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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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Well, it has finally happened.  I knew this day would come.  The fanfiction, My Little Dashie, which has touched the lives of many fans of pony the world over, is now a mini-movie.

Enjoy! :)


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Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Jan 1 2014 on  09:04 PM
In your opinion, anyway, landbeforetimelover. The series is NOT losing substance and the stories were always predictable. The magic is not gone. You just don't like season 4. The episode felt "evil". Get real, man. I'm starting to get the impression that pony has to conform into a very narrow set of writing principles to please you.
I'm sorry, but the show has changed a lot.  It is no longer focused on the original thing it was about.  The original creator of the show is gone and it really shows.  You can tell the fanbase has really affected the direction of the show, and not in a good way in my opinion.  Season 2 was worse than season 1, but it was still a great show.  Season 3 was a little worse than season 2, but not by a huge margin.  And it had a lot of good episodes and good things about it too so it made up for it.  But so far aside from one or two episodes, season 4 is really different.  If you like it or if anyone likes it, that's fine.  But it's really changed a lot and it's not the same show I fell in love with.  Will I still watch it?  Sure.  But it is vastly different from the original season when Faust was still there.  And my "opinion" is shared by many in the community.  Unfortunately a lot of them don't express this in a very mature way.  Thankfully I'm not like them otherwise you'd have a flaming fireball flame flying right at you right now WR.  You need to cool your jets.  Lots of people in this fandom (speaking of MLP, not LBT) are very hot-headed when it comes to the show, and I've never quite understood why.  It's just a show after all.  It's not like I'm insulting your dead mother by spitting on her grave or anything (and just in case your mother has actually passed on, please forgive me if she has.  I really don't know.  It's just a figure of speech.).

As for the "evil" thing, go back to the first season and watch all the episodes.  You won't find anything REMOTELY dark or evil in ANY of those episodes.  It just doesn't fit and it's not something that belongs in ponies.  It gave me a sick feeling watching that episode.  I plan to rewatch it soon just to make sure, but I'm pretty sure I'll still have the same opinion about it.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Jan 2 2014 on  12:03 AM
Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Jan 1 2014 on  09:04 PM
In your opinion, anyway, landbeforetimelover. The series is NOT losing substance and the stories were always predictable. The magic is not gone. You just don't like season 4. The episode felt "evil". Get real, man. I'm starting to get the impression that pony has to conform into a very narrow set of writing principles to please you.
I'm sorry, but the show has changed a lot.  It is no longer focused on the original thing it was about.  The original creator of the show is gone and it really shows.  You can tell the fanbase has really affected the direction of the show, and not in a good way in my opinion.  Season 2 was worse than season 1, but it was still a great show.  Season 3 was a little worse than season 2, but not by a huge margin.  And it had a lot of good episodes and good things about it too so it made up for it.  But so far aside from one or two episodes, season 4 is really different.  If you like it or if anyone likes it, that's fine.  But it's really changed a lot and it's not the same show I fell in love with.  Will I still watch it?  Sure.  But it is vastly different from the original season when Faust was still there.  And my "opinion" is shared by many in the community.  Unfortunately a lot of them don't express this in a very mature way.  Thankfully I'm not like them otherwise you'd have a flaming fireball flame flying right at you right now WR.  You need to cool your jets.  Lots of people in this fandom (speaking of MLP, not LBT) are very hot-headed when it comes to the show, and I've never quite understood why.  It's just a show after all.  It's not like I'm insulting your dead mother by spitting on her grave or anything (and just in case your mother has actually passed on, please forgive me if she has.  I really don't know.  It's just a figure of speech.).

