridge collapsed. Cera however, who was bringing up the rear, did not get the chance to reach for solid ground as she and the sharptooth plummeted into the tar pool.
“Oh no! Cera fell-ed in!” Ducky squealed in horror, watching Cera paddling madly in the thick black muck.
“Help! Get me out!” Cera screamed, coughing as the foul tasting tar flooded her mouth whilst she struggled to move. She could already feel the glutinous liquid constricting her limbs and dragging her down. Not too far behind her was the sharptooth who was also writhing in the tar’s grimy clutches. For the first time since it gave chase, it seemed to be more concerned about its own well being rather than seizing its targets.
“Cera! Grab my tail! Quick!” Littlefoot ordered as he reversed back into the tar pool to get as close as he could without being sucked in. Cera tried her best to reach for Littlefoot’s offered lifeline but her front legs were pinned under the increasing weight of the pulling tar. The pressure pushing against her body was making it extremely difficult to even breathe.
“She’s gonna go under! C’mon Cera! Grab on!” Kairyn cried as he watched her slowly slipping deeper. Cera made one last lurching snatch at Littlefoot’s tail which was bobbing on the surface like a baited fishing line. With her feet bound under the tar, she threw her head forwards as far as she could and clamped her mouth down on Littlefoot’s tail. Littlefoot yelped in pain but he was relieved to have made contact with his friend. Taking Littlefoot’s hurting scream as an adequate signal, everyone leapt forwards to help pull Cera free from the tar pit. Spike and Kairyn held onto Littlefoot as the longneck tugged with all his strength. Ignoring the throbbing pain pulsing in his tail, he could feel Cera edging towards him. Slowly but surely Cera could feel her body becoming more mobile as her friends strained hard to pull her out. Once her front feet were free again, she threw them onto the bank as Littlefoot inched her closer and with one last effort, everyone grabbed any part of the floundering threehorn they could and tore her out from the tar and onto dry land.
   Puffing and wheezing, the gang all looked at each other, finally relieved to have cheated death and defied danger yet again.
“Whew! Jeez! I really thought we weren’t gonna win that one…” Kairyn sighed perched on his backside on the ground, flicking specks of tar from off his hands.
“Yeah…thanks guys. I owe you for that,” Cera said once she’d gathered enough breath to speak again.
“What happened up there Cera? You completely froze,” Littlefoot asked looking worried. He could tell that something had really hit her hard for her to be cemented to the spot like that. It was very unlike her not to act on a situation once it presented itself. Cera bowed her head and sighed. A threehorn normally always hit a problem head on with no hesitation but her friends could see past that proud prowess and knew that she was trouble. Before Cera could utter a word to reply, a familiar roar erupted from behind them. Glancing back at the tar pit, they could see that the monstrous sharptooth was still trapped in the tar and was still battling to free itself. It had already sunk down to its waist and appeared to be sinking further still.
“Man…I almost feel sorry for poor guy,” Kairyn said watching the T-Rex as it growled in frustration.
“Well you can pull him out if you want but I think we should get out of here,” Cera then said making for the path ahead, “I’m not waiting around for him to feed on me.”
“Hey! I said almost okay? I ALMOST feel sorry for him,” Kairyn retorted as he followed the gang towards the caverns. As if to beseech to the group, the sharptooth let out one last roar as it watched its prey hurrying away again but they didn’t listen. They headed onwards leaving the doomed predator to its grim fate.
   As the group moved on, greatly relieved to have shaken off their stalker and happy now to be travelling at a much more relaxed pace, all eyes dropped on Cera as she walked in between the others with her head hung low.
“Wh-what?! What are you all staring at?” Cera then barked when she realised the others were gazing at her.
“What happened back there Cera? You just didn’t move,” Littlefoot asked cautiously.
“Yeah. I haven’t known you for very long but you completely locked up on that bridge. That doesn’t seem like something that comes naturally from a girl like you,” Kairyn piped in.
“It’s- uhh…it was nothing…I’m fine now. Let’s not worry about it,” Cera said hurryingly trying to dodge the conversation.
“But we are worried Cera. You looked really scared,” Ducky said soothingly.
“I…I- err…I wasn’t scared… I was just- erm…” Cera babbled but not even her pride could mask this deep a feeling. With a defeated sigh, Cera stopped and the others huddled around her.
“I…I don’t know what happened. Just this, whole place, made me think of our first journey to the Great Valley. When I led Petrie, Ducky and Spike through here and into danger,” Cera began. She angled her eyes away from any faces but she could feel their worried stares burning into the back of her neck.
“Because of me, Ducky, Spike and Petrie nearly…” she trailed off. The gang shuffled uncomfortably as the silent dropped in. Neither of them could think of anything to say in that moment.
“I was so stupid…so selfish to lead my best friends into such horrible danger. But I just didn’t care…and even when I was in trouble myself…you all came to rescue me. Even though I left you.”
“We came to rescue you because you are our friend Cera,” Ducky then said smiling at her. This made Cera finally look up as Littlefoot pitched in.
“Yeah. Believe or not, you’ve changed since then Cera. You’re not that kind of threehorn anymore. And you’re our best friend; of course we were gonna come and rescue you,” he said smiling also. Spike hummed and nodded, giving Cera a friendly lick just to emphasise his point. Cera giggled and offered a smile of her own.
“Thanks guys,” she sighed gratefully as with a final nod each, they continued on their way.
“Do you really think I’ve changed since then?” Cera then asked.
“Oh yes, yes, yes!” Ducky said enthusiastically which made the threehorn smile, feeling appreciated.
“Well, you still get mad kinda quick,” Littlefoot then said.
“What?! I do not!” Cera snapped back; that swell feeling of appreciation instantly destroyed.
“Yeah you do. What about that time when we were hunting for the Tinysauruses and you got mad when I was asking you about your dad and Tria when she first came?” Littlefoot bantered smirking, “you got so mad you actually chased me!”
“You had that coming! You were asking too many questions!” Cera barked.
“And you still kinda bossy. Telling us what we do all the time,” Petrie piped in from Ducky’s securing hug.
“I am NOT bossy! You guys just don’t know what to do so I tell you!” Cera retorted.
“And you argue all the time. Even when you don’t have to,” Littlefoot said grinning even wider.
“I DO NOT ARGUE!” Cera growled.
“You’re arguing now,” Kairyn said.
“You stay out of this human!” Cera shot at him.
“You always call me that. Do you actually know my name?”
“You? Uhh? It’s…Ohh! Who cares! You’re not important to remember anyway!” Cera barked.
“Ohh…that’s cold Cera. Uncool,” Kairyn said laughing.
“Okay that’s enough! Will you guys quit picking on me?” Cera shouted. The gang all laughed aloud as they continued onwards towards the underground caverns. Their bond of friendship tested and reinforced.
“Hey guys! Remember when Cera wanted to go first on that vine over the canyon when we when to get Ducky from those flyers?” Littlefoot then said.
“Littlefoot! Don’t you dare!” Cera shot interjectionally forcing the gang to erupt into another fit of laughter.


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Chapter 26: An Epic Journey’s End

   With their ordeal of fleeing from the volcanic eruptions and leaping the viscous tar pits, whilst narrowly escape get another sharptooth attack, finally over, Kairyn, Littlefoot and his friends made their way down into a deep network of caverns that stole them from the open air. Despite their damp and claustrophobic enclosure, the intertwining paths through oddly shaped walls and jagged archways offered a more relaxed atmosphere compared to the chaos of the constantly streaming volcanoes they had recently departed from. The sound of rushing water echoed through the tight air spaces as the gang, once again, allowed their minds to be encapsulated in the wondrous sensation of hindsight as they reminisced on yet another noteworthy event in their maiden voyage to the Great Valley.
“So lemme get this straight,” Kairyn started holding his forehead in his hand somewhat dumbfounded by what he had just heard, “so Cera wandered off, got chased by these ëdomehead’ dinosaurs, was about to finish her off…and you guys come in and save her as a WHAT?”
“A tar monster,” Petrie piped in matter-of-factly.
“A tar monster?!” Kairyn repeated sounding surprised yet greatly confused.
“Yup! We were all covered and sticky coz of the tar when we rescued Petrie from the pit. When we found Cera being chased by the domeheads, we kinda just jumped on each other’s backs and scared them away,” Littlefoot said grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh yes, yes, yes! Spike even found a bone and held it in his mouth to make us seem even scarier,” Ducky continued. Spike beamed and hummed happily as Ducky patted him on the top of the head.
“We so scary, we even scare Cera,” Petrie then said giggling lightly. He was obviously still in a bit of pain from his earlier injury but he seemed a little more interactive now than before.
“I wasn’t THAT scared!” Cera immediately interjected, “besides, I said that I knew it was you guys all along anyway.”
“Sure you did Cera,” Littlefoot said with taunting sarcasm, “I remember you were screaming for help so loud, it shook the whole cave.”
“Cera? Screaming for help?” Kairyn reiterated as he eyed the pouting threehorn sideways, “wow! Who would’ve thought eh?”
“Watch it human!” Cera snapped staring back at him. Kairyn held up his hands defensively to show his submission to Cera’s anger but he couldn’t help but grin at the idea of Cera yelling for help like a damsel in distress.
“So, how far is it now? To your Great Valley I mean,” Kairyn asked trying to stifle his cheeky smirk.
“It shouldn’t be far now,” Littlefoot said, “after the waterfall and the pools, we have the high cliffs to climb then we should be there.”
“You seem to remember all this pretty well despite only ever doing this once,” Kairyn then said.
“Well, it’s not the first time we’ve been out in the Mysterious Beyond on adventures you know,” Cera quickly boasted.
“No it is not. But it was our very first adventure we had together. A very special adventure. Our first adventure where we all worked really hard and became friends too,” Ducky said profoundly. Kairyn nodded in silent understanding. The depth of the friendship between these five dinosaurs was incomprehensible to most but was one bond no force on earth could break. A quality he found as impressive as it was heart-warming.
   Ducking through another low archway, the gang rounded a corner where they passed a waterfall on their right hand side. Just in front of the cool, cascading water was a tiny spot of land, roughly circular, that sat defiantly before the roaring falls. The gang past it without a second thought except for Cera who glanced back at the flat topped rock and paused for a moment. Almost like a projected image, as Cera blinked, saw a much younger version of herself perched on that very same rock, crouched and huddled in a ball gently sobbing. It was the first time she had felt her pride suffer a massive blow for heading in the wrong direction and endangering her friends; the grim realisation of her foolhardy actions taking their toll. After the mocking laughter of the others once they had saved her from the domehead assault, the reality of it all suddenly hit home with crushing force. Ignoring their pleading cries, she had curled up on the drizzle covered rock and felt her character slowly morphing into a much deeper entity as she wept. Cera felt a cold, damp shiver tumble through her as she thought about how much that one incident had changed her. It opened her up to realise she wasn’t quite as invincible as she would have liked to have thought she was. Still, she was glad for the change that that instance had brought. It made her a better dinosaur and a much better friend to those she cared about.
“Cera? You coming?” Littlefoot’s voice then echoed from somewhere within the caverns.
“Oh! Erm…yeah! Just a second!” Cera shouted back. She glanced back at the rock but the ghostly mental image of her younger self had evaporated into thin air. With a silent nod and an inward smile, Cera quickly trotted up the path to catch her friends.
   As Cera pulled up alongside the group, she found them staring across what looked like a small lake with a deep black pit in the centre of its clear blue waters. As the lake stretched outwards, the roof of the caverns peeled away to reveal daylight once again that pierced the glassy surface with ghostly white beams that appeared trapped beneath the dissipate ripples.
“Ahh man! You said we had to pass a pool Littlefoot, but I didn’t think you meant we’d have to go THROUGH one!” Kairyn whined.
“What is the matter Kairyn? Can you not swim?” Ducky asked.
“What? Oh no, it’s not that, I can swim just fine. I…I just didn’t think we’d have to get wet is all,” Kairyn whimpered.
“That’s what you’re worried about?! Ahh…quit acting like such a baby!” Cera said apathetically. Kairyn furrowed his brow at her but Littlefoot quickly got between them.
“C’mon guys. It’s not far now,” he pressed optimistically as he waded into the water up to his knees, “we just need to cross to the other side then we’re on the home straight.”
“Vertical home straight you mean,” Kairyn said as he recalled Littlefoot mentioning the ascent up the cliffs to reach their homeland.
“Is there anything that you don’t complain about?” Cera shot at him.
“Is there anything you don’t have an answer for?” Kairyn retorted back. Ducky and Petrie both glanced at each other and bore their teeth in uneasy grins.
“Knock it off you two! Quit arguing all the time!” Littlefoot barked as he waddled into the water a little deeper; the chilly waters forced a creeping shiver up through his feet and down to both his head and tail, “let’s just get to the other side so we can head for home.” Cera snorted and flicked her tail directly vertical as she waded into the water. Kairyn scoffed before tiptoeing daintily into the water, cringing as he felt his clothes soaking up the water like a dry sponge. As much as she would have loved to have dived straight into the welcoming pool, Ducky remained atop Spike holding onto Petrie who had started to quiver slightly. The last memory he’d had of this particular pool was being dragged below the surface, pinched in the teeth of a stalking sharptooth similar to the one that had been chasing them this time around. An act he was hoping he’d never had to repeat. He was still too hurt to fly but felt slightly relieved to have Ducky clamped onto him for good measure.
   Having walked out as far as the underwater shelf would permit; the gang all kicked off the ground and swam, as best they could, to the bank on the other side. The warm rays of the sun beamed down through the towering cliffs that hung above them as, one by one, they pulled themselves onto the shore.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Littlefoot beamed as he shook and flicked himself dry.
“Speak for yourself,” Kairyn grumbled as he waddled up the bank, completely soaked from head to toe. Cera muffled a girlish giggle as she watched Kairyn decant the excess water from his drenched trainers.
“Where to now?” Kairyn then asked as he started to wring the sleeves of his hooded jacket before placing it back on with a sloppy slap.
“We climb up here,” Littlefoot announced as he made for a path that snaked its way up the cliff side. Falling in line behind him, the rest of the gang trudged up the sloping path leaving their damp footprints in the sand. Kairyn looked up at the path and saw that it weaved its way up towards the sky. A sinking sense of dread tied his stomach in a thick knot when he traced the path along and realised that it was not fully intact all the way up. Sections in the middle looked as if they had been eroded away and left floating ledges overhanging the giant pool they had just crossed. No doubt, on reaching these broken parts they would have to risk jumping from one side to the other. He wanted to say something but having already worn out his quota of whining complaints already, he sighed heavily and kept his thoughts to himself.
   With the welcoming knowledge that their beloved homeland was just beyond the towering walls of this shattered canyon, it granted an excited buzz to the dinosaur children. They were almost home. They had found each other and overcome impossible odds to return home safely once again. They climbed the steep, sloping path higher and higher making the view over the side seem more and more daunting every time one of them dared to sneak a peek at intermittent intervals. Soon, the gang came to a brief stop as, much to Kairyn’s fear, they stood before a gaping hole in the path that partially bridged the lake below. Quietly questioning his own sanity as to why he was deliberately putting himself in danger’s way yet again, he watched as Littlefoot, Cera and Spike all vaulted over the hole in the path one after the other almost like they’d practiced and perfected the technique. Kairyn’s shoulders drooped as he looked hopeless into Littlefoot’s eyes that were warm and ablaze with the familiar friendly gaze Kairyn had come to recognise. A firm, reassuring nod from the longneck, complete with confident smile, granted Kairyn the courage to dash at the open edge and leap the gap with ease. Touching down on the opposite side, Kairyn stood hunched over on his knees, took a deep breath in and exhaled it forcefully as he looked up and found Littlefoot’s face again.
“See? That wasn’t so bad,” he said as Kairyn stood upright again. Kairyn smiled but then flinched as a trickle of dirt and stones bounced off his nose. Bewildered, Kairyn snorted and brushed his face clean with his hand just as a scream rang out overhead.
“What the hell was that?!” Kairyn said alarmed as the scream echoed within the canyon walls.
“Lookie! Up there!” Ducky yelped pointing above them. Everyone’s eyes shot skywards as they saw something dangling over the edge of the path a fair way higher up.
“What is that thing?” Cera said as they watched some sort of animal battling to keep its grip on the edge it was clung to. The gang all gasped when the creature slipped a little and let out another fearful scream.
“Is…is that…another human?!” Kairyn then said astounded.
“It sound like…like a girl…” Petrie slurred as he tried to make out the features of the flailing human. Kairyn’s mind suddenly started spiralling at Petrie’s words the more he stared upwards.
“No….it can’t be…” he thought.
“Come on! We’ve gotta help her!” Littlefoot ordered as he took off up the path towards the wailing girl; the gang in close pursuit. Leaping another hole in the path, this time at speed and without hesitation, they began to draw close to the girl who was still screeching in terror. Still a couple of levels below her, Kairyn stopped and looked up at the girl from her back. He instantly recognised the long flowing blonde hair that whipped violently with the wind and her frantic thrashing.
“I don’t believe it! It IS her!” Kairyn’s mind seemed to erupt as he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted up to her.
“Melissa! Melissa!!” The girl seemed to stop squirming on hearing his voice and awkwardly turned to look down at him.
“Kairyn?!” she yelped breathlessly.
“You know her?!” Littlefoot asked awestruck to hear the two humans exchange names.
“Well…yeah…in a way,” Kairyn stammered, “but what the hell is she doing way out here?!”
“Save the stupid questions for after we’ve rescue her!” Cera barked as she barged past their gawking positions. Following her lead, the others chased Cera up and around a sloping U-bend, up to where Melissa was hanging over the side. With Cera in front, she made a dash for the girl’s wildly swinging hand as she tried desperately to clasp the path again. Cera shot her head forward to grab Melissa’s wrist but her mouth closed around nothing but air as Melissa’s grip weakened and she fell. Cera looked over the edge and gasped as she watched the girl fall to the lake below, horrified that she’d missed her chance to save her. Melissa’s scream caught the other’s attention as they were rounding the bend to join Cera. Kairyn, who was at the back of the line, shot his gaze back to the level below, just in time to see Melissa land heavily on the path they had just come from and began to roll over the side again. His mind blanked for a second as the empty void was quickly filled with the resonating voice that had been speaking to him the entire journey.
“Hurry! She will fall! Catch her!” it ordered. Without wasting a second, Kairyn spun around and made for Melissa who was now slipping over the edge despite her panicked clawing of the ground to prevent herself from falling again. She held up one hand to Kairyn as he sprinted to her.
“Help me!” she wailed as her gripped hand broke away from the floating path.
“NOOO!” Kairyn screamed as he swung his arms back and dove towards her, throwing his top half over the open side. The dinosaur kids all gasped as they saw Kairyn snatch at the girl and catch her by one hand in midair. Dangling over the open water below, Melissa shot a terrified mien up to Kairyn who was gritting his teeth with the strain.
“Melissa! Gimme your other hand! Grab on to me!” he yelled throwing out his second hand to her. Doing as instructed, Melissa swung her free hand up and clasped onto Kairyn’s right wrist. As she hung on, Melissa seemed to stop panicking and she even smiled at the idea of Kairyn rescuing her. Kairyn looked into Melissa’s deep blue eyes and found himself lost for a moment. For that split second, his own fear and panic dissipated and he seemed to be in awe of his sudden act of heroism. The move was almost instinctive; like he didn’t even have to think about it. The voice had given him the command but he reacted like a bolt of lightning without even considering the danger he’d be putting himself in. The more he thought about it, the more he was able to recollect other times when he’d acted in similar ways. Like a knee-jerk reaction. No thought involved whatsoever and he’d done something he’d normally never dare attempt. His brief thought was brought to an abrupt end when he saw something move beyond where Melissa was hanging in his hands.
“No…no way!” Kairyn gasped through his clenched teeth. Reading the horrified look on Kairyn’s blood-rushed face, Melissa glanced down past her dangling feet and her eyes widened fearfully once again as a low growl shot up between the mountainous walls.
“Oh no!” Littlefoot wailed as he stopped in his tracks as he began doubling back towards Kairyn. He had glanced over the side and seen what had been making the noise.
“It is him again!” Ducky exclaimed Spike pulled up alongside Littlefoot and Cera. Down at the very bottom of the tight walled canyon, wading in the shallow water, was their very same stalking Tyrannosaurus Rex from before.
“How did he get out of the tar pits?!” Cera cried as they all watched it skulking beneath them. Suddenly, it glanced up at them and stretched its giant maw to let out a deafening roar.
“Oh no! He is coming up to get us!” Ducky whimpered as they saw the beast trudge over to the foot of the path and begin making its way up.
“C’mon! We’ve gotta help Kairyn!” Littlefoot said as he leapt forwards. With the tranquillity of his recent thoughts destroyed by the arrival of the sharptooth, Kairyn was now trying to heave Melissa up onto the path in a hysterical rush. He was relieved to see Littlefoot and his friends arrive either side of him but he felt a jolt on his arms as they looked down over the edge. Melissa was flinching at the prehistoric faces staring down at her.
“Don’t worry! They’re friends,” Kairyn quickly assured her as he felt his arms straining to keep her from falling.
“Ready guys?” Littlefoot asked as he took a firm hold of the back of Kairyn’s jacket with his teeth. Everyone got into place, each grabbing any square inch of Kairyn’s jacket they could bite on to.
“Okay guys! When you’re ready,” Kairyn said trying to look up and behind at the painful pinches he could feel in his back.
“PULL!” Littlefoot shouted through his mouthful of fabric. In one synchronised motion, the dinosaurs began pulling on Kairyn which, in turn, reeled Melissa back up towards the floating path. Much to her relief, Melissa was back on solid ground in no time.
“Melissa! Are you alright?” Kairyn immediately said once he could safely let go of her.
“Yeah…I’m fine,” Melissa wheezed as she reclaimed her lost breath. She gazed apprehensively at the surrounding crowd behind Kairyn unsure of what to make of their presence.
“Don’t worry about them, they’re cool,” Kairyn said quickly with a smile.
“But...who are they?” Melissa stuttered. Kairyn was about to open his mouth to answer when they all felt a tremendous rumbling of the ground along with the dull thuds of heavy footfalls.
“What the?!” Kairyn yelled in disbelief. Glancing over the open side, the group saw the sharptooth wasn’t completely following the path. It has found a much more efficient way of scaling the long, snaking cliff side path.
“It’s jumping up the sides!” Littlefoot cried in horror when he witnessed the T-Rex was using the tight U-turning bends at the ends of the path to hop up one level at a time rather than following its winding track.
“Hey! That’s cheating!” Cera protested scowling furiously.
“You wanna go down there and tell him that? I don’t think he cares that much,” Kairyn said sarcastically.
“We’ve gotta run! Let’s go!” Littlefoot urged signalling up the path in the opposite direction.
“Can you stand?” Kairyn asked Melissa as he took her by the arm and helped lift her up.
“Yeah…I think so,” she replied finding her feet again.
“Looks like we’re gonna have to save the intros for later,” Kairyn said he led her after Littlefoot. Melissa didn’t look entirely convinced but she allowed Kairyn to pull her towards the fleeing gang as they hurried up the rest of the mountainside.
   The group, and their newest addition, charged up the broken canyon path as fast as they could, trying their utmost to keep away from the borderless sides. The sharptooth was fast catching them as it continued to leap up one coiled level at a time until was it forced to follow the path due to overhead blockades. The fleeing group could feel its thundering footsteps rippling through the ground as they rounded another U-bend to begin the path’s next level up. Kairyn gulped nervously as he saw another hole punched into the floating walkway approaching. One by one they kept their speed up and leapt over the gap in the floor. Kairyn let out a fearful whoop as the sharptooth took a sneaky leap up at him through the hole in the floor as he was in mid-flight. Fortunately for him, the path was still too high for the giant beast to get to him but it did alarm him at how close the stalking carnivore was getting.
“This guy’s getting dangerously close,” Kairyn warned as he and Melissa caught up with the others.
“It’s not much farther now! We’re nearly at the top!” Littlefoot said breathlessly.
“Lookie! I can see the tunnel that leads to the Great Valley up there, I can!” Ducky squeaked jovially pointing up to the open mouth of a cave not too far above them, “we are nearly home! We are, we are!” All five dinosaur kids glanced up to where Ducky was signalling and a warm flush of relief flooded through each of them. Ducky’s words could not have been truer. They were almost home. Lost in the joyous thought of being reunited with their families again, none of them seemed to notice the T-Rex just below them as it repeated its sneaky shortcut and hopped up another level. In its leap, it rammed into the canyon wall as it regained its balance forcing a quaking shiver through the path. The tremor was strong enough to jolt the fleeing gang from off their feet. Ducky was still pointing up at the cave entrance when Spike tripped and stumbled with the quaking ground, forcing her to throw her hands behind her to keep her balance. By using her hands to steady herself, she released her mothering hold on Petrie who was bumped up by Spike’s stumble and threw him off over the side. Petrie let out a terrified cry as he fell off the trail and down towards the sharptooth below.
“Petrie!” Ducky cried as she could only watch her friend tumble down towards certain doom. The rest of the group had only just righted themselves when they heard the commotion behind them.
“Oh no! PETRIE!” Littlefoot wailed.
“He’s falling straight towards the sharptooth!” Cera said anxiously before shouting down to him, “Fly Petrie! Fly!”
“He can’t fly! He’s probably still too weak from his injury!” Kairyn said forebodingly. The gang all watched in horror as they watched the little pteranodon spiralling down out of control.
   Petrie was trying his hardest to break out of his freefall. He’d quickly realised that he was heading straight for the sharptooth whose jaw was already slackened ready to snap him up once he was close enough.
“Urgh…nyah…me…gotta…fly!” Petrie strained as he spun uncontrollably through the air. His body was aching terribly as he attempted to stretch out his wings. They seemed reluctant to extend no matter how hard he tried and the pain was excruciating.
“Nyah…come on…me…gotta…get wings…out…” Petrie continued to struggle but his muscles were so tightly seized that they refused to pull his wings out.
“PETRIE!” a chorus of voices then shot down to him. His friends were crying out to him and their fearful tones were laced to expect the worst. Their voices rang in Petrie’s head as he gave his wings one last mighty push. Something clicked sending a shooting pain through his arms but Petrie finally felt his wings reach out to maximum span allowing an updraft of wind to catch him and slow him down just as the T-Rex took a snap at him with its razor sharp teeth. Tucking his feet up under him, Petrie felt a rush of the beast’s jaws pass just inches from him as it clamped shut. Frustrated by its miss, the sharptooth then let out an irritated roar up at Petrie as he hovered just out of reach. The jet of exhaled air from the beast’s gaping maw caught Petrie in its updraft and catapulted the little flyer straight up, back the way he had tumbled from. Petrie let out a frightful yell but as the strength of the gusty blast subsided and he regained control, Petrie found himself afloat just above where his friends had been watching his freefall.
“I’m flying…I’m flying!” Petrie gasped astounded to himself. His friends just below him all beamed with delight at Petrie’s escape as he threw himself into an impressive aerial loop-the-loop as if he’d just learned to fly all over again.
“I’M FLYYYINNNNGGGG!!!” Petrie cried overjoyed. The gang’s wide smiles all quickly dissolved as they heard the sharptooth let out another booming, aggravated roar at them. Without a second thought, all seven of them turned tailed and fled up the remainder of the path. The sharptooth has quickened its pace and was after them in a flash.
   After traversing another few levels, the gang all came to one last jump over the lake that was now an extremely frightful distance below them. The group all hesitated since this jump looked much further than any of the previous jumps they had made whilst climbing the floating pathway. On top of that, the path seemed to disappear behind the canyon wall so there was no telling where it led.
“What now?” Kairyn asked hurryingly.
“I dunno! I can’t see where the land path goes,” Littlefoot said anxiously as he scanned the opposite side.
“The tunnel leading to the Great Valley is just over there. There’s gotta be a way to get over to it,” Cera said gesturing up to the cave entrance just on the opposite side of the canyon. They were desperately close.
“To the where?” Melissa then asked sounding a little unnerved.
“The Great Valley. It’s their homeland, where they all live,” Kairyn explained quickly.
“Hurry! Sharptooth getting closer!” Petrie warned hovering just to their left side.
“Littlefoot, come on! We don’t have time! Hurry up and jump!” Cera urged. Littlefoot still wasn’t convinced but he could hear the pursuing beast’s heavy footsteps getting louder behind them. Shaking the niggling uncertainty from his mind, Littlefoot primed himself to make the jump. Despite earlier concerns, he and his friends made it across. Now all safely on the other side, the group came to fork in their path which was separated by the canyon wall that towered up in between the two routes.
“Which way do we go?” Ducky asked nervously. Before anyone could answer her, there was a rush of wind and a gigantic crashing thud just off to their left as the sharptooth landed right next to them.
“Right, right , right! GO RIGHT!!!” Kairyn yelled shepherding the static group down the right fork since the T-Rex had landed directly in front of the left hand route. The group let out a terrified scream as the beast made a lunging snap at them but missed as they sprinted away. The group ran along the path which seemed to double back out over the lake again.
“We are going the wrong way! The tunnel to the Great Valley is over there!” Ducky said as she pointed out to her right to where they were supposed to be heading. They seemed to be travelling further from it.
“We’ve got no choice Ducky! That sharptooth is right behind us!” Cera bantered but she quickly dug her heels into the ground when she found herself about to run head first into a solid wall. The others copied her as they all slid to a stop and gasped in horror.
“Ahh crap! A dead end!” Kairyn cursed as he gazed up at the canyon wall that offered nowhere to climb nor any way around it.
“We’re trapped!” Littlefoot cried. This time, there really was no way out.
“And we were so close to getting home!” Ducky said feebly but there was nothing for it. They had run themselves into a corner and with only one route back, which the sharptooth was already advancing along, they truly were stuck. The gang held their breath as they turned around to see the sharptooth already making its straight dash towards them. The group all huddled together, each feeling the other quivering in fear. It looked like their luck had finally run out when they were so close to their goal. Such a cruel fate. The thunderous steps boomed ever closer as the gang let out a terrified scream as it lowered its head to deliver the killing blow. The group huddled tighter and slammed their eyes shut, unable to look. Suddenly, there was strange sound that rang out over the area. A high-pitch ring echoed out over the canyon followed by the crunching of dense earth. The gang all felt the ground give a sudden shudder forcing their eyes open again. Looking out to the aerial walkway linking the two walls of the canyon, the sharptooth had let out a wailing cry before disappearing through the floor. Amazed by what they had just witnessed, they all quickly leaned over the side to see the sharptooth freefalling down the centre of the canyon surrounded large chunks of rock. The mighty beast smashed through the floating pathways that bridged the two canyon walls, obliterating them as it hit them, as it continued to plummet straight for the black centre of the lake below. With one last roaring cry, the sharptooth hit the water with an almighty splash along with a supersized chuck of rock that was easily bigger than the beast itself. The rock landed square in the beast’s stomach and weighed it down. In an instant, their stalker was gone; sunk beneath the surface of the lake and swallowed from sight by the black centre of the lake’s great depth. Only a ring of bubbles was left to signify the sharptooth’s whereabouts which was slowly dissipating.
“My God! What the hell happened?” Kairyn breathed as they all slowly backed away from the edge.
“Looks like…the land path broke away from underneath him…” Littlefoot said almost whispering. Just then, Littlefoot saw something flicker out of the corner of his eye. He snapped a quick look to where the flash was but it had disappeared. The gang all looked at each other flabbergasted. They could hardly believe their luck as they started to double back the way they had come. Somehow, the five dinosaur children gained a simultaneous flashback of their past journey. An overwhelming sense of dÈj‡ vu that they all felt at the same time and by the look they read on each other’s faces, they knew they were all thinking the same thing. It was like history repeating itself over again. Leaping over the newly formed hole in the path, they made their way back to the fork in the road where they unanimously opted for the other route which they traced directly up to the tunnel entrance that led up into the Great Valley. Along the way, and once the introductions Kairyn had promised were made official, Kairyn didn’t waste any time in questioning Melissa as to how she managed to arrive in the dinosaur world.
“So, how did you get here?” Kairyn started.
“I…I don’t know. I don’t remember,” Melissa stammered, “I went to the security station when you ran off to find your dad. I was with Mr Madden for a while and he got me to my grandfather’s lab to keep me safe. I guess I blacked out after that.”
“Blacked out? So what happened when you came to?” Kairyn pressed.
“When I woke up, I was on a high, dusty trail. I followed a path down and came to a clearing full of dinosaurs. I thought I was dreaming to start with, especially when I heard them talking to each other. I wasn’t sure about the dinosaurs so I stayed hidden in a nearby forest as I walked around. Eventually I was spotted and I was chased by a whole herd of them.”
“You were chased?!” Kairyn gawked.
“Yeah. They chased me up the path I came from and out into the mountains. I managed to lose them but I got lost. I wandered around for hours not knowing where I was until I slipped and fell over the side of the path.”
“That’s when we found you,” Littlefoot then said.
“Yeah. I have to admit, I was pretty surprised to hear you shouting my name Kairyn” Melissa then said.
“Well, I was just as shocked to find you, of all people, to be dangling off the side of cliff,” Kairyn said half laughing.
“Yeah, weird huh,” Melissa said with a smile, “so where are we going anyway?”
“The Great Valley; it is our home. It is a wonderful place to live, yep, yep, yep,” Ducky said sweetly.
“I’ve been travelling all over the place with these guys. Littlefoot found me in an oasis out in a desert. I kinda freaked out the first time and ran away but I bumped into him again in a canyon. That’s where we first ran into that killing machine that was chasing us before,” Kairyn explained.
“Really? What were you doing out there Littlefoot?” Melissa asked.
“I woke up there. I really don’t know how I got there,” Littlefoot replied.
“Turns out, that big surprise that had arrived at Keltech that day when we went to see our folks? It was Littlefoot. He was transported to our time somehow. I found him asleep in the cryo-room before all that crazy stuff happened that brought us both here,” Kairyn said smiling. Melissa gasped and flicked her eyes from Kairyn to Littlefoot in disbelief.
“What?! You see Littlefoot in human world?!” Petrie cawed in surprise. This made Cera instantly flare up as she stopped the marching group in its tracks and stood defiantly in front of Kairyn.
“So YOU were the ones who kidnapped him!” she shot dangerously. Kairyn and Melissa both reeled back in shock.
“Whoa…what?! Kidnapped?! We didn’t kidnap Littlefoot! Are you crazy?” Kairyn said defensively. Something then clicked and he then turned to Littlefoot, “You never said you were kidnapped!”
“I…I didn’t know! All I remember was being in the Great Valley, warning my friends about humans being in there, then I woke up by that water out in the sand lands in the Mysterious Beyond. I don’t remember anything before that,” Littlefoot replied.
“Cera, I’m telling you the truth. I had no idea that Littlefoot had been kidnapped! I didn’t even know how he got to Second London in the first place. I just found him by complete mistake!” Kairyn protested.
“Cera, I do not think Kairyn is lying, nope, nope, nope!” Ducky beseeched the fiery threehorn.
“Even if I did kidnap him, why would I be helping him get back to his home?” Kairyn then added. Cera continued to stare into Kairyn’s face that was begging her for an understanding. As much as she opposed the idea, she seemed convinced that he was telling the truth.
“Fine…maybe you didn’t,” Cera said slowly as she turned away to allow them to continue walking forwards, “but that doesn’t mean that I trust you.”
“Okay fine. Whatever you say,” Kairyn said waving at her defensively. With one last snort, Cera turned to face the front and marched on. Exhaling sharply, Kairyn nervously followed keeping a safe distance between himself and Cera’s stomping pace near the front of the group.
   After a long, arduous climb, the group finally found themselves on the approach to the tunnel. The gateway Littlefoot and his friends had passed through on their maiden voyage to discover the beauty and splendour of the Great Valley for the first time. A buzz of excited energy shot through their weary bodies as they quickened their pace and entered the tunnel. Surprised by their sudden dash, Kairyn and Melissa brought up the rear as they found themselves being left behind in the joyous moment. Sprinting through the tunnel, the gang rounded the final corner and out onto a high rocky platform. Creeping closer to the edge of their earthy pedestal, Littlefoot and his friends stood side by side and marvelled once again at the revelation of their beloved Great Valley. Despite seeing it from many different angles on every occasion they entered the Valley from an adventure, this particular view always seemed the most impressive. Only an orchestral symphony could enhance this majestic scene and make the sight seem even more marvellous than it already was. Littlefoot and his friends could feel their weary hearts swell with pride and joy at the wondrous scene of beholding their beautiful Great Valley once again after all their hardships. Another test of friendship and courage they had conquered and emerged victorious, overcoming all odds yet again. Kairyn trotted up to the gang as they admired the view and he too was blown away by what he saw.
“Wow! Is this it?...Is this your home?” he just managed to say. The view had almost completely robbed him of his voice.
“Uh huh. This is our home. Welcome to the Great Valley,” Littlefoot announced proudly. Kairyn couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. Inside the gigantic mountainous bowl was a land smothered with greenery as far as the eye could see. Running down the centre of the land was a gleaming river of deep blue that branched out to all areas of the valley. All the while, it shimmered like diamonds sat just below its surface. It was an herbivorous paradise accented by the glowing rays of the afternoon sun. Even the very clouds that floated overhead seemed to add a beautiful dynamic to the blissful and picturesque landscape. Truly a natural wonder to behold.
“My God! It’s more beautiful than I ever imagined!” Kairyn said breathtaken, “No wonder you adore this place. I’ve never seen anything like it!” Littlefoot nodded humbly at Kairyn’s words.
“Whad’dya think Melissa? Quite a view huh?” Kairyn said ecstatically. Melissa however didn’t seem to answer. She seemed apprehensive about what she was looking at.
“Well? What are we waiting for? Let’s get down there!” Kairyn yelled happily. The rest of the gang cheered as they hopped down the mountain path.
   Having dashed down the path to re-enter the Valley, the gang’s happy sprint was slowed when they suddenly heard the sound of panicked screaming.
“What was that?” Cera then asked. The dinosaur kids all glanced at each other looking rather concerned.
“It sounds like someone’s in trouble,” Littlefoot deduced just as another wave of screams rang out.
“It sound like a lot of dinosaurs in trouble!” Petrie then said nervously.
“What could be wrong?” Kairyn asked but as another set of terrified cries rang out, the group all broke into a run to get down into the Valley as quick as they could.
“Melissa, come on! Let’s go!” Kairyn summoned to the girl who stood a little further up the hill. She looked nervous about entering the Great Valley but Kairyn was too preoccupied to notice as he grabbed her hand and led her down the dusty path.
   Touching ground on the grassy verge of the Green Meadow, the gang all looked around to see the open aired field in utter chaos. Scores of adult dinosaurs were running in all directions as if to be fleeing from something.
“What’s going on? It looks like everyone’s been frightened by something,” Littlefoot said as the rest of the group rolled in beside him. Gazing out into the open field, every dinosaur was fleeing for their lives trying to avoid some unrecognised entity.
“What could it be? Do you think it is a sharptooth?” Ducky asked quickly.
“No! Worse!” Kairyn then said pointing towards the middle of the grassy meadow. His tone was dulled and unemotional. Following his finger, the gang all stared into the centre of the field and saw black shrouded figure huddled in the grass. It slowly stood up and revealed a long, glistening blade in its right hand as it reached full height.
“It’s…the Black Ghost!” Littlefoot gasped in shock. As if to react to hearing his name, the Black Ghost slowly turned and looked over his left shoulder towards the group of humans and dinosaurs standing at the foot of the dusty path. Within his darkened hood, two glowing red eyes pulsed menacingly.
“What’s he doing here?” Cera barked. Suddenly, the Black Ghost gripped the side of his head and started wailing. He seemed to be struggling to maintain his composure  as he arched over backwards still clasping his temples. After a few seconds, he stopped screaming and he turned to face Littlefoot, Kairyn and the others. They all flinched as they saw the beady red lights in his hood suddenly shine brighter.
“Targets acquired,” he droned monotonically before ducking down to kick off the ground and began dashing at them at phenomenal speed. His sword lifted high to deliver a kill-ridden blow.


