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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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Here is the link for the YouTube and Dailymotion versions of today's episode.

YouTube - 720p Version

Dailymotion Version

Enjoy and I'll see ya later! :wave


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Man, good thing Spike wasn't with Rarity or Rainbow Dash. I don't think he'd be able to take seeing Rarity seduce so many men  :lol

This was a really fun episode. I loved the noire angle and Rarity makes for a much better detective than Pinkie (no offense to ol' Pink). It was pretty obvious from the beginning who the culprit was but it was still an enjoyable mystery.

The Chronicler

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I really liked how this episode started right in Canterlot Carousel with Rarity and Sassy Saddles, a form of mid-season immediate continuity that I don't think has been seen since Zecora was introduced back in Season 1. Also, as far as I'm aware, the two main characters featured in this episode (Rarity and Rainbow Dash) is one of the least seen interactions among all six of the main characters, so it's actually nice to finally see those two working together on something. For the investigation itself, I will say that I did catch some of the clues (such as the loose curtain) but not quite enough for me to figure it out as quickly as Rarity did. And as for Wind Rider being stripped of his Wonderbolt status after he was exposed as the culprit, that just goes to show that even in retirement, a famous athlete can still lose a lot of his credibility when he is discovered doing something terrible.
(end spoilers)

I definitely can't wait to see Friendship Games next weekend. But since I don't get that channel at my house and I'd rather not take chances with a live stream, I'll just wait until the day after to see if it's up on YouTube or some other video site. At least the fact that it's premiering on TV instead of in the movie theater means that I won't have to wait nearly as long to see it as I did with the previous Equestria Girls movies.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Good episode.  Fairly early on I guessed what was going on.   It is an episode I would enjoy watching in the future, diffidently. It also had some nice humorous moments.


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The Halloween Special, Scare Master, has been released early on iTunes.  No doubt it'll be on YouTube by some brony member soon.  Catch the info below.

When the YouTube release happens, I'll let you all know. :)


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Well, that was quick to find.  Here we go with the Online Version.

Halloween Special - Scare Master

Give reviews if you wish.

Enjoy! *laughs evilly*

EDIT: Fixed link.  Hasbro has blocked all YouTube videos of Scare Master.  However, they have yet to get these. :D


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Well I just watched Scare Master and I thought it was pretty good. Just in case some people here want to wait until it's officially out to see it, I won't spoil anything. I'll give my more detailed thoughts on the episode when it's officially released.


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So first off, Summary.

Summary: Fluttershy has to face her fears when she forgets to stock up for Nightmare Night.

Now, for the spoiler version.  Highlight to read. :)

There's both good and bad points to mention with this one.

So, Fluttershy is the type that would stock up for this holiday and just stay at home.  However, she forgets food for Angel and is forced to go out and get some.  Anyways, so she goes out and it becomes obvious just how much it scares her.  She even takes refuge under a cart full of hay that Big Mac and Granny Smith are at.  Let's just say that Granny Smith unwillingly scares the wits out of Fluttershy.

She then heads to the castle in the hopes of getting some food from Twilight.  However, Spike scares Fluttershy just from his shadow.  BTW, he's wearing a dinosaur costume and is failing at putting it on right. (It's an Apatosaurus if you must know.  Is my mind saying LBT inspiration here?  Maybe I'm stretching here.) As a result, he looks like a two-headed creature of sorts.  Anyways, the important thing here is that he convinces Fluttershy to join them for their Nightmare Night festivities.

Anyways, what the rest of them are doing is telling scary stories when Fluttershy accidentally scares them.  She then tells them that she's going to join them and even references Filli Vanilli where she had to face her fear of singing in front of an audience.  Of course her friends are quite happy about this.

We then go to Rarity's boutique where Rarity is helping Fluttershy pick out a costume.  BTW, Rarity is dressed up as a merpony.  Probably the closest we'll get to seeing one. (Seriously Hasbro, give us an episode with a real one!) *ahem* Anyways, to make Fluttershy comfortable, they all go with something that isn't scary.  Along with Spike as a dinosaur and Rarity as a merpony, we have Applejack as a lion, Twilight as a member of Celestia's Royal Guard, Rainbow as an astronaut and I don't know what the heck Pinkie is supposed to be.  Fluttershy decides to go as a marionette without the mask. (Though I think she would look good with the mask.)

They then head to Pinkie's to play some non-scary Nightmare Night games.  Like Pin-the-horn-on-Nightmare-Moon.  Or Bobbing for Apples.  Or a Favorite Candy Party.  However, Fluttershy gives sort of not that great of reasons to participate in any of them.  The rest of them want to get to the scary stuff, but Fluttershy isn't willing to participate.  Twilight then gives her the idea to be the one scaring others so she can face her fears.  Not a bad idea really.  She then tells them to meet her at her cottage.

