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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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It's time for the 100th episode, everyone! :)

Summary: As the Mane Six protect their community from a surprise attack, the rest of the residents of Ponyville plan for the wedding of Cranky and Matilda.  However, a printing error on an invitation forces some last minute changes.  Can the background characters rearrange everything in time for the wedding?

This should be good! :)

Here is the link for the Live Streams.

100th Episode Special!!
100th Episode Special!!

See ya later! :wave


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Couldn't do the Spoiler Post alone!  Commercials were too short this time around.  So I'm combining it with the Review Post!

Anyways, so this was the episode where the background became the foreground in terms of characters and it was quite good.  It was amazing what occurred due to a simple error of the date.  Nice job there, Derpy! :)

Just for those whom have yet to see it, she got a good speaking role, but never once was her name mentioned.  So the writers avoided that little thing.

Anyways, she and Dr. Whooves do know one another, but their relationship is unknown at this point. (Though I'm sure the fans will scour the episode for "hints".)

Flameless fireworks were used for the flowers for the wedding.  Dr. Whooves tried his hoof at bowling just to get his suit done in time.  Steven Magnet was best man. (No joke!) Bonbon's real name is Sweetie Drops and she's a secret agent.  Octi and DJ-Pon live in the same house, but are divided, but know how to make some great music together.  There's even an awesome sequence of how they get everyone to the wedding on time.  All the while the Mane Six are fighting a panda bear/bee hybrid. (I wish I was making THAT up!)

We not only have all of Ponyville for the wedding, but also Celestia, Luna, Candence and Shining Armor!  Oh, and a changling was also invited, apparently.

It was a big fandom reference episode that worked out quite well and I'm glad I got to see it live! :)

For next time we have a Spike focused episode where he makes decisions in Twilight's name.  What could possibly go wrong? :D

I'll be posting the YouTube Link soon!

See ya later! :wave


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I'll have to download & watch the episode again later.  I missed some stuff since the stream i was watching had the video pause a few times but the sound continued.  I did enjoy the episode quite a bit.  Funny how Bon Bon is not her real name.   I do hope they do another episode like this once in a while. ;)


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Might not get this again for a while, so here you go!

So far we have the 480p version on YouTube, but I will edit this later when the 1080p one is available, along with the Dailymotion one.

For now...

Episode 100 - YouTube

Episode 100 - Dailymotion

See ya later! :wave

Edit: 720p YouTube Version now up!

Edit 2: Dailymotion Version now up!

Edit 3: 1080p YouTube Version now up!


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Man has season five been awesome so far! Episode 100 definitely did not disappoint. Derpy's new voice is a lot cuter than her season two voice(s). Lyra's voice sounded a lot younger than I thought it would be and with Bonbon's talk of her having a secret identity and working for an undercover organization, I was half expecting her to mention working for FOXHOUND (blame my playing MGS 1 lately). Also, man, who would have thought Gummi was

I do wish that the other background ponies would have gotten some speaking lines and that Vinyl would have actually spoken (I wonder if she might be mute)?. I hoped Button Mash would have had a part and maybe some of the CMC's other classmates. And I'm sorry if this sounds a little childish but some of the lines during the wedding had me (unintentionally) cracking up like when Steven Magnet tells Cranky to "get over there and marry that donkey!" I know it just, it just didn't sound right to me I guess. Like I said, sorry if that sounds childish. One thing I thought was kind of weird was 1. Shining Armor and Cadence being there and 2. Shining Armor crying before Cranky and Matilda's wedding. He doesn't even know them so why would he be crying?

Great episode. One of my favorites of this season. On a closing note, I loved that Spike, for once got to be part of something that the Mane Six couldn't be there for. As great as the Mane Six are, I still think Spike deserves better treatment so it felt pretty good to see him get to be there for an event the MS couldn't be.


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Quote from: Animeboye,Jun 13 2015 on  04:09 PM
One thing I thought was kind of weird was 1. Shining Armor and Cadence being there and 2. Shining Armor crying before Cranky and Matilda's wedding. He doesn't even know them so why would he be crying?
Who's to say whether or not Shining does know them?  After all, Cranky was traveling all over to find Matilda.  Maybe Cranky and Shining got to know each other back when Shining was working for Celestia.