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Chapter 27: A Pledge for Sanctuary

   The Green Meadow of the Great Valley was a troubled sight. A sight that Littlefoot and his friends were not accustomed to as they slid to a halt having descended from the mountain paths to re-enter their luscious homeland for the first time in days. Terror and panic had broken out amongst the peaceful dinosaur denizens which had them all charging and fleeing in all directions. The gang scanned the fields in dumbstruck horror unable to fathom why such an uproar had emerged in their blissful valley. That was until their eyes had fallen upon an entity that clearly did not occur naturally amongst the Great Valley’s populous.
“It’s…it’s the Black Ghost,” Littlefoot gasped in shock. The black clad shadowy figure was stood perched in the centre of the field; his sword drawn at his side glistening in the beaming sunlight. Then, as if to react to hearing his name, the Black Ghost turned and glanced over at the five dinosaur kids and their two human visitors. Despite the distance, deep within the empty void of the Black Ghost’s hood, two pulsing red eyes glared over to them. The group flinched as the demonic lights stared almost right through them.
“What’s he doing here?” Cera asked rather disgusted by his sudden presence. This sparked a series of fitful screams and thrashes from the Black Ghost as he gripped the side of his head and writhed in pain. He wailed to the heavens, trying in any way to get the suffering to subside. After a few seconds, he eventually stopped and turned to look back at Littlefoot, Kairyn and the others. The glowing red eyes glimmered brighter but this time, they were brimmed with hatred and malice.
“Targets acquired…” the Black Ghost droned tunelessly. In that instance, he then ducked slightly before kicking off the ground. He was making a beeline for the young group which his sword raised threateningly. The seven of them were glued to their spot unable to move as the Black Ghost shot towards them at unnatural speed. He was moving so fast it almost appeared that he was flying through the wavering blades of grass.
“He is coming this way!” Ducky finally managed to squeak. None of them seemed to be able to take their eyes of him as he raged on towards them.
“I don’t like the way he was looking at us,” Kairyn mumbled nervously. He was spellbound by his incredible speed. Littlefoot’s mind seemed to wander whilst he watched the Black Ghost approaching. He started seeing flashbacks of the last moment he had seen the Black Ghost. When they were on the snow capped mountain having just narrowly survived the avalanche. This almost seemed like a replay of that event when the Black Ghost went berserk but this time, he looked more focused and deadset on causing some damage; with him and his friends in his line of sight.
“That does it!” Cera snapped leaping in front of the group and dug her feet into the soil to brace herself for the incoming attack.
“Cera! No!” Littlefoot said blinking to break the gripping trance of his thoughts. Cera didn’t listen. She stood defiantly before her friends, shielding them from whatever the Black Ghost was about to throw at them.
   The Black Ghost was now dangerously close as his weapon arm drew back ready to make his strike. The group held their breath whilst Cera held her ground. The Black Ghost was now with striking range and his arm came up and over. His second hand clasped the handle in mid flight to reinforce the strength of the blow. It was primed to kill. Kairyn swore aloud and ducked pulling Melissa with down with him. Petrie and Ducky hugged together tightly as Spike shrunk down as small as he could behind Cera’s stubborn and foolhardy barrier. Littlefoot was lost in a flurry of rushing thoughts as the attack came in. Then, in an instinctive act, Littlefoot leapt forwards just beyond Cera putting himself in line for the first hit.
“NO! STOP!” he cried in a panic. The swing came down with frightening speed and accuracy. The glistening blade was going to cleave Littlefoot’s skull clean in two. Littlefoot clamped his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as a high-pitched ring resonate within his darkness. A chorus of gasps echoed in his ears over the ringing for a split second. Littlefoot slowly opened one eye, his teeth still grinding nervously. Realising that his head was still whole, he cautiously unfurled his second eyelid to find himself staring cross-eyed at the long metal blade of the Black Ghost’s sword which was frozen in place down the middle of his face, floating barely a quarter of  an inch above Littlefoot’s forehead. His breath locked tight in his throat as he looked past the steadied blade and into the dark space where the two evil red eyes bore deep into his own. They were soulless and cold despite their burning crimson hue.
“Ghost! What the hell are you doing?!” Kairyn finally said breaking the tense air, rising to his feet. The Black Ghost snapped his head up to Kairyn making him jerk back nervously. The cloaked figure then hopped backwards and held his sword out at arm’s length pointing at the crowd. Littlefoot, relieved to have reacquired his personal space, sighed forcefully and promptly shuffled back into his group of friends.
“What is wrong with you? Why are you attacking us?!” Cera snapped, silently fretting that it was almost her who would be facing the deathly swing of the sword. The Black Ghost seemed to flinch and held the side of his head with his free hand like he’d just been struck by a sudden headache. Littlefoot was the first to sympathise and retraced his defensive steps he had taken backwards with a cautious one forwards again.
“Erm… Black Ghost?” he asked sheepishly. The red eyes flicked to the longneck.
“Littlefoot… be careful…” Petrie whimpered still clinging to Ducky. Littlefoot swallowed hard but didn’t falter in his approach and took another step forwards. The Black Ghost’s hand remained steadily aimed despite his signs of discomfort. The sharpened tip of the sword was dangerously close to his throat, testing Littlefoot’s mettle but he remained adamant.
“…Black Ghost? It’s me…Littlefoot. Remember?” Littlefoot said slowly and softly. Then, he saw the burning red eyes inside the Black Ghost’s hood flicker like faulty lamps.
“Li… Littlefoot?” he mumbled dumbly. He flinched again and recoiled away from the gawking crowd who were a little relieved to see the cloaked man relent and drop his weapon arm. Littlefoot allowed his chest to slack with a calming exhale having seemed to have quelled the Black Ghost’s irrational actions.
“Lit…Littlefoot…” the Black Ghost mumbled again. His head drooped away from everyone’s eyes. Littlefoot nodded but was then surprised to hear another voice call his name. A voice he had not heard for quite some time.
“Littlefoot?” it said to him from across the field.
“Grandpa?” Littlefoot replied in awe. He looked out into the Green Meadow and saw the towering elderly longneck standing and staring over at him. Then, another giant creature stepped into view and Littlefoot’s smile grew wider.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” he cried jovially to them.
“Oh Littlefoot!” Grandma Longneck sighed overwhelmed.
“Everyone! The young ones have returned!” Grandpa Longneck hollered behind him. In an instant, a small crowd of adult-sized dinosaurs, all of varying species, had formed around the two longnecks. All faces sporting a beaming smile of great relief.
“It is our families! It is, it is!” Ducky piped happily. The gang began to chatter excitedly as they locked eyes with their parents. Reunited again after days of relentless trials and brushing shoulders with death nearly every step of the way. Kairyn, Melissa and the Black Ghost were momentarily forgotten in the joyous rush of emotions between the dinosaurs. Lost in their happiness, Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike all shot off to feel the warming embrace of their parents. Suddenly, just as they all made a move towards their elders, a gruff, angry voice bellowed out over the entire Green Meadow, killing the mood.
“THERE! THERE IT IS!” the voice boomed. Everyone who had heard this voice before knew exactly who it belonged to. It was Cera’s father. The gang skidded to a stop halfway on their way to their folks and glanced at the beastly triceratops as he pawed the ground and suddenly made a charging run right for them. His head was dipped low and his horns aimed ready to gore anything that was unfortunate enough to get in the way. The gang were all rather confused by Cera’s father’s behaviour but when he stormed past them, it quickly became apparent what he was running towards.
   Kairyn and Melissa were still stood at the foot of the dusty path down from the mountains now extremely worried to see a giant beast roaring and stampeding towards them. The Black Ghost was still slumped on the ground shaking the daze from his head.
“That monster’s coming right at us!” Kairyn yelped. Melissa had already taken the initiative and had started to head back the way they had come to enter the Green Meadow. Kairyn couldn’t take his eyes off of Cera’s father who was now at full stride and closing in fast. The Black Ghost, however, seemed completely oblivious to anything that was going on around him. The shock of charging triceratops quickly wore off then Kairyn heard the beast roar so loudly he could almost feel the rush of breath billow from its gaping mouth. He started to backpedal and turned to flee back up the path into the mountains. In his sudden twist, his foot slipped on the loose shingle that littered the ground and he stumbled on the spot. Dropping onto his knees, he looked over his shoulder and to his horror, saw that the wildly aggressive dinosaur was nearly on top of him. A shudder of panic flooded over him as he took in the impressive dimensions of its primary weapons aimed down low. In the background, Kairyn could hear Littlefoot and the others crying desperately but it didn’t seem to slow the dinosaur’s thundering pace.
   Just then, the Black Ghost seemed to recompose himself and stood up. He glanced over at Kairyn on his knees and Kairyn could see that the demonic red eyes in his hood had suddenly disappeared.
“Ghost! Look out! Behind you!” the downed boy yelled in a flailing panic. The Black Ghost didn’t seem to respond immediately but then, with a sudden spin, he turned one-eighty degrees and threw out his left hand, his fingers splayed wide. The air around his gloved hand rippled for a split second just before a strong gust of wind shot out from his palm and blasted at the charging dinosaur. The mighty magic gust hit the triceratops in the face knocking its head backwards which, in turn, forced the beast to decelerate. Still with enough momentum behind its sprint, the triceratops continued to stumble forwards threatening to run the Black Ghost over. The Black Ghost leapt up and landed on the beast’s forehead whilst it was still blinded by his Wave Blast. Facing the same direction as his ride, the Black Ghost took the two giant horns that protruded menacingly from above each eyebrow and yanked them skywards as hard as he could. Kairyn let out a wail when he realised that the monstrous beast was now running at him with its eyes closed. It was going to trample him into the dirt. The Black Ghost dipped down and tugged at the horns in his hands again. Like a horse on reins, the triceratops’s head snapped back forcing it to rear backwards and skid to a stop. Kairyn, coughing and choking on the dust that had been kicked into the air, sat amazed that the rampaging dinosaur was now stood only a few feet from him with the Black Ghost trying to wrangle it.
“Get moving kid!” the Black Ghost said gruffly as he wrestled with Cera’s father as it tried to throw him off. Kairyn quickly scrambled to him feet and ducked behind a bush, out of sight.
   With Kairyn safely out of view, the Black Ghost turned back to the bucking face of the triceratops he was still clung to.
“Get off me!” the beastly dinosaur thundered angrily as he continued to thrash about.
“As you wish,” the Black Ghost replied calmly. Cera’s father dropped his head sharply and he felt the creature on his face stumble. Then, the mighty threehorn threw his head upwards violently to finally dislodge it from his face. He felt the creature’s grip slip from his horns and watched it catapult skywards. Cera’s father looked pleased to have tossed the human so far into the air but as he watched its flight, it was very controlled almost like it was comfortable with being so high. The Black Ghost tucked into a ball and somersaulted as he fell back down to the soft grassy earth and landed perfectly. Even before he had stood up fully, he could hear the thundering footsteps of the angry triceratops heading towards him again. He didn’t even turn to face him when a roar sounded from behind and a low aimed head swing came in threatening to spear him in the back. The Black Ghost effortlessly leapt up high clearing the nose horn and the two long horns embedded in the beast’s forehead. The height of his jump was humanely impossible but the Black Ghost launched himself up and backflipped onto the charging dinosaur’s back. Before Cera’s father could comprehend what had just happened, the Black Ghost stood tall on his back as the dinosaur dug his feet into the ground and turned with the skid. The Black Ghost had already dismounted his seat from on top with a floating backwards somersault and landed in the grass a good distance from his attacker without hardly bending his knees.
   Up until now, all those who had witnessed Cera’s father take on the human in black had all stood spectating. The crowd had grown in size around the gang’s parents when they had realised that the initial panic had died down. Cera’s father was grunting and panting heavily but the Black Ghost looked like he’d hardly broken a sweat. He stood quite relaxed where he had touched the ground with Littlefoot and his friends now positioned close to the ankles of their parents just beyond where Cera’s father had skidded to a halt.
“How dare you!” the mighty growled outraged, “how DARE you! Get out of our Valley!” He was already dragging his feet through the ground, ready to charge again. Tufts of grass flew up behind him as he made the threatening gesture but the Black Ghost did not appear to be intimidated.
“Are you dinosaurs just going to stand there while this pest terrorises our Valley!” he then said over his shoulder to the crowd behind him. There were a few rallied shouts before a number of them stepped forwards to join Cera’s father.
“Mr Threehorn, no!” Littlefoot tried to call out but his voice was drowned out by the defiant shouts of the gathering army of Great Valley defenders stood at Cera’s father’s side.
“Then help me and let’s drive it out!” he bellowed. A chorus of yells rang out from the newly formed crowd and they quickly turned their angry miens towards the Black Ghost who was still stood in the middle of the Green Meadow. The crowd charged without warning led by Mr Threehorn who failed to listen to the pleading cries of Littlefoot and his friends to stop.
   The Black Ghost remained still as the rampaging onslaught of dinosaurs sprinted right at him. He was grossly outmatched, outsized and outnumbered but none of these factors seemed to generate an ounce of concern as they came closer with each pounding footfall.
Cera’s father was the first to launch an attack which was another low piercing thrust with his horns. The Black Ghost finally responded by rolling to one side out of harm’s way. Almost instantly, he was met with a barrage of stamping feet, swinging tails and horn attacks. Continuing the roll, the Black Ghost pushed off the ground and into a cartwheel as a longneck came trampling in. The acrobatic spin put him directly beneath the belly of the longneck, momentarily blocking him from view. The cover didn’t last long as the longneck reared up onto it hind feet forcing the Black Ghost to sprint underneath it further. Exiting behind the reared longneck as it dropped its feet, the Black Ghost took a high leap as a large, thick tail of another dinosaur came crashing down before him. As the massive appendage slammed into the ground, the Black Ghost hopped onto it as it levitated up into the air. The tail flicked up throwing its rider skywards. The Black Ghost, now airborne, spun in the air and clasped onto what appeared to be a thick scaly tree trunk to prevent himself from being flung into the distance. Latching onto the thick trunk, he suddenly felt it give as if the trunk was soft and fleshy. Glancing up, the Black Ghost suddenly found an extremely large head staring down at him. He had caught hold of a longneck’s long neck.
   The longneck looked surprised to find him dangling from its neck and recoiled in fright. The Black Ghost hung on but suddenly shot a look behind when something blotted out the sun. Another longneck had approached and had its head coiled back ready to strike. The Black Ghost pushed off from his perch as the second longneck threw its head at him. In his fall, the Black Ghost forced a glowing magical platform out from his feet and took a midair leap off the floating glyph. The two longnecks collided and fell into each other granting the Black Ghost a sneaky path along the attacking longneck’s back which he took without a second thought. Running along the dinosaur’s spine, he dropped onto his back as another appendage swung overhead. Slipping under the surprise attack, the Black Ghost slid down the longneck’s tail and back down onto solid ground but was instantly forced to dodge a spiketail’s barbed tail that came swinging in from a blindside. Even after miraculously somersaulting in between the long spikes on its tail and then batting away a parasaurolophus’s swipe from the other side with another Wave Blast, the Black Ghost quickly had to evade another attack launched by Mr Threehorn as he circled around the tangled longnecks.
   All the while the relentless assault against the Black Ghost was raging, Littlefoot and his friends could only watch in horror. They were amazed at his incredible agility in dodging every offensive gesture thrown at him but they knew he could not keep it up forever. Moreover, so far, the Black Ghost hadn’t lashed out at any of his aggressors. If he lost control of himself like before, then the outcome could potentially carry the threat of casualties. The Great Valley dinosaurs were blissfully naÔve as to what the Black Ghost could really do.
“Grandma, Grandpa! We’ve got to stop them! He might get hurt!” Littlefoot cried despairingly. He cringed as he saw the Black Ghost narrowly escape an attack by jumping from one quadrupedal dinosaur to the back of another.
“But what is that creature Littlefoot?” Grandma Longneck asked.
“He’s a human, we think; but was with us when we were out in the Mysterious Beyond,” Littlefoot explained hurryingly.
“He is our friend. He is, he is,” Ducky quickly chimed in with Spike nodding hastily in confirmation.
“Black Ghost help us get back to Great Valley,” Petrie added.
“A human? Aren’t those the creatures that kidnapped you in the first place Littlefoot?” Petrie’s mother asked.
“I think so, but he wasn’t one of the humans who did it. He save us whilst we were travelling back to the Great Valley!” Littlefoot replied.
“Is that true Cera?” Tria asked. Cera had remained rather quiet throughout the whole situation.
“Well… yeah, he did help us… but…” Cera stammered but Littlefoot cut across her before she could continue,
“Please, he’s our friend. Please make them stop!” he beseeched. Having been convinced enough, Grandpa Longneck craned his head high and called out into the field asking for some sort of calm. However, the battle continued regardless with neither side showing any signs of slowing.
   Despite his impressive acrobatic skill, the Black Ghost could feel himself starting to fatigue. It would have been much easier to dispatch each of his attackers but he knew that these were all herbivorous dinosaurs. They were merely defending their territory and he couldn’t condemn them for that. However, having used a number of Shadow Art magicks, it was taking its toll on him. He would not last much longer against a crowd as large as this. The tussle had since migrated away from the spectators who didn’t dare get any closer to the manic action and the sound of grunts, stamps, roars and painful groans made the field an orchestra of inaudible noise. Suddenly, there was a piercing scream of someone in trouble. Having flipped backwards from feet onto his hands to dodge another crushing stomp, the Black Ghost could just make out a large swimmer shouting,
“Hey! I found more! Over here!” The Black Ghost took a quick glance as he hopped from hands to feet again. The saurolophus had discovered Kairyn and Melissa over in the bushes and a number of dinosaurs had already started to make their way over to them. The Black Ghost saw the pair run out into the field over towards a lonely tree. The Black Ghost leapt up and out from the smothering crowd and instantly made a beeline over to where Kairyn and Melissa were being chased. His evaded attackers quick to pursue.
   Kairyn and Melissa were trying their best to stay ahead of their chasers but given their super size, they quickly found themselves encircled. Kairyn and Melissa stuck close together as they backed up against a tree that stood proud and tall in a corner of the Green Meadow.
“Crap! We’re surrounded!” Kairyn panted scanning the ring of giants around them. Melissa didn’t say anything as she gazed up at them all. Their furrowed brows gave an instant message of their distain regarding their presence.
“Jeez! What’re we gonna do!” Kairyn floundered. The ring began to shrink as everyone took a daunting and thunderous step forwards. Suddenly, someone dropping down from the sky and landed in front of Kairyn and Melissa. His landing seemed to shake the ground.
“Ghost?!” Kairyn gawked.
“Get down,” he said plainly. Kairyn then saw that his gloved hands were covered in a murky black and crimson fog. Without another word, Kairyn fell flat on his stomach and pulled Melissa down with him. Then, the Black Ghost leapt up into the air and seemed to float there without anything holding him up. All eyes locked onto him as he drew into himself before throwing his arms and legs out as wide as he could. From his aerial position, his entire body became engulfed in a bizarre black and crimson red flame that exploded out from him. The shockwave from the blast rattled the tree behind him and shunted the ring of dinosaurs backwards a few feet. Some of the dinosaurs fled while others stood holding their ground as they fought the strong burst of wind that emanated from the Black Ghost. Kairyn cautiously looked up at the levitated man in black as the magical fire spew out from him. Curiously, he noticed that even though the flames were hitting the ground, the tree and anything it could touch, it didn’t appear to burn or ignite anything. It was as if it were all an elaborate lightshow rather than a devastating attack to wipe out everything.
The Black Ghost began roaring to the heavens as he strained to keep the fire around him alive. As he threw more magical flames around, his vision began to flicker and his world seemed to distort around him. Daylight strobed before his eyes as if he were dipping in and out of a dark passage. Suddenly, his forceful cry died in his throat and the flames were instantly extinguished. Kairyn looked up and saw the Black Ghost’s body suddenly go limp and he plummeted to the grassy floor hitting it bone-crackingly hard.
The entire Green Meadow suddenly went deathly quiet. Those dinosaurs that had fought to keep their balance against the raging winds of the Black Ghost’s exploding fireball slowly looked at each other bewildered at what they had just witnessed. A nervous chatter broke out amongst them as they began to gather. Momentarily forgetting they were still surrounded, Kairyn and Melissa pushed themselves up to hands and knees and crept cautiously forwards to the Black Ghost who was lying face down in the grass. He wasn’t moving.
“Is he… alright?” Melissa asked lingering back slightly. Kairyn gave the Black Ghost’s limp body a shake.
“Dunno, he’s out cold. Can’t tell if he’s breathing or not,” Kairyn reported grimly. Just then, a shadow rolled over him and Kairyn looked up.
“Uh oh,” he breathed backing away from the Black Ghost’s fallen position. Numerous pairs of eyes were staring down on him as he shrunk back against the base of the tree.
“I think we’re in trouble,” he whispered to Melissa who had also realised that the crowd were now bearing down on them.
   The ring of adult dinosaurs had closed around them cutting off any possible of escape. Kairyn and Melissa felt their shoulders press against each other as they rubbed their backs on the flaking bark of the tree. Kairyn felt a nervous lump swell chokingly in his throat as he caught the eye of Cera’s father glaring straight at him.
“Get rid of them!” he guttered lowly. Just as the mighty beast took a step forward, a young voice cried out over the growling group forcing him to stop.
“No! Wait! STOP!” the voice yelled as a body shot through the maze of legs and stood tall and defiantly in between Mr Threehorn and the humans. Kairyn could not have felt a faster rush of calm flood over him when he realised who it was.
“Out of the way Littlefoot!” Mr Threehorn snapped, “these humans need to be removed from our Valley right now!”
“No Mr Threehorn don’t!” Littlefoot beseeched, “these humans helped save our lives. They rescued us from the Mysterious Beyond! They’re not here to hurt us!”
“No creature other than a dinosaur can be trusted in this Valley and these home-wreckers will not be allowed to make a mess of our home like they did before!” Mr Threehorn bantered. Littlefoot looked up and scanned the crowd as a few of them cheered and yelled in support of Mr Threehorn’s statement.
“But you can’t throw them out! If it wasn’t for Kairyn and the others we never would have made it back,” Littlefoot replied desperately. He felt horribly overpowered but he just couldn’t let Cera’s father run Kairyn, Melissa and the Black Ghost out.
“Littlefoot is right! Yep, yep, yep!” another tiny voice piped in. The crowd turned and saw Ducky and Spike dash in between their legs and stood next to Littlefoot.
“Kairyn, Melissa and Black Ghost all help us. They even help fight a giant sharptooth that follow us all the way,” Petrie chimed in as he descended from over the group.
“Is this true Littlefoot?” Grandma Longneck asked as she and Grandpa Longneck appeared behind the rest of the ring.
“Yes Grandma. They saved us while we were travelling back here,” Littlefoot said very quickly. He felt his odds of convincing the mobbing crowd greatly increase as his friends and grandparents joined him. He felt his spirits lift when he saw that understanding twinkle in his grandfather’s eye as he raised his head to speak.
“Well, if these humans did in fact save our children and see them back here safely then we owe them a debt beyond a simple thank you,” Grandpa Longneck said in an even tone, “we cannot condemn these humans for an act of bravery that saw our children return in one piece. We should be welcoming them as we have done with any visitors.”
“But one good act does not overrule the threat and danger they pose to our Great Valley as they did when they were last here,” Mr Threehorn quickly retorted, “they are not visitors; they’re a menace! And I won’t stand idly by knowing that they could wreak havoc on our lives again!”
“But Daddy, they are not the same humans as last time,” Cera said, finally plucking up the courage to speak against her father as she wandered over to her defiant friends. She was trying hard not to cower under the piercing gaze of father’s burning eyes and furrowed brow.
“All humans are the same! I’m sure these ones are no different!” Mr Threehorn bellowed. Then, all of a sudden, a different voice spoke out; this time from the epicentre of the quarrelling ring.
“Please sir, I can assure you we mean you no harm,” Melissa said sheepishly. Despite being sat next to her, Kairyn almost couldn’t believe that she had actually stood up to talk to the scowling beast. The only thing he had been focusing on were how intimidating Cera’s father’s horns looked when they are aimed low enough to impale him straight through. However, when Melissa stood up and walked away from him, he blinked in amazement as she continued.
“We humans are not all the same. We are but children ourselves and we have no idea how we got here. We’re scared and frightened because we don’t know how we can get back. Littlefoot and his friends kindly suggested we come back with them to your home until we can find a way back to our own time,” Melissa explained. Despite not having the most impressive voice, her tone was laced with such gentility and manner that it was almost melodious.
“And we always welcome those who come to the Great Valley in need of help,” Littlefoot chipped in. The crowd began to chatter uncertainly; clearly the mix of morals of the community was being scrutinised to the point that no one was sure what to think. Melissa continued above the noise of the chatter.
“Please. We just need somewhere where we can at least think of how we can rectify the situation we’ve suddenly found ourselves in. I promise you that we are not your enemy. We are just lost and confused. If we were to be thrown back out into what you call the Mysterious Beyond, we would not last because we do not know of the perils of this world. Our world is very different to yours and we will surely perish without some safe haven and guidance. Would you honestly be that cruel to sacrifice us to a world that we have no knowledge of?”
   Kairyn was spellbound. Melissa words were so deep and heartfelt that it was impossible not to be moved by what she was saying. Their case was indeed genuine but she sold their predicament perfectly. Looking up at the dinosaurs surrounding them, it was clear that the majority of the swollen, angry faces had slackened and offered signs of understanding and empathy.
“But you attacked us! That human in black entered our Valley and instantly started causing trouble,” Mr Threehorn argued. This flared some of the undecided dinosaurs back up into disgruntled burst of anger.
“Erm…we have to apologise for him,” Kairyn then said hopping to his feet; he felt that he needed to help out where he could, “he’s a little trigger happy when it comes to confrontations. Had we have gotten here before the Black Ghost, we could have warned you.” Kairyn silently started to panic. His words were clumsy and lacked the flowing grace and neutralising qualities of Melissa and he started to think that maybe he was damaging their chances of being accepted.
“We think the Black Ghost is sick. He goes a bit crazy sometimes but he’s never hurt us,” Littlefoot joined in. Kairyn looked hard and intently at the back of Littlefoot’s head. He couldn’t quite believe that Littlefoot was defending the Black Ghost but he knew that right now was not the right time to confront him about it. Littlefoot glanced back and down at the floored man in the black coat and then up at Kairyn who seemed to flinch when they locked eyes and then quickly turned away.
“These humans clearly mean us no harm. They are indeed children and we cannot be so malicious as to leave them to the fate of the Mysterious Beyond,” Grandpa Longneck then said over everyone else, “we will grant them safety in our Great Valley while they look for a way to return to their own home.”
   The crowd chattered louder but this time, tones were a lot more accommodating which made Littlefoot breathe a huge sigh of relief. His grandparents had done it again and quelled the raging rabble in favour of peace and acceptance. Mr Threehorn growled lowly and snapped his head upwards.
“When are you gonna wise up Longneck? Not every creature that wanders into our Valley is as calm and innocent as you think they are!” he grumbled with a grinding of his teeth.
“That may be true but at least we have made a decision based on a fair and open debate and not leapt to conclusions. The humans will be welcomed but they are to behave as we expect any far walker or traveller,” Grandma Longneck said strongly.
“Yes. Until they find their way home, they can stay with us as long as they treat our home with the respect they would their own,” Grandpa Longneck added.
“And I can honestly say, with every gracious word, that we will do just that,” Melissa said sweetly. The words to seal the verbal contract of conditions; chosen and spoken beautifully. Mr Threehorn gave another low and grumpy scowl at the crowd and then at the humans now stood side by side with his daughter and her friends before grunting indignantly and storming off.
“Urr…one of these days…” he muttered as he stamped away, his voice trailing into a muffle as he walked.
   The tight ring of dinosaurs then slowly began to break away as the dinosaurs returned to their day, all of them still quarrelling and gossiping about its strange turn of events. As the crowd dispersed, Littlefoot and his friends all sighed heavily again. Littlefoot looked up at his grandparents and smiled broadly. No matter the situation, they always stood by him without fail even if the whole thing seemed hopeless.
“Whew! Out of all our close encounters and brushes with death, I think I was more scared of that council of dinosaurs than running through that geyser field or being chased by that obsessive sharptooth,” Kairyn said, “nice speech by the way Melissa.”
“Thanks,” she beamed stroking the side of her hair shyly, “it was easy because it was the truth.”
“So you humans do not know how you got here?” Grandma Longneck asked dipping her head low to the ground.
“I’m afraid not. There was a serious incident back at the Keltech Laboratories back in our time. None of us are sure how we ended up here,” Melissa said shrugging.
“So what will you do now? How will you find your way home?” Ducky then asked the pair of them.
“Dunno to be honest,” Kairyn started, but then, as he turned and looked at the ground, he found a black glove lying next to his right foot and his mind clicked, “but I think we can make a start by asking this guy some questions.” Everyone followed Kairyn’s gaze and the inference was instant.
“But how you gonna ask Black Ghost? What if he go crazy again?” Petrie asked sounding slightly nervous. Kairyn paused for a second and then glanced back at the tree. He quickly discovered that it was covered in thick, drooping vines that twisted around its branches like organic tinsel.
“He won’t…not this time…” Kairyn said lowly. The others watched in silence as Kairyn walked over to the tree and clambered up into its low branches. A short while later, Kairyn dropped back down to the ground with an armful of the thick vines and ducked down next to the Black Ghost. Taking his flaccid hands, Kairyn folded them behind the Black Ghost’s back as he lay on his front and tied his wrists together. Then, taking another vine, Kairyn looped them between the Black Ghost’s ankles and pulled them as taut as he could. Content that they were tight, Kairyn rolled the incapacitated man over and grabbed him by the feet.
“Littlefoot, gimme a hand will ya,” he asked. Littlefoot, who had been spectating in some degree of awe, flicked his head quickly before helping Kairyn move the Black Ghost over towards the tree. With some effort, Kairyn and the group managed to tie the Black Ghost to the trunk of the tree with his feet suspended some distance off the floor.
“There,” Kairyn said contently, dusting his hands clean of the grimy ropes, “let’s see him go nuts and disappear now.”
“Is he all right? He still has not woken up yet,” Ducky said sounding a little concerned. Kairyn leaned in closer to the unconscious man.
“Dunno, I doubt I could find a pulse through that jacket of his,” Kairyn said flatly, “can’t even see the guy’s face.” Then, something in Kairyn’s brain clicked. After a brief pause, Kairyn felt his fingers twitch at his side and his hand slowly began to rise up as if it were not under his full control. The others all leaned in closer holding their breath as Kairyn’s hand drew level with the Black Ghost’s hood. He hesitated for a second, his mouth suddenly very dry. Then, swallowing hard, Kairyn reached forward and felt his fingers brush the inside rim of the black hood and he gently began to push it back.


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This fanfiction has been nominated by its author to be rated for the fanfiction awards 2011. To all the readers and fans of this fanfiction, please rate and review it! :)


  • The Circle
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Hey guys!

Firstly, I wanna thank all those who voted for BOSE 2 in the Fanfiction Awards this year. Really means a lot. Secondly, I'm really sorry it's taken me so bloody long to get to work on the next chapter. I've re-written this sodding piece at least 3 times coz things just didn't seem to fit or flow quite right. Anywho, for those of you reading this and are still interested, I humbly thank you for your patience. Still, for those who haven't completely rejected my story given how long it takes me to update,  :DD  :p here's the next chapter to the story. As usual it's up on as well so check it out there if you prefer. Not much in the way of action in this chapter but more of a setup for things to come.

Thanks again guys. T&Vs and comments are welcomed as always!

Chapter 28: Communicating with a Ghost

The moment seemed like one destined to never be revealed but it was there ready to be seized. Still, with Kairyn's outstretched hand partially hidden by the cavernous black hood of the Black Ghost inches away from unmasking who he still believed to be his father's killer. The Black Ghost still lay drooped, unconscious within his tether of vines, tied to the trunk of the thick tree. He seemed completely unaware that his identity was in grave danger of being revealed to the world despite spending so long cloaking himself behind the enigmatic name. Kairyn could only imagine the handful of people who really knew who he was and how he had become the mysterious man that plagued the country back in his time. And here he was now, a mere wrist flick away from seeing the Black Ghost's face for the first time and yet, his hand seemed frozen in suspended air. His arm flushed hot and heavy and his hand was trembling.

"This is it. This is the man who killed my father," Kairyn's mind burned, "so why am I so afraid to look at him? Why can't I just remove his damn hood?"

"Kairyn?" Littlefoot's voice said nervously from behind him. Kairyn breathed a shuddering sigh on hearing his name but didn't turn around.

"This is something I've got to do…" Kairyn's mind pressed, "I need to see his face…for Dad…"

With that, Kairyn swallowed hard and felt his wrist tense, priming to push the Black Ghost's hood back the rest of the way. He saw the point of a nose hit the daylight when he saw two evil red eyes suddenly glare out from the darkness of the hood. Kairyn gasped in fright as the beaming red lights bore into his fearful brown eyes. Instinctively, he drew his hand back in a frightened flinch just as the Black Ghost's limp body squirmed back into life and he let out an animalistic roar. Kairyn leapt backwards a few feet as the crazed man screamed and yelled at the top of his lungs, thrashing and twisting around like a convulsing snake. The vines creaked horribly against his restrained body as Kairyn silently hoped that they wouldn't snap. All eyes stared anxiously at the Black Ghost when he suddenly lurched up very straight before sighing and flopping down within his tethers breathing hard.

The gathered audience all swapped nervous glances at each other before they all looked to Kairyn who had not adjusted his gaze from the Black Ghost the entire time he was fitting within the vines. Kairyn felt his face flush hot against the chilly specks of sweat on his forehead as he cautiously retraced his steps towards the tree again. All other followed Kairyn's movement, anyone hardly breathing as he finally stopped and stood tall in front of the Black Ghost who was still reclaiming lost breath.

"So, you still with us then Ghost?" Kairyn said steadily. The Black Ghost slowly looked towards Kairyn, still panting slightly.

"…Kairyn…you look a little shorter than you did the last time I saw you," the Black Ghost said tunelessly.

"Well, I'm in a bit of a better position than you right about now," Kairyn shot back smirking confidently. The Black Ghost then looked down to see a thick network of vines wrapped numerous times around his torso with his hands pinned between his back and the tree.

"Hmm…thought you'd take advantage of a downed man even though he saved you on a fair few occasions," the Black Ghost said, his tone at the ever even pace it always was.

"I've done just fine getting along without your interfering thanks," Kairyn retorted, "besides I never asked for your help in the first place."

"No, you're right. You didn't ask for me help; but someone else wanted me to anyway," the Black Ghost said slowly. He made sure Kairyn heard every word.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" he replied sourly but the Black Ghost just shook his head.

"If you haven't got it by now then I guess you'll just have to wait a little longer. You'll get it in time," the Black Ghost said meaningfully.

"Well, I've got all the time in the world and I'm not in the mood to be playing your stupid little riddles," Kairyn snapped. The Black Ghost sniggered as Kairyn thrust an authoritive finger up to his face.