Let's just say that it doesn't go well.  In fact, her attempt at scaring her friends is downright embarrassing and I had a hard time watching it.  It was meant to be a spooky tea party, but her attempts at scaring are just horrible.  Now, when you do something this bad, it's a good idea to redeem the character.  Which they do.

After her friends leave in disappointment, Angel convinces her to try again.  She asks if Angel has any scary ideas... and he does.

We then cut to the corn maze that the Apple Family planned.  The six (this is without Fluttershy and Spike included) then get scared with smiles on their faces for a bit.  We have someone scary at the entrance, Big Mac as a mummy, a place for them to walk on bones and eyeballs in a cave.  However, then something zooms behind them and scares them.  They then get chased by ghosts around the maze.  The six then run to a tree where they fall down a hole that gets sealed up.  Nice.

They try to keep a cool head, but Applejack admits that she knows nothing about what's going on.  They then see Granny Smith in the distance, but when they get close, they find it to be a skeleton pony whose head comes off and scares them.  They then meet a fish monster and run from that.  As they are being chased, they get caught in a web.  One that is practically like glue.  After a bit of tension of the fish monster getting closer, Twilight teleports them out of the web and the fish monster gets trapped in it.  They take this chance to escape.

They make it out of the cave, but find that it leads to a ledge that oversees the corn maze.  That is when Flutterbat returns!  She then starts swooping down and scaring them quite a bit.  However, she then notices just how terrified they are and reveals that it was just a costume she was wearing.  You know, it looked quite convincing in the dark.  I really thought she had reverted back to Flutterbat there.

She then reveals that the one who spooked them in the maze was Angel, the ghosts were just birds with sheets over them, the web was made by a spider and her bear friend was wearing the fish monster costume.  Her friends are quite amazed by it and tell her it was the best scare they ever had and feel she should do this every Nightmare Night.  However, Fluttershy realizes that scaring others is something she doesn't like to do and actually enjoys Nightmare Night with her animal friends in her home safe and sound.

She does admit she does have fun times with her pony friends, but admits that this is one thing they won't do together.  We end with Fluttershy in her hiding place under her bed, surrounded by her animal friends.

All-in-all, a great episode.  One I'm glad I got to see early.  In fact, I say the writers couldn't have done much better with this one.  When it comes out Halloween, it'll definitely be worth it.

That's all from me and I'll see ya later! :wave


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I did hear about a leaked episode.  Think I'll wait till it airs.


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I just wanted to share a link with y'all where you can get all the episodes in FULL iTunes quality:

First choose either 720p or 1080p, then go under the "downloads" or "torrents" heading to get the files.  They're all the same quality so you won't have a huge collection of higher and lower quality episodes.  Through the "downloads" links, you'll download the files from MegaUpload, which is the fastest way to get the files.


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So, I now have an official time for the new movie that airs tomorrow, Equestria Girls: Friendship Games.  It airs at the following time.

7pm CT / 8pm ET / 5pm PT

You bet there's going to be Live Streams of it along with uploads to various sites.  Now, I will not be able to see it when it premieres due to work.  I'll likely have to watch it Sunday and give my thoughts then.

So, without further ado, here's the link for the marathons leading up to the airing of tomorrow's episode and the new movie.

Along with the episode, looks like the only thing I'll (possibly) want to catch is Pokemon.

Well, see ya all later! :wave


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Today's a big day for pony!  Too bad I won't get to see the movie when it airs.  I'll at least see today's episode.  So, here's the summary for today's episode.

Summary: Rarity and Applejack are called to Manehatten by the map and find they need to help Coco Pommel with a problem of her own.

Yep, the third Rarity episode in a row.  You can catch the Live Streams here when it airs.

I'll give my review after it airs today.

See ya later! :wave


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Really, not a bad episode.  They knew what to do and how to do it right.  Plenty of surprises and references in this one.

That's the short version.  Time for the SPOILER VERSION below.  Highlight to read.

If anything, I feel sorry for Twilight.  She is bored of reading.  No joke on that.  However, she wants to do something.  She doesn't feel like reading.  That's the thing to understand.  Anyways, Applejack and Rarity get summoned to Manehatten by the map, leaving behind a bored Twilight.  You know, I hope she just decides to go out and do something.  Anything to get rid of boredom.

Applejack shows she is not used to the big city.  She even has trouble crossing the street.  Rarity tries to quickly find the problem and solve it, even doing a Peanuts reference.  However, the problem finds them, in the form of a flyer pointing to Coco Pommel wanting to do a revival of sorts.