Edit:  Also, Behold!  The voice cast for the episode!  Let's see if some of you guessed right for the background ponies. :)

Episode 100 Voice Cast

Looking at the roles Tabitha St. Germain pulled off, I just have to say she is freaking amazing!  However, I'm most surprised that Ashleigh Ball pulled off Lyra so well!  What talent she has! :)


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I...actually hadn't thought about that. If that's true, that's kinda clever in hindsight. It would make sense too since, if I remember correctly, Cranky did say he's been to Canterlot so he could have visited the castle when Shining was still there.

The Chronicler

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The first thing I have to say about this episode was that it had a ton of funny moments. :lol:  I'm pretty sure that I was either smiling or (quietly) laughing for much of this episode. Right from the moment when Derpy (officially named "Muffins" now, according to the end credits) showed up near the beginning, it was just one humorous moment after another. There was even a minor argument between Celestia and Luna over a forgotten gift, so this special episode certainly lived up to its name.

Of all the characters featured in this episode, my personal favorite would have to be "Doctor" for his love of science and inventing, along with all those numerous references to a certain science fiction show (he wore a bowtie for much of the episode, and at the wedding itself he wore that very long multi-colored scarf and even said "Allonsy").

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Good enough episode. I wish that was a 2 part and had some songs.


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Wow, this episode was... different. I enjoyed it a lot for what I think it was supposed to be by the makers. It looks to me like a deep bow of recognition to the fandom by the makers of the show and that is something really positive, especially given how little many other franchises seem to care for their audience :yes
I have read few, but rather heated views by some bronies who despise the episode. While I understand some of their points, I'm afraid that it was based on a very different kind of expectation they had for this episode.
One can legitimately argue that this episode could be seen as kind of jumbled, lacking a constant central theme and giving many snippets without a really solid plot.
However, this is an episode that should not be seen detached from "the context" and that context in my view is the fanwork of all the years. Somebody who doesn't know MLP or even someone who only ever watched the series but didn't check out all the fanart, fanfiction etc. would probably be understandably confused by this episode. This is in many ways an episodes for the bronies rather than for the original target audience ;)

SPOILER ALERT (just some random thoughts and impressions)

- I very much enjoyed seeing Derpy (I'll stick to that name) in a speaking role and I found her voice in this episode a lot more fitting than the one in the last roundup (I got to admit I had thought Derpy to be a colt because of the voice in the last roundup. :)
- I generally enjoyed the concept of dragging some of the background characters a bit more into the spotlight. I heard some fans complaining about the mane6 being pushed aside in this episode (and admittedly the door of the celebration being pretty much shut into their faces was a little rude) but I think after 99 episodes mostly focused on them (or the CMCs) it is not much of a loss to see an episode dedicated to the other poines. Some fans expressed fear that there may be intentions to produce more episodes focused on background ponies rather than the mane6. I like the mane6 a lot and would not want to see them discarded, but I don't think the prospect of episodes focused on other ponies as well to be that kind of abandoning of the mane6 which some fans seem to fear. I'm open minded about giving a little more spotlights to the many ponies often shown but in many cases never even named in the show.
- I enjoyed hearing more of Lyra and Bonbon, but Bonbon as a secret agent was one of the big WTF moments for me and admittedly one I found a bit over the top (being more specific than many of the things which were aluded to but were still kept vague enough so it wouldn't smash up too many headcanons) :huh:
- How did the love eating changeling get invited? That one will certainly spawn a lot of fanfiction etc. (and in turn I expect it was probably spawned by fanfictions already existing).
- It was kind of hilarious to see that apparently the ponies of Ponyville by now consider the mane6 battling evil monsters on the town square just a slice of daily live while "THE HORROR" is seen in a damaged flower or the like (I kind of wonder though whose home it was that was destroyed by the bearbeething).
- It's interesting to see that all four known princesses of Equestria (with the exception of the one that was busy battling monsters) attended the wedding of two donkeys at least one of whom is known to have shunned society for most of his life. This is a monarch really close to the people ;)

By now I have passed page 250 of my fanfiction "Lessons in quirks".


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To answer your question about the changeling, Malte, I'd assume he might be a good changeling. We've seen that there are good ponies and bad ponies, good dragons and bad dragons, etc so it could stand to reason that there are some good changelings out there.

Also, I have to agree about the whole secret agent Bonbon thing. When Bonbon first mentioned that, I was expecting Lyra to ask if she was being serious only for Bonbon to crack up and reply "Of course not". The fact that she really is some kind of secret agent just seems really odd to me.