"I hope you're comfortable up there coz you're gonna be answering some questions seeing as this whole mess is your fault!" Kairyn continued.

"You're going to interrogate me?" the Black Ghost said pretending to sound surprised.

"Not interrogate sir; just ask a few questions that might shed some light on what's happened here," Melissa's sweet-toned voice said from the behind Kairyn.

"And who are you Miss?" the Black Ghost offered sounding very polite.

"Melissa. Melissa Trine," she replied smiling. The Black Ghost hummed and nodded in verification.

"Hmm…that's not a bad place to start actually," Kairyn then said coarsely, "same question to you. Who are you?"

"You already know the answer to that question…" he replied flatly, "I am the Black Ghost."

"But…that can't be your real name," Littlefoot then said stepping up to stand alongside Kairyn but unlike him, Littlefoot's posture was laxed and his expression was curious.

"Don't you have a real name?" Littlefoot continued. The Black Ghost seemed to flinch at the question and didn't answer immediately.

"I…I…don't know…" he said finally.

"You don't know your own name?" Cera said indignantly.

"I…can't remember my name…I can hardly remember anything about my past…" the Black Ghost said lowly.

"Could it be amnesia?" Melissa offered but the Black Ghost shook his head again.

"Amnesia?" Ducky asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's when you lose part or all of your memory," Melissa explained but her face turned serious as she watched the man in black shaking his head, "but it looks as though he doesn't know either."

"Have you tried looking in a mirror lately? Maybe you'd remember a few things if you saw your face a little more often," Kairyn said sarcastically, "why don't you take that stupid hood off?"

"There is a very good reason for it but I doubt you'd be able to handle the complexity of the matter," the Black Ghost retorted. He suddenly sounded threatening compared to before.

"Complexity? Of taking a bloody hood off?" Kairyn scoffed as he began to stride towards the Black Ghost.

"I'm warning you. Don't even try it," he said dangerously.

"Or you'll what?" Kairyn challenged as he rose his hand and reached for his hood. The movement was lightning quick and happened in an instant. The Black Ghost managed to flick his bound feet up and kicked Kairyn's outstretched hand upwards. As Kairyn's arm flew up uncontrollably, the Black Ghost levelled his feet, aimed at Kairyn's exposed chest and forced a glowing glyph out of the bottom of his black boots. Where it had previous launched the Black Ghost skyward, the force of the push seemed to work in reverse. The glyph struck Kairyn with full force and catapulted him backwards a good few yards to land in a messy heap. The others all gasped in shock as they witnessed Kairyn shoot through the air like a human missile.

"I did warn him," the Black Ghost said dismissively as Kairyn came stumbling back.

"You okay Kairyn?" Littlefoot asked as he stood back where he was earlier. He didn't answer him but remained scowling, teeth bared, at the Black Ghost.

"You'll pay for that…" Kairyn seethed holding his arm he had crash landed on but the Black Ghost didn't seem fazed by the threat.

"What I look like is the least of your concerns. If you are looking to interrogate me then you best start with a question more appropriate to the situation," the Black Ghost said coldly. His feet slowly lowered back to their hovering position above the ground as if a canon were being decommissioned. Everyone took a sideways glance at each other then finally Littlefoot stepped forward.

"How did you humans get here? The last humans we knew went back to their home a long time ago," he said slowly.

"I'm not fully aware of the mechanics but I do know that dark matter was involved to some extent," the Black Ghost replied.

"Dark matter?" Kairyn said airily, "you mean that black swirly stuff back at the Keltech Lab in Second London?"

"It is a substance little know about. How that laboratory managed to get their hands on such a substantial amount is beyond my knowledge. Still, to those who have been around it, you learn to sense its aura," the Black Ghost said.

"So is that why you were in the labs? Sniffing out that black crap? Looking to slaughter anyone who came to possess it?" Kairyn said sharply, anger growing in his voice.

"No. While I was curious as to how Keltech managed to obtain dark matter, it was of no immediate interest to me. It was not my purpose for being there."

"Then why were you there? What possible reason could you have to storm the labs and kill my father?" Kairyn yelled hysterically.

"I didn't kill your father although that was an unfortunate turn of events," the Black Ghost said flatly.

"An unfortunate turn of events?" Kairyn screamed in disgust at the Black Ghost's words. They sounded dismissive and fleeting; Kairyn felt a flashing heat tear through him. He dug his foot into the ground ready to charge at the Black Ghost, his right fist raised in fury.

"Kairyn, no! Stop! Please calm down…" Littlefoot beseeched leaping in front of him to block him off. Kairyn rammed into the side of him but quickly recomposed himself. He glared at Littlefoot but couldn't remained raged as the longneck's wide eyes begged him to comply. Kairyn huffed and forcefully straightened his clothes; the pent up energy had to expended somewhere.

Melissa stepped forward nervously. Her gentle gait hardly audible as she shuffled in the grass that stroked her ankles.

"Black Ghost? What can you tell us about that night? You were obviously there for a reason," she said calmly. The Black Ghost shuffled but didn't say anything.

"I remember, you saved us in the street. The hovercar that crashed into the alley where that black creature attacked us. You seemed to know how to deal with it and what it was supposed to be."

"That creature was human…in a former life," the Black Ghost then said. The group all looked at each other

"What do you mean 'in a former life'?" Cera asked probingly.

"He was cursed. Transformed. A human overrun by an unknown agent with no conscious mind to guide it."

"What? Like a zombie or something?" Kairyn scoffed. Suddenly, the group of dinosaurs let out a collective gasp as if something had just struck them.

"Huh? What's up guys?" Kairyn asked flicking his eyes from one stunned face to another.

"You no think?" Petrie started.

"Could those nasty half-dead creatures have come back?" Cera said hardly breathing.

"No, it can't be. We helped Jill, Jason and Stone get rid of all those creepy things when we beat the Red Phoenix!" Littlefoot said fretfully.

"No, it is not the undead. That dark phase of human history has long since passed," the Black Ghost said. The group all sighed in relief.

"So what was it then?" Ducky asked suddenly mystified.

"A tainted creature corrupted by some unnatural force. The logistics of how and why it happens is beyond the knowledge of any human understanding."

"Even you huh?" Kairyn said smugly. The Black Ghost shuffled but didn't bite back.

"But you seemed to know what it was and how to deal with it," Melissa pressed picking up on the fact that the Black Ghost seemed to avoiding answering the question directly.

"Any creature that lives can die. That creature was not fully formed so it had the same vulnerability as any other human you would choose to harm. The fact that the two of you happened to confront the creature when I got there was nothing more than a mere coincidence," he replied coldly. This made Kairyn bitter and restless but he subtly clenched a fist to quell another angry outburst. The Black Ghost's arrogant and dismissive tone was digging at him causing flares of resentment to singe his nerves.

As the questioning continued, there was a shift in recipients as the dinosaurs then turned to the humans to answer questions regarding Littlefoot kidnapping. Kairyn took centre stage in answering what was asked but his interpretation very much branded the Black Ghost as the instigator of the entire issue of landing Kairyn in the dinosaur realm.

"And how that happen again?" Petrie asked scratching the side of his head in utter confusion.

"Sadly, I don't remember how I got here. I remember what happened in the labs but after going to find help for Kairyn when he was locked in the cryo-rooms, everything's a blank," Melissa said with her head resting on her hand as she thought.

"I'm here coz that maniac spazzed out and started breaking everything including Littlefoot's cryo-chamber and those pods containing that murky purple sparking stuff," Kairyn said indignantly pointing over his shoulder with his thumb at the Black Ghost who was still tussled up to the tree trunk. It looked as though he was quite accustomed to being strung up and being held hostage by this stage.

"You seem to do that quite often Black Ghost. Why is that?" Littlefoot then asked him as he took a step around Kairyn to focus on the man tied to the tree. The Black Ghost grunted but otherwise, didn't say anything.

"Are you sick Mr Ghost?" Ducky then asked caringly but again the Black Ghost simply snorted and refused to answer.

"Sick in the head probably; especially after what we've seen on our journey here once he disappeared from off the mountain," Kairyn said accusingly, "remember the diced up raptors in that valley path before we reached the geyser field and the volcanoes? There's no doubt that he was responsible for slaughtering the lot of them. Nothing but a blade could have inflicted such a cut that clean."

"Yes, I was responsible for those creatures' deaths but given the situation, their killings were unavoidable. I only aimed to deter them but they still attacked mindlessly," the Black Ghost said calmly.

"Don't try and sugar coat it," Kairyn spat, "you still killed them regardless which was unnecessary."

"The maiming of that group of dinosaurs proved to be more than necessary seeing as it gave you a chance to escape in an otherwise fruitless attempt to flee," the Black Ghost then said, his tone very deliberate. Cera then suddenly clicked.

"You…did that? To give us a chance to escape? You knew we would go that way?" she breathed in awe. The Black Ghost didn't say anything but the shock of the idea suddenly jolted Littlefoot as his mind raced. The geyser field they ran across and the curtain of superheated water that erupted just behind them to subdue the chasing raptors. The cave-in of the volcano entrance that sealed them off from their pursuers. The gang's miraculous escape from the stalking sharptooth who he thought had them for sure on the floating paths in their final ascent to the Great Valley, the floor inexplicably crumbling away beneath the mighty beast sending it plummeting into the murky pool below. The high pitched ringing sound that was present in all of those deadly situations was the exact same sound Littlefoot had heard when the Black Ghost drew his sword and threatened to strike him down when he stood in front of Cera to accept the blow upon their return to the Great Valley.

"So…all those strange things that happened that helped us escape…the burning water plain, the rock slide that blocked us in that smoking mountain...and the sharptooth in the canyon. All those times we escaped…was because you were helping us?" Littlefoot said airily. The Black Ghost remained silent but he slowly dipped his hooded head in verification.

"He was protecting us? Even when we could not see him?" Ducky said in a gasping whisper.

"But why go through so much effort to save us only to flip out, go crazy and then attempt to kill us when you saw us when we got here?" Kairyn fired quickly. He was determined not to be so quickly won over, "whose bloody side are you on anyway?" The Black Ghost lifted his head to look at him but didn't speak.

"Prefer to keep up the silent, strong macho man faÁade eh? Don't want to admit you have a problem?" Kairyn hummed haughtily with his hands on his hips. Yet again, the Black Ghost remained defiantly silent but by the angle of his hood, it was evident that he was focused intently on Kairyn and Littlefoot as they stood next to each other.

"Whatever man; this guy's a flippin' liability if you ask me," Kairyn tutted waving a dismissive hand at the Black Ghost, "I still think it was a mistake bringing him here. He can't be trusted." This time, Littlefoot was the one who had fallen silent as Kairyn turned on his heels. A turbulent well of confused thoughts and feelings washed over him as Kairyn's words spun in his mind. He gazed down at the softly wavering grass as he tried to piece together suitable reasons for allowing the Black Ghost to come to the Great Valley. Before he had defended the idea that his motives were liable to be the same as Kairyn's in trying to find a way home. However, the evidence of the Black Ghost's erratic behaviour and sudden dangerous outbursts could not be denied, especially for Littlefoot who quickly remembered how close the Black Ghost's blade had been to the frantic throbbing pulse in his neck high up in the snowy mountains. Yet something was still bugging him and he couldn't quite place it.

Littlefoot's focus was then shattered when Kairyn let out a frustrated huff,

"This is getting us nowhere," he said turning away from his captive and walked towards the rest of the gang who were stood a little way away, "he's not gonna give us any straight answers so why bother."

"I couldn't agree more," the Black Ghost suddenly said. Kairyn paused in mid-step when he then heard Melissa gasp. Kairyn, puzzled at first, looked at her then followed her gaze over to the tree. His jaw almost hit the grassy floor when he saw that the Black Ghost was no longer within his tethers. The vines now lay limp and loose as a messy heap around the base of the tree and the mysterious man in black was standing under the tree, just off to the side, rubbing his wrists.

"What the? How did he…?" Kairyn spluttered flicking between the tree, the sprawled vines and the now free Black Ghost. The vines did not look at all damaged which suggested that he had somehow managed to wriggle free; but there was no way he could have squirmed out of his bindings without someone catching him in the act. He hadn't even made a sound in the process.

"I'm afraid that this little discussion is now over. I must take my leave," the Black Ghost said dusting off his coat with puffs of pollen and foliage materialising in the air with each slap.

"Oh no you don't!" Kairyn said as he and Cera suddenly dashed forwards to apprehend him again. The Black Ghost's movement looked almost like a teleportation. With a quick leap, he shot straight up into the tree's canopy leaving Cera and Kairyn to collapse on top of each other as their lunging dives missed. The gang all rushed over to the flattened pair and gazed up into the low branches to see the Black Ghost perched on a thick limb staring down on them all like a wise speaking owl.

"Clearly none of you are quite ready to learn the truth about what transpired here," the Black Ghost said from his squat position in the tree.

"So you do know what happened!" Kairyn seethed picking himself up.

"I have certain knowledge but it seems you are ill-equipped to bear it as of yet. When you have matured in mind, body and spirit, then we can discuss matters in greater detail."

"We're NOT here to play your stupid little games Ghost! Quit messing around and tell us what we need to know!" Kairyn yelled.

"This is no game Kairyn," the Black Ghost said with deadly seriousness, "in fact, the weight of the situation is so grave that the consequences of its transgression could bring about a calamity much worse than that both this world and the human world have already suffered." The group fell uncomfortably silent at his words as he continued,

"We all have a part to play but clearly no one is ready; the time is not yet right. Ask yourself this. Do you think it is mere chance that holder of one of the stones should find their way back to this place?"

"Holder of one of the stones?" Petrie asked naively glancing at the others but no one seemed to have an answer for him. Kairyn suddenly felt the weight of the yellow triangular stone in his pocket as he gingerly placed a hand over the pocket where it sat. Suddenly, the Black Ghost flinched and he clutched his left arm. Littlefoot and the others fidgeted nervously, fearing another violent outburst but the Black Ghost continued, voice starting to strain,

"We don't have much time and we have wasted much of it. Once your revelations have come to light, then we can talk. It is clear you still have much to learn," he said as he then stood up, still holding his arm.

"W-wait! Where are you going?" Littlefoot said stepping forwards.

"I can't stay here, but rest assure Littlefoot, I will be watching. For you and your friends are the only ones alive who should know this situation better than anyone." Littlefoot gasped at the statement. It sounded foreboding yet it also sounded suggestive.

"W-wait! What do you mean by that?" Littlefoot said quickly but he was not acknowledged. The Black Ghost suddenly leaped higher into the trees and was stolen from view.

"No wait, please!" Littlefoot cried up the tree as a gentle tumble of leaves rolled and flipped down to the ground.

"Petrie!" Cera shouted suddenly but he was already a step ahead. Petrie took off and darted up into the dense canopy of the tree. Once inside, the little flyer only managed a quick flick left and right before the sound of thick fabric flapped in the air sounded and a shadowy figure jetted past him throwing him into a crazed spin. From the ground, the group of humans and dinosaurs caught a brief glimpse of a streaking black blur bursting out from the tree's crown and shoot off into the distance.

"Argh! Dammit!" Kairyn cursed as he watched the blur dissolve into the greenery at the far end of the field. The Black Ghost had escaped yet again.

It took the group a few seconds to recompose themselves as they all sat down in a circle, all thoroughly exhausted by the day's events.

"Gee whizz! What a day," Kairyn puffed. His arm still a little numb from landing on it earlier, "I really hate that guy."

"So what do we do now? What about all that stuff he said?" Littlefoot said a bit disturbed. The Black Ghost words were reverberating over and over in his head like a recorded message announcing the Apocalypse.

"I dunno. Frankly, I'm finding it very difficult to take anything that weirdo says seriously," Kairyn scoffed.

"But he sounded very serious, he did, he did," Ducky chimed in.

"Serious about what? He didn't even tell us anything," Kairyn continued to argue.

"Maybe, because we have to start figuring out a few things for ourselves," Melissa then said. All eyes turned to her.

"Whad'dya mean? If he's got all the answers, then why bother making us chase around some mystical, philosophical saying? He said we don't have much time then why waste it with stupid riddles?" Kairyn snorted.

"I don't know. Maybe we need to think of what the problem is and then try to think of a way to fix it," Melissa suggested.

"Well, you humans being in the Great Valley is one problem. Maybe he means that," Cera said half-joking.

"But the way he spoke, it was as if something terrible was going to happen," Littlefoot said unnerved.

"He's probably just trying to creep us out. Don't take what he said too seriously Littlefoot," Kairyn said. Somehow, Littlefoot could do nothing of the sort. The words the Black Ghost used were far too specific, too deliberate and focused on him and his friends to be so fleeting. Something underlying was in his words that shook the young longneck to his core and he didn't like the feeling it gave him.

The discussion didn't last long as an orchestra of trampling footsteps thundered towards them. The group all looked up and saw their families and a few other residents edging closer. Behind them, the Great Valley skyline was a burning orange as the day slowly transcended into a cool breezed evening. As they all stood up, Kairyn and Melissa shuffled a little closer together as the adult dinosaurs stood before their children.

"We were watching from a distance but we only heard parts of the conversations," Littlefoot's grandfather said.

"Just what was that strange black creature?" Petrie's mother asked signalling over to where the shadowy streak disappeared.

"He the Black Ghost Mama," Petrie replied, "he a human…err…me think."

"Humph! Another human here to cause trouble," Cera's father grunted.

"He doesn't mean any harm Mr Threehorn. He was just looking out for us," Littlefoot said before anyone else could get a word in. He didn't turn his head but he could tell that Kairyn was staring at him. He could feel the boy's gaze scorching the back of his neck.

"Speaking of which, what should be done with these two humans?" a gruff sounding ankylosaurus, Mr Clubtail, said. Kairyn and Melissa felt very self-conscious as the assembled dinosaurs chattered. In amongst the noise they heard statements like "throw them back out into the Mysterious Beyond" countered by "they came in with the children, they can't be that bad". Thankfully, Grandpa Longneck broke through the gabble and reminded them of what was previously discussed.

"Let's not forget my friends that we have already agreed to allow these humans to find sanctuary within our Valley for aiding our children in their safe return to us."

"Yes, but above all, they are still children. We would never condemn a child to face the harshness of the Mysterious Beyond and we shall not start with these humans," Grandma Longneck piped in assertively. The group grumbled again but no one argued the point any further. Kairyn and Melissa couldn't help but reveal a relieved grin each as they were spared exile.

"Now, who will so kind as to take care of our visitors?" Grandma Longneck continued but the question sparked another chorus of lowly grumbles of refute at the idea of housing such alien creatures.

"Ever get the feeling you're not wanted?" Kairyn mumbled into Melissa's ear which she responded to by elbowing him in the ribs. Kairyn flinched but stifled a giggle as the chatter went on. Eventually, perhaps in fear of being nominated, pairs of dinosaurs began to peel away from the discussion. The elderly longneck couple sighed as just the gang's parent's remained and Mr Threehorn was already looking to turn away.

"Mama? Can we take them home with us, please?" a tiny voice then said very sweetly. It was Ducky. Spike, with a mouthful of grass, hummed in support as they both strode closer to their saurolophus mother.

"I would like it very much if they could stay with us for a while. I would, I really would," Ducky sang cutely. Their mother was a little taken aback by the idea but as she stared deeper into her daughter's eyes, she felt she couldn't refuse.

"Alright Ducky. I don't mind taking one of them home," Ducky's mother said, "but I don't think I can handle both humans as well as you, Spike and all your brothers and sisters."

"Okay Mama, thank you!" Ducky squeaked happily. She then trotted over to where Kairyn and Melissa were standing.

"Would one of you like to come home with me? We have a really pretty nest not too far from the river, we do," Ducky offered looking up at both of them. Kairyn and Melissa looked at each other briefly before Kairyn gestured to her.

"Why don't you go with Ducky. I'm sure you'll have a nice time with her and Spike," he said with a weak smile.

"Err…sure, but what about you? Where will you stay?" Melissa said sounding guilty for accepting first.

"Kairyn, you can stay with me at my home," Littlefoot jumped in happily, "if that is okay with you Grandma and Grandpa?" The two longnecks looked at each other and nodded.

"Yes Littlefoot. That will be fine," Grandma Longneck said warmly.

"Really? Wow! Thank you!" Kairyn said relieved. Littlefoot's face instantly burst with a gleaming smile that Kairyn quickly mimicked.

With the living arrangements settled, the gang all bid each other a good night and each went their separate ways. Whilst they were talking, the heavens had stealthily camouflaged themselves in a deep indigo laced with stars that began to shine like glistening pins in the dark sky. Kairyn waved at Melissa as she took hold of Ducky's hand and they walked towards the far end of the field.

"C'mon Kairyn. Our nest is this way," Littlefoot said tilting his head towards a path through a dense collection of trees. Kairyn smiled and followed Littlefoot as he and his grandparents marched into the woods. It didn't take them long to reach a cosy clearing sheltered by a semi-circle of trees. The grassy ground was worn in areas where Littlefoot's grandparents obviously slept. Towards the edge of the copse was a small, petrified tree that bore no leaves overlooking a shallow pit in the ground. Despite their distinct differences, they seemed to strangely complement each other.

"This is your home?" Kairyn asked as he surveyed the clearing amazed.

"Yup," Littlefoot said as he dashed ahead, "I sleep in here." Littlefoot stepped into his pit and quickly turned a full circle on the spot within it.

"Looks a bit too snug for anyone but you," Kairyn laughed, "where should I sleep?"

"You can use the tree up there," Littlefoot said nodding up to the leafless tree. Kairyn looked at it cautiously. The tree wasn't very tall by any means and its bare limbs forked up and outwards from the centre to form a nice little cage. Kairyn hoisted himself up into the tree and after a bit of shuffling, found a comfy enough spot to lay in.

"My human friend Jason used to sleep in that tree when he was here," Littlefoot said as he circled his pit once more before settling down into it.

"Jason? You human friend?" Kairyn repeated, "you mean the human friend you say I look like?"

"Yeah, kinda funny that two humans that look alike have slept in that same tree," Littlefoot said smiling inwardly. Kairyn simply sniggered. Littlefoot's grandparents wished the pair of them goodnight and Kairyn thanked them again for allowing him to stay with them. With a quick "goodnight" to each other, Kairyn laid back and Littlefoot lowered his head into the soft blades of grass. Despite their well wishes, Littlefoot's overclocking mind began to click again as he drifted off. The thoughts instantly began invading his dreams.


  • Ducky
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    • Posts: 1484
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You should continue writing this.  I know from experience that if you leave your fan fiction too long without an update your followers simply move on to other things, and I fear that that is what has happened here.

Just out of curiousity, do you have any other writing projects you're working on?

Caustizer :angel


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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Solid advice Caustizer.

The problem at the moment is I've just managed to log back on having moved house. Our piece of crap net provider we signed up with took double the length of time they promised to get things up and running once we signed the agreement with them. Things have been a bit hectic the past month or so with the move and my new job but I'm looking to get back onto the writing scene ASAP. I am already aware that readers are a bit PO'd with having to wait for my updates which do seem few and far between. But hey, I'm looking to stick this one out and whoever chooses to read it, I thank them for it ;)

Just out of curiousity, do you have any other writing projects you're working on?

I don't have anything planned, but I would like to work on something new. No ideas as of yet purely because I don't want BOSE II to be shelved to the point it gets forgotten. I've put myself up for partnerships before but I quickly found that my constituent other halves tended to leave the majority of the work to me, so projects never really got finished (by that I mean, I dissolved the partnership coz I was having the work thrown at me whilst the other end put their feet up and waited for my returns). So, nothing on the back burner as of yet. Just need to focus on what I've got going currently. :)


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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Hey guys! Been a while since I updated my story again (mind you, what's new :p) but since I've had time off I managed to get a new chp done over the half term break. So here it is. Thanks to Caustizer for the kick up the arse I needed to get this going. Thanks mate ;)

Another trippy sequence here that will hopeful rekindle some interest with a bit of a throwback to the first story. Plus, bonus points to anyone who spots the two video game references in this chp (they're not too hard to find provided you know the games) :D

Thanks again guys! ;)

Chapter 29: A Disquieting Retelling of Destiny

The entrance was cloaked in a shroud of darkness. Littlefoot awoke to find himself in a void of complete nothingness. A surge of panic struck him when he realised that he had left the Great Valley yet again and been transported to another place. At first, he thought he had been kidnapped again but the whipping air that brushed his chilled skin told him otherwise. A bizarre sensation of free falling through an emptiness despite having nothing to signify where he was or where he was going. The rush of wind bellowed in his ears as he plummeted, upside down and belly up, deeper into the void. The fearful knot of initial panic and confusion dissolved as the cooling wind pressed against his back and flagging limbs began to lessen and he felt his descent slowing. As he decelerated, there was a blast of light that shot past his face like a shooting star. Littlefoot blinked at the sharp intensity of the blue tailed comet of light as it blazed towards the infinite dark pit beneath him. He gasped as another electric blue bolt of light rained down from above closely followed by another.

Soon, the pitch black was enflared by a sparking curtain of neon blue lights raining down around him. The light brought Littlefoot some comfort as he felt his body suddenly tip and roll around so his feet were now under him, prepping him for landing. Suddenly, he had an inkling of where he was. He had been here before, but it had been some time since he last found himself floating within the vivid walls of this ethereal, glowing crypt. It was here where he first discovered his fateful participation in the events that he, his friends and a handful of humans helped prevent a cataclysmic disaster that sought the world's end. His role as the Guardian and his possession of one of the Stones of Essence. The Guardian's Tear Sapphire. He began to remember all the features of this foretold destiny that he would play out.

A bright glowing platform shone beneath him as Littlefoot finally touched solid ground, hardly a dip of his knees as the pads of his four feet landed one after the other. He looked up at the luminescent walls that reached high into the darkened heavens. The surrounding walls began to shrink inwards towards him and the intensity of the blue light strengthened forcing the nervous longneck to dip his head and shut his eyes to prevent going blind. After a second or two, Littlefoot opened his eyes one at a time and slowly looked up. He gaped as found himself back in the Crypt of Glowing Waterfalls, the very place he had his destiny read to him by a mysterious entity who took the form as a glowing white longneck. The majesty of this otherworldly place was of such splendour that Littlefoot found himself breathtaken yet again. Three walls enclosed the crypt into a compact yet spacious triangular room. Each of the walls were coloured specifically by a sea of sparking lights that flowed like running water yet was completely silent. The wall behind Littlefoot, as if to be flying a team banner in his honour, was the same electric blue as the tunnel of light that transported him here. To his left was a luscious shade of forest green and to his right was a warm pulsing hue of red that almost admitted a wave of warmth to the room. In the centre of the crypt was a raised triangular pedestal that Littlefoot remembered witnessing the ghostly longneck materialising before him upon his arrival. Despite its wondrous natural dÈcor, Littlefoot felt unnerved to be standing there all alone. For some reason, nothing had happened since he appeared within the crypt and the silence was eerie.

"H-hello?" Littlefoot then said finally finding his voice but he was not acknowledged. He glanced around, not daring to move from his spot in case it triggered something. As much as he had visited the crypt on more than one occasion, he still wasn't sure on how the place worked. The end of his nose tingled as he remembered his first visit whereby he had walked face first into an invisible wall.

"Hey! Is…is anyone there?" Littlefoot called again but again he received no reply. Sighing heavily, he sat down on the floor that rippled like a lake's surface.

"…Why am I here again?" Littlefoot said in a huff. Just then, Littlefoot flinched as a drop of water dripped onto the end of his nose. Flicking the wet from his face, Littlefoot looked up to see where the drip had come from. Scanning the air above him, he saw a few more drops leak out of the dark sky and land close to him.

"Sky water? In here?" Littlefoot hummed, "But, there are no clouds. How could there be sky water?"

More droplets fell from the blackness overhead until suddenly, the whole crypt was awash with a torrent of rain. Littlefoot cringed as the rain dive-bombed on him but there was nowhere to seek shelter from the storm that had suddenly started. That's when Littlefoot heard a dreadful sound emanate from overhead. It sounded like the tumbling of a crashing wave. A powerful shifting of a large body of water. Cautiously, Littlefoot looked up and gaped in horror as he saw the red curtain of light suddenly peel away from the wall and curve into the centre of the crypt high above him. Snapping his head to left, he saw the wall of glowing green suddenly do the same, arching to meet the red curtain in the middle. Littlefoot leapt to his feet and backed towards the pedestal in the centre of the room as the curtain of blue mimicked the other walls and bowed to touch the others in the middle. In amongst the pouring rain Littlefoot stared up as each of the watery walls of light suddenly drained of their respective colours and turned a shade of stony grey. Littlefoot felt a lock of air wedge in his throat as he gawked at the archway curved over him. Then, he let out a scream as he saw the arch suddenly collapse. The wall of lights had transformed into a tumbling rush of water and slammed into the crypt from overhead. The flood consumed the entire room.

Littlefoot could only save the last of his breath he hadn't lost through screaming and tuck himself as small as possible as the wave of water struck him with concussive force. The impact threw Littlefoot into a crazed spin within the possessed liquid as he felt the pressure of the sheer volume begin to squeeze him. Littlefoot's chest pulled tight as he felt the residual air he had left in his lungs beg to be released. Unable to fight the burning tearing in his chest, he let the last breath of air burst out through his mouth in a murky bubble. Within an instant, Littlefoot felt his consciousness drain and he lulled in the water lifelessly.

Assured of his death, Littlefoot was amazed to find himself able to open his eyes some time later to discover that he was somehow, still alive. Hauling himself to standing, he looked around at his environment to find himself in what appeared to be a cavern of some sort. With next to no light, all he could make out were the rugged walls of rock that shaped the roughly circular room.

"Where am I now?" Littlefoot whined. The bizarre wall of water had somehow completely disappeared as if it had all evaporated or been sucked up into the stony floor. Gingerly, he took a step forwards taking care not to disturb anything. However, the moment his foot make contact with the floor, an eerie groan echoed through the dark cave. Littlefoot froze and whipped his head to and fro trying to locate the noise.

"Wh-who… who's that?" he stammered unsure if he was asking the noise to identify itself, or if he was asking himself the question. The groan echoed again. It sounded like someone was in pain, although it sounded louder and closer this time. Littlefoot began to tremble. He felt like something knew he was there and was watching him. The chill of the air made him shiver even more as he whirled around to try and locate the source of the noise. Littlefoot's heart thumped thunderously inside him as he heard a crash and tumble of rubble from behind. Littlefoot leapt and spun one-eighty degrees as he saw a hole appear in the rocky wall. An icy blast of air shot down his throat as he gasped. He saw something come stumbling out of the newly forged entrance. It was a creature Littlefoot had spent a long time trying to forget.

"Oh no!" he squeaked feebly, "not those things!"

The creature looked and stood like a human but walked clumsily like its joints were stiff and arthritic. Its skin was disgustingly miscoloured and appeared to hang off the creature's frame. The sight of the creature almost made him physically sick as part of its torso had ripped holes in it where innards were visible to the outside world. With such gruesomely terminal injuries, there would be no conceivable explanation as to how this creature was animate yet it was trudging into the cave uttering pathetic moans of discomfort, longing to tear apart anything it could get hold of. Its soulless gaze bore hungrily into Littlefoot's wide fearful eyes as it inched closer. Littlefoot urged his quivering legs to back away from the advancing creature but another eruption obliterated the wall behind him. Littlefoot yelped and spun again as more of the undead creatures began to spill into the room. Within minutes, the darkened cavern was swamped with the putrid stench of decayed flesh and sullen moans of the creatures. Poor Littlefoot found himself hopelessly trapped.

Littlefoot could only stand in the centre of the cavern as he watched the undead humans close in on him from all sides in the low light. He felt one of them take swipe for his tail, which he quickly retracted out of grabbing range. But as he refocused his view forwards, one of the creatures took a lunge at him, its gangly fingers and teeth bared. Littlefoot screamed as he instinctively ducked his head into his body and slammed his eyes shut. Then, before he had realised what he had done, with an arcing swing, Littlefoot threw his head out at the attacking monster. He felt his head connect with the creature's body and there was a sharp flash of electric blue behind his sealed eyelids. Littlefoot snapped his eyes open just at that moment to see the creature rocket backward with the blow and burn up as if the atmosphere had devoured it. In a second the creature was gone. Littlefoot suddenly felt a flood of warmth pour into him. It sucked itself in from the very tips of his toes and tail and coursed down every nerve and vein in his body until it stuck fast in his heart which began to beat with a new vigorous strength. The warmth pulsed with a vibrant energy that seemed to glow in Littlefoot's eyes. The rush was almost euphoric but Littlefoot quickly remembered what this surge was to signify. His power as a Guardian had once again returned to him in a time of great crisis. The flush of energy seemed to eradicate the overwhelming sense of fear that had gripped him before and Littlefoot breathed deep with a new air of confidence. Now, he felt he could fight back.

Narrowing his eyes dangerously, Littlefoot leapt forwards into the crowd. Before his sight was a shimmering blue, concave shield that rippled like sheet of water trapped within a transparent barrier.

"The power of the Guardian's Tear Sapphire," Littlefoot heard himself sing with pride, "the power to protect life and safeguard its flow." With his head aimed low, Littlefoot charged into the stumbling monsters who were all bowled over as they were rammed aside. Within seconds, their flailing bodies burned up in the air and disintegrated into nothing. Littlefoot made as many wild swings and mad dashes through the crowd of undead humans as he could, cleaving a path through them. After a while, Littlefoot began to feel fatigue settling into his overworking muscles. Panting, he turned to see the efforts of his labours but he was horrified to see that the more creatures he disposed of, the more seemed to be pouring in. Littlefoot strained to shift again but he quickly found himself unable to keep fighting so aggressively. Before long, Littlefoot found his aching legs were struggling to support him and he flopped down exhausted in the middle of the cavern. He was overwhelmed.

"It's no use…" he puffed hard, "there are too many of them…and they keep coming." The crushing sense of defeat began to rekindle the fear of dread as Littlefoot flicked one last monster clear of him. Alas, the space he had create in that moment was instantly filled with more undead humans.

Just as Littlefoot was about to bow down and accept his fate, There was a sudden ring of reverberating metal and a flash of strobing red. Littlefoot looked up to see a ribbon of red light tear through the monsters lumbering over him. In an instant, their bodies burned up and fizzled into the air. Once they had crumbled to dust, Littlefoot felt his dampened spirits soar as he saw a figure standing over him. It was a young human who stood with pulsing red light in his right hand shaped like a sword's blade. He looked adolescent by age but stood tall and strong. Looking up, Littlefoot couldn't believe his eyes when he recognised the face staring back at him.

"J-Jason?" Littlefoot stammered in awe.

"Warrior," the boy returned bluntly as he helped Littlefoot to his feet. Littlefoot's mind quickly ticked over as the name boy said played over in his head.

"Warrior…the red stone," Littlefoot thought, "Warrior's Heart Ruby…Jason's stone."

"Guardian. I'm here to help. I will fight with you to rid the world of these foul beings."

"Erm…okay," Littlefoot stuttered dumbly. It was clear that whilst this boy looked and sounded like his human friend, he did not carry his personality or traits the real Jason had when they were living together in the Great Valley. Still, it empowered the weary longneck to see even a form of his friend fighting alongside him and granted him a second wind.

"Look out!" the Warrior yelled as he pulled Littlefoot aside and out of harm's way. Stumbling, Littlefoot reeled around to see the boy take a spinning sweep and cleaved through three advancing monsters as they all lunged at the same time. The Warrior looked back and locked eyes with the longneck for a moment. Then, he nodded to him before charging off into the battle with a roaring warcry. Turning in the opposite direction, Littlefoot continued his fight as more enemies poured in from the open walls. The Warrior ran at another advancing monster. Holding his glowing red blade in two hands, he held it arched over his head and behind his back and cried out, "BRAVER!"

Channelling his strength into the attack, the boy gave a short leap as his enemy dove in for a killing bite. As his feet touched the ground again, the Warrior swung his sword over his head and down to the floor with all his might. The helm splitting attack severed the poor beast in two as the vertical halves peeled apart from each other and disintegrated to dust.

"Guardian! We need to seal those entrances!" the Warrior shouted above the noise to Littlefoot as he skewered another creature and kicked it off his glowing sword. Having dispatched another enemy, Littlefoot looked over at the holes in the wall. With the waves of monsters coming into the room, there was no way they could block off their entrances and keep fighting.

"How? There's too many of them!" Littlefoot cried as he clumsily dodged an incoming swing from a flanking undead.

Staggering with the dodge, Littlefoot found himself back in the centre of the room. He felt the Warrior bump into his rear as they found themselves surrounded.

"This is fruitless. They keep spawning from those tunnels Guardian," the Warrior reported breathlessly as they stood back to back.

"What do we do now?" Littlefoot asked wheezing. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep fighting.

"Do not give up hope just yet Guardian. There is still one more of us to arrive," the boy then said. Littlefoot glanced back at his friend and saw a glint in his fiery eyes. Before he could ask, there was a sudden crack of lightning from within the cavern. The darkness was pierced by the bright flash as a pool of light seeped up into the cave from the floor like a leaking fountain. The creatures all stopped and groaned in agony at the light as something suddenly leapt up from the glowing green disc on the ground. Littlefoot almost missed its swift movement as the launched object opened out. A human materialised from out of the green light, turned a complete somersault before slamming down onto the floor. The magnitude of the forceful landing sent a crackling green shockwave out from the epicentre which threw every enemy from its stance and sent them sprawling across the room.

Littlefoot looked on in amazement as he saw the human stand up slowly. Unlike the Warrior who had taken on the physical form of his friend Jason, this human was completely different. Dressed in a black and red trimmed combat uniform, its body was slender but stood with power and authority. As it turned, Littlefoot instantly recognised the female face looking back at him.