As for the "evil" thing, go back to the first season and watch all the episodes.  You won't find anything REMOTELY dark or evil in ANY of those episodes.  It just doesn't fit and it's not something that belongs in ponies.  It gave me a sick feeling watching that episode.  I plan to rewatch it soon just to make sure, but I'm pretty sure I'll still have the same opinion about it.
I haven't seen much change, in the direction of season 4. Great episode, kick ass song that I can't get out of my head. I have no problem with you disagreeing. Not everyone is gonna like everything. But, the season is only in like episode 8 right? If I were you I would judge season 4, once season 4 is over. I think they might recover, but like I said we all have our own opinions. These cliff hangers are really good. We have like 4 or five now.( first it was that magic box with those keys thing, the pony of shadows, the Equestria games thing, the disappearing book and finally Fluttershy's tooth in the last one). So, yeah I have always been one to sorta wait till the end of a season to judge a season of a paticular show.


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I'm sorry, but the show has changed a lot.
Um, no.

It is no longer focused on the original thing it was about. The original creator of the show is gone and it really shows.
And the show wasn't even the original creator's original vision for the show, anyway. She wanted a somewhat darker and more action packed series with longer plots to begin with. If anything, this is more in line with what Faust intended. So there.

You can tell the fanbase has really affected the direction of the show, and not in a good way in my opinion. Season 2 was worse than season 1, but it was still a great show. Season 3 was a little worse than season 2, but not by a huge margin. And it had a lot of good episodes and good things about it too so it made up for it.
All your opinion, not fact.

But so far aside from one or two episodes, season 4 is really different.
GASP! D-d-d-different! Oh, say it isn't so! How dare a series gradually expand and change over the course of its run! How dare the creators not allow status quo to be The Almighty Word of God that dictates how the show continues! I mean, keeping a show and it's focus and characters stagnant and exactly same from start to finish was ALWAYS worked out so well for shows that last longer than 1-3 seasons. Right, Smallville? I know I just loved how ridiculously staunch it's show-runners were about maintaining the status quo long, long after it was sane to do so (and then mercifully, they were replaced in the final stretch). I also "love" that Clark Kent was firmly grounded from flight even though HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ON A JOURNEY TO BECOME SUPERMAN.[/sarcasm]

If you like it or if anyone likes it, that's fine. But it's really changed a lot and it's not the same show I fell in love with.
And if it didn't change, it wouldn't survive. It can't just be Twilight sending Princess Celestia friendship lessons into close a hundred episodes.

Will I still watch it? Sure. But it is vastly different from the original season when Faust was still there. And my "opinion" is shared by many in the community.
And my opinion is shared by far more in the community. If we're going to go this route of the argument, I'm afraid you'll find yourself vastly outnumbered. I also love how you put "opinion" is quotations, like you think that it's ridiculous to have your point of view called such. It's almost like you think that it's an absolute fact that the show sucks now and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. I hate to break to you, but I'm not wrong in saying that it's still a great series. And honestly, if you don't like the newer episodes, just stop watching.

Unfortunately a lot of them don't express this in a very mature way. Thankfully I'm not like them otherwise you'd have a flaming fireball flame flying right at you right now WR. You need to cool your jets. Lots of people in this fandom (speaking of MLP, not LBT) are very hot-headed when it comes to the show, and I've never quite understood why. It's just a show after all. It's not like I'm insulting your dead mother by spitting on her grave or anything (and just in case your mother has actually passed on, please forgive me if she has. I really don't know. It's just a figure of speech.).
I don't need to cool my jets. I just think that you're taking the fact that the series WILL and HAS TO change way too poorly. Yes, I get that you fell in love with Season 1, and maybe the show isn't exactly the same anymore, but it's hardly fair to judge the new episodes based just on that and not on their own merits.