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To answer your question about the changeling, Malte, I'd assume he might be a good changeling. We've seen that there are good ponies and bad ponies, good dragons and bad dragons, etc so it could stand to reason that there are some good changelings out there.
Kind of a Chomper equivalent given that they feed on love.
It is somewhat funny that actually it should be in the very own interest of Chrysalis and the changelings to spread and foster as much love as they can in order to have a better harvest :lol
Guess the locust (swarming leaf gobbler?) mentality works against that.


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SWEET MONKEY JESUS! That episode sure was astonishing! It was insanely sweet to take a look at the crazy little adventures of all those pretty background equines. Bon Bon being a freaking Mare in Black (funnily enough, it's Lyra the most normal one in the relationship), The Doctor being, well, the Doctor, complete with his classic catchphrases and neat references, with some Doc Brown thrown in, Derpy gloriously speaking once again (with a voice similar to some fandom interpretations) and being Whooves' companion (with some Ship tease to boot), Octavia and DJ P0n3 being roomies and making awesome music, the Big Lebowski ponies behaving like their counterparts... the list is HUGE. It's safe to assume lots of bronies and pegasisters got happily satisfied with their headcanons. The Bugbear is one fine monster as well (with another hilarious pun behind it too), and the wedding between Cranky and Matilda was lovely, as well as the Mayor's speech. Twilight is indeed right about being lucky to live with her friends in Ponyville.

Also, hooray for random changeling. And Featherweight getting sprayed with ink.


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Princess Spike the 10th S5 episode.

"When Spike is tasked in making sure nothing disturbs Princess Twilight, the power goes to his head and he begins making important decisions in her name, with disastrous results."


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Looks like many enjoyed the episode.  I hope they do this again, but not to often.  Looks like the next one may be a learning experience for Spike.


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Well they might do another episode like this when we reach episode 200. If that does end up being the case, I hope they focus on some of the other background ponies.

Also, while I normally don't post links to Equestria Daily, I found this interesting article pertaining to the 100th episode.


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Just so you all know, Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops pretty much took over the spotlight.  Looks like the fandom loves the idea of her being a secret agent.  Can't say that I blame them, though.  Anyways, here we go for the latest episode.

Summary: Twilight wishes to be left alone for the day and Spike is put in charge of making sure nothing bothers her.  When the power goes to his head, he starts making decisions in her name.

Oh boy!  I can see where this is going.  It's going to be good! :D

Here is the link for the Live Streams.

Episode 101 - Princess Spike Live Stream

I'll give my review later tonight after work.

See ya later! :wave


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Just finished watching Princess Spike.

It was an alright episode. I can see why Spike would let that power go to his head since the poor little guy is so often overlooked. Fancypants being back was pretty cool and even Moustaff(pretty sure I spelled his name wrong) gets a cameo.

One thing that bugs me not necessarily about this episode but the series as a whole is just how easily the citizens of Equestria can be swayed. "Princess Twilight" orders that repairs on a water main be ceased for a couple hours and the pony working on it just goes along with it? Doesn't find it even the slightest bit strange or goes to speak with her about this supposed decision? I'm reminded of near the end of Sweet and Elite when the Mane Six (minus Rarity) are being criticized by the Canterlot elite for not being as high class as them. Then Fancypants says he finds them delightful and all of a sudden the rest of them do too. Anyway, they should have known that something wasn't right with these decisions. Only Cadence had enough common sense to know something was amiss.  

Not a bad episode but not really that interesting in my opinion.


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I agree.  I'd classify it as an ok episode, not bad but not good.  Though the one thing I did dislike was it was another Spike episode that seemed to show he can let things go to his head.  Of the Spike focused episodes so far I think I like Dragon Quest best.


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As good as this show is, it does tend to repeat character flaws. Spike letting things go to his head, as you've mentioned Kor, Fluttershy overcoming her anxieties, Rainbow Dash learning not to be so boastful, Twilight learning not to stress about things too much, etc. Although, now that I think about it, in some cases, it may be intentional. After all, even when we learn something, that doesn't guarantee it will always stick with us. So in some instances, maybe the writers intend to have the characters learn something they already have.

I think my favorite Spike episode would have to be Equestria Games. I could completely relate to Spike in this episode. I know firsthand how it feels to feel as if you're a total mess up who can't do anything right. I can't even count the number of times I've felt that way. Seeing Spike learn that no one was mad at him except for himself made me realize that it was pretty much the same for me. More often than not, even if I messed up on something, chances were that the only person upset with me was me.

Sorry, I was rambling a bit.