"Jill!" Littlefoot breathed in shock.

"Summoner! Glad you could make it," the Warrior said sharply.

"Just in time I see," the woman said, she then strolled over to Littlefoot and placed a warm hand on his shoulder, "good to see you again Guardian." Littlefoot flinched at first but then remember that Jill was the third stone holder. It was odd that neither of his human friends would refer to him by his actual name but he knew why. She was the Summoner and keeper of the Summoner's Soul Emerald. It was with these powers combined that Littlefoot, Jason and Jill had managed to overcome the evils of the Red Phoenix and the hellish creatures her creators had spawn.

"Ready yourself my friends. Let us destroy these monsters once and for all!" the Summoner said with valour.

As they launched themselves into battle again, Littlefoot felt his spirits rise again. Seeing both Jill and Jason fighting alongside him again made him feel like he could accomplish anything. Taking an area each, they fought bravely to clear the enemies from their midst. Littlefoot glanced back to watch Jill as she moved with deadly grace. Her hands aflame in green gauntlets that flashed down her forearms. She darted for a nearby enemy and delivered a quick three-hit punching combo to its body and head. Turning to another she leapt up high and arched herself into a lofty backwards somersault; her slender legs extended and split one in front of the other to deliver a rising uppercutting kick to the advancing monsters face. The connection was brutal as the creature flipped head over heels madly and crumbled away before it hit the ground. As she landed crouched on the ground, she then spun around low on the spot, her right foot stretched out to sweep the incoming wave of undead humans off their feet. Their bodies splashed with green flames as they collapsed to the ground and disappeared. Having cleared some breathing room, Jill turned to Littlefoot and gave him a quick wink which made him smiled sheepishly.

They quickly dispatched another tiring wave of enemies but they soon heard the grunts and groans of another horde heading for them.

"They are still coming?" the Warrior roared.

"We have to block off those passageways!" Littlefoot announced. He then glanced over to Jill who acted instantly.

"Keep them off me whilst I focus," she said as she hovered her hands in front of each other. A glowing ball of light began to form in the space between her palms.

"Let's go Guardian!" Jason yelled to Littlefoot.

"Right!" he replied as he charged at another fleet of undead humans entering the cavern. Peeling through them, Littlefoot glanced back at his comrades as his last enemy evaporated from the battle. Jill was still concentrating on the ball of energy in her hands, chanting some inaudible words whilst Jason was violently dispatching the undead at the opposite end.

"How much longer?" Jason yelled as he tore through another enemy.

"Almost there!" Jill shouted without opening her eyes.

All of a sudden, there was deafening screech that shook the whole cave. Everyone and everything stopped for a moment as the sound emanated through the cavern.

"What was that?" the Warrior asked fretfully.

"It sounded like…a flyer," Littlefoot said cautiously. Then, it struck him, "Oh no!"

"It can't be!" the Summoner then said opening her eyes. The ball of energy still in her hands, "we have to hurry! It's coming!"

"What's coming?" the Warrior asked but he quickly wished he hadn't. Without warning, the roof of the cave suddenly exploded and blew apart revealing a darkened heaven. From this black sky came the soaring of what appeared to be a streaking flame darting about in the air. Littlefoot's jaw dropped when he heard a screeching cry ring out from the flame.

"The Red Phoenix!" he breathed in horror. As he uttered its name, the licking flame suddenly curled in on itself and then threw two flaming wings out to maximum span. A flaming eagle hovered above glaring at three of them.

It was like a recreation of their arduous battle. The horde of undead creature mercilessly preying upon their victims were just the pawns of the greater power that controlled them all. A monster created by hellish means that sought to destroy the world; it had returned. The undead creatures seems to endure a boosted morale at the sight of their ruler lingering overhead. They came thicker and faster than before. The Summoner was forced to abandon her spell and launch her attack prematurely.

"Guardian! Warrior! Get down!" she ordered as she lifted the ball of focused energy into the air. Littlefoot and Jason both dropped to the ground as the ball erupted. The explosion tore through the cave causing the wall to quiver violently. Littlefoot watched as the walls came crashing down blocking the tunnels off, preventing anymore creatures from entering.

"She did it!" he whispered silently to himself ecstatically but his joy was short-lived. No sooner had Jill blocked the tunnels, the phoenix overhead let out another angry cry. Gazing up at the blazing monster, they witnessed thin streaks of fire shoot out from the phoenix's wings like it was sheading flaming feathers. The flames shot to the walls where they ignited and exploded with such force it threw all three of them from their feet.

"Damn it! That beast blew open the tunnels again!" the Warrior yelled. The Summoner looked lost as she glanced over at Littlefoot.

"Guardian! What do we do now? We are done for!"

Littlefoot couldn't believe it. They had fought this battle before and won. How could they suddenly fail this time? Shaking the despairing thought from his head, he looked up at the phoenix and got an idea.

"No, this is not over yet!" he yelled back defiantly, "we need to work together to get rid of the phoenix."

"Yes. If we combine our strengths, we can destroy that winged beast!" the Warrior said valiantly as he saw off another advance of gnashing teeth. Without another word, they all seemed to know what to do. The Summoner began chanting again whilst Littlefoot and the Warrior guarded her.

"Are you ready Guardian? We will only get one shot at this," Jason said to Littlefoot as they past each other to finish over each other's attackers.

"I'm ready," Littlefoot said strongly. He dashed over to the opposite end of the cave and stood firmly facing Jason.

"The spell is ready!" Jill suddenly cried as a pulsing green orb floated in her hands.

"GO!" Littlefoot then shouted. The movements were swift and seamless as each of them played their part.

The Summoner launched her glowing green sphere into the centre of the room and called over to the Warrior. Acknowledging her shout, he wound up his sword arm and threw the glowing blade of red light at the sphere. It shot like a luminous arrow and pierced the sphere where it became infused with crackling streaks of green lightning.

"Guardian!" Jason then shouted over to Littlefoot at the far end of the cave. Littlefoot dug his heels into the ground as his shimmering blue shield glistened before his eyes. The sparking sword was aimed straight at him and marked to kill. Littlefoot gritted his teeth as the sword hit him head on. His shield seemed to swallow the sword for a split second as it struck allowing Littlefoot a fraction of a second to tilt his head up and aim for the phoenix. The sword ricocheted off the shield and blasted skywards now enveloped in a swirling spiral of neon blue along with the sparks of green electricity. There was a pause for breath as the sword bolted for the phoenix where it hit its mark with phenomenal speed. The sword tore straight through the phoenix which immediately burst into a spray of flames and sparking stray energy. At the same time, the undead creatures that had been relentlessly tormenting them all the entire time all burned up and evaporated into the air.

Exhausted from the incredible battle, the three fighters all convened in the middle of the roofless cave and congratulated each other. Littlefoot, utterly worn out from the fight smiled as he looked at his friends. Despite being called by his title, he didn't feel like his battle could have been achieved without them. As they spoke, a beam of light slowly began to appear from the centre of the cave. They all stood back as the ghostly figure of a longnecked dinosaur began to fill the room. As her form materialised before them, she spoke in a wonderfully caring and motherly tone.

"Defenders of life's balance. The world's sacred lights. You have once again fought bravely to ensure that the balance remains intact. Thank you, we are all indebted to you."

"But why are those things back? I thought they were gone with the Red Phoenix?" Littlefoot said.

"The threat of those wishing to unsettle the balance is on-going child. In fact, as we speak, a new evil looks to overthrow the balance."

"Who and why?" Littlefoot beseeched.

"Unfortunately, despite your valiant efforts, the true nature of the Stones of Essence have only just come into fruition. It is that in which this new threat seeks and will surely bring about a catastrophe unlike anything we have witnessed."

"The true nature? I-I don't understand," Littlefoot said shaking his head. Nothing seemed to be making any sense to him.

"Whilst you brave souls fight as Sacred Lights, the Stones you each possess harbours a terrible secret. One that could very well tear the world apart should it ever be revealed," the old longneck warned.

"What secret? What should I do?" Littlefoot said feeling helpless. He was beginning to wonder if he really wanted to continue being one of the stone holders if they were to carry such an awful burden. He also realised that he was the only one of the group asking questions. Jason and Jill had not said a word as if this was all prior knowledge to them. They just stood attentively to Littlefoot's side just behind him.

"Do not doubt the strength and power you have Guardian. They have seen you through many a trying time where you thought all was lost. Together with your companions, you can achieve anything," the ghostly longneck said softly.

"Please tell me. What is this terrible secret and what can we do to stop it?" Littlefoot asked anxiously. He was finding it difficult to keep the mix of anger and nervousness out of his voice.

"The secret is in the unity of the stones. The Heaven's Eternity Crystal, forged of the three stones you each have, is not the final form the stones can create."

"It's not?" Littlefoot gasped. His mind suddenly flashed back to the merging of the three stones. He, Jill and Jason had to form what they thought was the great power ever known. Clearly they were wrong; they had missed something. The ghostly longneck continued,

"The Stones of Essence have a missing relative. There is one more stone that another holds which unlocks the true purpose of the stones." Littlefoot's brain clicked in an instant.

"The yellow stone! The one Kairyn has! He is the last stone holder, I know it!" he yelled excitedly.

"So, final stone has been found," the longneck said slowly. However, Littlefoot did not like the way her tone had changed. It had dropped to sound almost dismayed and defeated.

"Yes, he's the one," Littlefoot said again.

"Then, the dark secret of the stones is doomed to be unveiled…and we are all lost," the longneck said with a sigh.

Littlefoot stood confused. Surely, the discovery of the fourth and final stone would be a good thing but the elderly longneck's expression showed only despair. Before he could ask another question, there was a sudden rush of the wind. Littlefoot looked around as felt the wind tearing around the cave whipping up anything loose it could carry. Rocks and boulders swirled around them as the walls began to crumble. Littlefoot gasped as malevolent red sparks of lightning shot through the air zipping past his line of sight.

"Wh-what's going on?" Littlefoot quivered as the wind continued to spin around them. Then, the elderly longneck let out a muffled yelp of pain. Littlefoot looked up at the glowing light where the longneck was stood. To his horror, he saw a set of black spikes protruding through her body at horrific angles. They looked like they had sprung up from the floor and shot directly into her. Just as Littlefoot was about to rush forward, he heard another set of screams, this time from beside him. Littlefoot almost broke down where he stood as he saw Jill and Jason both lifted off the ground. Giant shadowy stalagmites pierced through their backs and out their chest and stomach. The sight of them impaled made him feel incredibly sick as they twitched on their spikes, struggling to breathe.

"What…WHAT'S GOING ON?" Littlefoot screamed in crippling fear. Tears welled up in his eyes as he suddenly heard a deep cackling laugh boom from overhead.

"Your precious friends are gone. You have nothing left to fight with," the disembodied voice bellowed, "the time of the Sacred Lights is now over, you've lost. The time for the rule of darkness is now primed to begin. The balance has been shattered."

"Who…who are you? What have you done with my friends?" Littlefoot shouted to the roaring air.

"They are lost to the darkness. Do not mourn for them. Seeing how it is your own fault that they are lost. Now that I've found you, you will be joining them shortly," the menacing voice continued to boom. Littlefoot was completely at sea. Despite everything he and his friends had fought for, it was clearly for nought. They had failed and now his friends were doomed to the new looming power of darkness. Worst of all, somehow, Littlefoot was to blame for their downfall. But why?

"Pitiful creature. Your struggle is finally over."

With that, Littlefoot looked up to the sky that had become a swirling vortex of evil black, crimson and purple. The very world around him began to twist and distort, the ground cracked and splintered underneath him. Before his eyes, the pinned body of the longneck elder suddenly burst into fragments of white light before fading out. Littlefoot turned to the now still bodies of Jill and Jason, the Summoner and Warrior, just in time to see them dissolve into their respective lights of green and red before their lights fell like glittering dust to the floor. The world he was standing in was at an end. As the vicious winds whipped away Littlefoot's tears from his face, he looked up once more to the hallowed heavens. A pair of demonic yellow eyes snapped open before the swirling portal and glared at the little longneck. Littlefoot fell to the ground in dismay as he saw a row of shadowy spikes worm up from the ground. They were bent with their tips aimed directly for him. There was no escaping fate this time.

"Farewell…Guardian…" the voice said finally before the spike lurched forwards like a group of lunging vipers. Littlefoot merely closed his eyes as a final tear fell to the ground as the deathly strike came in.

It had been a long time since a dream had awoken him from such a sound sleep, but tonight, Littlefoot awoke screaming hysterically. He was so badly shaken by his nightmare that he almost didn't hear someone calling his name.

"Littlefoot! Littlefoot! What's wrong?" the voice said. Disoriented, Littlefoot looked around to see Kairyn crouched next to him staring him dead in the face.

"Littlefoot? What's wrong? Talk to me! Are you alright?" Kairyn asked hurryingly. Littlefoot couldn't muster the strength to answer. He simply threw himself at Kairyn and buried his head in the boy's chest panting hard. Kairyn, shocked at first, slowly curled his arms around him cradling the young longneck's head.

"Littlefoot? Are you okay?" Grandpa Longneck's voice sounded urgently. Both he and Grandma Longneck had woken up due to the commotion and walked over to where Kairyn was cradling Littlefoot who was whimpering softly.

"What happened?" Grandma Longneck asked looking at Kairyn.

"I dunno. He just woke up screaming. Must have been a nightmare or something," Kairyn said looking bewildered, "Man, that must have been some nightmare to have him scream like that. He's still shaking." He looked down at Littlefoot as he sobbed into his chest. Stroking the back of his head gingerly, he tried to calm him down. Littlefoot had never felt so disturbed. Whilst the warmth from Kairyn's body helped settle him a bit, the visions he had just seen in his dream were burnt into the back of his mind. If any of it was to be believed, they could all very well be in serious trouble.

The Chronicler

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I really liked the throwback concept of this chapter. It sure does take me back to the days when I first read the first "Battle of the Sacred Essences", which eventually led me to joining GoF. I can't wait to see what will become of the fourth stone. :yes

I'm no expert on video games, so I'll let someone else get those bonus points. :neutral

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • The Circle
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Thanks for that Chronicler!

It is good to hear that readers are still faithful to my story despite my slow updating. I am working on it but since the house move, things are still a bit up in the air at the moment. Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated. ;)

I'm no expert on video games, so I'll let someone else get those bonus points.

Not that I'm making it out to be a challenge or anything (coz I'm not, honest :p), but it's not exactly cryptic. My addition of these little references is just to show my appreciation for other great entertainment pieces out there. If they're recognised, all the better. If not, no big deal. Just a little something extra for the readers if they pick up on them :)


  • The Circle
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This has been a long time coming. With everything I've been piling on the past few months, I've finally got round to doing chapter 30 of BOSE 2. I can't say I'm overly happy with this chapter, it's a bit too dialogue heavy but because it had taken me so long to finish the bloody thing, I trimmed it down in areas rather than completely restructuring it. It's also my longest chapter so far at around 10,500 words. The other slightly unnerving realisation is that BOSE 2 has now been in production for 5 years! Talk about slow progress! But I have to slot chapter production in when and where I can given my job and other life commitments. It's the only way I can get it done and time doesn't permit itself on all occasions. Anyway, bit more revelation this chapter. Hope it makes up for the absurdly long production time. :oops Feedback welcome as always guys! Thanks for your patience!

Chapter 30: The Secret of the Stones

It had been a few days since the night of the grisly murders that took place at Keltech Laboratories and things had not gotten any quieter despite efforts to return to a normal working environment. The public relations department had spent the time since the incident battling off wave after wave of media press trying desperate to get a leaked word out of any employee about the 'accident' that claimed the lives of a number of scientists; some of them greatly respected amongst technological social circles. Naturally, denial of all knowledge of allegations and vicious rumours that the multi-billion pound corporation headquarters was attacked by an unknown assailant was the one and only story that the strobing photographers and bustling reporters got as they jabbed and jousted their microphones and portable recording devices into every inch of air space between themselves and the speaking representatives. Every day saw a new interview aired telling the tragic tales of the widows, widowers and their grieving families as speculation mounted and consumed the broadcasting airwaves. All this excitement and public fronting didn't seem to faze Director Thorne at all as he sat in his monstrously oversized leather chair behind a twisted sculpture of glass and cold metal he had for a desk. He was completely enclosed with the confines of his personal office where the outside world could be blotted out at a mere whim. He was, however, transfixed on something. His eyes flickered randomly at the text and data streams that glided over his holographic screen that floated above his desk; the projection coming from a wide, curled swan neck of chrome that resembled a thin stripped reading lamp. Thorne raised a hand and brushed over the screen with his fingertips, flicking graphics and graphs out of the way as new data streams came in thick and fast.

Then, something of interest caught his eye and his dismissing hand hovered in the air, unmoving for a moment. He hummed curiously as he leaned and tapped the surface of his desk. A holographic keyboard popped up over the glass as he began tapping at it to reply to the message he had just received. With a smug grin, his pecked at the return glyph and the message disappeared from his screen. With the mail sent, Thorne leaned back in his chair allowing it to cradle him gently with a creaking sway.

"Looks like we're almost ready to go…" he grinned to himself. He reached forwards and tapped the top of the metal strip that housed the holographic screen and it sucked it back up into itself to enter standby mode. With a rocking lurch, Thorne hoisted himself out of his chair, straightened his two thousand pound two-piece suit jacket and headed for door out into the hallway.

After a short lift ride down to the labs, Thorne strutted out into the glowing corridors that masked the death and destruction of that fateful night with unerring professionalism. Everything was back the way it was leaving no trace of the conflict with either the Black Ghost or the mysterious creature that called himself Zeiger. The security officer for the floor, Sergeant Madden, stood up to attention as the director past his terminal.

"Director Thorne," he said sharply in his thick Scottish accent. Thorne acknowledged with a dismissive nod but didn't break his stride.

"Professor Clements asked that yeh meet 'em in his lab as soon as possible sir," the guard said as he shimmied around his desk to walk side by side with the director. By relative size, he towered over his superior but the balance of power was never in doubt.

"Has there been any developments to report Sergeant?" Thorne barked without even a sideways glance.

"No sir. The professor's been banged up in his lab since the incident a few nights passed. Prob'ly still grievin' over losing little Melissa. The poor fella."

"Despite that setback, Professor Clements remains focused on the task at hand and understands what goal remains is in sight," Thorne said coldly.

"Setback? Forgive my tone sir but he's jus' lost his wee little granddaughter! I think he's entitled to feel a little upset by that fact!" the guard said sounding cut by the director's steely choice of words.

"He understands what is at stake Sergeant and he remains focused on the goal," Thorne said flatly before turning to finally look at the giant man square in his eye. "And if we want all this to come to a meaningful conclusion, you should remain focused too." The giant man froze in his tracks and watched as the director continued to march down the corridor, around the corner and out of sight. His dumbfounded mien fell into a frown as he heard the clapping of hard soles on the marble finished floor disappear off into the distance. With a snort, he turned on his heels and headed back to his post.

Clearly feeling no remorse from his brief interaction with the Sergeant, Thorne made his way through the bustling corridors that saw multiple white coats flicking here and there as their owners made sharp twists and turns between the sliding doors of neighbouring laboratories. Only the odd eye flashed at the director's presence coupled with a brief gasp as if they'd just been caught doing something they weren't supposed to be doing. Still, Thorne's gait failed to slow as he rounded another corner and came to a laboratory door that did not open on approach. Thorne snickered to himself as he dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a translucent card and held it parallel to a panel just to the right side of the door. The console blipped as it verified the biometric data interwoven into the card. The security system required that the biometrics transplanted into the card be paired with the card owner in order to work. Just another technological advancement implemented from within Keltech's busy walls.

The defiant door reluctantly slid open allowing Thorne to step into the bleached white room. Its dimensions were impressive but most of the space was occupied by large chrome tanks with a small porthole window in it. At the far end of the lab, Professor Clements spun around on a stool to face him having been hunched over a workstation when he heard the clapping of hard soles on the polished floor.

"Preparations are almost complete I understand Professor," Thorne's slicked accent hummed tunefully as he came to a stop just in front of Clements.

"Yes. There are just a last few details to attend to. Otherwise we are pretty much set to go," the old man said. Looking up at the director, Thorne could see that the professor was drained. His sagging, dark eyes told the tell-tale signs of sleep deprivation. In contrast to his gaunt face, he looked like the very life had ebbed and flooded out of him.

"What sort of details need addressing?" Thorne pressed on.

"Besides the packing of necessary equipment, supplies and the like, some calibrations for transporting organic and inorganic matter need to be properly configured. Otherwise we may have some men coming out the other end spliced with a metal supply case," the professor said sternly. "We're still not fully confident on the mechanics and logistics of this type of technology. There is still much we don't understand and of what we do understand, there are still areas of uncertainty."

"Give us some credit professor," Thorne said jauntily. "We discovered much in these short few years and made great advancements within months. I think we can feel safe in the knowledge that we have amalgamated a substantial amount of information about this dark matter, it properties and the factors that filter into its functions."

"You mean the work Stephen Taylor theorised and confirmed…" Clements then said cuttingly. "The data and recordings that only he had access to and have since been impossible decipher by anyone." Director Thorne's smirk quickly vanished at this remark.

"A minor setback. His notes and work will be decoded in time but for now we need to remain focused on getting this project in motion." With that, Thorne spun on his heels to face the door but he didn't step forwards.

"Where is our newly promoted Colonel? Off enjoying his new title and polishing his new badge?" he asked over his shoulder.

"Probably getting those thuggish boy scouts of his in line in the briefing room. I cannot believe you gave that behemoth of a man such a ranking boost. It's unheard of. It's bad enough you are leaving the security for our highest priority project down to a bunch of hooligans whose only battle experiences are drunken bar brawls."

"I'd say he deserves it given his loyalty to the firm for so long. Besides, those boy scouts are gonna need a serious shot of morale if they're going to be part of this mission. No better dose than a drilling pep-talk from a newly ranked officer wouldn't you agree?" Professor Clements snorted indignantly as he swivelled around to his workstation again.

"What about Stephen's eldest? I heard he's starting to become unruly; especially after that run in with that black creature," the professor muttered.

"Schneider will keep him in check. Who knows? He might even become a hero for his dutiful actions as we head off into our brave new world. It's just the kind of potent energy we need for this kind of investigation. An undying passion to avenge a lost sibling and murdered father," Thorne drooled, his smirk returning.

"Why'd you say that?" Professor Clements said without turning around.

"Something tells me that that Zeiger character has more to do with this than we currently realise. And that fabled Black Ghost; they are both hiding something. I've got a hunch that they can supply us with all the information we need to see this project through to its completion. I wouldn't be surprised if that boy is the one to wrangle them both in for us." The professor snorted again waving off the idea.

"Anyway, at least he's showing some compassion for his losses," the director then said darkly as he took his first few steps towards the lab doors. "It's not like you've been showing much distress over the loss of your granddaughter, now is it?" Professor Clements froze in his seat. His bony fingers quivered at the director's words as he heard the electronics of the door shift into the open position and then click shut as Thorne left the room.


The morning sunlight was beginning to gently warm the Great Valley with the dawn of a new day. Littlefoot, however, had not been able to catch another wink of sleep since his nightmare a few hours ago. He sat awake watching the sun shyly illuminate the sheltered little copse around him as golden beams snaked between the trees and flared like stars in the gaps in the canopies. Despite being awake for so long, the familiar ambient sound of the Valley helped to calm his frayed nerves and keep him grounded in reality. Keeping him as far away from his foreboding dreams as possible. Littlefoot found a little solace in the fact that Kairyn had leapt down from the tree he was sleeping in and comforted him for a while when he first woke up. Just to feel the warmth of his friend's body as he cradled his head was soothing enough to dissipate the panic flooding every inch of him. The added gesture of sitting beside him for the rest of the night started out with a nonsense chat to keep Littlefoot's mind off of what he'd just been through but eventually, untroubled by his own dreams, Kairyn nodded off. Littlefoot glanced back to see the boy slumped up against the base of the tree in imminent danger of lolling to one side and falling over. He couldn't help but giggle slightly at how ungraceful Kairyn looked and immediately felt glad for having him here with him. It reminded him of the days when Jason was around. A nostalgic tinge that eased the settling even more.

Littlefoot looked back up at the sky that was still a burning shade of early morning orange slowly conquering the deep hues of the fading night. He sighed as his thoughts began to wander again. As kind as it was of Kairyn to try and keep his mind from his nightmare, it was still a prominence he couldn't shake. It wasn't the fighting with creatures or the reincarnated phoenix that rocked him so much. It was the interaction with his friends, the two other Chosens, and the ghostly longneck who had been guiding him the whole way. Her words had always been ones of hope, determination and promise, particularly when he, himself, was lost and confused. This time, she sounded so crestfallen he thought she might break down in tears. Like everything that they had fought for and achieved up until this point was all for nought. What puzzled him even more was that, for once, Littlefoot felt it was one step ahead when he reported that he'd already found out who the fourth Stone of Essence holder was. He even felt a little excited that it was someone he'd already bonded with quite well but when the ghostly longneck started voicing words of despair and discord at the relevance, Littlefoot felt more perplexed than ever. Why was the revealing of the final stone a bad omen? What could its presence mean that was so damning that it would made the spectral dinosaur act so downcast?

Then, Littlefoot's thoughts flickered unavoidably to the harrowing scenes of the longneck and his companions being brutally slain. Black, snaking tentacles just shot up from the ground like spurting stalagmites and ran them through in a second. Cold and merciless butchery. No one could have seen it coming. Littlefoot felt his pulse quicken as he remembered looking up at the chaotic sky and seeing the piercing eyes glaring down on him. Its booming, disembodied voice pleasured at damning Littlefoot for bringing the fate of destruction upon them all. A mistake he'd made; he was responsible for. He dipped his head and stared at the grass.

"But what? What did I do wrong? Why is it my fault?" Littlefoot mumbled to himself.

"Our fate is often not one of our choosing…" a voice then said over him. Littlefoot jumped and quickly snapped his head around.

"H-huh? Who's that?" Littlefoot babbled. He then saw a few loose leaves spin and flip down to the ground just off to his right. Tracing their trail upwards, Littlefoot let out a frightened yelp as he saw a shadowed figure perched on one of the lower branches a tree opposite to where he was.

"Black Ghost? What are you…? How did…?" Littlefoot called in surprise. The hooded figure thrust a vertical index finger up to his hidden face and Littlefoot immediately obeyed.

"Rough night last night?" the Black Ghost asked sounding genuinely sympathetic. Littlefoot nodded solemnly.

"I had a scary sleep story. About… friends…" he slurred.

"What happened to them?" the Black Ghost asked.

"They… umm… got hurt…" Littlefoot said hesitantly.

"Did they die?" the Black Ghost asked flatly. Littlefoot flinched but didn't say anything. "What killed them?"

"I dunno. Some sharp black things; kinda looked like spikes on a spiketail's tail. They looked like shadows that moved like vines as if they were alive. They grew and burst up from the ground." Littlefoot shuddered as he replayed his friends' deaths over again.

"Hmm… that is disturbing," the Black Ghost soothed, his gloved hand resting on the chin of his hood. "What happened next?"

Littlefoot hesitated again. Thinking about the horrors of his nightmare was bad enough, but having to talk about it and explaining every little detail was excruciating. Still, he mustered the courage to recount it all again.

"Yellow eyes?" the Black Ghost hummed thoughtfully.

"Yeah, like some kinda bloodthirsty sharptooth," Littlefoot said seeing the evil eyes flash before his own for a millisecond. He then caught onto the fact that the Black Ghost seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.

"What do you think it means?" he asked slightly nervously. He was somewhat anxious at what his answer might be. At the same time, he silently wondered if the Black Ghost was just humouring him and didn't really trust a word he was saying.

"I'm not sure. But if you're having these visions, then that means that we could be in more trouble than we first realised."

"You mean… you believe me?" Littlefoot then said amazed. His eyes lit up.

"I have every faith in your dreams Littlefoot. You should too. They've guided you before and you'd be a fool to disregard them now. Especially if they are giving you signs such as these."

Littlefoot suddenly felt overwhelmed. His dreams could be foretellings of what's to come? If that were true then he dreaded to think what could possibly turn up when they least expected it. The idea was beginning to make him feel paranoid. Yet still, somehow he was responsible for it all. But how?

"Don't trouble yourself about it too much Littlefoot. I know you are no stranger to hardships and danger. As a chosen holder of a Stone of Essence, you can overcome anything," the Black Ghost said encouragingly.

"Maybe… wait, what? How did you know I have a Stone of Essence?" Littlefoot reeled in awe.

"There is a lot I know about Littlefoot. Especially about you. I know you are the fabled Guardian and you hold in your possession the Guardian's Tear Sapphire to call upon its powers in dire times. A blue, curved shield of light that you use to protect the lives of those you treasure most by holding back those who seek to do them harm. A vanguard of life's flow. A perfect character fit for an ancient legend wouldn't you say?" Littlefoot shied for a second. By the tone of the Black Ghost's voice, if he could have seen his face, he could have imagined him smiling as he was speaking.

"But… how did you know?" Littlefoot asked. He was now hooked on every word so much that they had literally pulled him onto his feet.

"Your story is the very fabric of legend. I've been following that story of a long time now, in search of answers to its mysteries. More importantly, I'm interested in the stones themselves."

Littlefoot suddenly felt an awkward pang strike him in his gut. Kairyn's voice piped into his head running the same accusing tone that the Black Ghost could be tagging along for his own selfish needs. He let the cloaked figure continue.

"The other legendary lights fought beside you to rid the world of a terrible creature. One created by human's lust for power and dominion. You all used the power of the stones to vanquish this enemy. A power that now that lays dormant since the battle's end." The Black Ghost now leaned a little closer as Littlefoot edged forwards.

"Tell me, what's happened to the stones now your fight is over?" he asked carefully.

"Well… when the humans left to return to their own home, I swapped my stone with Jason's. Kinda like a gift to remember each other," Littlefoot recalled. "I haven't heard from any of them for long time now."

"And you've kept the stone with you all that time?" the Black Ghost asked. Littlefoot felt that niggling twinge kick him in the stomach again. His wrestled with his conscience questioning whether the hooded man before him could truly be trusted. Given how enigmatic he insisted on being before, he'd never been this forward.

"I can tell you are debating my intentions; a wise thought. Why would you trust a person who deems it necessary to hide everything? You'd be a fool not to question the idea that I might be up to no good."

"No, no… it's not that," Littlefoot said quickly. "I'm… just worried about what could happen. I don't want anything bad to happen to the Great Valley. Not after last time…"

"Such a caring heart you have Littlefoot. Look, I will not pressure you into telling me where your friend's stone is. After all, I owe you thanks. You gave me the chance to prove my loyalty to you and your friends. Seems as though you are the only one who can see through my appearance and see something good in me despite my… sudden outbursts."

"So what's wrong with you? Are you sick or something?" Littlefoot asked feeling a little more comfortable about speaking openly with the mysterious man now the topic had switched.

"In a way… I am cursed Littlefoot," the Black Ghost said slowly. Littlefoot tiptoed even closer so not to miss a word. "My body is infected with a presence that is slowly but surely consuming me. I can feel it… like a worm burrowing in my veins, polluting my mind. It fights me for consciousness; trying to take over. But I can't let that happen. If I submit to the demon inside, my very being will die and that evil could use my body to unleash pain and suffering everywhere I go. I'd be powerless to stop it."

"What is it that is making you sick?" Littlefoot asked curiously. He then noticed the Black Ghost raise his hands to his face and stared intensely at his palms.

"It has an ancient name but it has long since been forgotten. It is simply known now as 'The Corruption's Curse'. It is an infestation that consumes the body and claims it for its own. Once you are cursed, it transforms you into a beast of unrecognisable form. You simply become an empty husk willed to do nothing but destroy."

"How do you know if you are… cursed?" Littlefoot asked apprehensively. The Black Ghost then did something Littlefoot was not expecting, besides leaping down out of the tree and nearly knocking heads with him. He watched as the Black Ghost raised his left hand, palm towards his hooded face, and slowly peeled the black glove from it. Littlefoot eyes went wide in shock. Unlike the tone of any other human's skin he had seen, the Black Ghost's hand was as unnaturally dark as the glove he had just removed. It looked more like he had shed a layer of skin rather than removing an item of clothing; it was charcoal black. Littlefoot recoiled but strangely, as repulsive as it looked, it didn't make him fear being near the Black Ghost any more than it did before.

"This is the sign of the Corruption's Curse. It claims its victims at varying speeds but no one truly knows what causes it. It grants incredible magicks to those with knowledge but at the dangerous cost of one's soul. That's why I can perform the inhuman feats you've seen me do but, it causes me some harm every time I do."

"Is-isn't there a way to stop it?" Littlefoot gulped.

"The Stones of Essence are the key to containing this wretched plague. They are connected somehow but I'm not sure exactly. I've been searching for one of the stones as a means to purge this curse and return me to normal again. That has been my mission for the past three years. Three long years suffering with this evil coursing through me. I've started to fear that I may not last much longer."

"So that's why you came with us? To get one of the stones?" The Black Ghost nodded as he replaced the glove back onto his hand. "But what about Jason and Jill? They had stones when they went back to the human world. If you knew about the stones and about us, why didn't you find them?"

"The timeline as moved on quite considerably since the chronicled end of the Sacred Lights' last fight. Some three hundred years. The whereabouts of the Warrior and Summoner and their respective stones have been lost and become nothing but stories now."

Littlefoot suddenly felt sick. Three hundred years had passed since Jason and Jill went back to their own realm? He couldn't comprehend how that could be possible. Three hundred years had not passed in the Great Valley, otherwise he and his friends would have been long gone by then. So how could that be?

"But… that doesn't make sense!" Littlefoot said finally. "It's only been a few years since they left the Great Valley. How can they have been gone for three HUNDRED years?"

"I'm not sure on the logistics of how it works but it has something to do with the stones. When they travelled back with them, something must have happened. Altered something by accident," the Black Ghost theorised. Littlefoot was still reeling from the idea that one of his best friends was now nothing more than a memory. Jason was gone and has been for nearly three centuries. It made his head spin.

"The Stones of Essence have a lot of mystical power no one is entirely certain of. But the fact remains that a threat is lying in wait if the Corruption's Curse is allowed to spread. Its vector for passing is unknown and the stones can stop it," the Black Ghost pressed. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to be more direct Littlefoot. If what you said was true and you gave your stone to your friend, that means that you should have his stone, the Warrior's Heart Ruby correct? May I use it to treat the Curse please?"

Littlefoot's heart sank when he heard the question. He dipped his head sheepishly unable to look into the void where he figured the Black Ghost's eyes would be.

"I'm… I'm sorry. I… I don't have it any more. I… I lost it…" he said shamefully.

"Lost it?" the Black Ghost repeated breathlessly. Littlefoot explained what happened to him when he was kidnapped by the three humans. It didn't free him of the guilty fact that he'd robbed the poor human of his chance to cure the Corruption's Curse plaguing his body.

"Damn it! Then that means that they've…" the Black Ghost started but he was interrupted by a shuffling just beyond where Littlefoot was standing. A gasp suddenly grabbed the longneck's attention and he spun around to find Kairyn standing there, his mouth agape in shock.

"Littlefoot! What the hell is he doing here!" he yelled enraged throwing an accusing finger up at the Black Ghost.

"Wait! Kairyn, hold on!" Littlefoot pleaded but at that same moment, he heard the Black Ghost groan. Littlefoot glanced over his shoulder and saw the black-clad man doubled over in pain. Littlefoot's brain flashed with a panicked flurry of thoughts. Kairyn looked ready to launch an attack but he didn't know about the Black Ghost's condition. He didn't have the time to explain. On the other hand, the Black Ghost was starting to fit and convulse again meaning he could go off into a frenzy at any moment.

"Get out of the way Littlefoot!" Kairyn barked.

"Littlefoot, please. You have to help me. You know I mean you no harm," the Black Ghost wheezed.

"Don't listen to him! He's lying! He's been lying since the day we met him!" Kairyn fired back.

Littlefoot desperately flicked between the two humans. The volley of voices began to make his head hurt. He had to do something.

"Black Ghost! Please go! Maybe I can help you find a stone," Littlefoot then said as he stood between them. Kairyn's face pursed up with confusion but the Black Ghost simply looked up at the longneck and gazed into his restless eyes. There was a spark of comprehension between them and the Black Ghost nodded.

"Thank you… I'll be in touch," he said finally. With that, the Black Ghost managed to muster enough strength to stand and with a leap, dashed off into the shrubbery and out of sight.

Kairyn dodged around Littlefoot and was about to give chase but quickly retracted the idea. There was no way he could catch him and he knew it would be pointless to try. Littlefoot gave a quiet gasp as Kairyn then turned to him, his face flushed with anger.

"You mind telling me what the hell he was doing here! How long's he been here?" he shot at the poor dinosaur like an irate father blasting a child for seeing a forbidden, delinquent love interest behind his back.

"He needs our help Kairyn, he's in trouble," Littlefoot argued.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he have you a great sob story to make his lies more believable!" Kairyn muttered sarcastically. Littlefoot felt a hot surge run through him but he kept his cool as he recounted what they had spoken about during the dawning hours of that morning.

There was a lot of verbal volleying between the pair of them where Littlefoot was trying valiantly to break through Kairyn's cynicism and succeeded to varying degrees. Their commotion ended up waking Littlefoot's grandparents which then forced them to convince the concerned elders that everything was fine. By the end of it all, Littlefoot felt he could have happily taken a nap despite his looming fear of nightmares returning. They decided to move on from Littlefoot's home and began wandering out towards the open fields.

