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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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I always watch the episodes on YayPonies.  They offer the episodes in FULL iTunes quality for download:

MUCH better than streaming the episodes on Youtube or Dailymotion.


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S06E09: Saddle Row & Rec
Original Airdate: 5/21/2016

When Rarity opens her flagship store in Manehattan, a tell-all article threatens to expose how badly her friends almost ruined the Grand Opening


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Hello, internet!  It's another day of pony!  After this, we skip a week, so the next episode won't be for two weeks!  However, today we get to have Spike be the main focus.  Get the summary below!

Summary: Spike is forced to compete in a competition called "The Gauntlet" to save his friends.

Let's hope they do this right.  Most recent Spike episodes have not been kind to the dragon.  Get the links for the Live Stream below.

Season 6 Episode 5 - The Gauntlet of Fire Live Stream

Enjoy and I'll see you for my review after the episode!

See ya later! :wave


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Well with the last horrible spike episode let's hope this one is better than princess spike witch was bad and not the best episode.


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We actually got a good Spike Episode here, everyone!  This one was definitely worth watching.  Time for the spoiler version below!

While Gem-hunting with Rarity, Spike starts glowing and itching.  He is taken back to Twilight's Castle where Celestia and Luna are having tea with Twilight.  Though little is known about Dragon Culture, the Princess Sisters do know what is happening to Spike.  The Dragon Lord is calling him.  He is to answer the call.

Spike goes there with Rarity and Twilight in disguise as a rock. (Probably for the best.  It is shown throughout the episode that ponies don't have good relations with dragons -- for some reason.) Oh, and what do you know.  Our old Dragon Bully, Garble, is there too.  I had forgotten he even existed.  Anyways, the current Dragon Lord is retiring, so it is time for all dragons to compete for the title.  They must retrieve the dragon's scepter from a volcano.

One character we get to know about is the current Dragon Lord's Daughter, Ember. (I think I get the joke here.) The Dragon Lord doesn't want her to compete.  He doesn't believe her to be strong enough to win the title.  However, I think it's also because he doesn't want her to get hurt.  You know, the usual "Father Problems" all daughters have.

Anyways, Spike tries to leave, but the current Dragon Lord stops him. (Screw it!  I'm just calling him "Lord" from now on.) Spike tells Lord that he wishes not to compete.  Ember backs him up by pointing out how puny he is, much to Spike's displeasure.  Lord complies and let's Spike leave.  However, on the way out, Spike overhears the plans the other dragons have for when they become Dragon Lord.  All of which involve harm to ponies.  Wanting to protect all of ponykind, Spike decides to compete to become Dragon Lord.  Twilight and Rarity will be cheering him on along the way.  In disguises, of course.

All of the dragons meet at the cliff nearest to the volcano that's across the sea the now houses the scepter.  They take off and Spike is pushed into the water by Garble. (He's a bully throughout the episode.  Get used to it.) Along the way, many sea like serpents fire water upon dragons, making them fall into the sea.  One dragon gets hit and falls, their armor making it difficult to swim.  Spike saves this one from drowning.

At the island, the armored-dragon wakes up and reveals themselves to be Ember.  She is competing to prove her father wrong.  She also discovers Twilight and Rarity, who were hiding as washed-up seaweed, but chooses to pay them little heed.  This is especially important when Garble shows up.  Twilight puts their disguise back on Garble starts to smell ponies.  Ember, in disguise herself, says it's her because she raided some ponies on the way.

While they are conversing, they see that a creature of some sort is throwing giant boulders at the dragons.  Garble goes on ahead and Ember and Spike choose to team-up to get past the rock-throwing creatures.  This team up is actually effective.  Ember flies them both to the volcano while Spike looks out for the rocks being thrown at them.  It works and they make it to the entrance of the volcano.  Seeing there's something breathing fire that's powerful enough to incapacitate dragons in there, they decide to continue teaming up to get past that.

After they get through that, they find some active rocks acting like teeth to trap dragons.  Lovely!  One who gets caught is Garble.  Spike and Ember make it past the teeth like trap and Garble struggles out and is on their tail.  Can't have a competition without competition.

One of the final obstacles is a bunch of crystallized spikes that retract out of the wall to try to impale them.  During this obstacle, Spike saves Ember from being impaled.  Garble was smart here by having his competition activate the trap so he could walk through it easily.

After that, it's on to the maze of caves.  One of which houses the scepter.  At the mouth of the maze, Ember tells Spike she is breaking up the team up.  She said she only did this to get this far.  The volcano shakes, causing Rarity, in disguise as a big rock, to nearly fall over.  Spike saves her.  Seeing this, Ember questions it, Spike saying that it's what friends do.  However, knowing what Spike was going on with, Ember says that she's not Spike's friend and takes off.

In the maze, they get a bit lost until they find a cave that's somewhat different.  This particular one houses the scepter.  However, Garble arrives and decides to rid of Spike by dropping him into the lava below.  However, Ember comes to save the day.  She beats up Garble and admits to being Spike's friend.

Garble won't stay down though.  Ember attacks him to give Spike the chance to get the scepter.  However, as he is upon the scepter, he notices Ember struggling to hold off Garble.  Spike takes this chance to save her.  Together, they are able to knock away Garble, but Spike ends up hanging on to a cliff.  After knocking Garble away, Ember saves Spike.  Garble still won't stay down.  Ember keeps him busy and Spike retrieves the scepter, earning the title of Dragon Lord.

Garble sees this and is upset.  Spike's first command is to have Garble go home and have him hug every dragon along the way.  He is also to tell no one why.  Garble does so begrudgingly, with some funny results.  However, Spike then gives Ember the scepter as he wants her to be the Dragon Lord.  Spike points out that the rule is to return it to Ember's dad to fully earn the title and that he didn't want to be Dragon Lord in the first place.  Spike also feels that Ember would make a better Dragon Lord.

