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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


  • Ducky
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So when is season four supposed to start? Has a release date been revealed yet?


  • Spike
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I have'nt heard of a release date yet. Im gonna guess the fall?

The Chronicler

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Okay, here's where I now stand with MLP:FiM...

Over the last few months, I've been finding lots of fanfics on that I was interested in reading, but simply haven't found the time to actually read them. With no easy way to go back to them once I did find time, my only option was to simply open each one in a new tab and leave it open until I had finally read it. (I never shut down my laptop all the way, just closing it to sleep mode or hibernate mode, so all windows and tabs remain open all the time.) Unfortunately, by about a month ago, that number of unread fanfics grew to over a hundred, and leaving that many tabs open all the time really slowed down my laptop. I finally decided to become a member there, just so I can have a "read later" list. Now I don't need to keep so many tabs open, I can just pick from a list of my own choices whenever I have time to read MLP fanfics. (I certainly made the right decision, because now that list has nearly doubled to two hundred. :o )

In addition, although I'm interested in actually watching this show, I'm not sure if there's a site where I can reliably find every episode (these takedowns on YouTube I keep hearing about aren't encouraging). (I take things with an all-or-nothing approach; either I watch all of the episodes or none at all, I don't like doing things partway and incomplete.) Instead, I decided last month to do the next best thing: read the summaries on the MLP Wikia. I read the summary page, transcript page, and gallery page for each of all 65 episodes, giving me a very good idea of what the show is actually like, rather than relying on fan material. (All I'm missing now is what their voices sound like.)

Like I said previously, I won't consider myself a true "brony" until I actually watch an episode of this show, so I'd say I'm now just one step away from that. :)

Anyway, since I talked about fanfics, I'd like to give some recommendations.
 - I've found a total of 16 crossover fanfics with Bionicle, but many of them aren't that great. If I had to chose just one, I'll point you to this one: BIONICLE: Toa of Harmony It's basically the first year of Bionicle, but the Toa are replaced by the Mane 6, and Takua's adventures are done by the CMC instead. It's still in progress, but has received relatively recent updates. I just hope it doesn't get abandoned like many others I've found.
 - I've also read three short fanfics that are basically about one of the Voyager space probes arriving in Equestria and the ponies find the gold record onboard and play it. Unfortunately, none of them really stand out above the others, so I'll just link to all three of them and let you decide: The Golden Record, The Interstellar Record, The Golden Record (Yes, the first and third have the same title, but they are in fact different stories by different authors.)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • The Circle
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I looked and I think they have the episodes on youtube still.  1 person even seems to have all of season 1 as one long 9 hour video.


  • The Circle
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I assume it'll be somewhere around the time the earlier seasons started.

The Chronicler

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Yesterday, I came across something that I liked so much that I just had to share it here...

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I've been looking at this thread since yesterday and I just decided to make time to watch all the episodes so I could give my two cents on the series.

At this point so far, my favorite mane pony is AppleJack, my favorite cuite mark crusader is Sweetie Belle, with a leaning towards Scootaloo, my favorite minor character is Babs Seed, my favorite princess is Luna, and my favorite antagonist is Discord with a leaning towards Chrysalis.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Screw steampunk ponies, there needs to be more cyberpunk ponies!

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Just a reminder that the Full-length Fan-Made Episode, Double Rainboom, will be airing tomorrow.

Due to it airing Live Stream at 9 PM EST, I will not be able to watch it through said stream when it airs, but I'll make sure to give the YouTube link right after I get off work.

After I watch it, I'll give my thoughts.

Until then, see ya! :)


  • Ducky
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"@MMeghanMcCarthy: So... much... EPIC. I think I have to go lie down now. #MLPSeason4" is this supposed to make me excited or something


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Quote from: Daddytops2009,Mar 30 2013 on  06:34 PM

"@MMeghanMcCarthy: So... much... EPIC. I think I have to go lie down now. #MLPSeason4" is this supposed to make me excited or something
I hope this doubles as a Derpy episode...She seems perfect for such an episode.


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Also, I just watched Double Rainboom.
Holy S***, that had quite the crossover and oodles of shoutouts!
There were people who didn't like the crossover, but I sure did.

It was a lot of fun, but someone's going to have to make a list of all the shoutouts


  • The Circle
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I just saw Double Rainboom and really enjoyed it.  Neat to see the characters who were in the video.  I won't say who or much else to avoid spoilers.  It's about 29 minutes long, for those who may wonder on the length.


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Okay, first off, before I begin, I must point out exactly what it means to make a fan-made episode of pretty much anything.

For starters, you would not have on par voice acting.  Heck, the only way of really being able to match them would be to either be very talented or to take the voice clips from the episodes.  Since they had neither on hand, it's not surprising that the voice actors at least did their best to act out the voices as best they could.  Not exact, mind you, but they did come close, so good on that.

Next up, fans can have the tendency to be off with a character's personality, despite their best efforts.  Sure, all of us try hard to figure out how they would react in certain situations, but more often than not, we can be wrong about such a thing. (A few controversial things come to mind.) So the fact that the personality of Twilight and Rainbow Dash was off, is no surprise.  However, it's FAR from the point of being so off that it's unlikable.  To be honest, for the plot and story, it works and is close enough in my eyes.

Next, visual effects and such can be different from what you normally get.  A fan is likely to not have the same expensive and high-tech tools that the creators would.  Not to mention that they would likely not have the same experience in animation as the creators would.  So long as the quality and animation is good enough to tell what is going on, I don't mind much really.  The fact that the fans in question of this creation were able to make it as eye pleasing and fluent as the real thing is just mind boggling!  Complete A+ here!

And now the big one.  The Story.

Let me tell you something about being a fan.  It means you can go absolutely crazy with the plot.  You can go into areas where the writers of the show wouldn't even be allowed to go without paying royalties or get sued.  As expected, fans making crossovers can happen on a regular basis.  Yes, this was a crossover, but I really didn't mind it.

It's a crossover with another show that's geared towards girls that I absolutely love...


And yes, the picture was absolutely necessary! :P:

The story is that Twilight makes a potion that enhances ones natural abilities.  Wanting to go faster than she ever could, Rainbow Dash drinks it.  As such, she goes so fast that she breaks through the fabric of space and time and ends up in the world of The Powerpuff Girls.

After saving The Powerpuff Girls from a monster, (and the girls killing it off.) Rainbow Dash gets chased by the girls.  As expected by a fan like me, Rainbow can barely keep the girls off of her.  However, the potion soon wears off, making her unable to fly due to sudden "wing cramps".

At this point, Rainbow Dash braces herself for her fate of becoming an eternal plaything for the girls when Pinkie Pie suddenly breaks through the fabric of space and time and saves her. (Courtesy of Twilight making another dose of the potion and giving it to Pinkie Pie.)

Oh, and did I mention that Rainbow's stunt nearly decimated Ponyville?

Episode ends with Rainbow Dash writing a letter to Celestia about the importance of asking before you take something that isn't yours.

So how's the story?  Pretty much something I would expect from a fan of both shows.  Can't resist the chance of a crossover when you love them too much, right? ;)

Overall, I did enjoy it.  Definitely not something you would get from the show, but that's to be expected with something fan-made.  After all, we fans have the freedom to go crazy if we wish. :D

So yeah, I liked it, but I don't think I'll be watching it again anytime soon.

That's it for me.  Until next time, see ya! :wave