"So, he's got this curse thing and he's looking for a cure? And he thinks that these magic stones can heal him," Kairyn said, his fingers pressed against his smarting forehead. Littlefoot nodded in verification.

"Yeah. He said that he needs one of them but I told him that I didn't have my one because I swapped it with Jason and I took his red stone," he added. "He asked me if I could use Jason's Warrior's Heart Ruby but I told him I'd lost it when I was kidnapped."

"Right… wait, hang on a sec! How did he know that the Warrior's Heart Ruby belonged to Jason?" Kairyn then said. Littlefoot opened his mouth to answer but the damning realisation struck him so hard that not a word came out. He froze in his tracks.

"I… I don't know! I told him I had the stone but I didn't say which one," the longneck breathed in astonishment. "How could he know that?"

"And all that stuff about your friends being lost three hundred years ago? It just doesn't add up. The Black Ghost exists in my time and has been terrorising England for months. Stories of some mysterious intruder are always in the national news. How could he know about something that supposedly happened so long ago. He seems remarkably well informed on all of this. Sickness or not, I think there's more to this than that trench coated madman's letting on. He's not telling us something," Kairyn pondered. As much as Littlefoot didn't want to think of it, he couldn't help but agree with Kairyn. The Black Ghost did seem to have an extensive knowledge on the Stones of Essence; it was accurate too. He didn't know whether that should make him more trustworthy or not. Yet, he'd, not too long ago, openly agreed to help him.

There was nothing else for it. Both Littlefoot and Kairyn agreed that the only way they were going to get answers was to attempt to interrogate the Black Ghost again but they had to be prepared. They had to figure out the right questions to ask and put him in a spot that he couldn't wriggle out of. Be that by magic or running away on foot. With a head fit to bursting point with everything that had happened over the course of the night and early hours, Littlefoot felt swamped. He couldn't tackle this on his own and decided he needed his friends to bounce ideas off. A problem shared was a problem halved after all. Kairyn followed Littlefoot out of the open fields where a number of early risers had started to graze and down a sloped path between the trunks of some impressively tall trees. Kairyn's ears pricked up to the sound of gently running water and soon the pair found themselves following a sparklingly clear stream. Kairyn gawked at how perfect and unpolluted the water looked. It was like looking through a sheet of rippling glass. He could see every rock, plant and contour of the riverbed and even saw small fish gliding up and down effortlessly, hardly disturbing the surface. Walking along its bank, against the flow of the current, Kairyn then saw a family of bipedal dinosaurs sat near the water's edge. He could hear laughing and giggling as if children immersed in a game of sorts. Following Littlefoot's lead, they approached the giant saurolophus whom the young longneck greeted warmly.

"Morning Littlefoot. You're looking for Spike and Ducky? They're just over there playing with that nice human girl," the mother saurolophus said nodding just beyond where she was laying. A number of her young just in front of her were rolling and diving on each other. Littlefoot thanked her and Kairyn offered a nervous nod before following him around to where she had signalled.

As they had been told, Ducky and Spike were by the riverbank along with their swimmer brothers and sisters. Some were splashing about in the water giggling hysterically whilst Spike sat under the shade of the trees with Melissa who was just crowning Ducky with a tiara of brightly coloured flowers. Kairyn stopped and stared for a moment. In the warming morning light, he couldn't help but notice that Melissa seemed to glow with radiance. Every strand of her long, blonde hair reflected the sun's beams. An affable smile was stretched across her face as Ducky thanked her for the flowery headpiece. It took a second for Kairyn to realise that Littlefoot had been talking to him.

"You okay Kairyn?" he asked sliding his head into Kairyn's view.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. Sorry, I was daydreaming for a sec there," Kairyn said hurryingly.

"Oh hi Littlefoot! Hi Kairyn!" a small voice suddenly piped. It was Ducky closely followed by Spike and Melissa.

"Uh, hey Melissa. Umm… how was your night here?" Kairyn said dumbly.

"Oh it was great. Ducky helped me make a little bed out of leaves. I've never slept outside before so it was nice for a first time," Melissa said with a coy smile.

"Melissa has been showing us how to make pretty decorations with flowers. We made-ed lots of different things but Spike eat-ed some of them," Ducky said eyeing her brother accusingly. Spike whimpered guiltily but Melissa patted him on the head.

"It's okay. We can always make some more later," Melissa reassured him which brought a smile to the stegosaurus's face as he looked up at her amorously. "How was your night with Littlefoot?"

"Err… good! Well… kinda…" Kairyn babbled itching the back of his head. He and Littlefoot glanced awkwardly at each other for a moment which the others caught onto immediately.

"Come on, we'll explain as we go," Littlefoot said nodding towards the field.

It took them both a while to get through the story of what had occurred last night and the events of the morning. In that time, they had to restart parts when Petrie and Cera came to join them a little later. Between munching on breakfast and relocating after the Grazing Grounds started becoming increasingly crowded, the gang settled under the shade of the trees away from rest of the world to consolidate their ideas.

"Ugh… this stuff with those stupid stones again?" Cera huffed. "After everything we did and all the trouble we got into last time with those stupid pebbles, that weird human in black thinks that there's more to happen?"

"Well, he didn't say that exactly Cera," Littlefoot developed. "He said he thinks that there is a connection between this Corruption's Curse thing and the Stones of Essence."

"And he failed to mention just what that is huh?" Cera snorted. Littlefoot shied slightly. Another loose end that he couldn't qualify to add to the hundreds of others.

"And what about your dreams Littlefoot? Your sleep stories? What did the Black Ghost say about those?" Melissa asked. She was sitting on her heels, playing with the grass that was brushing her leg. Kairyn was watching her the whole time.

"He didn't say much, but he did say that I should be paying attention to them," Littlefoot said airily. "Honestly, I'm a little worried about that given what I saw."

"You said that the Black Ghost is sick. What does he need to do to get better?" Ducky asked sounding genuinely concerned for his well-being.

"He said that he needed a Stone of Essence, but I don't have mine or Jason's anymore. I felt so bad that I couldn't help him," Littlefoot winced, his guilt was still gnawing away at him. "I think that's why he came with us; in search of the stones."

"But how he know you have stone? And how he know red stone belong to Jason?" Petrie puzzled.

"I don't know Petrie but, he said he knew me. I can't see how because I don't recognise him," Littlefoot shrugged again.

"I still don't trust him. What if this is all a feint? What if he's trying to get the stones to further spread this curse thing?" Kairyn said strongly. All eyes turned to him.

"Think about it. He said the stones and this curse were connected somehow and he doesn't know how it spreads. What if the stones ARE the key required to spreading this corruption stuff?" The group fell silent. It was a possibility after all.

"But why would the Black Ghost want to do that? What would it accomplish?" Melissa then asked. Yet another question without a definite answer (despite another cynical remark from Kairyn that everyone dismissed).

"Well, whatever the reason, he can't get his grimy mitts on a Stone of Essence if he doesn't know where one is," Kairyn said. This suddenly made Littlefoot's mind click.

"Wait, Kairyn! You have one! You have a stone!" he said excitedly. A chorus of gasps went up around him which made Kairyn flinch.

"What?" he stammered.

"Your yellow stone! It's a Stone of Essence isn't it?" Littlefoot said stepping towards him.

"I… I don't know. I didn't know what a Stone of Essence was until I met you guys," Kairyn babbled defensively. He could suddenly feel the heat of everyone's gaze on him. "You didn't tell him I had it did you?"

"No I didn't. But you can use it to help the Black Ghost and then..." Littlefoot started but Kairyn immediately cut him off.

"Ohhhh no! Not a chance! There's no way I'm giving my stone to that maniac whether it's magic or not! Forget it! Anyway, I promised my dad I'd look after it and discover what it's for," he protested backing away from the longneck as he advanced.

"But maybe he can help you find out more about it," Littlefoot pressed but Kairyn wasn't having any of it.

"But why not? Do you not want to help the Black Ghost get better?" Ducky cooed.

"No! Well, no… it's not that. I just don't trust him enough to just hand it over to him on a silver plate. How do we know what he's planning to do? He hasn't given us anything but a load of loose threads that don't tie up. If he wants it then I'm gonna want some solid and straight answers outta him first!" Then, like a tidal wave had flushed over the seven of them, they all jerked up straight. Everyone saw the same sparkle of ingenuity twinkle in the other's eye. Just like that, they had the beginnings of a plan.

It was as simple as plans go but an effective one all the same. The typical stand-off 'you've got something I want, I've got something you want' situation just without the melodrama. The group agreed that since Littlefoot was the one who had conversed with the Black Ghost the most, and didn't have an overbearing grudge against the man, that he'd be the one to talk to him whilst the others lay in hiding to eavesdrop. They strategized the exact questions that they wanted answering and insisted that until there was clear cut response, the Black Ghost wouldn't even get to sniff at the yellow triangular stone that Kairyn had. Littlefoot couldn't help but feel his moral fibres tie themselves in awkward knots. It felt wrong to exploit the Black Ghost's predicament as a pressure point to getting what they wanted, but he couldn't argue the vague answers they'd gotten from him so far were not as helpful as they'd liked. As he had already stressed that time was of the essence, they were having to up their game (Kairyn's words). Their plan was set but the biggest issue still lay in their way. How do you track a man that moves like a shadow in the night and can use magic at a moment's whim? The answer was simple. Let the mysterious man freak the hell out of you when you by dropping in on you when you are alone.

Poor Littlefoot thought his heart was going to burst when the Black Ghost suddenly dropped out of the sky and landed inches from his face while he was off finding his grandparents later that morning. Kairyn had agreed to stay away from the initial meeting to resist the urge to smack the Black Ghost in the face for his earlier intrusion.

"Oh! Black Ghost! You… you scared me!" Littlefoot puffed, he could still feel his panicky heartbeat lurching violently in his chest.

"My apologies my friend. I figured this was the best time to catch you alone. I didn't want to cause any more of a disturbance than I did back at your nest this morning," the cloaked man said softly.

"Err… that's okay," Littlefoot stuttered. He wasn't sure if he was just nervous from the fright or if he was more jittery about the plan they had in store.

"I know that I have been rather cryptic up until now but I feel you are the only one of your little friendship group that will grant me the time of day to actually speak."

"That's alright. Umm… did you want to talk now?" Littlefoot asked trying to keep the quivering out of his voice as best he could.

"Hmm… this is a bit open. Wouldn't want to startle anyone," the Black Ghost said scanning the gaps between the trees and bushes. There were perfect lines of sight for them to be seen where they currently were. "Is there somewhere where we could go that's a little more… covered?"

Littlefoot's brain fired at a light speed; too fast to process anything. Where could he suggest they meet where the others could spy on them without being discovered themselves? Also, he didn't want any of the adult dinosaurs to interrupt them by accident. The Black Ghost would take off in a shot and their opportunity would be lost.

"Err… I know. My friends have a little hideout not too far from here. It's in a thick part of the woods where the grown-ups can't get to," Littlefoot then said.

"What about your friends? Won't they be there?" the Black Ghost asked. Littlefoot felt a flush of panic.

"Err… they're all busy this morning. I went to see them already but they're doing things for their mums and dads," he lied.

"What about Kairyn and that other girl?"

"They're umm… off exploring the Valley with Ducky and Spike. Kairyn went to see Melissa this morning after you came to us. She uhh… spent the night there. He… he wanted to see how she was." Littlefoot was finding it difficult to come up with enough excuses to throw off suspicion. He was sure the Black Ghost could see right through him as he stumbled over his words and slurred every sentence somewhere.

"Alright. I'll follow you there. I'll keep out of sight as far as possible," the Black Ghost said. Littlefoot cringed again. How was he going to let his friends know where the meeting was going to take place?

"Uhh… sure! But I need to… talk to my grandparents first," he suddenly piped. "I need to meet with them down by the river by the Thundering Falls. You know, just to check in with them." That wasn't so much of a lie but it still wasn't strictly true.

"Alright, I'll wait here. Pass back this way once you're done and I'll tail you to your hideout," the Black Ghost said authoritively. Littlefoot nodded hurryingly and quickly turned about to head off to find his grandparents. After taking a few hurried steps, he glanced back over his shoulder but the Black Ghost had already disappeared.

Littlefoot soon found his grandparents exactly where he had stated and quickly checked in with them. He also asked them to relay a message to his friends of his whereabouts should they come looking for him. The kindly elders smiled and nodded before letting their grandson wander off into the Great Valley again urging him to stay out of trouble. Double backing to the sheltered path where the Black Ghost had previously pounced on him, Littlefoot scanned the bushes and tree canopies for any sign of the cloaked man. Fortunately for him, the Black Ghost didn't make so much of a dramatic entrance and calmly strolled out from behind an ivy tangled tree trunk.

"All set?" the Black Ghost inquired.

"Yeah, let's go," Littlefoot said as he led the way to his hideout. "This way."

It was the oddest feeling being tailed by the Black Ghost when you knew that he was there somewhere but you couldn't actually see him. How he managed to hide in plain sight was nothing short of a mystery as Littlefoot strolled awkwardly through the trees and out into the fields towards the entrance of his friends' little hideaway. His gait was very rigid and uncomfortably upright like someone was jabbing the longneck in the back of his head and refused to remove it. From an onlooker's point of view, you would have thought that Littlefoot was walking across the densely populated grazing fields alone but he knew otherwise. Upon reaching the shelter of the trees at the far end of the fields, Littlefoot stopped and couldn't resist searching around for his invisible tracer.

"Umm… Black Ghost? We're here now… are you ther… WHOA!" Littlefoot recoiled as the Black Ghost dropped down from the sky and landed a few feet from him.

"So this is your little hideout? Cosy," the Black Ghost said eyeing the pathway into the tightly packed trees. He turned back to Littlefoot who still looked spooked. "Shall we?"

Littlefoot nodded, his throat still locked shut by the rush of breath that shot down his larynx as he gasped. Finally remembering to breathe again, Littlefoot led the way into the little wood followed by the Black Ghost who promptly promised not to drop in on him again unless it was completely necessary.

Despite the path quickly becoming swallowed by the leafy bushes that surrounded the tree trunks, Littlefoot had committed the layout of the little wooded area to memory and guided the Black Ghost to its heart without a misplaced step. The shelter of the trees opened up to a tiny patch of grass that had a few grey boulders and broken rocks strewn around the place. The glorious sunlight beamed into the centre of hideout like a skylight and illuminated it with a blissful radiance. Pollen and spores floated like puffy wisps in the glaring light as Littlefoot sat on a comfy patch of mossy grass. He watched as the Black Ghost stepped cautiously into the hideout and made a beeline for the rock carving that sat in the middle of the tiny clearing. He raised a gloved hand up to the chipped surface and eyed the seven crudely chiselled figures leading one another on the rocky tapestry.

"My friend, Jason, made that just before he left. A memory of our adventure we had together. Me, the guys, our Farwalker friend Ali and him," Littlefoot said calmly. A wash of fond memories flooded his mind of a moment.

"He must have cared deeply for you all," the Black Ghost said as he examined it even closer. Littlefoot smiled inwardly, "I guess so. He said he didn't have much of a family until he came to the Great Valley. It was… hard… for all of us when he went back." The Black Ghost then came to a stop as he approached the front (the far right) of the friendly line up. He held his gloved hand up an etching of three triangles stood on top of each other like a balanced pyramid. It floated above them all like a guiding star showing them the way.

"Heaven's Eternity Crystal…" the Black Ghost hummed lowly.

"That's right," Littlefoot said calmly. "How did you know that?"

The Black Ghost finally turned to Littlefoot. His shoulders were slumped as if he were about to deliver a crushing confession and it made Littlefoot feel uneasy.

"The Stones of Essence go back a long time in human lore. Their presence and usage known to only a select few. A power of an ancient civilisation that predates any known human colonisation," the Black Ghost said smoothly as if he were reading it out of a textbook. Littlefoot blinked dumbly which made the Black Ghost snicker slightly.

"Put simply. It is a power not created by man and the dinosaurs knew nothing of it. The stones on their own hold a great power but combined, they are greater still. Just by looking at this carving here made by your friend, you have all bore witness to both forms of the stones' powers. A once in a lifetime privilege as well as a terrible burden." Littlefoot shuffled on the spot. He was thankful that the Black Ghost was willing to spill his information on the Stones of Essence without being prompted by questions which, in all honesty, he hadn't thought up yet. The Black Ghost continued,

"When the three stones came together, and the crystal was formed, it harnessed a power that channelled the life force of all living things. This living energy was stronger in some than others, hence the reason why only a select few could use them. But… this was down to one key factor." The Black Ghost's hood angled up so Littlefoot could see deep into its blackness.

"Wh-what's that?" he asked nervously.

"The Heaven's Eternity Crystal… was incomplete," the Black Ghost replied darkly.

"Incomplete?" Littlefoot echoed.

"Yes. The three stones were used as three different channels of life force. Heart, Soul and Tears. But there is one piece missing." The Black Ghost summoned Littlefoot over to him with a beckoning finger. Littlefoot stood up and trudged over to the black-clad figure as he turned and pointed at the carving again.

"You see this space here?" he said pointing to the inverted triangular gap between the three other embossed triangles. "That is where a fourth and final stone is supposed to be placed." Littlefoot gasped as the idea of it all sank in and an idea popped into his mind.

"So… what power does this last stone have?" he asked carefully.

"It is the governing stone. The Angel's Amethyst. On its own, its powers for wielding are untold. However, what is known is that it is a Stone of Essence that channels the raw energy from the three other stones and neutralised them. This, in turn, grants anyone the capability of wielding the incredible power the Stones of Essence hold because the magical current of each of the life forces is freely distributed amongst the stones and is no longer bound by a single trait. Not heart, nor soul nor tears. In other words, any living being with brain and a pulse could use this power if they can control it. The chosen lights the legends speak of would become obsolete since there unique powers would be free for anyone to acquire."

"So… if all four of these stones were put together, anyone could use the magic power it has?" Littlefoot concluded. That thumping headache of being overloaded with information was starting to come back.

"Yes. Could you imagine if everyone knew about this power? They would stop at nothing to seek it and claim it for their own. Power struggle after power struggle would tear lives and civilisations apart. Wars and conquest would decimate and destroy every living thing on the planet. There would be nothing left."

"So? Why do you need it?" Littlefoot then asked before he could stop himself.

"I already told you. I want to be free of the Corruption's Curse. I don't need the completed crystal to be freed of it. Only one of them to be used on me to purge my body of its evil current."

"Is that really the only reason?" Littlefoot then said. He wasn't sure where the courage to ask these probing questions was coming from but he was glad it was there.

"I promise you Littlefoot. It may seem selfish but when you have suffered from this crushing grip for so long, you can't help but wish for any kind of release."

"But why come with me? How did you know I had a stone? And how did you know I had Jason's stone? I didn't tell you I had it," Littlefoot fired. The Black Ghost glanced at the longneck sideways but didn't say anything.

"Why won't you answer? Why can't you tell us anything about you other than you being cursed?"

"Littlefoot I… I can't…" the Black Ghost said sighing.

"Why not?" Littlefoot pressed. "Why won't you show your face?"

"Because… I don't want you to see…"

"Don't want me to see what? You've already shown me your hand so why won't you let anyone see what you look like?"

"They won't understand. All they'd see is a monster. I… I don't…" The Black Ghost stopped again hesitantly. Littlefoot edged closer.

"You don't what?" he asked, his tone much softer.

"I don't want you… to see what I've become…" Littlefoot took a couple of steps backwards. His mind flashed back like a portal to when the Black Ghost threatened to slice his jugular on top of the snowy mountain after the avalanche. Once he had managed to calm down, he remembered the Black Ghost saying to him that he was 'a prisoner of fate' and that he was once 'one of them' and that the stones could set him free. Littlefoot flicked the blurry images from his mind and refocused on the Black Ghost.

"Who… who are you?" he whispered starting to reel in his own thoughts. The Black Ghost simply looked into his wide eyes.

"So Littlefoot? You said you would help me find a stone. Are you still willing to offer that help?" the Black Ghost then said. Littlefoot wasn't sure if he was coming or going but he just couldn't ignore that gnawing feeling of pity for the shadowy man.

"First, I gotta know. Kairyn keeps saying you killed his father. Did you…?"

"No I didn't. But Kairyn needs to confront me himself if he wants to find out the truth about what really happened to his father."

"I know how you can get a stone…" Littlefoot then said slowly. The Black Ghost didn't leap at him but Littlefoot could tell he was interested. It was time to put his power play into action.

"Kairyn has a Stone of Essence. A yellow one. I think it might be the one you were talking about earlier."

"The Angel's Amethyst? Kairyn has it?" the Black Ghost sounded amazed.

"Yes. But he wants to know the truth about his father; how he died?" Littlefoot said stony-faced and tuneless.

"And if I told him, he would grant me use of his stone? Is that it?" the Black Ghost said catching on. Littlefoot nodded.

"I doubt he'd take it even if it was the truth. He's determined to believe that I was the one that did it."

"If you want the stone that badly, you'll try anyway," Littlefoot said sternly. The Black Ghost sighed and sniggered slightly.

"Your resolve is just as impressive as your courage Littlefoot. You really are one in a million." Littlefoot tried hard not to let the flattering comment get to him.

"So? Whad'dya say? Will you tell Kairyn the truth?"

"Alright. I'll tell him everything. I'm prepared to tell him but I hope, for his sake, he is prepared to listen." Littlefoot nodded as he felt the swelling pressure in his chest suddenly deflate. As noteworthy as his resolve was, it was tough trying to keep up such a strong front against someone who could strike him off in one blow if things went south.

"So, should I speak to him face to face? Or should I just speak loud and clearly into the microphone?" the Black Ghost then said. Confused at first, Littlefoot craned his neck behind him to look to where the Black Ghost was pointing. On the ground, just beneath a large umbrella-like leaf was a small clam-shelled device sitting and pointing into the little clearing. It was Kairyn's Minicom. Littlefoot felt a numbing chill snake up his spine and made his muscles lock rigid as the realisation hit him. The Black Ghost knew about the plan to draw information out of him. The jig was up.

"Tell Kairyn and your friends, once they've crawled out of the bushes, that I will see you all later to discuss our proposal," the Black Ghost said to Littlefoot who was still staring off into the foliage. There was a suddenly whoosh of air and by the time Littlefoot had turned around, the Black Ghost was gone.

"Damn it! He knew we were there!" an aggravated voice sounded from close by. Littlefoot suddenly saw a number of bushes rustle and an assortment of creatures come traipsing into the copse.

"Well that was a big waste of time! We didn't find out anything!" Cera muttered as she flung a stick caught on her nose horn back into the shrubbery. It narrowly missed Spike who, at that exact second, dipped his head to munch on one of the giant leaves.

"I wouldn't say that Cera. He actually told us quite a lot," Littlefoot said turning to her as she, Ducky, Spike, Petrie and Kairyn gathered around.

"And I got it all on tape. Well, most of it anyway," Kairyn said poking his Minicom before snapping it shut. Littlefoot then noticed that the group was one short.

"Hey, where's Melissa?" he asked.

"She went-ed back to my nest. She said she was not feeling very well, she did," Ducky reported.

"She'll be okay. She said she was gonna go take a nap. We've now gotta figure out what all that nonsense about magic stones and unlimited power for every Tom, Dick and Harry was all about," Kairyn said waving his Minicom in the air in a tight fist.

"What 'bout helping Black Ghost with his sickness? You gonna help him Kairyn?" Petrie asked.

"Dunno yet. Have to see what he says first," the boy snorted.

Littlefoot was about to say something when there was a suddenly bright flash that illuminated the sky. Everyone looked up at the gaping hole in the trees and saw the cloudless sky flash and flicker a bizarre array of unnatural colours followed by a loud series of booms and crashes. It only lasted for a minute or two but as it died out, the gang then all looked at each other.

"What the hell was that?" Kairyn asked. Petrie immediately took to the air and hovered over the treetops.

"There look like somethin' happening over by the Great Wall," the little flyer reported as he swooped back down to ground level again. Suddenly, everyone but Kairyn froze.

"Uhh… someone wanna explain to me what the Great Wall is? What's with the faces?" Kairyn asked flatly.

"The Shiny Ring! Do you think…?" Ducky trailed off. Kairyn still looked lost.

"Let's go take a look!" Littlefoot said immediately bounding for the exit. The gang following him one after the other.


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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For anyone who cares, I finally updated BOSE 2. As always, constructive criticisms always welcome. Enjoy!

Chapter 31: Dangerous Discoveries

The series of strobing flashes illuminating the rocky peaks that encircled the Great Valley's outer walls had already caught the attention of a number of the grazing residents and visitors that were crowding in the fields. They were all completely absorbed and memorised by the flickers of bizarre light that they didn't bat an eye when the gang and Kairyn tore across the open grassland and into the trees that led up to the mountain paths. Their feet were a blur as they pounded the dirt tracks between the thick trunks, cleaved bushes as they leapt through them and vaulted looping roots like athletes tackling natural hurdles.

"Does someone wanna explain what the fuss is all about? Where are we going?" Kairyn puffed trying to keep up as the last hop over an exposed root almost wiped him out.

"To the Shiny Ring at the top of the Great Wall! Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky said from atop Spike who was galloping with lengthy strides.

"Great…okay? That doesn't really answer my question."

"It's a huge shiny circle where the first lot of humans came through to get to the Great Valley," Littlefoot hollered backwards refusing to allow his eye to stray from the path that had now started to slope upwards. As the road curved up towards the mountains and the terrain became more rocky, the group slowed to a brisk walk.

"What, you mean, like a portal? Between the dinosaur world and the human one?" Kairyn asked suddenly sounding very excited.

"I guess so. The humans made it whilst they were here. It was how Jason, Jill and Mr Stone left the Great Valley when they returned home," Littlefoot said flatly. His voice betrayed his true feelings as he was literally buzzing inside.

"And you're telling me this now? Why the hell didn't you say anything before? We can use it to get back to our time and…" Kairyn erupted gleefully but Petrie cut across him.

"We no know how it work. We try before in past but we no make it work again," he said defeated.

"We tried using the red stone Jason gave Littlefoot but nothing happened," Cera added pre-empting Kairyn's next question by reading the look on his face.

"So, how did you get it to work the first time?" he asked quickly. Suddenly, this mysterious Shiny Ring had become a central focus for him and he wasn't prepared to accept the first dismissive statement that came his way.

"If I can remember right, I think Littlefoot used his blue magic stone to get the big glowing circle to appear. Yep, yep, yep," Ducky chimed in. Littlefoot glanced back and found Kairyn's eyes already locked onto him.

"Maybe because Littlefoot wasn't using his own stone is the reason why it didn't work," he theorised ecstatically. This was only fuelled further by him thinking about the yellow stone his father had given to him. No one could argue with him and the more the group thought about the idea, the more their minds wandered on what they could accomplish if they could once again open up the gateway that bridged the two worlds. A rush of hopeful possibilities flooded over them as they quickened their pace to reach the Great Wall. All the while, the blasts of light were continuing their spectacular show from over the shoulder of the mountains.

It didn't take the group long to find themselves climbing to the top of a rocky overhang that peered down on the Great Wall. Kairyn took in the topography as he saw a dusty trail lining the floor of a high walled gulley. Going downhill, to the left, was a passage leading back into the Great Valley whilst to his right, the path levelled off and the walls shrunk away slightly to reveal an open space of swirling dust and baked earth. The Great Wall, as the gang had described to him earlier, was a huge pile of giant boulders and rock debris that looked like they had tumbled in on themselves and sealed off the path. This barred the entrance to the Great Valley as Kairyn looked out past the impressive dam and could see the untamed wilderness of the Mysterious Beyond stretching infinitely towards the horizon. Kairyn had to chuckle as the gang explained the logic of the name 'Mysterious Beyond' as all of the land outside of the protected lands of the Great Valley, but he was quickly muted when his eye caught the glint of something tucked away in the far corner of the exposed and barren path.

"I'm guessing it's that giant, circular structure over there?" Kairyn asked pointing.

"Yeah, that's it. The humans that used it did have a special name for it but I can't remember what it was," Littlefoot said. That electric current of excitement was still shooting through him.

"So what are we looking for exactly?" Cera then asked. Everyone then scanned the ground for any sights of movement.

"There nobody here," Petrie said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that no one has been here previously," Kairyn said almost slyly. His gaze was locked on the strange arching machine sat idle at the far end.

"Let's get down there," he said as he began climbing down the steep sided wall towards the path. The others quickly followed him.

A cloud of red dust misted around Kairyn's feet as he touched down on the gully path. The area was a lot more open than he had first realised as he took in how the edges of the path bowed outward slight before narrowing again as it continued off towards the Great Wall. A series of gravelly slides rippled behind him as Littlefoot, Cera and Spike skidded into place.

"Looks deserted. Doesn't anyone ever come up here?" Kairyn asked.

"Not really," Littlefoot replied dusting himself off. "There's very little green food up here and it's just a way out into the Mysterious Beyond."

"So… officially… we're not really supposed to be up here?" Kairyn slurred.

"Nope, but we come up here all the time without our parents knowing. What they don't know can't get us into trouble," Cera piped in sounding proud of their mischievousness.

"But if everyone else in the Great Valley saw what was happening up here, they may be coming up here too. Then we WILL be in trouble. Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky said anxiously.

"If that's the case, we'd better make this quick," Kairyn said. With his brow furrowed determinedly, he kicked off into a short sprint toward the machine, the gang close behind.

Vaulting boulders and cracks in the earth, Kairyn slowed to a stop some distance away as he took in just how magnificent the machine before him was. He gaped at the large, arching silver ring that was easily two, if not three, storeys high and stood proud and tall over a dusty metal ramp leading up to it like a king on a throne sat high above a lowly peasant. Just off to the right hand side was a console of some sort that Kairyn guessed was some measure of control interface but its screen was blank and lifeless like its circuitry had not tasted a lick of electricity for years.

"Wow! I've never seen anything like this before in my life!" Kairyn breathed as the dinosaurs rumbled up and stood beside him in a huddle.

"Do you know how to work this thing?" Littlefoot asked sounding hopeful.

"Not a clue. I've seen some of Dad's projects in his lab before but never anything like this."

"So what we do now?" Petrie asked feeling slightly unnerved standing under the massive machine.

"Well, those flashing lights must have come from somewhere around here. Maybe we can find out what it was," Littlefoot suggested. "Let's have a look around." So the gang began to fan out and searched the area for anything out of the ordinary. Kairyn, meanwhile, was so enthralled with the machine that he decided to focus all his attention on it.

After a few minutes, the quintet of dinosaurs regrouped.

"Find anything?" Littlefoot asked but everyone shook their heads.

"There's nothing here. This has been nothing but a big waste of time!" Cera snorted stamping in the dirt and kicking up dust clouds. Littlefoot felt that little spark of anticipation suddenly fizzle out and he sighed in defeat. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Kairyn still circling the massive machine. Then he suddenly disappeared as he ducked behind the console by the ramp.

"At least someone's enjoying himself," Cera snubbed. Then, he shouted out to them.

"Hey guys! Com'mere! Come see this!" Kairyn hollered. The gang all looked at each other before jogging over to him.

"What is it?" Littlefoot asked pulling up alongside Kairyn. Kairyn rolled a sleeve over his hand and rubbed it against the back of the console. After slapping the dust off his clothes, Kairyn ran his finger along some words stylishly etched into the metal to look like futuristic block lettering.

"Does the words 'Chronos Doorway' mean anything to you guys?" Kairyn asked.

"I remember the humans calling those weird blue swirling circles 'doorways'. Was that the name the humans gave to this thing?" Cera asked inquisitively.

"I guess so. It's a fitting name if it really does what you say it does," Kairyn said looking back at her. "The word 'chronos' is usually linked to something to do with time. And if they were calling these things 'doorways' then I guess it makes sense."

Kairyn then ducked a little lower and rubbed some more dirt clear of the metal to reveal a symbol.

"Any idea what that is? It kinda looked like a bird with really wavy wings; like it's on fire or something," he asked the crowd. Everyone leaned in closer for a better look.

"Me 'member that!" Petrie cawed making everyone else jump. "When we go to human world and we inside that long tall human cave. Me saw that all over human cave where we find that bad human and the Red Phoenix."

"You're right Petrie!" Littlefoot exclaimed, "Jill and Mr Stone had that on their second skins too."

"Come to think of it, all that stuff the humans had, even where they were living in the Great Valley had that thing on them," Cera chimed in. Spike and Ducky nodded and hummed as the memories came flickering back in a blinding montage.

"Humans were living in the Great Valley?" Kairyn gawked.

"Well, kinda. They were hiding out in the Forest of Fear on the far edge of the Valley," Littlefoot explained. "The humans' home is still there but it's all broken now."

Kairyn hummed thoughtfully, "Maybe we should check that place out. It might give us a few more clues as to what this is all about." He turned back to the etching of a bird in flames.

"Sounds like this symbol is a company's emblem. Red Phoenix you said right?" Kairyn asked again and they all nodded. Kairyn took out his Minicom and quickly snapped a few pictures of the symbol and typed in a few notes on its holographic keyboard.

"I've gotta say, it's not a company I'm familiar with. Maybe we can find out a bit more about it later," Kairyn said. Suddenly, the little machine made a blip which made Kairyn blink in shock.

"Huh, that's weird. Apparently there's a data access point available here," he said poking at the new icon that just popped up on his screen.

"A what?" Cera babbled.

"My Minicom has managed to make a remote link to the databanks in this console. Looks like there is some information stored in the computer I can access," he said airily as he started a download transfer. "I thought this console was burned out coz it wasn't working when I tried it earlier but looks like the databanks can be tapped into wirelessly. Man, this must be some really old bit of tech if I can hack into its files that easily. Its firewalls and security protocols must be massively out of date." Littlefoot looked blanked at the boy as the technobabble flew right over his head but he immediately tweaked on the fact that Kairyn had labelled the machine as 'old'. His mind flooded back to what the Black Ghost had said about three hundred years passing since Jason's departure from the Great Valley. This acted as a small, yet disturbing, piece of evidence that what the cloaked man had said could be true.

Kairyn stood upright as the download finished and everyone crushed in to see what was on the tiny display.

"What does all that mean?" Ducky asked standing on tiptoes while balance on the ridge of Spike's spine.

"I don't know right now but I'll have a look at it later," Kairyn said snapping the Minicom shut. "There's one last thing I wanna try."

As Kairyn placed his Minicom back into his pocket, he withdrew the yellow triangular stone. Littlefoot felt a hard lump lock tight in his throat as they all followed Kairyn around to the front of the console.

"So, how did you do it Littlefoot? You just… held onto your stone and… touched the console right?" Kairyn asked flatly. Littlefoot simply nodded since he couldn't muster the will to speak. His nerves were frayed and jittery as he watched Kairyn attempt to reactivate the Chronos Doorway. All eyes were on Kairyn as he apprehensively held out his right hand, the stone held in his left, and hovered over the console screen. Kairyn took a deep breath and held it as he dropped his hand, quite forcefully, onto the console. There was an unbearably long pause before anyone dared to move again.

"Did it work?" Kairyn asked flicking between the giant ring and his spectators.

"I… uhh… I don't think so," Littlefoot stammered, the tips of his toes and tail were tingling. Kairyn tried again but still nothing happened. After a few other suggestions from the others, he soon gave up.

"There must be more to this. We're missing something," Kairyn said shoving the stone back into his pocket. "Still, we have something to go on. Why don't we head back?" The group all agreed and headed off down the sloping path back towards the Great Valley.

To make sure they weren't seen coming back down from the Great Wall, the group retraced their steps as best they could so the cover of the trees as they approached the Valley masked their re-entry. It was just as well since they were sure they could hear the thundering footsteps of some adult dinosaurs trundling up the mountain path heading towards where they had been not too long ago. As Ducky poked her head out of a bush to check the coast was clear, she waved at the others ducked behind the surrounding foliage and they crept out of hiding.

"So what we do now?" Petrie asked as they made their way back across the fields pretending not to notice the entourage of dinosaurs huddled at the base of the mountain path up to the Great Wall. Only some mustering the nerve to actually go and investigate.

"I'd like to look over this information I managed to download but I'd love to see his 'human home' you guys mentioned earlier," Kairyn said deliberately slowing his gait so the group would slow to a stop. Reading the nervous expressions on each of the gang's faces he knew there was more to this than simply taking a leisurely stroll to wherever it was they had mentioned previously.

"Err… I am not sure I want to go. Oh no, no, no," Ducky said slowly.

"Me neither. Me no like Forest of Fear before humans come and me still no like it now," Petrie chimed in shuddering. "Too spooky…"

"The Forest of Fear? Sounds like a zone for a theme park. What's the problem with this place?" Kairyn asked. Irrespective of their responses, he was primed to head there all the same.

"A lot of bad stuff has been said about the Forest of Fear," Littlefoot started.

"Yeah, and it was only made worse when everyone in the Valley found out that humans were living in there. Especially after all the monsters that came out of it," Cera added grimly.

"Monsters? Now this really is starting to sound like a theme park. What kinda place are we talking about here? A bloody haunted house?" Kairyn scoffed dismissively.

"I dunno what you mean by that but bad stuff did happen in that place. And after everything that had happened, it gave us all the more reason not to go back there," Cera hummed seriously.