They all return with Ember leading them all back.  Seeing this, Ember's father is furious.  Saying once again that he didn't want her to compete.  However, Ember says that she is strong and proved she could do it.  He reluctantly accepts her as the new Dragon Lord.  Oh, and at this point, Garble hugs Ember's father.  It's a pretty funny scene.

Twilight, Rarity and Spike return home.  Spike has a new friend in Ember, who in turn is now pen pals with Twilight.  Rarity also got some inspiration for new fashion based on camouflage.

All in all, a good episode and I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Next episode is in two weeks.  See ya for the Episode Post.


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I was hoping for Spike to get a song and wings. But at least the first female G4 dragon.


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I'll be my own judge when I get home from work. And I'll make my review when I'm done watching it.

The Chronicler

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With most episodes focusing on Spike having a reputation for being rather poor, it sure is nice to see one really break that trend.

We got to learn more about dragon culture in Equestria, and saw some new characters (along with the return of one certain dragon from Season 2). I guess female dragons are like male ponies in that there aren't a lot compared to the opposite gender, but it was nice to see a few, especially Ember.

Speaking of Ember, I find it pretty neat that now that she's the Dragon Lord (or rather Lady to be accurate), she apparently established regular contact with Twilight, so I'll be interested to see how this relationship between ponies and dragons might play out in future episodes.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing what kind of fanfiction will be inspired by this episode.

(end spoilers)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I saw the new spike episode and it was eh again spike episodes are horrible. But this one was subpar. The two new dragon characters where eh. The new female dragon Ember is pretty much the dragon version of Rainbowdash. But I did like the fact that team work was the main focus. Since you do need teamwork to help you get stuff done. I did like the fact ember didn't tattletale on spike for bringing annoying girl and Twilight Sparkle along. So I will give it this it was a tad better than Princess Spike. But not by a lot. So a bit more effort was put into this spike episode than the last one.


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I already knew that saw it on face book. But the people who drew the drawings are very amazing and very well done.


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Remember, no new episode today!  However, we do have a trailer for the episode.  It's only 25 seconds, but it tells a lot.

Spoiler Video

I'm not looking forward to the next episode.  Seeing how it has someone I hate with a passion.


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So season three, Trixie seems to be reformed and seems to genuinely regret the way she treated the Mane Six and the rest of Ponyville. Three seasons later and she's (seemingly) back to being a villain. Did they just get a Brony to write this because this upcoming episode looks like a bad fanfic that somehow got made into an actual episode.


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Ah another godawful Trixie episode next week. I'm not looking forward to it but I'll try and sit through it.


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Well, after a one week break, it is time for a new pony episode.  It features one character I seriously hate.  Let's see if it can at least entertain me.

Summary:  Starlight Glimmer makes a new friend.  When Twilight finds out whom, she gets a little worried.

Well, here's the link for the Live Streams.  Be warned.  If you don't like spoilers, do not read the comments.

Season 6 Episode 6 - No Second Prances Live Stream

I'll see ya all after the episode to give my review.

See ya later! :wave


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Hmm... tough for me to convey this one.  Both good and bad points for it.  I really can't give a solid judgement on this one.

Spoiler version below.

Before anyone screams HYPOCRITE at Twilight, let me point something important out.  Let's remember that Trixie tried to take over Ponyville.  That's not something that's easily forgettable, nor forgivable.  Heck, I was expecting Twilight to not actually completely forgive Trixie for it.  You say you mean it, but you don't.  You want to mean it, but you can't.  It's one of those things, where no matter how hard you try, you can't forgive it.  Trust me, it's not easy to forgive of someone's big sin, especially if you were the victim who had to suffer while the sinner was preforming said sin.  That's both Trixie's and Starlight's sins to Twilight.  She was the victim!  Don't expect her to forgive, even when she says she does.

I like how this episode did not really revolve around Twilight stalking Starlight (Which did happen but for only a about a minute.) and actually remained focused mostly on Trixie and Starlight bonding.  Giving the spotlight to two ex-villains and seeing how well they can relate.  To be honest, it shows a lot.

No one in Ponyville has forgiven Trixie, and it's quite understandable.  I mean, I would be surprised if anyone did.  Talking behind your back while you roam free while they feel you should be locked up?  Yeah, I can expect that.  You committed a sin no one forgives you for and who can blame them?  Even if you were one who did your time, you can expect those who are hurt the most to feel you aren't forgiven and should still be behind bars, even if they say they forgive you.  They say it as a reflex.  Not as something that has meaning.

Another thing I saw coming was Trixie still holding her grudge on Twilight.  She even used it to make friends with Starlight and make her choose between helping Trixie with an act and being at the planned dinner.  All to prove that she's better than Twilight at something.

When this is all revealed and everyone's sins are laid bare, it shows something important.  Twilight wasn't giving Starlight a real chance to make friends and she had to come to terms with that or risk someone getting killed. (The trick Trixie performed involved her escaping the stomach of a manticore.  Starlight was to teleport her out of said stomach.) She apologizes in time for Trixie to be saved.

This is an episode I'll be defending despite it's flaws.  I'll be busy with that this week.

Next up, the episode post.

See ya later! :wave


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I may not like Dailymotion due to it's problems, but here we go.  I'll put that up along with YouTube.

So, enjoy!

Season 6 Episode 6 - No Second Prances - Dailymotion Version

Season 6 Episode 6 - No Second Prances - YouTube Version

Got to get going now.

See ya later! :wave


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Haven't seen the episode yet but I'll give my two cents after I watch it.