As for the "evil" thing, go back to the first season and watch all the episodes. You won't find anything REMOTELY dark or evil in ANY of those episodes. It just doesn't fit and it's not something that belongs in ponies. It gave me a sick feeling watching that episode. I plan to rewatch it soon just to make sure, but I'm pretty sure I'll still have the same opinion about it.
Actually, the darker tone DOES fit and it DOES have a place in ponies, like it or not. Also, you're remembering the first season wrong. Nightmare Moon? She was evil. Granted, she was Luna having lost control of her powers and gone insane, but still evil. Think about the effects of casting an eternal night over Equestria for a good, long minute. It isn't pretty, is it? Yeah, it's actually a pretty dark premise when you think about it. Let's see, without the sun the plants die and there's no heat to keep everything from freezing over. So in all casting nocturnal eternal over Equestria turns it into an uninhabitable wasteland and all the ponies and every other creature that ever lived there either freezes or starves to death. So yeah, Twilight and friends were fighting for THEIR SURVIVAL AS FAR BACK AS EPISODE 1!
Also, the G1 Pony series was much, MUCH darker in many ways. In the original setting of Dream Valley, there was always some dark overlord or eldritch abomination wreaking havoc of apocalyptic proportions.

Here's a little something to keep in mind: bad things exist. Period. Dark, evil things exist. Children's fairy tales, movies, and TV shows exist for the purposes of helping parents prepare their children for the real life and some of the not-so-pleasant things they WILL face when they grow up. The fact that MLP: FIM has brought more villains into the mix is a good thing, if anything. Not everyone is your friend, and as a matter of fact, actively want to screw you over or harm you in some way. Tell me again how introducing a few villains is a bad thing.
Okay, sure, the bats were just hungry and not exactly villains, but they're also hardly the first thing to ever try to wreck the Apple family's farm and I never heard you complain about any of the other times they had problems. And Twilight's magic has ALWAYS had weird side-effects. What happened with Fluttershy is not out of the norm for the series.

Truth be told, I think you're just trying to find things to hate on.
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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Dec 31 2013 on  08:35 PM
The bats episode was one of my least favorite.  Actually, most of season 4 so far has been pretty mediocre.  The Daring Do one was excellent.  The pilot episodes were okay if a bit weird.  I didn't like that they took away the Elements of Harmony.  But the bats episode was just......wrong.  It was dark and just didn't feel like ponies at all.  It felt almost evil.  Seeing the characters portrayed that way just didn't sit well with me.  

Here's the thing.  Some of the stories are becoming....well......pretty bad and predictable.  The show is losing substance...the thing that made me actually like it in the first place.  Sure the stories were simple, but they were complex at the same time.  They had a kind of undertone to them that spoke to older audiences and you could tell there was actually thought put into them.  Now the stories are more fan service and the complexity is gone.  The spirit of the show is gone.  

It's like the writers are thinking "oh yeah, that would be cool.  Let's do that."  and that's all they're thinking.  But before they had to try to make the show for little girls as the target audience and try to teach valuable lessons.  The "lessons" now seem forced and cheesy.  Like they came up with the story then tried to justify it with a lesson rather than focusing on the lesson and building a story around it.  Don't get me wrong.  You need some stories like that (the Daring Do one is a great example).  But it shouldn't be the entire show.
Okay, out of curiosity, what would make a perfect MLP:FiM episode for you?


I haven't had time to watch all the episodes but so far, this is shaping up to be an improvement over S3, which I believe might be due to the fact there are more episodes so things needn't be rushed.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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It's time yet again to post the Live Streams for the new episode!

So, this is the episode that is rumored to talk about plagiarism.  All I know from the synopsis is that some pony is going to be ruining Rarity's chances to win the fashion contest in Manehatten.  We shall see where it goes with this one.

For now, here is the link for the streams.

Again, I'll be posting my review of it on Sunday night!

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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With this being the first Rarity-centered episode since early in season 2, I can see why certain fans would be excited about this week's episode. But what made me like it was the simple fact that it took place in a big city. We've already seen how ponies live in a small town like Ponyville, so to see what city life is like (and I mean a real city, not just Canterlot) is fascinating.

The downside is that it displays the stereotype that city people (or city ponies in this case) are rude and dishonest, as we can see by the designer who stole Rarity's designs. She wasn't just copying, she was willing to lie and use other dirty tricks in order to win.

Anyway, it was nice to see some brand new characters (first time ever in season 4 (aside from the Power Ponies and Mane-iac)), as well as a brief return of some characters previously seen only momentarily all the way back in season 1.