"Well, creepy mansion or not, I wanna check it out. It might give us more of a clue to what's really going on here. If you guys don't wanna come with me, then just point me in the right direction and I'll go on my own," Kairyn said flatly. The gang all shuffled uncomfortably but finally Littlefoot stepped forward and agreed to show Kairyn the way to the old Red Phoenix base in the Forest of Fear. Determined not to show a hint of cowardice, Cera was coaxed, somewhat reluctantly, into joining them whilst Petrie, Ducky and Spike opted out to go and pay Melissa a visit to see if she was feeling any better. With the agreement to meet up again later, the group went their separate ways.

It didn't take Littlefoot, Cera and Kairyn long until they came to the border of the creepily dense thicket of narrow trunked trees that marked the edge of the Forest of Fear. Despite the broad daylight, Kairyn ducked and weaved his head this way and that to try and make out some sort of depth to the odd little patch of woodland but found that the sun's rays were quickly devoured by the tightly packed trees. It was almost pitch black in there.

"This is it?" Kairyn asked looking back at Littlefoot and Cera who were both still a couple of paces behind him, minding their distance. Littlefoot nodded as he felt his skin prickle and Cera flicked a snaking chill out the end of her tail as it raked her spine.

"How far in is it?" Kairyn then asked, his determination unwavering.

"Almost to the middle," Littlefoot replied.

"Okay then, let's go," Kairyn said and he stepped into the dank woods without hesitation. Littlefoot and Cera both glanced at each other before traipsing in after him.

The trek through the eerie trees was a slow and cautious one. Littlefoot couldn't help but recall the last time he was here when he stalked the three humans who later turned out to be his kidnappers. The unsettling thought of something lumbering out of the darkness to try and snatch him up played on his mind and made his senses sharp for any unaccounted sounds and movements that were not either his or his companions'. Kairyn helped calm their frayed nerves by flipping open his Minicom and allowing the holographic light sphere to illuminate and pierce the smothering darkness of the woods. Working somewhat at random, they eventually found a patch of open space that was distinctly lighter than the rest of the forest due to some gaping holes in the tightly woven canopy overhead. Kairyn immediately quickened his pace as he leapt over a fallen log and examined the rubble of what appeared to be a concrete building surrounded by a metallic, diamond trestle fence. Kairyn gaped with wide eyes as he took in the scene. Nature had taken bold leaps to reclaim this spot of land from the cold grey stone of the building and its intrusive barrier. Parts of the single storey building had collapsed with climbing plants and moss slithered up the crumbled walls and into any crevices it could find. Vines and dense plants had wrestled with the surrounding fence, looping through the wide diamond holes and tugging it down to the ground where it lay twisted in bizarre shapes and awkward angles.

Entranced by the view before him, Kairyn quickly hopped over an arced part of fence and edged closer to the building. Littlefoot and Cera, who weren't as thrilled to be snooping around the deserted complex, took it in turns to awkwardly clamber over the bowed fence and follow him.

"So… what did you say this place was exactly?" Kairyn asked as he heard footsteps rustling the leaf litter behind him. All the while, he couldn't take his eyes of the building.

"This is where the humans lived when they came to the Valley. There were strange things in there; things I've never seen before," Littlefoot said slowly. A brief wash of memories flashed before his eyes as he remembered his visits, both intentional and unintentional, of the complex. Much of it was still a mystery to him now than it was back when it was in functional use.

"And you say monsters came from this place?" Kairyn said only half listening.

"Yeah. Humans that were already dead and brought back to life somehow. It was really creepy but we fought them off," Cera said trying to mask her blatant nervousness.

"So, when you mentioned stuff about zombies the other day, you actually weren't kidding?" Kairyn asked finally turning to look at the pair of them as they both shook their heads gravely.

"But that was years ago right, so there's no chance of that happening again with the occupants of this place now gone," Kairyn said.

"I sure hope not," Littlefoot slurred timidly.

"Okay then. How about we try finding a way into this place huh?" Kairyn then suggested. Before either Littlefoot or Cera could utter an objection, Kairyn was already sidling around the building trying to look for a way in.

Upon inspection, the trio quickly found that entrance to the dilapidated building was practically impossible. The main entrance had caved in, any of the windows that would have been accessible were blocked in either by rubble or thick looping tree roots and a number of walls had toppled inwards with no space to squeeze in. After a while, they gave up which permitted Cera to rant on about how it was a waste of time coming here. Kairyn, hands pressed up against the wall, grumbled in frustration. The idea that a human building was sitting in a time period millions of years before its time and there being no way inside was almost mocking. As Cera commanded that they all return back to the Great Valley, Kairyn pushed himself away from the building and turned to follow the triceratops out of the little clearing, kicking up the dead leaves on the ground in a huff. The sun was still beaming through the holes in the trees above and as Kairyn took a few steps forward, he noticed something odd. Looking down at a sunny patch on the ground, through the spores and dust that caught the sunlight as he kicked up the leaf litter, he saw a rectangular, gridded shadow on the ground. Tracing the beam of light back, Kairyn let out an excited gasp. The light was passing through the building and out through a barred window. Edging closer to the building, he saw that there was a large hole punched through the ceiling of room just beyond the wall in front of him.

Kairyn quickly hollered over to Cera and Littlefoot who were just about to jump the fence to head back out. With a renewed sense of enthusiasm, the group began scanning their surroundings to try a find a way up onto the roof of the complex. They soon spied a tree that sported a thick branch that hovered close enough to the roof. Kairyn was quick to nominate himself to scale the tree and enter the building.

"But how will you get out of there once you're inside?" Littlefoot then asked. He was starting to worry about Kairyn entering the complex by himself since neither he or Cera would be able to climb up and follow him in.

"I'll be fine Littlefoot. I'm sure there's something in there I can use," Kairyn said smiling as he mapped his path up the tree.

"And if there isn't?" Littlefoot pressed.

"Then I'll improvise."

"That place doesn't look too stable. What if it falls in on you?"

"Guess I'll have to make sure I can outrun it then. Listen, Littlefoot, I'll be fine. I'm just going in for a quick look around then I'll be out. I'm not gonna be bashing the walls. I really want to see what's in there. It might help us figure some things out. I promise. I'll be in and out, just like that."

Littlefoot released a breathy sigh. Kairyn's words offered little comfort but clearly he was not going to deter the boy from going in. Finally, Littlefoot nodded as he stood side on to the tree and Cera awkwardly climbed onto his back. With a hopping step, Kairyn leapt up and caught the branch. Looping his legs around the limb, Kairyn crawled upside down, hand over hand, until he got close enough to the end. Littlefoot and Cera cricked their necks upwards to watch Kairyn traverse the tree branch and then swing himself to land on the roof of the building.

"Okay, I'm heading inside," Kairyn said leaning over the side to look down at ground level.

"Be careful Kairyn," Littlefoot winced.

"On my honour," Kairyn said smiling and saluting. With that, Kairyn's head disappeared and all they could hear that followed was Kairyn dropping down into the abandoned complex with a loud thud.

Kairyn groaned and massaged the base of his spine as he slowly stood up. Despite the cracks, the ground was still solid concrete and did nothing to lessen the impact of landing on it from a storey up.

"Kairyn? Are you alright?" Littlefoot's voice sounded from the grilled window behind him.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Bit of a rough landing," he replied.

"What's it look like in there?" Cera's disembodied voice called. It was then Kairyn finally clocked onto where he was. The room was hardly a room at all. It was more like a cage with rusty iron bars at one end and a filthy looking bed that lay buckled under a chuck of rock off to one side.

"Looks like a cell of some sort. What was this place? A prison? Did they capture things to put in here?" Kairyn reported back. Littlefoot's mind burned with another flashback. He remembered seeing his friend, Jason, locked up in a cell when he was captured by the Red Phoenix squad and brought back to the base. It was that same night, Littlefoot had helped to break him out and they escaped.

Kairyn then took a cautious step forward and pressed against the iron gate that penned the cell. It was rusted to the point the metal was thinning in places. The gate didn't move so Kairyn dropped his shoulder to rest on the bars and pushed as hard as he could. The metal groaned in protest as it grinded on its oxidised hinges but hardly moved. Grunting, Kairyn then took a few steps back and then charged at the gate. With a leaping kick, Kairyn hit the gate so hard that the corroded metal shattered at the hinges and tumbled to the ground with a deafening clank.

"Kairyn? You alright? What happened?" Littlefoot immediately cried.

"Yeah I'm good. Just had to break down the gate. It was rusted shut," Kairyn said back after uncupping his ears from the dull ringing of the reverberating metal. "I'm gonna continue inside, going around to the right. I'll try and keep you informed where I can." Kairyn heard a shuffle of feet trudge off behind him as he stepped over the downed gate and around to the right to a door. With an apprehensive tingle in his fingertips, he gently pushed down on the handle and entered the main part of the building.

From what he could make out from the tall, lumbering shadows that rippled over the walls in response to his Minicom, Kairyn could see that the majority of the rooms had caved in and were impassable. Many of the doors were either blown inwards from the force of the collapsed walls and spilled out into the corridor or were just strong enough to keep the rubble from bursting out but bent and bowed to show they were at the pivotal point of integrity. Turning a corner, Kairyn then came to a long corridor with what seemed to be an infinite number of doors on either side. The door all sported symbols on the door that he deduced to be from the Greek alphabet. Despite the dust and rubble strewn about the place, there was an unpleasant odour lingering in the air. Kairyn's mind suddenly drew on what Littlefoot and Cera had mentioned about monsters coming from this place and the more he thought about it, the more the stench smelled like rotting flesh. Shaking the horrific images from his mind, Kairyn pressed on. He tried opening a few of the doors but they were either jammed shut or were empty. Nothing noteworthy to take in so he continued along the corridor.

After checking in with Littlefoot and Cera through a small gap in a window blocked by a giant tree root in what Kairyn thought to be a cleaner's cupboard, Kairyn then found the halls of the complex begin to change in design. Unlike the rooms previously that bore no windows, these room looked like they had viewing panes alongside the door which were shattered and left their shards glittering on the floor in the light of the Minicom's floating orb.

"They look like labs…" Kairyn thought to himself as he ducked to try and peek into one the rooms. The doors were dented and forced closed and most of the windows were patched up with rocky debris. In one or two of the rooms, he could make out computer monitors and other equipment but there was no way to get to any of them due to the blockades. Wandering down a little further, Kairyn flicked the light on his Minicom around until suddenly he came to a laboratory that looked significantly larger than the others. The window was partially crushed as part of the wall had collapsed in but door was open a crack. Seizing the opportunity, Kairyn placed his Minicom on the floor and, with both hands, tried to roll the sliding door to give him enough space to squeeze in but it refused to budge. Quickly improvising, Kairyn took a weighty stone and used it to smash open the cracked pane of glass that was stuck in the lower half of the door. Carefully sweeping away the shards, Kairyn picked up his Minicom and crawled on his hands and knees to enter the room.

Once inside, Kairyn dusted himself off and held his Minicom up high to examine the room. The far left wall had tumbled in on itself but was being supported by what looked like giant, metallic tubes on the back wall. Intrigued, Kairyn then took a step forwards but stopped when the ball of his foot rolled on something roughly cylindrical. Glancing down, Kairyn discovered a material he'd yet to come across since he'd infiltrated the building. Lying amongst the dust was what appeared to be white fabric. Crouching down on his hunches, Kairyn carefully extended a hand and slowly lifted the loose material from the dirty floor. As he did, Kairyn's eyes doubled in size as a bone rolled out from under the cloth. Flinching in disgust, Kairyn hurryingly threw the cloth away from him but quickly regretted it. The flap of white cloth folded back to reveal the bony remains of a human lying face down in the dirt. Kairyn let out a scream and shuffled backwards madly until he crashed into the counter behind him. The impact caused the whole room to shudder slightly as a few loose rocks tumbled down from the collapsed wall at the opposite end.

Kairyn tried his best to regain control of his breathing as he panted and choked on the thick dust now dancing in the air. As much as he hated seeing it, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the skeleton before him. It simply lay there, rib cage shattered, spine misaligned and skull lopped to one side staring soullessly back at him, Still slightly hyperventilating, Kairyn took a few seconds to slowly rise to his feet and gingerly flicked his foot forward to knock one of the long arm bone. It rolled awkwardly until it stopped next to the ribs of which some were missing. Kairyn, after a few more seconds, took the safe assumption that this skeleton would not be coming back to life, despite the crazy flashbacks of what Littlefoot had said before.

Now more cautious than ever, Kairyn recomposed himself and looked over the carcass again.

"It's a lab coat. This guy was a scientist or technician of some sort," Kairyn thought as he felt his temples pulse violently. Upon closer inspection, Kairyn looked at the black badge that was attached to the chest of the coat.

"Professor Xander Baxter; Project Leader. Red Phoenix Corporation," he read aloud. "Don't recognise the name or the company. I wonder if the others knew this guy." Snapping the tag off the badge, Kairyn quickly pocketed it and stood up again to continue examining the lab.

Kairyn took a quick look over the metal canisters at the back of the room which proved to be empty and sealed shut, all apart from the base of one which looked like the whole metal tube was missing. Then, turning to the worktop, Kairyn discovered a computer whose monitor was busted beyond repair. He figured that this was the main terminal that Professor Baxter worked on but without any power and a viable monitor to view it, there was no way to tell what it held. At that moment, Kairyn heard his Minicom ping and an icon flashed up over the glowing orb that was illuminating the room.

"Another remote datalink available," Kairyn hummed. Tapping the touchscreen, Kairyn started to download the information he could access from the dead computer. The Minicom blipped happily as the transfer finished and Kairyn began scrolling through the files he'd obtained. Many of them were corrupt or incomplete and there were a number of words that popped up time and again that Kairyn couldn't quite get his head around.

Then, Kairyn's eyes widened as caught sight of something he did recognise. Some of the files made reference to the Stones of Essence and reports linked to them.

"Great! Something to go on. I'd better get back to Littlefoot and Cera," Kairyn thought as he closed down the file viewer and rebooted the light globe. In his excitement, Kairyn turned to head for the door but wasn't watching where he was stepping. In his rush, Kairyn's foot fell on the skull of the late Professor Baxter causing him to slip. As Kairyn fell forwards, his foot rolled backwards and kicked the skull like a hardened football and launched it into the pile of rubble that sat at the opposite end of the room. Kairyn cringed as the skull clacked against the rocks and nudged a number of smaller rocks wedged between the more larger stones. The rocks scarpered like frightened mice in all directions which immediately upset the already rickety balancing act of the other boulders and clumps of concrete. After a tense second or two, Kairyn yelped as the wall slipped and began tumbling inwards.

"Oh crap!" Kairyn blurted as the avalanche of rock and concrete piled in towards him. Scrambling on the ground, Kairyn made a four-footed dash for the exposed panel in the broken door. The shards of glass slashed at his hands cutting them open but he was more focused on not being crushed to notice.

The rockslide quickly filled the remaining space in the lab as Kairyn managed to crawl out into the hallway. The cascade didn't stop there as the viewing window gave way, as did the door and the wave of rubble poured into the corridor. Kairyn was already on his feet and sprinting down the hall as the rumblings of Professor Baxter's lab started a chain reaction that instantly upset the delicate balance of the collapsed walls in the neighbouring labs. Tons of rock and rubble spewed from the busted doorways and broken windows threatening to bury Kairyn for his intrusion. Kairyn spun around the corner trying desperately to recount the way back to the cells where he had come in. It was like being in a sewer system with a torrent of water falling in from every which way he looked and all damming doors and barricades were giving way to the surge.

Kairyn found himself back in the long corridor with the infinite doors on either side. A number of the Greek characters had been dislodged from their perch on the doors as they burst open and flooded the hall with grit and rubble. Kairyn did his best to leap through the cascades of gravel as he bounced between the walls to avoid being doused in rockery. Suddenly, one of the doors buckled just as Kairyn was passing and a waterfall of rocks tipped right on top of him. Kairyn felt a large rock knock into the side of his head with concussive force and he fell to the ground. He laid there motionless as the building continued to collapse around him like an ancient temple booby trap.

Meanwhile, outside the complex, Littlefoot and Cera were getting anxious as they heard the tumbling of rockery from somewhere inside and they hadn't heard from Kairyn in a while.

"Kairyn? Kairyn! Are you okay?" Littlefoot yelped, he was beginning to panic.

"Kairyn! Can you hear us? What's going on in there?" Cera shouted but all she could hear was the crashing of rubble. Dusty clouds plumed out of the windows and cracks in the walls as Littlefoot and Cera paced up and down but kept their distance.

"Oh! Kairyn! What's happened to him? Why isn't he calling back?" Littlefoot whined.

"It sounds like an earthshake in there!" Cera piped.

"We've gotta help him!" Littlefoot said urgently as he went to circle the building again. All the while, they continued calling out to Kairyn in the hope that he'd reply.

The rumblings of the complex were still echoing through its halls as Kairyn lay unmoving on the ground as piles of dirt and rocks toppled on him. Then, Kairyn let out a weak cough as his senses slowly began to return to him. Kairyn found that he was pinned and that piles of dirt were pouring in like sand from an overturned hourglass. His eyesight was blurred and distorted as the deafening crashes reverbed around his thumping head. Kairyn looked at his hands which where encrusted with tiny gleaming shards. Small bloody tears were embedded in the palms along with the glass. He then flinched as his temple throbbed painfully. He then realised he could feel a warm liquid trickling down on side of his face. Cupping the side of his head gently, he pulled his hand away to find it dripping with blood. Kairyn felt dizzy and his vision blurred in and out of focus again. He felt like he was going to pass out again but he suddenly heard the sound of voices over the rumbling.

"Uhh… Cera? Littlefoot?" he grumbled. He tried to move but he was still pinned under the rocks by his legs. Kairyn let out a painful cry as he arched backwards to try and lift the heavy stones off him. With enough space, he was able to yank his legs out just as the disturbance of the rocks caused them to tumble in again. With a quick scramble, Kairyn got to his feet and began charging down the corridor to the holding cells.

Barging the door open, Kairyn found himself back in the room with the cells. He flinched and shielded his head with his hands as another low rumble brought a trickle of stones down from the ceiling. It was then that Kairyn heard voices again calling to him from the outside.

"Cera? Littlefoot?" I'm here! Back where I was at the start!" he called. Even shouting to his friends was giving him a headache. He stumbled as another flicker of consciousness dipped in and out of him like a faulty light bulb.

"Kairyn? Are you alright? What happened?" Littlefoot's voice asked in quick succession.

"The wall in one of the labs gave way. The whole place is coming down!" Kairyn said as he looked up at the hole in the ceiling he had come through.

"You need to get out of there now!" Cera ordered.

"Err… working on it," Kairyn babbled looking around for something to use as a foothold. But there wasn't anything to use.

"C'mon! What's the hold up?" Cera shouted.

"The hole in the roof is too high! I can't reach it!" Kairyn complained. Just then another thunderous crash sounded just beyond the door. It sounded like the whole corridor had just been buried.

"C'mon Kairyn! Think of something! You have to get outta there!" Littlefoot pleaded. Kairyn looked back at the door that was now bowing inwards. It looked like it was going to give way any minute. Then, Kairyn looked at the ground and saw the gate to the cell he had kicked over to gain entrance to the complex. Hurryingly, he dragged the gate back into the cell and leaned it up against the wall on its side. Using the bars as rungs of a ladder, Kairyn climbed up the gate and made a stretch for the hole that was in the middle of the ceiling.

"Dammit! Too short!" he cursed just as the door gave another deafening bang.

"C'mon Kairyn! Hurry!" Littlefoot pleaded again. With no other options, Kairyn steadied himself on the very top of his makeshift ladder and balanced as best he could. With one casting backswing, Kairyn leapt up as high as he could and clasped the thin lip of the hole just as a torrent of dirt and rubble punched through the door and tumbled into the holding cells.

Reinforcing his grip with his second hand, Kairyn struggled and strained to haul himself up and out of the building. Once on top, he dashed over to where he could hear Littlefoot and Cera calling to him.

"Kairyn!" they both said in shock as he came into view. Kairyn smiled for all of a second as the building gave another dangerous shudder.

"Kairyn! Jump!" Cera shouted up to him. Regaining his balance, Kairyn made a leap for the tree branch he had used to get onto the roof but the tremors beneath his feet killed the power in his leg on take-off and his desperate hand clasped around nothing. With a scream, Kairyn plunged towards the ground but he suddenly saw Littlefoot shoot into view.

The impact was bone crunching but Littlefoot used himself as a crash mat to cushion Kairyn's landing with the earth thus saving him. The pair of them groaned as they unfurled from one another and stood up.

"Whoa! Thanks Littlefoot," Kairyn wheezed gratefully. Littlefoot smiled through a grimace of pain but gasped when the building gave yet another thundering tremor.

"Let's get out of here!" Cera yelled as she took off for the opening in the fence. Without an objective word, Littlefoot and Kairyn hurried after her. They all leapt the buckled fence in a bound and sprinted into the darkened forest just as the complex finally gave way under its own weight and crashed to the forest floor in a cloud of dust.

Retracing their footsteps as best they could, Kairyn took out his Minicom again and allowed the glowing blue orb to light the way.

"Kairyn, you're hurt! You're bleeding!" Littlefoot gasped as he saw the glowing streak pouring down the left side of his face.

"I'm okay," Kairyn winced as he gingerly picked the glassy shards out of his hands.

"What happened in there?" Cera asked somewhat impressed by Kairyn's bravery to enter and grateful he'd made it out alive.

"I triggered a rockslide but that doesn't really matter. I did manage to find some data on the Stones of Essence. And this guy," Kairyn said. He dipped a blood-stained hand into his pocket and pulled out the name badge he obtained. "Professor Xander Baxter. Does that name mean anything to you?"

Littlefoot and Cera thought for minute.

"Professor Baxter? He's the one who was making all the monsters that attacked us in the Great Valley!" Cera exclaimed.

"Yeah, I remember! He's was also the one who knew about the Stones of Essence. But we later found out that he was on the same side as that nasty human and the Red Phoenix. Jason said Professor Baxter was killed as he, Jill and Mr Stone escaped from there."

"I'll vouch for that. I found his corpse still in his lab. Scared the hell outta me," Kairyn said half laughing. "I downloaded a load of information from his computer. Hopefully it will help shed a little light on all this Stones of Essence stuff since the Black Ghost isn't telling us anything. I'll have a look over it all when we get back." Kairyn then stifled a painful moan.

"What about your injuries?" Littlefoot then said.

"I'll sort them out later. Let's get back to Melissa and the others. I'm sure they'll wanna know about what we found."

So, the three of them made their way back into the Great Valley and quickly set off to find the others. They found Ducky and Spike roaming around in the meadows not too far from their home. They appeared to be searching for something.

"Hey guys!" Cera called to them and they made a beeline for each other.

"You are back! But you are hurt Kairyn! What happened?" Ducky seethed in horror. Spike was about to give his friends a welcoming lick but recoiled when he saw the drying blood matted to Kairyn's face.

"It's a long story but we've managed to get a good lot of intel from the building in that forest," Kairyn said smiling through his pain.

"Hey Ducky? Where's Petrie?" Littlefoot then asked.

"He is flying above. He is helping us search, he is. Yep, yep, yep," Ducky replied sounding somewhat unsettled.

"Helping you search? For what?" Cera asked curiously.

"For Melissa. She was not at our home when we went to look for her. No, no, no," Ducky reported gravely.

"What do you mean?" Kairyn asked sternly.

"Melissa was not at home. She is gone," Ducky repeated.

"Gone? What'dya mean she's gone?" Kairyn gasped.


  • Ducky
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Interesting.  I've just returned from a long trip to the United States so I'm still a little disorganized and exhausted, but I'll read this chapter.


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  • Littlefoot
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This wonderful piece of work has been submitted to the fanfiction awards 2012. If you're reading this fanfiction, please cast your vote and review here!


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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New chapter finished guys! Enjoy! ;)

Chapter 32: Snatched

Kairyn was pacing up and down like a caged animal; edgy and irritable. He was still bloodied from his narrow escape from the collapsing building in the Forest of Fear but even the stinging of his head wound in the open air didn't break his gait. The sudden revelation that Melissa, who had previously parted from the group after complaining of not feeling well, had disappeared made him both angry and anxious. Despite Ducky already reporting the fact that Melissa was no longer at her nest, Kairyn had made a beeline for the spot next to the river's bank where Ducky's family were currently residing. To Ducky's relief, her family were off wandering the Valley somewhere so they wouldn't witness Kairyn grumbling under his breath and aimlessly pacing to the extent he was wearing a dirt patch into the folded grass. He looked positively irate.

"Where the hell could she have gone to?" Kairyn steamed, "It's not like she had any reason to wander off."

"Kairyn, calm down. I'm sure she's just off exploring the Valley or something," Littlefoot said as gently as he could.

"She said she wasn't feeling well and was coming back here. Why would she lie?" Kairyn said only half-listening.

"No one said she was lying. Maybe she got lost. Neither of you have been here for very long," Littlefoot continued but Kairyn wasn't even looking at him.

"She shouldn't have wander off alone. We should've thought this through, she should have…" Kairyn muttered. That's when Cera cut in.

"Oh quit your whining! There could be any number of reasons why she's not back here. It's no one's fault!" she said hotly. Kairyn finally stopped pacing and turned to look at her challengingly. Big mistake! The stony glance was all the motivation Cera needed to throw her threehorn weight around. She storm marched directly at him forcing him to backpedal. Backed up against the trunk of a tree, Cera stared him straight in the eye.

"Look! We can stand here listening to you go on moping about something that's already happen, or, you can shut up, act like you've got a backbone and stop wasting the time we could be using to go find her!"

The gang were almost as surprised by Cera's sudden outburst as Kairyn was as he stood, nose to flailing nose, with the threehorn as she steely glare bore into his wide eyes. There was silence as Cera tightened her brow and inched uncomfortably closer to his face. Kairyn let out a defeated sigh.

"You're right… Sorry for ranting and acting like a spoilt brat," Kairyn said to the group, shoulders slumped. Cera huffed in his face and backed away allowing Kairyn to peel himself away from the rough bark of the tree.

"Alright, let's go look for her then," Littlefoot said, grateful to see the tension finally dissipate.

"Where should we start?" Ducky asked.

"Let's start here and work our way outwards. Everyone pair up and search the area. We'll work together and take a part of the Valley at a time," Littlefoot instructed and everyone nodded.

"Me and Ducky will search high. Me look from the sky and help Ducky get up into trees so she can get good look around," Petrie said.

"Good idea Petrie. Okay, you two go. Cera, you and Spike check the bushes and paths close by, it could be that maybe she might have taken a wrong turn somewhere close. Me and Kairyn will search by the river." Cera and Spike nodded and headed off towards the nearby shrubbery that sheltered the water's edge. After watching them leave, Littlefoot turned to Kairyn.

"Ready to go?" he said just he caught Kairyn splashing water on his face. Washing the dried blood streak off his forehead and cheek, he turned to the longneck looking refreshed.

"Yeah, let's go," Kairyn piped with a determined smile. Littlefoot returned the gesture as they began tracing the nearside riverbank for any hint of Melissa.

Having scoured high and low around Ducky's home grounds, the group came to the conclusion that Melissa was not in the immediate vicinity and looked to expand their search efforts further afield. For what seemed like hours, the gang tirelessly hunted for the slightest trace of Melissa's whereabouts. As they moved into more populated areas, the gang started asking other dinosaurs if they had seen a human girl anywhere. This came with varied degrees of fruitlessness ranging from not knowing where she was to not knowing WHAT she was. Some of the visiting dinosaurs and Farwalkers had never come across a human before and some were even hostile toward Kairyn as he asked them. To that end, Kairyn found it less imposing if he let Littlefoot do the talking. This gave him some time away from the search party to have a quick flick through some of the downloaded information he had acquired from the collapsed base in the Forest of Fear and Chronos Doorway's operating terminal high up in the Valley's mountains. He quickly discovered that much of the data he'd obtained was corrupt. He was also amazed at how ancient the files were; running in formats he'd never heard of or he knew were long since expired and redundant.

"Sheesh! No one uses JPEGs anymore… and what's a DOC file?" he pondered. He then caught Littlefoot coming up to him out of the corner of his eye and he looked up.

"Any luck?" Kairyn asked hopefully.

"Nah… another group of Farwalkers who didn't know what a human was. Thought it was pointless trying to explain so I didn't bother," Littlefoot sighed, "What are you up to?"

"Trying to make sense of all this techno-babble and garble I got from those computers. Some files are encoded in some ancient lingo, others are just junk data and the stuff I can get into doesn't make much sense. Graphs and charts, reports, diagnostics, diagrams, molecular models; it's all beyond me. It uses all fancy terms and scientific words that aren't exactly common knowledge. I'd need an actual scientist to work out what it's going on about. Whatever this stuff is, it's some highly classified, high tech kit and research. Black projects maybe?"

Littlefoot was lost in the sea of incomprehensible words that even Kairyn was speaking but he understood that what they had received could not be deciphered without further assistance.

"Hey! Here's something," Kairyn then said. Littlefoot wheeled around to sit beside him as they both stared at the tiny screen. Kairyn tapped the Minicom and a magnified hologram of a report, complete with diagrams and charts, floated up and out of the device. Littlefoot was amazed simply by the glowing, neon blue writing that hovered before him as Kairyn began reading through. He'd seen letters before but did not have the capacity to remember how they worked. He flashed back to a moment with Jason when he saw the boy draw his name in the dirt and was astounded.

"What is that? What's it say?" Littlefoot asked as the thought popped like a bubble in his mind.

"A report of some kind," Kairyn said without turning to him, "Looks like a log of when that giant ring thing was operated. Here's a date… September 14th… whoa! 2113AD! That's like three hundred years ago! Has that thing really been here for three hundred years?"

"N-no! That can't be!" Littlefoot stammered. "There have only been three cold times since Jason left the Great Valley. Not three hundred!"

"This is weird! How can you claim that humans were here only three years ago yet, from my standing, this documents it happening three centuries ago? Something doesn't add up… unless…"

"Unless what?" Littlefoot asked with baited breath.

"Unless, we are looking at the crossing of three different time periods. Yours, mine and that of your friend's," Kairyn revealed with a gaping mouth. Littlefoot felt a rush of air shoot down his throat as he gasped.

"Think about it. Your time here, circa 65 million BC, the time when this says it was first activated, 2113AD and my time, 327NE. Whatever this machine is, it's able to cross time boundaries depending on when, in time, it is activated."

"So that means, someone must have got it working in your time as well as in Jason's time too," Littlefoot said now catching on. "So, does that mean that Jason could still be out there somewhere?"

"I guess so, if he were able to get the thing working from his end. Or if we could get it working from here and could control where it takes us," Kairyn said hypothetically. Littlefoot felt his spirits soar. Even though it was a slither of a chance that Jason could be alive out there somewhere, it was still a chance that they could, one day, possibly make contact with him again. Possibly even a chance he'd be willing to take if it presented itself.

"Hey, look here; the last two entries. Both on 19th April 2467AD. This thing is still running the old Anno Domini suffix. If I convert the AD years to the New Era… the New Era suffix didn't start until sometime after 2113, so it won't be exactly when it started... Ahh! There!" Kairyn said then he gasped himself.

"What? What's it say?" Littlefoot asked flicked between the digits and Kairyn's awestruck face.

"19th April 327NE! That's less than a week ago!" he gawked, "That's the same day I found you in the cyro room at Keltech Labs in Second London!"

"The day I was kidnapped…" Littlefoot breathed in shock.

"What the hell… What the hell were Keltech planning on doing? They snatched you by reopening the Chronos Doorway despite it being dormant for years. How'd they do it? How'd they even know about all this stuff if it was all happening three hundred years in our past? And what's this got to do with these Stones of Essence?"

Littlefoot and Kairyn stared at each other for a moment. They both suddenly felt the same sense of unease pulse through them. An underhanded mystery was going on and somehow, Keltech was linked to it. Then, a hollering from overhead broke their gaze from one another. Petrie and Ducky were descending in from above. Once close enough to the ground, Ducky dropped from her hanging perch landed with a squeaky huff as Petrie stood beside her.

"We find something!" Petrie reported in. Littlefoot and Kairyn leaned in closer.

"A swimmer said that they saw someone walking towards the High Rocks up near the mountains. They said it did not look like a dinosaur," Ducky chimed in pointing behind them.

"But why would she be heading that way? That's nowhere near Ducky's nest," Littlefoot said looking confused.

"What's up that way?" Kairyn asked getting to his feet. He clamped the Minicom shut and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Nothing really. Some mountain paths, some we use as escape routes in case of an emergency," Littlefoot said.

"Yeah. 'Member the huge fire that started the Time of the Great Giving? We use the paths back then," Petrie added.

"There's also another way around to the Great Wall from there and a few lookout points out into the Mysterious Beyond. Apart from that, there's nothing else," Littlefoot said matter-of-factly.

"You no think she trying to get out of Great Valley do you?" Petrie then asked.

"I can't see why given the hell we went through just to get here," Kairyn said flatly, "But still, it's something to go on. Let's head up there. Maybe we can catch her."

Meeting up with Cera and Spike, they headed for the mountain paths. Similar to the path up to the Great Wall, the bordering edge of the grassy fields of the fields and meadows transformed into a dusty, baked earth littered with loose rolling gravel and huge boulders.

"Hey! Lookie here!" Ducky said signalling to the sandy ground. Everyone ducked down to examine disturbances in the dirt.

"Those are the weirdest footprints I've ever seen," Cera said eyeing them peculiarly.

"They're Melissa's alright and they look recent," Kairyn said looking over the grooves of the tread of her shoes. "Looks like she headed up." Without need for a suggestion, the gang wasted no time in heading up the steep incline and followed the twists and turns up the rocky mountainsides.

During their ascent, Kairyn explained what he and Littlefoot had discovered from the data on the Minicom. It was confusing at first but when Littlefoot announced that there was a possibility that contact could be made with their human friends again, it brought an instant smile to all of their faces. Kairyn, on the other hand, was trying to piece together Keltech's involvement in all of this. It was unnerving to think how his father's employers were meddling with century old technology and were using some hardball strategies. A whirlwind of mixed emotions and thoughts spun around in his head. How did they find out about the Chronos Doorway? How did they get it working? And, more importantly, could it be used as a way to get him back home? Something in the back of his mind was nagging him. He couldn't see how the Stones of Essence fit into all of this. Why were they so important? What was the connection between the stones, Littlefoot and his friends and the Red Phoenix corporation who built the Chronos Doorway? What were that company trying to achieve? And how did they pull it all off?

It took the group a little while before they came to a few splits in the path as they neared the top. Most of the paths that broke off to the left stopped abruptly as the described lookout points out into the Mysterious Beyond. They all paused for a moment to rest as they all perched close to the edge of the path to survey the untamed wilderness of the land that stretched beyond the Great Valley's borders.

"So where to now?" Kairyn asked. Despite the stories of hardships of the Mysterious Beyond, he couldn't help but be breathtaken by the view.

"Well, the Great Wall is down that path there," Littlefoot said nodding towards the path furthest from them that bowed around to the right.

"I think she went that way, her footprints go down that path," Ducky said as she examined the tracks, "But, they look longer now." The gang all glanced at each other for a moment before going over to join her.

"She's right. It looks like she was dragging her feet," Cera said.

"And look at the distance between them… short in length but wide laterally…" Kairyn said sounding fretful. "It's like she's staggering."

"You think she's hurt?" Petrie asked worryingly.

"I hope not. We'd better pick up the pace. If she's ill, she might be in trouble if she doesn't get help," Kairyn said seriously. So, the group quickly picked themselves up and headed down towards the Great Wall. Each of them silently hoping that they'd find Melissa before something tragic happened.

The trip down to the Great Wall didn't take as long as Kairyn had expected as they rounded a large set of boulders and came to the large clearing where the Chronos Doorway stood at one end. As the gigantic wall of rubble came into view, the gang all jumped when they heard Petrie shout out.

"There she is! Me see her!" Petrie cried having taken to the air to scout ahead.

"Oh my God!" Kairyn breathed as he suddenly broke into a dash. Within moments, they were by her side and Kairyn had already scooped her up with one arm to look her over.

"Melissa? Melissa! Are you all right?" Kairyn said hurryingly but she lay limp in his arms.

"What's wrong with her?" Cera asked desperately.

"I dunno… she's…" Kairyn started but he then noticed that she was breathing. "She's alive but unconscious I think." The gang sighed relieved.

"Well, we found her. Let's get her back down to the Valley," Littlefoot suggested. Kairyn nodded as he slowly lifted Melissa up. Spike very graciously wandered up to him and allowed Kairyn to place her on his back.

"Thanks Spike," Kairyn smiled. The stegosaurus hummed and smiled back.

Before any of them could take a step, there was a sound of tumbling rocks from the surrounding walls of the area. All of a sudden, a long, cylindrical object dropped in front of them with a metallic ping as it bounced off the gravelly ground. All of them caught a glimpse of it for a split second before a small bang shot out and a brilliant sheet of white light bleached their vision. The gang all wailed in fright and dropped to the ground covering their stinging eyes. Just audible over their screams, there was a sudden rush of feet and a chorus of strong voices barking words. Kairyn could just about hear them over the frightened cries of his friends and the clapping of feet. The voices sounded almost militant.

"Targets subdued. Securing package plus new extra."

"Roger that. Knock him out and wrap 'em up. Neutralise the lizards and let's get back home. Leave no traces."

"Copy that."

"No! Wait! Don't hurt them!" Kairyn managed to yell into his blindness. Coloured blurs started to mix into one another like muddy water as he felt something snatch at his middle and lift him off the ground.