Turns out, what Coco wants to do is put on an old play from her childhood that was quite dear to her.  She hasn't been able to get any volunteers to help set up the play.  Rarity and Applejack try to help, but become VERY unsuccessful.

Coco, however, was able to get a few ponies to play the parts, but the outdoor location chosen is a mess, and THAT is putting it lightly.  For starters, there's weeds EVERYWHERE!  Old trees that need to be removed, vines that cover the statues and let's just say the stage has seen better days.  Yeah, it's a disaster.

Applejack decides to get to work while Rarity helps Coco fix up the costumes.  It doesn't go well for Applejack.  She even accidentally destroys her signature hat.  Well, we all believe that meant something to her.

She's busy fixing up the stage when Rarity and Coco return.  Obviously, she's done all she can, but is a LONG way from being done.  At least the costumes are ready.  Just in time too, as the ponies who will be in the play arrive.  Telling you now, terrible accents.  However, the stage isn't ready yet, which is indicated by a pony getting onto the stage and Applejack having to save her as it gives way.

Obviously, the stage won't be ready in time and the whole thing will have to be canceled.  Coco is understandably upset about this.  Rarity and Applejack start discussing why the country pony was called here in the first place.  There's no way she could fix up the park in time for the play and they start thinking of anyway they can put on the show.  Applejack gets an idea.

The idea?  Keep it simple.

They set up a small wooden stage with a red curtain in front of the park and put on the play.  As they do the play, ponies of many different lives stop by and stay to watch it.  By the end, they have a whole crowd for it.  Oh, hi there, Dinky!  Is Derpy visiting too?  Please search the crowd for her.  There's even a senior pony who makes her way to the front.

The play ends and the cast take a bow.  They congratulate Coco, whom is then carried onto the stage and gives a small speech, thanking Rarity and Applejack for their help.

Ponies congratulate them and promise to do what they can to fix up the park.  Rarity and Applejack's cutie marks glow, indicating a job well done.

All in all, a good episode that was done right.

Next up, we have Big Mac taking Applejack's place for the Sisterhooves Social Games.  That should be good.

Have to head to work now.  See ya tomorrow when I give my review for the new movie.

See ya later! :wave


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Just something quick before I leave.  Here's the online links for the newest episode.

YouTube -720p Version

Dailymotion Version

Okay, NOW I have to go!  See ya! :wave

The Chronicler

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First of all, I will not be watching the episode that was leaked earlier this week. I prefer to wait until the day it is meant to be made available. (I guess you could call it an influence from's no-leak policy.) Thank goodness we now use black text for spoilers, because that is one spoiler I do not want at this time.

Now that that's out of the way, on to today's new episode.
This episode had quite an interesting message in that even the smallest of efforts can make a significant difference in a neighborhood. It was nice to see the return of one of the minor characters introduced in the previous season, Coco Pommel (though it seems her last name is pronounced differently than I had remembered). I'd like to point out that when Applejack accidentally damaged her hat, it actually stayed damaged for the rest of the episode, until Rarity was generous enough to purchase a replacement, so that's another cartoon cliche neatly avoided. Also, I found that Charlie Brown reference very amusing, not just Rarity saying "good grief," but also that pony walking by who wore a Charlie Brown shirt (albeit green instead of yellow).
(end spoilers)

Since my house doesn't get the channel it'll be on, I won't be able to watch Friendship Games tonight. In addition, I'd rather not take any chances with streams, and since it will likely take a few hours to be uploaded on YouTube or some other video site, I won't have a chance to watch it until tomorrow. I suppose I can accept that, considering that I didn't get a chance to watch the previous Equestria Girls movies until at least a few months after they first premiered in the movie theater.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I'm pretty sure Coco's name is still pronounced the same way. It didn't seem any different to me.

The Cutie Map returns! I love the episodes that have to do with the Cutie Map. It's a great plot device that I hope will get more use throughout the series. I like that we get to see Coco again but while Rarity and Applejack were in Manehattan, all I could think about was when are they going to visit Babs? Not necessarily in this episode but whenever they visit Manehattan? They've been there twice and not once has Babs been seen.

I found the message in this episode and the theme of a neighborhood coming together to help out really touching. I certainly wasn't expecting that to be the big message. I also liked that AJ's hat doesn't get magically fixed by the next scene. That actually surprised me a bit as I'm so used to a cartoon character's damaged clothing magically fix itself up within a scene or two. Nice attention to detail on the animators' part. Also, did anyone else notice that when the ponies are all watching the play, they're sitting in the road? Isn't that kind of...well dangerous, not to mention obstructing traffic? I know it's a cartoon but still  :lol

Another fun episode.

EDIT: YAY! I've finally figured out how to make my text black! Thanks to Pokeplayer for showing me!