Overall, not bad, in my opinion.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
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My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
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In general I liked it, but it felt like the episode was maybe planned to be in season 3 since no mention is made of Twilight being a princess.  She could have just ordered a taxi driver to take Rarity.  None of the city ponies noticed a alicorn walking around?   She could have easily fixed some of the problems with her princess authority.   Though if one puts the episode into season 3, it fits better.  Same as Daring Don't, now that I think about it.  No other ponies noticing she's an alicorn, especially strangers.  Feels like this one, and maybe Daring Don't, were originally planned to be season 3 episodes but when Hasbro (if that is who it was) who said season 3 will have only 13 episodes, so you can spend the rest of the time working on a movie idea we have.  Maybe these, and some other episodes, that were planned as season 3 were held back for season 4, without any rewriting done to take into account the changes between seasons 3 and 4.


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Well, the creative staff does unfortunately have limited control and time.
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I think when I watch the episode again in the future I'll watch it with season 3 since it seems to fit there best.

Yes, limited time and they have to go with Hasbro's dictates.


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I said earlier that, depending on how the whole plagiarism deal was handled, I would criticize it.  However, I would've only done so if it wasn't handled right.  They did it perfectly, portraying nicely that, if Rarity showed up with the same thing, she, herself, would be seen as the one committing the crime, all because her opponent was someone who is high end.

I did question her using the hotel stuff as replacement for her entries at first, but when I saw just how good it looked on the models, I really didn't care at that point.  Rarity has definitely proven once again that she has talent in making pretty much anything work for clothing.

The song was enjoyable, if not irony inducing for a certain rainbow-maned pony who dared to question a certain aspect of the show.  Oh how I enjoyed it. :)

Also, I hope that Coco quitting was the beginning of karma attacking the cheater.  If so, then karma continues being the 81t(h I love for giving out revenge well deserved. :D

Overall, I enjoyed the episode.  Not great, but still a good solid entry into the fourth season.  Let's hope for more good ones.

So, what's next again?

Oh yes!  The episode that reveals whether or not Pinkie Pie is related to Applejack.  That should be good.

Well, that's all from me!

See ya later! :wave


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I hope for more Manehattan episode.

And here are more Rainbow Power Merchandise.


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Well, this is it!  Time to find out if Pinkie Pie and Applejack are actually related in any way possible.  This should be interesting.

Here is the link to the live streams for tomorrow's episode.

Well, that's all for now!

See ya later! :wave


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Just read some infamous MLP fanfiction

Sweet Apple Massacre
Cheerliee's Garden
Rainbow Factory
Rarity's New Dress

I don't know why I do this to myself....

Reading My Little Dashie and the feels man,THE FEELS.

Might write my own fanfic about the time before Luna was sent to the moon,hmm....

Watching Power Ponies in the background,go Flutterhulk.

The Chronicler

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Another relatively good episode. No twist ending this time, but we still don't know for sure if Pinkie Pie really is related to the Apple family. I see this being pretty much like "Flight to the Finish", where something remains unconfirmed and thus maintains the status quo. In fact, I now realized there's been only one episode so far this season that did not have an open ending: #4, "Daring Don't".

Of course, with Pinkie Pie involved, there were plenty of funny moments. Plus, we got more than a few words out of Big Mac. "Eeyu- Hey!"

Next week's episode will focus on Rainbow Dash. Speaking of whom, I just noticed that this is the first episode since "Putting Your Hoof Down" (S2 E19) where Rainbow Dash didn't appear at all. That's 28 in a row, not quite breaking the record of 30 set by Twilight Sparkle (all of season 1 and the first four of season 2).

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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Overall I did like watching the episode.  More then some episodes this season like last certain parts of last weeks episode rarity takes manehattan and Bats.  I figured they would do something that maintains the status quo as it was before the episode, and no biggie with Pinkie being considered part of the family.  Applejack said that about the other main characters way back in season 2 episode with the Flim & Flam brothers I think, that she felt they were family or something like that.