"Hey! Lemme go! Get off me!" Kairyn protested. "I'm…" A moment later, he felt something stab him violently in the left arm. He flinched for all of a second before he felt his head spin crazily. His eyelids suddenly became lead weights and he battled to keep them open. As he struggled, Kairyn heard a ring of pressurised "thwipp" sounds, like a silenced firearm being discharged. He heard this sound five times and his dinosaur friends cry out in fear and pain. Kairyn tried his hardest to call out to them but not even a whimper past his lips as he blacked out.

Littlefoot grumbled as he felt something damp strike the side of his face. He cringed and groaned before feeling it lap his face again. Groggily, Littlefoot opened his eyes. He felt like he'd been rammed by a charging threehorn and his head was swimming. He heard some voices echoing in his ears as he rolled over to lay on his stomach.

"Look! He is waking up! He is! That is enough Spike. Let him get up."

"Ugh? Huh? Ducky?" Littlefoot slurred as his world bled back into focus.

"Uh huh, it is me. Are you all right?" a slightly distorted Ducky asked. With one last blink, the world became recognisable again and he could see Cera, Spike and Petrie standing around him. They too looked like they'd been sleeping for a long stretch of time.

"Ugh yeah, I'm okay," he said with a croak. "Hey, where's Melissa? Where's Kairyn?"

"We don't know. We just woke up and they were both gone," Cera said grimly.

"What happened? What was that bright light?" Littlefoot babbled.

"I dunno what happened but that's happened to us before," Cera said.

"Yep me 'member. It when you get captured by those scary humans," Petrie said sheepishly.

"Humans? You mean…" Littlefoot said with a start.

"Yeah, I think we've got more humans somewhere around here besides just Melissa and that kid. My guess is that they've taken them coz they're not here and I could hear him calling out to them," Cera said sternly. Spike then grumbled to get their attention. He was pawing and signalling at the ground.

"Look at all the footprints! How many humans do you think there were?" Ducky hummed wearily.

"Me no can tell which way they go. They all go in different directions," Petrie cawed. His head still spinning so much his first attempt to get airborne found him colliding with a nearby rock.

"I don't know, but something's telling me this can't be good," Cera muttered cautiously.

Littlefoot felt like he'd been struck in the gut. Both Kairyn and Melissa were missing and now they had no idea where either of them were. Littlefoot looked up to the giant arching ring of the Chronos Doorway as if it might console him somehow. A dreaded feeling of being forsaken and helpless was sweeping over him. He'd lost his friends in their previous endeavour and now he had lost his current human friends too. He couldn't help but feel fearful that history might be repeating itself and he was not ready. This was the start of something where nothing good could come of it.

Kairyn's world was a blurry mess. He'd been floating in and out of a dreamy sleep like he was on the brink of losing complete consciousness forever. If it weren't for his delirious senses fading in and out from time to time, he could have sworn he was already dead. On the odd occasion, he could hear muffled voices buzzing in his ears. He couldn't make out who was speaking but the tones were mixed. Sometimes calm and collected, others flared and angry. This time, Kairyn could feel his strength returning and for longer. He opened his eyes slowly like he'd been hibernating for a long winter. Even that was a chore but he managed it this time. A brilliant white light beamed into his face forcing him to blink a couple of times before his surroundings blurred back into view. As the fuzzy filter on his vision cleared, he could hear a tuneless beeping constantly sounding, regular as a clock ticking, just off to his left.

As more of his stamina returned to his aching muscles, Kairyn cringed as he tried to sit up. It was a struggle but he managed. That's when he finally took in his environment. Not one square inch of it was natural. The blue sky, the soft grass, the soothing sound of running water and the sweet scent of the trees and flowers had all given way to a bleached white, windowless room filled with artificial lighting, cold flooring and the hum and buzz of electrical equipment.

"Where… where the hell am I?" Kairyn said in awe. He felt his face burn and briskly rubbed it with his two hands. That's when he caught a glimpse of himself when he removed his hands. He was in a bed, the mattress soft and warm. The bed linen was cotton soft and was as white as the room; sterile and well kept. What horrified him more was that he was topless and on his bare chest were a number of pads stuck to him with tiny rods shooting out of them like different coloured saplings. There positioning on him looked specific. That's when he finally registered the beeping off to his left hand side and he snapped his head around to it. Attached to the bed frame but looming over him like a watchful bodyguard, was a monitor screen flooded with rolling graphs and sharply zigzagging lines of a variety of colours accompanied by numbers that fluctuated up and down. Most of the abbreviated letters and flickering numbers didn't make much sense but at the top of the screen was a rolling red graph that squiggled up and down violently as it traced its path from left to right. To the right of it was a small 3D model of a beating heart that pulsed in perfect time and rhythm to the line graph.

"A U-ECG?" Kairyn hummed curiously as he watched the red glowing numbers below the quickening beating heart increase to 92. Kairyn knew that this was a medical machine designed and made by Keltech; another gift to the world, and that made him uncomfortable for some reason. Then, Kairyn heard the pressurised hiss of the door go off as it slid to one side and a man in a white coat walked in.

"Ahh, awake at last. You've been napping for quite a while. Good to see you stable again," the man said with a welcoming smile. Kairyn offered a weak one in return as the doctor strolled over to his bedside. He looked fairly young, probably not that much older than his brother, Tyronne, and spoke with an authoritative yet even tone like he'd done this a thousand times before.

"How are you feeling?" the doctor asked helping Kairyn shuffle back so he could prop his back up against the headrest. The metal sheet was chilling on his bare back.

"Err… okay I guess…" Kairyn slurred. He didn't know what to make of the guy now checking him over. He seemed nice enough but given how he had no idea where he was or how he got there, his instincts told him it was best to remain suspicious of everyone. The doctor smiled again as he started fiddling with the different coloured rods sticking out of the pads attached to Kairyn's chest.

"Urm… what are those things on me?" Kairyn asked nervously.

"They're feedback sensors. Wireless pads that link to the screen up here. They're to help monitor your vital signs," the doctor explained as he flicked between Kairyn and the monitor. "See here? Each of the coloured antennae links to the specific graph on the screen. Everything from breathing rate, tidal volume and lung capacity, blood pressure, blood oxygen and glucose levels, you name it. It gives a comprehensive readout of your vitals in one go. Cool huh?" Kairyn grimaced a smile as the doctor started adjusting the red antenna.

"This one focuses specifically on the condition of your heart. It shows us your heart rate and rhythm, stroke volume and capacity and even gives us an ultrasound too. Hence the name U-ECG. This way we can monitor your heart's activity, internal workings and external, in real time as it beats inside you. Amazing isn't it? Almost like looking at the real thing."

Kairyn feigned a smile again. The idea of seeing his own heart beating on the screen next to him was disturbing enough (his insides being viewed from the outside via Wi-Fi) but the doctor's cheery mood freaked him out even more. Evidently, this was the fabled 'doctor's bedside manner' at its finest. Being spoken down to and patronised coz he was a kid. He was half expecting the guy to offer him a lollypop after an injection, if he had one coming.

"Well, everything seems to be in order. Give it another hour or two and you'll be up and running in no time," the doctor said as he tapped the monitor one last time before turning to head for the door.

"Hang on wait," Kairyn called as the door slid open. The doctor paused in the doorway and looked at him.

"Where… where am I?" Kairyn asked. The man paused for a moment as if to think what to say.

"You're safe now." That was all the man said before stepping outside and the door glided shut behind him. Kairyn was about say something else but he was already gone.

Slumping in his bed, Kairyn gazed around the room. There wasn't much to see and the only screen in the room was stuck on the one channel constantly reminding him that he was alive. Flicking the covers off of him, Kairyn swung his legs over the side and felt the balls of his feet tingle as they touched the ice cold floor. Walking up to the door, Kairyn hoped that it would fly open as he approached but sadly it didn't.

"Great! A patient and a prisoner," Kairyn muttered to himself. With nothing else in the room, Kairyn returned to his bed and sat on it. Rubbing his face in his hands again, his thoughts quickly rushed to that of his friends. Were they all right? If they were, they were probably worried sick. Snatched from right in front of them in a blinding flash. It was obviously a sweep team coming to seize them but what troubled Kairyn most was what he remembered them saying. 'Securing package plus new extra'. Was this a rescue team out to look for Melissa?

"New extra? Was I not intended to be picked up by those jarheads?" Kairyn said to himself. The situation seemed to present more questions than it answered. Also, he had no idea where he was. Could he possibly be back in 327NE? Whatever the case, he figured Keltech had something to do with it and his gut was telling him that he was intentionally being kept in the dark. Why else would they keep him bolted up?

It was at that point that Kairyn made a horrifying discovery. He glanced around the room, beside his bed and across the way, but there was nothing there. His personal belongings were gone. Confiscated no doubt but that meant that both his Minicom with all the data he'd downloaded and the yellow Stone of Essence was now in someone else's possession.

"Argh… perfect!" Kairyn grumbled. "Stuck here with nothing to do, dunno how Melissa, Littlefoot or the others are doing and been raided as well just to top it off. What else could happen?"

Suddenly, there was commotion in the hallway outside Kairyn's door. He leaned forward as he could have sworn he heard someone calling his name. Kairyn frowned as the voice got closer. It was still greatly muffled by the thick walls but it sounded familiar. Then, he heard a thumping on the door and the voice seeped through.

"Tyronne?" Kairyn whispered.

"Kai! Kai! Are you in there? It's me! It's Tyronne!" the voice said through the dull pounding on the door. Kairyn launched himself off the bed and ran to the door with slapping fleshy footsteps.

"Tyronne! It's me, Kai!" he hollered through the door.

"Kai! Oh thank God! When I heard about a boy being brought in, I came straight down to the med bay. Jeez Kai! I thought you were dead! After the incident back in Second London I feared the worst."

"I'm okay… wait. Back in Second London? Are we not back in our own time?"

"No, we're stuck here in this prehistoric pit. It's a miracle you were able to stay alive this long."

Kairyn dipped his head for a moment. There was so much he wanted to tell his brother but he wasn't quite sure how nor how he'd take it.

"Listen, I don't have clearance to access the door; we'll have time to catch up later. You're under quarantine for the time being but the doctor's got a few more diagnostics to run. Just sit tight and you'll be out in a little while."

"O-okay," Kairyn said slowly.

"And Kai…" Tyronne suddenly shouted.


"It's great to hear your voice again little brother. I promise I'll visit you the second you get the all clear."

"Sure thing brother. I'll cya soon. It's… it's good to hear your voice too," Kairyn said smiling. A choking lump had formed in his throat which almost mushed his words into a pathetic whimper. There was a double thump on the door and Kairyn heard the sound of boots clapping on the floor and getting fainter.

Kairyn turned to his bed and flopped down on it face first. He didn't want the world to see the tears roll down his cheeks as he wept. The whole situation had finally gripped him and had taken its toll. For the first time since arriving in this prehistoric world, he really did feel like a helpless, defenceless little kid. Maybe it was the thought that he might never see his parents or brother again that kept him strong whilst travelling with Littlefoot; the idea that he was now on his own. However, on hearing his brother's voice on the other side of the door, it broke him. He suddenly felt very vulnerable and was genuinely scared.


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Took bloody long enough! Had a bit of trouble with this chapter but finally got it done after a restructure or two. Not much of the gang in this one but hopefully should be moving the plot forward. Enjoy guys ;)

Chapter 33: Within the Walls of Keltech

Having just spoken to Kairyn through the locked door to one of the recovery rooms, Tyronne felt a warm sweep of relief course through him as he jogged down the corridor. The little brother he thought he'd lost along with his father back in Second London was alive and being treated by the medical team. It was almost overwhelming. He'd almost given up all hope of ever seeing him again and couldn't wait to finally speak with him face to face about what had happened to him. Tyronne was so lost in a whirlwind of his own thoughts that he rounded the corner without looking up and bounced into what he initially thought was a wall. Taking a step backwards and looking up, he let out a weak yelp when he realised he had just walked, face first, into the chest of his commanding officer.

"Oh, e-excuse me Captain Schnei…" Tyronne started but instantly stopped when he saw the giant of a man flare his nostrils. Tyronne then quickly realised his mistake, "I mean Colonel Schneider. Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." He quickly averted his gaze so not to be burned by his icy stare.

"I hear your bruzher was recovered in zee rescue op. Is he alright?" Schneider then asked in a surprisingly even tone.

"Uhh, yes sir," Tyronne stuttered, "he's in the recovery wing. The doctor said he's under watch for another couple of hours then he can be discharged provided nothing develops."

"Zat is good news," the colonel said calmly before his tone rose up to its usual militaristic boom, "Taylor, you need to report to zee Operations Room. Vee are due to receive new directives vonce zee other scouts return."

"Y-yes sir; right away," Tyronne nodded still refusing to look Schneider in the eye. He then flinched slightly as he saw Schneider right arm move upwards. He then felt it come down firmly on his left shoulder. It was then Tyronne looked up at Schneider and found his eyes were not as cold as he imagined them to be.

"When zee medics give your bruzher zee all clear, I'll make sure you are informed immediately. Don't you worry about him." Tyronne was speechless for a second as he read the look on his leader's face. Whatever it was, the gesture seemed genuinely comforting.

"Yes sir, thank you sir," Tyronne said finally. Schneider nodded and released Tyronne from his grip and stepped past leaving Tyronne a little bewildered by the whole interaction. Shaking his head, Tyronne then hurried off towards the Operations Room as he had been instructed.

Schneider's huge paces led him around to the medical area where he stopped outside one of the rooms. Showing his I.D card to the scanner, the console blipped and the pressurised door hissed and slid open.

"Ahh, Colonel, you're here," one of the men in a lab coat said as Schneider stepped into the bleached white room which was full of various medical tech, instruments and computer screens. The person who greeted the colonel was the same man who had examined Kairyn before Tyronne had arrived at his brother's room.

"The girl's been returned to Professor Clements and he's already completed his analysis of her condition. He insisted that he be the one to treat her but apparently, we got to her just in time."

"Vot about zee boy? Anything to report on him?" Schneider asked gruffly.

"All vital signs are good and strong with no signs of physical injury. You wouldn't have thought this kid's been out surviving in this prehistoric world. A miracle he's in such a good condition," the doctor said poking at his PDA.

"Vot about the exposure to the dark matter? Anything?"

"All tests came back negative. We've got blood and tissue samples but so far they've come back with nothing. It's like he'd never touched the stuff."

"He had full contact with zee dark matter without any kind of radiation shielding. How da hell did he survive being warped here without being vaporised into a fleshy puddle?" Schneider said with fingers propped under his chin in thought.

"We're still trying to work that out," the doctor said still fanning through his digital notes on his pocket computer.

"Is zere anything about zees kid worth noting beside how damn lucky he is?" Schneider huffed irritably as he moved towards one of the viewing monitors. On the screen, underneath a whirling set of numbers that spun upwards as it recorded, was a stuttering image of Kairyn lying on his bed starting up at the ceiling. He looked positively miserable; like a caged animal; its will broken by its captivity.

"Well, we did find these on him," the doctor said gesturing to the side. Schneider broke away from the monitor and followed him over to a table in the corner of the room. On a stainless steel tray were Kairyn's Minicom and a gleaming yellow triangular-cut gemstone amongst other items of lesser interest. Both of them were in sterile plastic bags as if they were evidence lifted from a crime scene. Schneider's eyes widened slightly as he gazed into the stone.

"We were going to send these off to the R&D department for analysis but we got the call that you were supposed to pick these up," the man said. Schneider picked up the Minicom and the triangular stone and dropped them into his pocket.

"What's gonna happen to the kid once we've cleared him?" the man then asked.

"He's been here a while; long before us. He'll need to be interrogated to see what we can draw out of him. His intel might prove useful," Schneider replied coldly, "how long until zee boy is discharged?"

"An hour, maybe two, just to be sure," the doctor said dismissively.

"Has he been tagged?"

"And active. The tracker's in his chest, just under his left collarbone. With it there, we can monitor all lifelines as well as place his location via radio signal."

"Gud! I don't vant him dropping off our radar again. I vant to know vere he is at all times. If anything about his condition changes, I vant to be informed immediately."

"Of course Colonel," the doctor said as Schneider made his way to the door. As he past the viewing monitors, he paused and glanced down on them again. Kairyn was now sitting with his legs over the side of the bed staring blankly at the console monitoring his vitals.

"Pitiful. Zat poor child has no idea vot he's involved himself in," he muttered as he turned to the door and strolled through it once it opened. Just as he entered the hallway, Kairyn had turned and glanced up at the camera as if to respond to Schneider's words.

Meanwhile, back in the Great Valley, Littlefoot and his friends were lost in a storm of high emotions. They had scoured the area around the Chronos Doorway in a desperate search for Kairyn and Melissa but they had simply vanished without a trace. They had doubled back to a higher vantage point that overlooked the Mysterious Beyond but even from there, there were no signs or clues as to where the ambushing humans could have taken their friends. Crestfallen, the gang had returned to the fields to rekindle their thoughts but it was difficult to think straight knowing that there were a group of humans, of an undetermined size, out somewhere in the wilds beyond the Great Valley's borders.

"What we gonna do?" Petrie sighed. "We no find Kairyn or Melissa anywhere and we look all over."

"I hope that they are okay. Yep, yep, yep," Ducky chimed in feeling equally defeated. Spike bumped her with the side of his nose and whimpered as she hugged the tip of it.

"The worse of it is that we know there are humans roaming around just outside the Great Valley," Cera said worryingly. "What if they all come into the Valley? We'll have another problem like when those humans with the Red Phoenix came and made a mess of things."

"What the grown-ups gonna say when they find out?" Petrie said now starting to tremble slightly.

"Well… maybe we won't have to tell them anything," Cera said quickly.

"But Cera. How are we going to explain to our mama that Melissa is not with us anymore when we go home tonight?" Ducky then said.

"And how Littlefoot gonna tell him grandparents that Kairyn gone all of a sudden?" Petrie added. Cera opened her mouth to speak but closed it again when all she could offer was a guttering squeak of uncertainty.

"Don't you have anything to say about this Littlefoot?" she then fired off to her left to try and remove the attention she's unwittingly drawn onto herself. Littlefoot looked up, his eyes were tired and he looked just as defeated as his friends sounded. He hadn't spoken a word since they had descended from the mountains and was clearly lost in amongst his thoughts.

"I don't know you guys. What can we do? We have no idea where Kairyn and Melissa are and we know that humans are outside the Valley," he said finally. "This isn't something we can keep to ourselves. The grown-ups need to know, otherwise someone might get hurt." The group shuffled in the awkward silence.

"They're gonna figure out something's wrong eventually. We might as well tell them what's happened," Littlefoot continued. Although, from the tone of his voice, he clearly had reservations about the idea himself. The gang fidgeted and mumbled a little more but agreed to tell their folks what had happened. Dispirited, they made for the open meadows in search of Littlefoot's grandparents. They figured that if they were going to impart some bad news, they may as well share it with the two most understanding adults they knew.

By now, Kairyn had lost all concept of time and he was bored senseless of staring at the locked door to his recovery room waiting for it to slide open. The tuneless bleeping of the U-ECG beside him had now become ambient noise and he hardly registered it anymore. The bed was uncomfortably warm and itchy under his bare back so he promptly swung his legs over the side and dropped to the cold floor with a two-footed fleshy slap. Even though there was nothing in the tiny room besides his bed and monitor, Kairyn felt the urge to move around. An unsettling notion of being watched made his skin prickle. He felt like a lab rat in a maze because he knew the doctors and other personnel were probably analysing every conceivable detail about him and they were probably doing the same thing to Melissa too. A shiver past through him as he thought about his Minicom and the Angel's Amethyst being taken off him. God only knew what they were doing with them and it was unlikely that he'd get them back. Kairyn could suddenly hear his father's voice ringing in his ears; the promise he'd made to him in his dying moments to uncover its secrets. But that, in its own right, puzzled him.

"If Dad was working on this project and that gemstone within Keltech, then why would he give it to me?" he pondered. "Why didn't he just give it to someone on his team? Surely they'd have a better understanding than I would." Kairyn reached up with his right hand and scratched at a hot, itchy spot just under his collarbone as he thought on the idea.

Just then, Kairyn heard a hiss from behind him and he turned to the door as the same doctor who had examined him before walked in.

"Good to see you up and about kiddo," he said with a smile. Kairyn felt the corner of his lip twitch into what he hoped looked like a smile but he was glad that the doctor had quickly turned to the monitors at that moment because it probably wasn't very convincing.

"I didn't realise I was taking care of one of the late Professor Taylor's sons," the doctor chuckled as he scanned the rolling graphs. "Had I known I was treating the offspring of such a renowned scientist, I'd have asked you to sign my lab coat." Kairyn didn't even smirk at the comment. The uttering of the words 'late Professor Taylor' were said so casually it struck him like a sucker punch to the stomach and it made him feel incredibly sick. The doctor then turned to face him wearing the same grin as before.

"Well, the good news is you've been given the green light. All's clear from the tests and exams. I've gotta say I'm amazed at the nick you're in given you've been scrounging around out here for nearly a week." Kairyn still didn't say anything. Whatever decorum he had for this mop-topped, loose-lipped, patronising creep had all but evaporated once he mentioned his father.

"Right then. I have your clothes here so you can get dressed. I'll grab those sensors off you so you can get ready."

"Get ready? For what?" Kairyn finally said as he started tugging the pads off his chest and slid his t-shirt over his head. The doctor's words sounded baited.

"You've got someone waiting for you," the doctor said; his goofy smile stretching wider. Kairyn eyed the doctor curiously as he slipped his arms into his hooded jacket but the man in the lab coat simply nodded towards the door. Moving around the bed, Kairyn muttered a thank you and stood before the door. This time, the door glided open and allowed him out into the corridor of the medical wing. He had hardly taken in the immediate area when he heard someone call his name off to his right.

"Tyronne!" Kairyn piped when he saw who had called out to him. The movement was swift and uncharacteristic for the pair of them, but it was instinctive. The two brothers rushed forward and locked their arms around each other in a tight hug.

"Jeez Kai, I'm so glad you're safe," Tyronne said pushing his little brother back to arm's length so he could look at his face. The smile that crept onto Kairyn's face was one of pure delight. "I thought I'd lost you."

"I'm okay Ty, really," Kairyn said gazing back into this brother's eyes. They could have stood there all day admiring the fact that they were together again but Tyronne turned around and pointed down the corridor.

"Come with me Kai. I'll show you to a dorm where you can stay for the time being." Kairyn nodded and was two paces behind his brother as he led them out of the medical wing.

It was only as they were walking through the halls that Kairyn began taking in his surroundings. If he didn't know any better, he could have sworn he was back in the Keltech Labs in Second London. He almost felt like he could have strolled out the front door and caught the next hoverbus back home like he'd never stepped into the dinosaur world at all. Like it was all a crazy dream.

"What is this place Ty? How'd all this get here?" Kairyn then asked as he sidestepped a scientist who was far too interested in the tablet computer screen in his hand to even consider watching where he was going.

"It's one of Keltech's smaller lab bases. It was transported here using some… new tech," Tyronne replied. The pause in his sentence caught Kairyn's attention almost immediately.

"New tech?" he asked curiously.

"I… can't talk too much about it, but it has to do with some of the work Dad and his research teams were doing," Tyronne said.

"Is that with the black stuff that brought me here in the first place?" Kairyn asked.

"That's… classified I'm afraid Kai," Tyronne said rather rigidly.

"So you don't know then," Kairyn then shot jestingly.

"N-no! I do know!" Tyronne fired back, "I'm… just under orders not to say too much. Loose lips sink ships after all." Kairyn sniggered and Tyronne cracked a smirk of his own as he glanced back at his brother.

"It's all a huge experiment using some sophisticated technology. Crazy sci-fi stuff I don't think humans have ever tried before. I'm here as security," Tyronne explained.

"Uh-huh. So what's gonna happen with me now I'm here too?"

"Well, since you've been here a good while before we arrived, we're gonna need you to tell us what you've been up to."

Kairyn flinched, "You mean… like an interrogation?"

"Nah, not an interrogation," Tyronne said reassuringly, "think of it more like… a military scout relaying important intel back to headquarters. Colonel Schneider has set up a room for us to talk once I've shown you to the dormitories."

"What? Me and you are gonna talk?" Kairyn said sounding surprised.

"Yeah, why?" Tyronne said flatly.

"Sounds exactly like an interrogation to me," Kairyn said slyly.

"Oi! Watch it you! I can make it an interrogation if you want me to," Tyronne threatened with an evil smirk, "we've got plenty of ways of making a spy talk. Hell, want me to handcuff you and I can escort you around like a felon?"

"Do I get my rights read?" Kairyn giggled.

"Only your right to remain silent but I know how impossible a task that is for you and your loud mouth," Tyronne shot smugly. Kairyn punched his brother in the arm and the pair of them laughed.

"Consider it a blessing. You could have been talking to our leader, Schneider. That would be upright torture if he was firing the questions at ya. Just the air from the words he speaks feel like a punch in the face!" Tyronne said smiling and Kairyn beamed back.

As they rounded another corner, Kairyn noticed that the area had changed from the pristine and sterile walls of the laboratories into a military base of operations. Men and women in uniforms, all emblazoned with Keltech badges and emblems, were busy darting about relaying messages and reporting to senior staff. Rooms were bustling with so much activity, no one seemed to notice a casually dressed teenager walking in amongst them. Occasionally Kairyn caught the eye of someone but it wasn't for any longer than a blink before they returned to their duties. Tyronne led Kairyn down to the dormitories which Kairyn discovered were a network of rooms arranged like concrete cells opposite each other. Kairyn's mind flashed back to the collapsed building in the Forest of Fear he'd investigated. The likeness was quite striking, it was almost like dÈj‡ vu. Tyronne turned to a door and opened it.

"This is my bunk. It's nothing fancy but it comes with a bed and a few meals every day," Tyronne said as Kairyn stepped past him and into the tiny room.

"Cosy," Kairyn hummed sarcastically as he eyed the grey concrete walls. All that was present were two iron framed beds that looked about as comfortable to sleep on as rocky flints wrapped in barbed wire.

"Make yourself at home for a bit. I've gotta go check back with the Colonel. I'll be right back and come get ya," Tyronne said.

"Alright, thanks Ty," Kairyn replied. With that, Tyronne swung the door closed and it shut with a clunky metallic bang. Kairyn jumped onto the bed and bounced on it backside first (which he quickly regretted) before lying down to stare up at the flaky ceiling. He breathed a sigh of relief that he had finally been reunited back with his brother. Despite not feeling overly confident about being under a Keltech roof, the fact that Tyronne was there with him was some comfort.

It wasn't long before Tyronne returned. Kairyn sat up and looked at his brother who simply nodded out into the corridor. Without a word, Kairyn shuffled to the end of the bed and hopped down to the floor. Leading the pair of them back into the operations area, Tyronne ducked through the bustling mission control and briefing rooms to a small door away from the noisy drone of computers and militaristic voices trying to call over each other. Tyronne approached a console on the wall and held his ID card up to it. The console blipped and the door flew open effortlessly. Tyronne stepped to one side and offered his younger brother into the room. Kairyn walked into the claustrophobic little space. His footstep clapped and echoed in the tight room that was nothing more than a concrete box with a table and chairs thrown in. Tyronne signalled for Kairyn to sit in the chair opposite him across the table and Kairyn obliged.

"So… how does this work? You gonna hook me up to a lie detector or something? Pump me with some kinda truth serum to make sure I'm not screwing you over?" Kairyn said half smirking. Strangely enough, the confines of this room was actually making him feel a bit uneasy despite the fact his brother was the only other person in the room. It seemed like the nerves were making the jokes.

"Kai, you're not under trial and you're not an escaped convict. Drop the theatrics will you," Tyronne sighed. "You are just here to fill us in on what you've been up to since you went missing from Keltech a week ago. What you know about this area could significantly improve our chances of finding out what we need and getting back home."

"What is it that you are trying to find out exactly?" Kairyn asked innocently.

"That's… classified…" Tyronne slurred.

"Can't tell me? Or won't tell me?" Kairyn teased.

"Grow up will you Kai! Why've you always gotta act like such a little kid! Jeez! This isn't a game!" Tyronne snapped. "I can't tell you because it is classified information. I don't know all the details myself and what I do know could get me in trouble if leaked. Now if you don't mind, I'll stick to the questions. Just answer without the wise-ass comments thanks." Kairyn settled down finally taking in his brother's instructions. It wasn't his fault the smart remarks were flowing so readily. Something about the place rubbed him the wrong way and silly statements were the only way he could mask his nervousness.

Once the pair of them got down to discussing matters, the more Kairyn went on about how he'd been surviving out in the dinosaur world, the more Tyronne's face twisted with shock and awe. Everything from the disaster within Keltech back in the year 327NE, to being teleported to the prehistoric past, to all the adventures and daring escapes he'd made with Littlefoot and his friends. Tyronne leaned on the table rubbing his forehead.

"So, lemme get this straight. Since you've been here, you've been going around with a… dinosaur… called Littlefoot?"

"Yeah, that's right!" Kairyn said grinning from ear to ear. He was clearly enjoying watching his brother struggle under the sheer weight and complexity of what he was being told.

"And Littlefoot is… which one?" Tyronne paused to raid his smarting brain for the right answer through the cavalcade of overwhelming information he'd just received.

"Brontosaurus, I think. I dunno. They just call themselves longnecks; makes it a lot easier that way actually," Kairyn injected eagerly.

"Right… so you and his dinosaur friends trekked through: a canyon, a forest, over geyser fields, volcanoes, tar pits and climbed cliffs and mountains to get to the… erm…"

"Great Valley. It's where they all live together; them and their families. It's a paradise Ty, I can tell ya! Lots of different dinosaurs all together. Just like that movie from ages ago but… well, without the humans and the electric fences. Well, except for the carnivores that is," Kairyn piped in again.

Tyronne stopped and blinked at his brother, "…Right. And you've been living with… Littlefoot? In this 'Great Valley'?"

"Yeah! Spot on!" Kairyn chirped, "I doubt I would have survived a day without Littlefoot's help. Him and his friends anyway. Food, shelter, what's safe and what's not. Everything about being out here, I learned from them."

"And just how the hell do you communicate with a dinosaur?"

"Whad'dya mean how do I communicate?... I talk to them!"

"In what? Clicks and grunts?"

Kairyn rolled his eyes, "Like I'm talking to you now! You know? With words! They're not dumb animals ya know! They're really intelligent actually."

Tyronne threw his hands into the air in complete surrender, "What the hell! I… uhh… I give up! I…I honestly don't know what to say. This is unreal!"

"But it's the truth Ty, I swear it. Every last word," Kairyn said leaning over the table trying to stare into his brother's face which was currently buried in his hands. As Tyronne pulled and stretched his face with his fingers as they slid down his cheeks, he met Kairyn's eyes. He could see a fierce burning in them that told him that every utterance from Kairyn had been one hundred per cent genuine. He'd labelled his little brother a liar before but this time, his eyes were daring Tyronne to call him out.

"Guess I've got no other choice but to trust you on that," he said finally. Kairyn snorted and sat back, allowing the chair to fully support him again.

"If you don't believe me, just ask Melissa. She was living in the Valley with us too," he said flatly.

"Yeah we know. We found the both of you up in the mountainous areas not too far from here. The rescue squad brought you back here," Tyronne said.

"Rescue squad? Felt more like an abduction the way they rough-housed us. They knocked me out and next thing I know I'm locked up in a room like I've got some contagious virus!" Kairyn said sounding outraged. It was then that he thought of something.

"Hang on. How'd that squad know where we were anyway?" he asked curiously but Tyronne just shrugged.

"Beats me. I wasn't briefed on that operation. Heck, I haven't stepped outside of the base since we got here! All I heard was that two young kids, the professor's granddaughter and an unknown boy, had been retrieved. Once I heard, I took a chance on it being you and here we are." Kairyn nodded in acknowledgement. He felt he could trust in what his brother was saying but something about the whole situation of the rescue squad finding him and Melissa seemed a bit off. It just seemed a bit too – convenient.

The brother's continued their talk for a good while. Kairyn was happy to divulge everything that he'd learned and experienced whilst living in the Great Valley. He told Tyronne about Littlefoot and his friends' connection to another group of humans from another time period and what he'd discovered about the Chronos Doorway. As hard as it was to take in, Tyronne tried his best to keep up. But it was on the mention of one person in particular that suddenly caught his attention.

"The Black Ghost? He's here!" Tyronne said almost leaping out of his seat.

"Yeah. He was travelling with us for a while but he went crazy and disappeared part of the way. We met him again when we entered the Great Valley; already causing trouble. He's lurking somewhere around the Great Valley now I think. Whether he's in it or close by I don't know. He just seems to randomly appear when he wants to," Kairyn reported. Tyronne seethed and turned his head away. Clearly he had the same spite and hatred for the enigmatic figure as Kairyn did.

"Well, if he's here that must mean he's trapped here too," Tyronne said finding Kairyn's eyes again. "We can find him and bring that scumbag to justice for what he did."

"Good luck with that. We had him tied up to a tree but he still managed to escape somehow. He has strange powers; like… black magic or something."

"Black magic?"

"Yeah, he's really dangerous. But, he seems to be quite talkative with Littlefoot and Littlefoot seems to trust him for some reason," Kairyn said almost disgusted by the idea. "I can't see why. The guy's a dirty underhanded creep if you ask me."

"I'll have to talk to some higher-ups about him. Maybe we can sort something to bring him in," Tyronne said lost in a flurry of thoughts. "We've made contact with a strange creature back in Second London who claims he knows the Black…"

Suddenly, Tyronne stopped and flinched in reaction to something. Kairyn furrowed his brow as he saw his brother flick his right hand up and press his first two fingers into his right ear. He suddenly started having a conversation with himself.

"Yes?... Yes…Yes sir! Sorry about that… Roger that sir, I'll wrap things up now."

"Something wrong?" Kairyn asked as Tyronne's arm dropped back down to his side.

"No, nothing. Just a call coming in," Tyronne said quickly. "C'mon, our time's up. Let me escort you back to the dorms."

Kairyn didn't move right away. "What about what you were just saying? About a strange creature knowing…"

"Just! – Come on will ya?" Tyronne barked cutting him off in mid speech and signalling towards the door. Kairyn did as he was told and stood up slowly. He eyed his brother warily as Tyronne opened the door and ushered him outside.

Meanwhile, in a separate room, Colonel Schneider was standing over a control panel and watched the monitor as he saw Kairyn and Tyronne slide out of the room. With the room now empty, Schneider turned to a small console and tapped a few holographic keys instructing the running program to save its recording.

"Hmm… zeems like zee youngest Taylor boy has zeen zum action of his own," Schneider mumbled to himself. He then tapped a frequency code into a small device on his belt and pressed his fingers to his ear.

"Director Thorne. It's Schneider. I've got zee interrogation recorded and uploading it to your terminal now… Yah. Zee boy was very informative. Vot he lacked in supplying us in zee medical exam he was more zan helpful in telling us about zees place; its local surroundings and its inhabitants… I'm glad you agree. I figured letting zee boy talk with zee brother he thought he'd lost would prove more lucrative than having one of us do it… Nein. As var as Private Taylor is concerned he was just following orders. I doubt he has any idea. Although I did have to cut in when I thought he might give zee game away… Yes sir. I vill inform Professor Clements right away… Yes sir… Schneider out." As the static over the channel fell silent, Schneider exited the viewing room.

Meanwhile, Kairyn was sat on his rock hard bed staring at the wall in a sulk. Tyronne had just left and slammed the door behind him in a tantrum after the pair of them had had an argument.

"What? You want me to just sit in here all day?" Kairyn had wailed in protest. "What am I some kinda pet you're just gonna lock in the kitchen while you're at work? What the hell Tyronne!"

"Look Kai! You're on an R&D base engaging in sensitive research with a military security team tagging along. This isn't a nursery. You have to stay out of the way otherwise both of us will get it in the neck if you start making a nuisance of yourself," Tyronne bantered.

"But I won't though. Can't I just have a look around or something? Go outside and see where we are? You can't expect me to spend my entire time bolted up in this dank room!" Kairyn whined.

"Well, it's either here or the holding cells?" Tyronne offered sarcastically.

"I'm not sure which one's worse!" Kairyn shot back.

"Look, I'm sorry Kai. You can't be roaming around base. There's too much important work going on and you'll just get in the way. You just have to stay here for a while; keep a low profile."

"Damn it Tyronne; this isn't fair!"

"Stop acting like such a brat! This isn't about what's fair Kairyn!" Tyronne then exploded and Kairyn reeled back and sat on the bed. "You have been retrieved from out there and now you just have to sit your arse down and wait until we can get back home! Believe it or not, that's what the majority of us are doing right about now! That's all there is to it! There's nothing more to discuss!" With that, Tyronne slammed the door which reverberated through the room, rattling the metal frame of the bed. Kairyn swore at the back of the door and threw himself back onto the lumpy mattress. Given his treatment since he woke up inside this Keltech base, he'd almost started wishing that they had never found him to begin with.

It didn't take long for cabin fever to set in for Kairyn. The more he tried not to think about how cramped and suffocating the room was, the more his thoughts played on how grand the outside world seemed. Mental pictures of the Great Valley wavered temptingly before his mind's eye. He could see the majestic flow of the rivers and longed to explore the forests and fields that were warmed by the golden sunlight. Compared to everything outside, this box room was a prison. On top of everything else, Kairyn soon realised that the greater weight on his wandering mind was that he was lonesome. It sounded crazy given that he was on a base overflowing with people but none of them had even glanced at him. He felt more alone now than he ever did roaming around in the dinosaur world as one of only two human beings inhabiting it at the time. He missed Littlefoot and his friends. He was also worried about Melissa. He hadn't heard a word about her condition since he'd arrived and the uncertainty was burning in the back of his mind like an unbearable itch he just couldn't scratch.

