I'm think we all knew Twilight would be very excited about being called by the map, but doing tons of research and assembling a friendship-solving portfolio within only five minutes really took it to a whole new level. At least Fluttershy was just happy to not go alone.
Somewhat predictably, there's a family feud in the Smokey Mountains between the Hooffields (red and brown earth ponies) and the McColts (blue and grey earth ponies), fighting each other for seemingly no reason at all (aside from simply hating each other). When it was revealed that the Hooffields are good farmers but poor builders, while the McColts are good builders but poor farmers, I pretty much figured out right away how they would ultimately benefit from friendship. What did surprise me was that the whole feud started because the first Hooffield and the first McColt wanted to use their respective talents to help the animals in the area, but couldn't agree on whether food or shelter was more important. I guess needing to hear it from the animals themselves was why Fluttershy was called by the map.
(Also, I found it rather amusing how Twilight kept tearing pages out of her friendship portfolio with increasing disappointment.)
(end spoilers)