Before he had even realised what he was doing, Kairyn was up on his feet, he'd cautiously opened the door and snuck out into the dormitory hallways which, to his relief, were empty. Kairyn thought that the majority of them were off working somewhere within the base. With the thought of Melissa being in trouble bubbling furiously within his conscience, he quickly shuffled his way deeper into the Keltech complex in the hope of finding her. Even if he could catch a glimpse of her in a recovery room at least he'd know she was safe. With that in mind, he made his way back to the medical wing.

Given the volume of people wandering around the base, Kairyn was surprised that hardly anyone seemed to take any notice of him as he skulked about. He tried his best to get around the place without being seen but everyone seemed so busy with what they were doing, Kairyn figured the only way he'd actually draw anyone's attention was if he were to literally shout and scream into the room. Even then, the noise of the bustling operations room of the security wing was so deafening, he'd have a hard time being heard anyway. The diegetic of the area changed once Kairyn found himself within the laboratories. The hallways were much quieter despite upholding a fair quantity of personnel. However, most of the labcoats operating in the area were tucked away in their laboratories that populated both sides of the corridor. It was here that Kairyn had discovered that he was completely lost. He had ducked and dived down so many random passages when he heard the pressurised hiss of a door about to open or the clapping footsteps of anyone but his own that he was completely disorientated. He knew that if he was spotted down here, he would be called out and be forcefully removed.

"Damn it!" Kairyn muttered under his breath, "where the hell is the medical wing? I'm sure Melissa must be there somewhere." He peered around the corner having ducked behind a large metallic crate dumped in a dead end. With the coast clear again, Kairyn slunk around the box, hugged the right wall and crouched underneath the window of the lab nearest him having just past the door. Crawling on his hands and knees to keep out of sight, he made it to the next T-junction and glanced around the corner. A cold shiver shot up his spine when a low hiss of air emanated from behind him. Like a frightened rabbit, Kairyn swung himself around the right corner and pressed his back as close as he could to the wall. He held his breath as two scientists came out into the corridor. They were in deep conversation.

"This is the purest batch yet. The distillation seemed to produce a much greater concentrate when applied under twenty-seven per cent pressure," one of the scientists exclaimed; a woman by the sound of the voice.

"I know. It was a bit of a risk but it looks like it paid off. At this rate we'll have enough dark matter to begin applications much earlier than scheduled," the second scientist agreed; a male voice this time. Kairyn felt his muscles tense as he heard the footfalls of the two scientists coming towards him. He snapped a glance to his right side but it was another dead end and no box to hide behind this time. Kairyn gritted his teeth and shrunk down as small as he could as the two labcoats approached. Then, to his horror, he heard the hiss and slide of another door.

"Oh please don't let them come down this way," Kairyn silently begged. Then, a few seconds later, the footsteps were gone and a door slid and locked into place. Unfurling slowly, Kairyn very cautiously inched up and peered through the lab window above him. The lab immediately behind him was empty and he could just see two figures ducked at workbench in the lab, just off to his left, on the opposite side of the corridor he had just sneaked down. Kairyn felt his chest slacken as he sighed with relief. Then, just as he was about to duck down again, his eye caught a glimpse of something in the lab window behind him. In the brilliant white room, completely contrasting the bland interior design, were rows and rows of some strange purple liquid in glass vials dotted in small metal racks around the room. The hue of the liquid was so deep it could have been mistaken to be black if the luminescent lighting of the room didn't hit it right. Kairyn narrowed his eyes at the vials. He had no idea what the liquid was but its deep tint seemed to jog a memory in the back of his mind for some reason. Shaking the thought loose, Kairyn then dropped back down to the floor having remembered where he was and what he was doing. With a quick dart across the open mouth of the corridor, Kairyn traversed to the other wall, under the lab the man and woman had just moved into, and scurried down the deserted hallway.

By now, Kairyn had been wandering aimlessly around the laboratories for a good while. He was amazed that he hadn't been spotted by anyone yet and was about to congratulate himself being some sort of super sneaking stealth agent when a door opened beyond a cross-section in front of him. Kairyn panicked. It was too far to get to the turn before anyone exited the lab and sprinting down the hall would only make too much noise. Kairyn threw himself into the wall but was amazed to find the solid surface suddenly disappeared a second later. Tumbling backwards and landing in a messy pile, Kairyn looked up from the floor and saw the door slide shut before him. Ignoring his smarting shoulder blades, Kairyn picked himself up and dusted himself off. To his fortune, the room he'd backflipped into was unoccupied but it was not empty. Glancing around Kairyn let out a tiny gasp. By the dry concrete walls and lack of colour, he could tell that it wasn't a laboratory; it was more like a storage room. There were a number of large metallic cylinders with a long, thin rectangular windows on their fronts stood vertically around the outer edge of the room. Each of them had a network of pipes attached to their sealed tops that burrowed into the walls in every which way Kairyn could see. Kairyn nervously walked up to one of the metallic vats and glanced through the rectangular slit. It was difficult to make out but it looked like dense wispy balls of soot floating around the container suspended in a deep purplish haze. The fumy atmosphere inside the cylinder looked toxic as stray sparks of neon purple zapped within the metallic walls. Kairyn took a step back as his mind burned again. The substance within the vat seemed to nagging him remember something.

"Is this…? This stuff was in the room where I found Littlefoot at Keltech Labs in the capital. This was the stuff in those glass tubes that teleported me to the dinosaur world after the Black Ghost smashed them open," Kairyn mumbled to himself. "What is this stuff? What're the scientists here doing with it?"

Just then, Kairyn froze solid as the door behind him flew open and a voice barked at his back.

"Hey! Who are you? What are you doing in here? You shouldn't be…" Before the man could finish his sentence, Kairyn was already in motion. In a flush of panic, Kairyn charged for the door completely disregarding the fact that the man in the lab coat was standing between him and the exit. The scientist was shunted backwards like he'd been hit by a speeding train and crashed into the wall outside in a heap. Kairyn shot out from the storage room and tore around to the left to double back the way he'd come. He could hear the man he'd shoulder-barged out of the way shouting at his back but he didn't care. He didn't care that every pair of eyes he'd so diligently tried to avoid having gotten this far into the labs were now staring through the windows at him as he sprinted blindly down the halls. One man jumped out from one of the labs on the right and tried to block his escape route. However, Kairyn ducked down to the left as the man made a lunge for him and shoved the man with both hands back into the room he'd emerged from.

Kairyn was running blind. He was so freaked out by being discovered, he hardly knew where he was scarpering to. It was like trying to escape a hornet's nest from the inside with so many turns and a mob of angry scientists giving chase behind him. Just when Kairyn thought he'd found a hallway he recognised, he rounded the corner in a mad rush only to clamped in place by two huge restraints that wrapped around him. Kairyn struggled and writhed but the binds were too strong. They were crushing him in a bearhug that was impossible to break out of.

"Zat's enough running around boy. You vill come vit me now," a strong grisly German-accented voice boomed down on him. Kairyn finally stopped thrashing and looked up at to the ceiling. Kairyn was aware that he was quite tall for his age but the man that had hold of him was enormous. His eyes were cold and piercing as they glared down on him like a beast eyeing freshly captured prey.

"Oh Colonel Schneider, you caught him. Thank God," one of the pursuing scientists said breathlessly having only just caught up.

"That little brat was snooping around the production area. What the hell was he doing roaming down here?" another red-faced scientist shot hotly.

"Yes… why indeed," Schneider said slowly still gazing down on Kairyn who seemed to shrink under the weight of his stare. "Not to worry. I vill escort our young friend here back to the security department where he vill be questioned on his action. Please return to your stations."

The gabble of flushed scientists disbanded returned to their labs as Schneider inched his arms lower down Kairyn's torso. To Kairyn's amazement, the huge man hoisted him off the floor effortlessly and held him under his arm like a living newspaper.

"Wha? Hey! Wait! Wait a minute! Put me down! I wasn't – " Kairyn flapped but the colonel didn't even flinch.

"Quite zee troublesome little boy aren't you," Schneider said sounding amused, "we'll have to find zum other means of keeping you in line." Kairyn struggled and flailed in the clutch of the colonel but there was nothing he could do. Defeated, Kairyn fell limp as the beast of a man stomped back through the base. He swallowed hard at the thought of what might be in store for him now.


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Hey guys!

I am actually genuinely surprised here. I've managed to get an update done for BOSE 2 and it hasn't taken me 2-3months to get it sorted! I'm hoping this will help speed things up a little bit as the act begins to change. The rate things are going, I doubt this story will be as long as the first one (in terms of no. of chapters) but its definitely taken longer. Anyway, here's the next chapter. Points to anyone who can spot the Metal Gear Solid reference in this one (haven't made a game reference for a while so decided to chuck one in). Also, I can see that people are looking at my page here so, if it's not too much to ask, I'd love to hear some feedback from you. Even if it's something little that needs improving, I don't mind I'd rather get the feedback than nothing at all (provided it's not just flaming in which case, watch your step!). Anyway, enjoy! ;)

Chapter 34: From the Shadows

"What the HELL did you think you were doing?! Were you thinking at all?!" Tyronne screamed at Kairyn who was sat slumped in the same chair in the same interrogation room he and his brother had not long left earlier that day. Tyronne was livid when he heard from one of his other colleagues that a kid had been caught snooping around the research wing of the base. He had flown from his station in the communications room to the cells, first of all, but was redirected to the interrogation rooms. There, Tyronne pretty much dropkicked the door open and saw his little brother sat looking rather sheepish. The bursting of the door as it flew inwards made him jump.

"Is it so utterly impossible for you to keep your arse still and actually LISTEN for once! I told you to stay in the dorm and everything would be fine. What the hell were you doing roaming the halls after I specifically said NOT to?" Tyronne exploded.

It took a second or two for Kairyn to find his voice, "I… I wasn't roaming around. I was looking for Melissa. I… I wanted to know if she was alright."

"That's no excuse Kai! Areas are restricted for good reason! Who found you anyway?"

"Some roided-up giant guy with a weird accent. Picked me up like a suitcase," Kairyn muttered flatly. Tyronne's eyes grew wide and his mouth dropped open like a loose drawer.

"You're kidding? Schneider found you?! Oh God! Oh crap! Why'd it have to be Schneider of all people?" he wailed. Kairyn looked at his brother; puzzled by the fear in could detect his voice.

"Schneider? Who's that?" Kairyn said naively. Tyronne looked across at him like Kairyn had uttered the stupidest question in the world. Before he could answer, the pair of them heard the guard posted outside the door shuffle and call the name of the very man they were just talking about. Tyronne spun on his heels, bolted uncomfortably upright and saluted as the giant man squeezed in through the doorway and into the room.

"Err… Colonel Schneider! Sir!" Tyronne piped but Kairyn could still hear a nervous twinge in the words as he spat them out.

"Taylor," Schneider acknowledged calmly before turning to Kairyn. Every muscle in his body locked stone cold rigid as Kairyn found the colonel's eyes boring into his own.

"So? Zees is zee youngest son of zee great Provessor Stephen Taylor," Schneider slurred as he stepped towards him. "Given my respect vor zee man I must zay I'm a little shocked. I vould have expected his sons to be a little more… disciplined…" Kairyn suddenly felt the dimensions of the room warp and shrink as Schneider eclipsed the light hanging from the ceiling. He heard the colonel snort before turning back into the room and sitting in the chair on the opposite side of the table. It creaked painfully as if it were screaming under the man's weight.

"Now zen, vould you be so kind as to explain why you vere seen in an area of zee base zat is off limits to zose without clearance?" Schneider asked tunelessly. Kairyn felt his lips quiver. They wouldn't seem to open to answer the question.

"You must have had your reasons. Otherwise you wouldn't have been zere," Schneider pressed.

"Colonel Schneider, please sir. He was instructed to stay in the bunks but he…" Tyronne broke in quickly but Schneider threw up his nearest hand and instantly silenced him.

"I'm sure your bruzher can answer for himself. Zere is no need to speak vor him," Schneider said without raising his tone. All the while, he never took his eyes off Kairyn who still looked shell-shocked by his presence. "Vell?"

Unsure of where the words were coming from, Kairyn managed to squeak out a reply, "I uhh… I was trying to… to find my friend. M-Melissa? You-you rescued her… along with me up in the mountains… err sir."

"And so, you sought to find her despite not knowing vhere she was? You do realise zat you infiltrated a restricted area of zee base? Even zum of our security staff have not been in zose quarters."

"Y-yes sir. I'm sorry," Kairyn replied ruefully. He dipped his head so to break the cold stare of the colonel's eyes that were still on him.

"Please sir, he won't do it again! I'll make sure of it!" Tyronne jumped in but Schneider threw him the back of his hand again.

"In all honesty…" he started. Kairyn cringed waiting for the verbal eruption to pummel him into the ground. "…I must zay zat I am zumwhat impressed." Kairyn and Tyronne both jolted. They snapped a bewildered glance up at Schneider, then at each other, then back to Schneider again. Their expression said it all. Did they just hear him right?

"Err… beg your pardon Colonel?" Tyronne stammered.

"I am impressed. A spirited young boy with concerned vor a friend is driven to seek her out without regard vor his own safety. In zat, he was able to sneak into a restricted area of a fully manned base, quite deeply in fact, und managed to avoid detection. I was quite surprised to catch you vhere you vere. You appear to be quite enabled in looking out vor yourself, young Taylor."

Kairyn couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was being praised for trespassing in clearance required areas of the base? Was this guy mad?

"In fact, I have come to speak with you regarding a matter I think you can assist with young Taylor," Schneider then said leaning forward. "We are aware zat you have spent a considerable amount of time out in zis wilderness. I hate to admit zat we are at zumwhat of a disadvantage since we do not know the surroundings or how zis strange land functions. You however have had first-hand experience with zee land as well as its flora and fauna. You know vot and vhere is dangerous and how best to survive without having to resort to destruction. We are in a very delicate situation and you, young Taylor, are zee best man vor zee job."

"I- I don't understand. What job?" Kairyn babbled completely thrown.

"To act as surveillance for us, young Taylor," Schneider said proudly. "You could zupply us with intel in hours zat a whole scout team vould take days to collect. We vant you to go out zere and be our eyes and ears on zee ground. Do you zink you could do zat vor us?"

Words failed Kairyn again. He was pretty much being given a golden ticket to head back into the Great Valley and be reunited with Littlefoot and his friends. Even better, he had links to the world of humanity again if he could come back to the base to report his findings. A win-win situation. The best of both worlds.

"But… how would I stay in contact with you?" Kairyn asked.

"Our only means of ranged communication is radio. It's a bit ancient but it works. You'd be fitted with a radio device that vould link you straight to the communications room at zee base," Schneider told him, "you could even call in a support team if you vere in any danger."

"Won't you be worried that I'd just run away or something?" Kairyn asked openly.

"Und vhy vould you do zumthing like zat? We are vorking on a means of getting back home. Vould you not vant to be part of zat?" Kairyn sat back and hummed. He was beginning to think that this was all too good to be true but it was an opportunity too good to pass up. Just the thought of getting back to Littlefoot and the Great Valley was already making him fidgety as the excitement started bubbling up in his stomach.

"What about Melissa? Where is she?" Kairyn asked.

"Do not worry about her. She is in zee care of her grandfather and is doing fine. I give you my word on zat," Schneider said carefully. He watched Kairyn intently as the boy thought it over.

"Alright, I'll do it," Kairyn said finally trying his best to keep composed. He didn't want his emotions to give him away.

"Wunderbar! Zank you young Taylor. You vill be a great help to our cause," Schneider chirped.

"I do have a request however," Kairyn then said. In the corner of his eye, he could see Tyronne's face turn pale as if Kairyn were courting the devil by trying to open negotiations with the colonel.

"Vot is it boy? Speak."

"My Minicom and the yellow gemstone. I know you took them from me when you found me. Can I have them back? They are important to me," Kairyn said, his tone stony.

Schneider paused for a moment, "I'll see vot I can do. In zee meantime, you are to get kitted up. You vill leave as zoon as you are ready. Taylor!"

"Err… yes sir!" Tyronne bolted straight again when he realised that Schneider was now talking to him.

"You vill be in charge of overseeing your bruzher's actions both at base and in zee field. Vonce he is ready you vill escort him to his desired destination. You vill be acting as first response should any complications arise. Understood?"

"Sir! Thank you sir!" Tyronne barked obediently.

"Okay zen. I vill enquire about your possessions young Taylor. I vill meet you both at the entrance vonce you are prepared," Schneider said. And with that, he gave both brothers a nod before exiting the room.

Kairyn released the stagnant air locked in his chest in a forced puff. He glanced over at Tyronne who pretty much was doing the same. They felt like they had just been battling some sort of monster and only just escaped by a hair. Once they had recomposed themselves, still barely believing they'd both managed to come out the other side with their skin intact, they made their way down the corridor to get Kairyn equipped.

Fifteen minutes later, Kairyn and Tyronne were standing by the entrance way to the base. Kairyn had been given a radio transmitter that he could fit in his pocket and a wireless microphone that looped behind his ear. It was hidden but wasn't invisible on close enough inspection. Tyronne was going over how to make and receive calls when they saw Colonel Schneider approaching. Tyronne snapped upright and Kairyn, unsure of the appropriate protocol, mimicked his brother. Schneider reminded Kairyn of his role and handed over a tightly wrapped package. Taking it, Kairyn tore it open and gleamed. Inside were his Minicom and the Angel's Amethyst which he quickly stuffed into his pockets.

"Remember. You are part of zee Keltech Security Team now young Taylor; a field agent. You report only to us und are not to share our information with anyone else, understood?"

"Yes sir," Kairyn said as sharply as he could.

"Private Taylor, vonce you have securely delivered young Taylor to zee destination, you are to return here und keep the channel of communication open, got it?"

"Copy that sir!" Tyronne replied inching a bit taller.

"Right zen men, good luck out zere!" Schneider said saluting. Kairyn and Tyronne did the same as the security gate slid open and the thick metallic door leading out into the land of dinosaurs slowly slipped upwards. They turned to face the slow rolling door. Kairyn had to shield his eyes from the intense brightness outside. All the while, a nervous excitement was pulsing through him shooting up and down his limbs so quickly it made his fingers and toes tingle. As the door finally granted enough headroom to walk outside, Kairyn turned and looked at his brother who had just picked up an assault rifle of some description. With a smile and a nod from Tyronne, Kairyn swallowed and stepped outside.

The air was like a life-giving elixir. Kairyn closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He felt the sweet scented breeze rush and pour into him, filling his body with vigour. It felt so good to be outside again. Tyronne ushered Kairyn up a slope. Looking back down as they climbed, Kairyn saw that the base was in a deep recess carved into the mountainside. It was protected on all sides by a semi-circular, concave wall of rock that stretched above like a looming figure. The only real way to storm the base would be through the front which was laced with checkpoints and lookout posts all with armed guards stationed there. A foolish action to take given how many people were inside. What struck Kairyn most of all was how relatively small the base looked. It was only a single storey and didn't take up much space but its interior seemed like a labyrinth. Flicking the thought from his mind, he hurried the last few steps to catch up to his brother.

It didn't take long for Kairyn and Tyronne to make it back to the spot where the Keltech team had recovered him and Melissa. They had scrambled up and over a huge pile of tightly compacted collapsed rockery and boulders and stood at the top of it. Off to their right was the Chronos Doorway still stood proud and tall amongst the dusty dugout it sat in. Tyronne explained that some of the team had come through the Doorway previously and they scouted the area to find a good location for the Keltech base. But when Kairyn asked about how he got there, Tyronne couldn't answer him.

"All I know is that the labcoats were able to make a portal big enough to transport the whole mobile base. I don't know the finer details," Tyronne shrugged. Kairyn nodded before facing forwards again.

"Which way from here Kai?"

"The path's over there. We have to follow the mountain trail a bit before we get to the lookout. The Great Valley is a little further on," Kairyn said pointing to the ground that curved around behind the mountains. With that, the pair of them slid down the rocky pile and hopped to the ground kicking up dirty clouds as they landed. With a quick glance up to the mighty silvery ring of the Chronos Doorway, the pair of them pressed on. Replaying the events leading up to his capture, Kairyn found retracing his steps to be quite easy. He was surprised at the amount he had managed to retain since coming here considering he always found himself pretty useless with a map.

"Whoa! Would you look at that! It's amazing!" Tyronne breathed as they reached the lookout and he scanned the luscious green horizon.

"That's just from up here. Wait until you get down into it. You ain't seen nothing yet," Kairyn said smirking. "Come on! Quit gawking! We just follow this little trail down and we're in the Valley." Kairyn took the lead as he descended down in the Great Valley again. By this stage, it was almost impossible for him to hide the explosive energy buzzing inside. He couldn't wait to see Littlefoot again and he hoped that the young longneck would be as pleased to see him.

As they got closer to the grassy fields, Kairyn couldn't help but pick up the pace. The meadow was deserted but Kairyn was just pleased to finally be somewhere he recognised. Before Tyronne had even caught up with him, Kairyn was off like a shot and dashed into the trees in search of his friends. Having clawed through row after row of thick bushes, Kairyn finally found a gathering of dinosaurs in a clearing with a stream running past them. He scanned the crowd for anyone familiar from within the leaves when Tyronne dropped in beside him.

"You mind letting me know when you're gonna run off?" Tyronne muttered but Kairyn ignored him. "Who are you looking for?" Before he received an answer, Kairyn let out an elated little gasp and broke cover to dash out into the clearing. Tyronne reached out for him but sighed as he saw Kairyn sprinting away.

Just in the distance, congregated around the edge of the flowing stream, Kairyn could see all five of his friends just by the water. The ecstatic feeling was just too great to supress as he made a beeline for them.

"Guys! Hey guys? It's me! I'm back!" Kairyn yelled at the top of his lungs. It took them a couple of seconds to register but the first one to turn around was Spike. He began hopping up and down yelping to the others.

"Oh lookie! It is Kairyn! It is, it is!" Ducky called as she leapt out of the water. Littlefoot, Cera and Petrie all turned and glared with wide eyes.

"I don't believe it! Kairyn's alright!" Littlefoot gasped. He was about to take a step to gallop towards his friend but he stopped when a giant leg stood directly in front of him. Littlefoot looked up as a number of other adult dinosaurs pounded forward to make a wall between him and Kairyn.

On seeing the barrier of fully grown dinosaurs form in front of Littlefoot and his friends, Kairyn skidded to a stop. His beaming smile faded as he read the stern glaring faces gazing down on him. It didn't take a genius to figure out that they were shielding the younger ones from him.

"What are you doing here human?!" a voice bellowed from the left side. Kairyn looked over and saw that Cera's father had taken up a strong defensive pose that could transform into a raging charge at a moment's notice.

"I err… I came back. I was captured and…" Kairyn replied nervously but was cut off.

"Who ever said we wanted you back in our home?" Cera's father shot indignantly. Kairyn could almost feel the rush of wind from the triceratops' mouth blast him in his face. He began searching desperately for his friends who were lost in the forest of giant legs. He felt helpless looking up at mighty giants since not a single face seemed to offer a welcoming gesture. Then, Kairyn felt a little relieved when he saw Littlefoot's grandfather emerge from out of the crowd and took a thundering few steps towards him.

"Kairyn, we are glad you are safe but you must understand. Many dinosaurs here are concerned that humans are hidden somewhere around the Great Valley," Grandpa Longneck explained, "we have had some troubles in the past with humans invading the Valley so forgive us for seeming a little unfriendly about your return."

"It's okay Grandpa Longneck. I've met up with them. They were the ones who captured me; they thought I was in danger. They were just trying to protect Melissa and me," Kairyn said. It was then he saw a network of heads pop out from behind the trunk thick legs and he smiled inwardly.

"We told the grown-ups that you were taken away by humans and we didn't know where you'd gone," Littlefoot said managing to wriggle his way to the front of the barrier. He sounded guilty for what he's just said. "We didn't want to start a panic but we had to say something."

"It's alright Littlefoot. It's all a bit of a misunderstanding. I know some of the humans and they're not here to harm you," Kairyn said but it didn't seem to win the crowd over.

"Then what are you here for? Why do you keep pestering us?" Cera's father growled. Some of the other dinosaurs joined in with heated chants and angry bellows. Kairyn swallowed hard. He couldn't answer that question yet it was obviously the most pressing.

"I can assure you that we have no intention of harming any of you," a voice then said from behind him. Kairyn whirled around to see Tyronne walking over, his rifle angled across his body but not raised. A chorus of gasps went up as he strolled over.

"Another human!" Cera's dad grumbled. Now he really did look ready to charge.

"Yes. We are conducting research of a very delicate nature. We used some old technology that was left here and are currently based just beyond the mountains of your home. What we intend will have no impact on your lives here I assure you," Tyronne said calmly. Kairyn was amazed at his composure but he guessed it was his training kicking in.

"And who are you?" a male iguanodon asked from somewhere in the crowd.

"My name is Tyronne Taylor. I am a member of the Keltech security team at the base here. I am also Kairyn's older brother." The gang all gave a gasp of astonishment on hearing this.

"You must forgive us Tyronne Taylor," Grandma Longneck said bending down to converse with him, "we do not fully understand the manner in which humans work and speak. Can you explain what it is you intend to do?"

"As I said madam, we are looking into some knowledge and information that has led us here. All we intend is to carry out our research and return home. However, things became complicated when Kairyn and another girl, Melissa, were transported here by accident," Tyronne said formally.

"Melissa? Is she okay Kairyn?" Ducky then asked as she and Spike edged forward.

"She's fine Ducky. She's at the Keltech base," Kairyn said. He smiled when he saw her eyes light up with relief.

"After finding Kairyn and Melissa, we felt it would be wise if he were to come back to fill you in on our activities so that you did not feel uneasy about our presence here. Since Kairyn has already spent some time with you, he has been helping us to better understand your homeland and, in turn, we thought he would act as a good intermediary between us and you, keeping both sides informed of the other's actions so not to cause distress."

"So you want Kairyn to stay with us here so that he can tell us what you are doing?" Grandma Longneck asked.

"That is correct ma'am. With Kairyn posted here, he could also inform us of any issues that arise and our squads would look to protect you and your home," Tyronne continued.

"Who said we ever wanted YOUR help human!" Cera's father bellowed.

"Well, if you decline then we can leave you alone. However, we could not guarantee what we are performing may not cause alarm or interrupt your daily lives."

"Is that a threat human?" Mr Threehorn muttered. He was now tugging at the ground.

"Not at all sir. I am just saying that it would be in the interest of both parties if Kairyn remained with you. He will communicate with us back at base and we can relay messages to him via radio, and…"

"Basically, I can fill you in on what's happening," Kairyn cut in fearing the technobabble was going to lose them the little ground they had gained. The crowd of dinosaurs began to mumble amongst themselves granting Kairyn and Tyronne a brief moment to whisper to each other.

"Are you sure about this Ty? Offering them protection if things go wrong? Filling them in on the research of the base? You said you didn't know anything about the research going on in there," Kairyn said behind a hand.

"I don't but we've gotta tell them something otherwise you'll never get to act as our field agent here," Tyronne muttered back. "Besides, I'm only using what Schneider said so it's not like I'm lying to them or anything." Kairyn nodded as the group turned back to the Taylor brothers.

In the end, it was agreed that Kairyn was to stay in the Great Valley under the careful watch of the elders. And so the fragile verbal contract between the humans of Keltech and dinosaurs of the Great Valley was established. It was obvious that not everyone was happy with the idea, but for the sake of the peace it was a necessary evil to have to abide with. Much to Littlefoot's delight, his grandparents had permitted Kairyn to stay with them for the duration of his stay and neither two boys could have been happier. After a brief recap on the radio, Tyronne was due to head off back to the Keltech base.

"So remember. To make a call, set the channel and then assign the frequency. The frequency for the comms room is one four zero, point eight five," Tyronne explained. "When we want to contact you, the headset will beep. Incoming transmissions will directly stimulate the small bones of your ear. No one but you will be able to hear it."

"Got it!" Kairyn nodded.

"Oh… and I better give you my frequency just in case. It's one four one, point five two. That will bring you directly through to me. Call me if trouble flairs up or say you spot someone shifty roaming about the place." Kairyn understood what his brother meant and nodded again silently. With that, Tyronne headed back to base the way he came in.

Meanwhile, back at the Keltech base, one of the security team was busy receiving a transmission. With a quick nod, he closed the channel and punched in another frequency.

"Schneider here, vot is it?" a hollowed voice replied after a few seconds. Even over the airwaves, the colonel's voice still sounded imposing.

"Sir, we just received word that Private Taylor has escorted his brother into the dinosaurs' home ground. He's returning to base now," the operator reported.

"Gud. Be sure to keep young Taylor's channel open at all times. All communications are to be logged and sent to my terminal as und ven zay come in," Schneider's voice demanded.

"Roger that sir," the operator replied before signing off.

Schneider dropped his hand from his right ear and clicked his radio off before turning back to Director Thorne and Professor Clements.

"So our new recruit has been posted has he? Good. I'm sure he'll be of great use acting as a go-between for us and those monstrous lizards," Thorne said pushing his floating glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"It was the smartest move to make. If we can build a sense of trust zen they are likely not to interfere with our affairs," Schneider said.

"I still find it fascinating that these creatures are able to communicate in the same manner as us. I would have called the boy delusional if Melissa had not told me the same thing," Professor Clements said turning from his terminal to face the other two men standing in his lab.

"So her feedback was unhindered then?" Thorne asked and the professor nodded.

"A few injuries but nothing I can't patch up. It seems as though the transportation to this world did cause some internal damage. The shielding wasn't strong enough when she passed through the portal and some corruption has settled in," the old man said.

"We vill need her back out zere as zoon as possible. I don't illicit much faith in the Taylor boy being out zere on his own. Too emotional to be completely focused on his mission," Schneider said sternly.

"Yes, it would also be to our benefit to have her back the boy up. The contact she has made with these reptiles will definitely prove fruitful, especially in scouting the area for more of these Red Phoenix artefacts," Thorne said almost chuckling.

"Let's not forget that Stephen's boy has dug up some interesting documents and files himself. The data on his Minicom was the best find we've had for months. Personnel records, data streams, molecular models, simulation files, energetics reports. It was a digital gold mine," Professor Clements exclaimed.

"Yes, and some interesting facts on those energy stones. Maybe soon we can finally discover their locations and get our hands on the others ones," Thorne said now smiling.

"Yes, but lest we forget we are still no closer to breaking Stephen's codes on his work. All we know is that the yellow gemstone his son is holding is linked to those others stones in some way. There must be someone who knows about it. If we knew that, then it would render Stephen's research redundant," Clements continued. Thorne hummed thoughtfully for a moment.

"Zee boy did mention zat zee Black Ghost was around the area zumvhere and zat he was quite chatty with zee one juvenile dinosaur called Littlefoot. It was confirmed zat zees 'Littlefoot' was the same subject Clifford's team extracted back on April nineteenth."

"Yes and we know he is one of the stone holders. Perhaps our long-necked friend has a secret that could aid in the discovery of the other two stones. We'll have to coax it out of him somehow but now is not the time. It's too early to start muscling in on the locals just yet," Thorne said. "Still, our pieces are set; it's just a matter of playing the waiting game now. How is production of the dark matter going?"

Professor Clements turned to his screen and tapped on the glowing holographic keyboard.

"Production is steady and the concentration of serum has increased. We're able to make greater quantities now that the efficiency of the incubation stage has more than doubled. At this rate, we'll have inoculation of the troops occurring within days. Current testing hasn't been efficient but it has been favourable," Clements reported. Thorne smiled again but Schneider offered a lowly grumble.

"Well played gentlemen. Before long we'll have everything we need to put the grand scheme in motion," Thorne said proudly. He turned to the back of the room and gazed up at a large glass cylinder positioned against the wall. He smiled as he watched the sleeping young girl with long flowing blonde hair floating in the colourless liquid. Wires were attached to her naked body and she had a breathing mask fitted over her nose and mouth.

"How much longer before she's ready to go back out there?" Thorne asked.

"Won't be for a good few hours yet. I need to make sure that the corruption doesn't spread any further. If she dies out there then everything will be lost so I'm not taking any risks," Clements barked back.

"Fine. Let me know when things can get underway. For now, we'll just have to keep tabs on Taylor's youngest son and hope he can deliver," Thorne said turning to the lab door. The hydraulics hissed and the door zipped to one side allowing Thorne and Schneider out into the corridor before sliding shut behind them.

Out in the Great Valley, Kairyn had wasted no time in getting reacquainted with his friends. He told them all about what had happened to him when they were forcefully parted up by the Great Wall and his role as a field agent for Keltech. Despite Melissa not being with him, he assured them that she was in good hands and was recovering well. A warm sense of relief rolled through Littlefoot's mind and body like a lapping wave. Kairyn had only been missing for around half of the day but his nerves had been frayed every minute the boy had been out of his sight. It soothed his troubled heart to finally have him back again.

What little light was left of the day quickly evaporated as the evening air cooled and the blushing red skyline deepened into shades of indigo. Littlefoot and his friends parted ways for the night and trotted alongside Kairyn as they made their way back to his home. Kairyn was so grateful that Littlefoot's grandparents had so readily agreed to give him a place to stay he began to think of them as carers of his own. Their kind and caring nature rivalled that of his own mother and father who didn't seem to give him half the attention Grandma and Grandpa Longneck did. Once they reached their nesting place, Littlefoot took his usual spot in the little pit in the cool grass while Kairyn clambered up into the petrified tree and made himself comfortable in amongst the cage of branches. The two elderly longnecks wished them a pleasant night before settling down themselves a little distance away. Littlefoot and Kairyn were too buzzed to sleep and stayed up talking for what seemed like hours until finally they could feel tiredness starting to grip them.

"Kairyn? How long do you think the humans will stay here for?" Littlefoot asked as he yawned.

"I dunno. I suppose once they find what they're looking for then they'll probably look to return back to the New Era," Kairyn said stifling a yawn of his own. "I can't say for sure how long that'll take. Heck, I don't even know what it is they are looking for."

"Maybe you'll find out soon?" Littlefoot asked.

"I hope so. I have to say I'm a little sceptical about what goes on in that place," Kairyn said softly, "I just hope they don't do anything stupid. I'd hate to see a place this beautiful to be tainted by them."

"Well, whatever happens, I'm glad you are here Kairyn," Littlefoot then said.

Kairyn paused for a moment as the words sunk in, "Glad to be here Littlefoot. Truly…" He leaned over the side of his tree and gazed down on Littlefoot but he could see that the young longneck was already fast asleep. Smiling, Kairyn rolled back up and in minutes, he too was lost to his dreams.

Littlefoot's night wasn't as restful as he would have liked. His mind was flickering fast and furious with strange images he couldn't make sense of and it soon broke his sleeping pattern. Inching his eyes open slowly, Littlefoot squinted in the darkness. Not a shred of daylight was visible. Littlefoot huffed and dropped his head down into the grass where the blades tickled as they brushed gingerly against the end of his nose. Suddenly, Littlefoot craned his neck up on hearing an odd rustling sound coming from the surrounding foliage. His eyes were still adjusting to the darkness but Littlefoot was sure he could hear something moving about in the undergrowth. He looked up and back and saw that Kairyn was still fast asleep in his tree. Not wanting to wake him, Littlefoot slowly got up and stretched the cold muscles in his legs. He flinched when the bushes off to his right rustled and twitched as if a phantom had brushed past them. Nervously, Littlefoot crept forward and into the bushes. He had no idea what he was following, or if he were following anything at all and was beginning to think that maybe the wind was playing tricks on him. That's when a thick bunch of leaves wavered quite deliberately just off to his left hand side. Littlefoot was now sure. Something was definitely sneaking around. Feeling his blood pulsing rapidly at his temples, Littlefoot cautiously crept towards the plant which was still shaking slightly.

The row of shrubbery soon came to an end and Littlefoot found himself edging out toward one of the fields that was now empty. Littlefoot knew that any migrating herds or Far-walkers would have taken to areas close to the river which left the pastures used for grazing deserted at night. Littlefoot froze when he saw the silhouette stood hunched just beyond the bordering hedges. It stood upright, on two legs with its back to him and seemed to twitch erratically every so often. The figure was completely black and was nearly invisible in the dark of the night. Littlefoot cautiously snuck forward and approached the figure from behind quietly.

"Black Ghost?" he whispered, "Black Ghost is that you? What are you doing here?" Littlefoot stopped dead in his tracks when the figure froze and slowly stood up a little taller. It then turned on the spot to face him and Littlefoot gasped.

"Y-you… you're not… the Black Ghost…" he whimpered in horror. The creature was jet black from head to toe but it did not appear to be wearing what the humans called clothes. It stood hunched and squat, its feet unnaturally elongated and its fingers were long, slender and narrowed to a point like claws. Littlefoot stared fearfully at the creature featureless face that was like a large black ball with long black vines snaking out of its bald head like vines down its back. It had no nose but two beady yellow eyes like glass marbles were stuck to its head. Its stare was blank and soulless. Littlefoot felt his legs quivering but that was all they would do. He was glued to the point unable to look away from the creature in front of him.

"Wh- what are you?" Littlefoot uttered fretfully. The creature did not respond with words. Instead, it ducked down about half a foot and held its spindly arms out to adopt a much more threatening pose. Littlefoot's blood flashed cold when he saw the yellow beads in its head cloud over and filled red like a dye diffusing into the jelly of its eyeballs. Then, the creature darted forward and leapt at Littlefoot, its claws raised to strike a lethal blow. His body was rigid and refused to move. All Littlefoot could do was scream as the attack came in.