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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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Okay, took me some time to come up with what I wanted to say, but here's my thoughts on the episode.  Spoilers below!

So, we get a bunch of interesting lore here.  Not only do we get three stories that are in different points of history, but we also get a new insect.  One that has only sparked the horror section of my brain.  I'll get to that last part later.  For now, let's get to the stories.

First was the Norse era with Applejack's story.  An earth pony stallion wants to join a bunch of warriors, but they don't take him seriously due to how scrawny he is.  Then one day, the volcano erupts and threatens to destroy the village.  The stallion would have obviously been killed if not for whatever magical thing he hit gave him the strength and speed needed to pull off digging a trench to divert the lava flow.  After that, he is initiated into the group and becomes a warrior himself.

With the first story, I mainly ask what he hit to suddenly become so strong.  We never get an answer and it all seems to be up to speculation.

Next was Ancient Chinese with Rarity's story.  Unlike the simplistic story that Applejack gave, this one was a little more complex.  A unicorn that was considered beautiful to the many in her village goes off to college and when she returns, she finds that the place had been stolen of the beauty by her friend, whom she believed wouldn't do that.  She confronts her friend and finds out that her friend tried a spell to make herself more beautiful that horribly backfired.  After a magic duel where the beautiful mare wins, she gives up her beauty to make the town beautiful again.  After which, she went all over Equestria, making things beautiful again.

The second one was heart-warming.  I enjoyed it quite a bit and liked the characters a lot.  The story was also good.

Finally was Roman with Rainbow's story.  It was very simple.  A team of pegasi are traveling when they run into dragons and some of their teammates are captured.  One pegasus decides to outsmart the dragons so the rest can rescue their teammates.  With the help of a fire-proof shield, the plan works and they lead the dragons into a storm cloud to defeat them.

This one was pretty fun.  It was short and enjoyable.

Then they find the way out to their original destination.

Now, the last thing I'll talk about is the new creature, flyders.  So, it's an obvious hybrid of fly and spider.  They travel in swarms and love to just devour any food they find.  However, one line from Applejack mentions that they like to eat ponies as well.  It was only Rainbow Dash's quick thinking of causing a cave in that saved them. (I'm sure she even squished a few in the process.)

I won't be surprised if I see a story where these bugs eat a pony.  We'll see though.

Good episode!  Well worth watching.

Next time, more changeling lore.

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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A few more Equestria Girls shorts came out recently, so I'd better catch up with the links here.
And one more of the earlier shorts is now available on Hasbro's YouTube channel:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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New episode tomorrow, and we've got changelings!  Get the summary below.

Title: To Change A Changeling

Summary: Thorax asks for help in convincing one of his brothers to start sharing love and accepting friendship.  Are Trixie and Starlight up to the task?

See ya tomorrow for when I do the Live Stream Post and the Online Post.

See ya later! :wave


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Good morning, Internet!  Today, we have Starlight and Trixie teaming up yet again to bring us a new episode.  Hopefully, it is good.  Link to the Live Streams below!

Season 7 Episode 17 - To Change A Changeling Live Streams

As always, expect the online version later today and my review tomorrow.

Until then, see ya later! :wave


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I tried waiting for a Daily Motion Version of the episode, but apparently, it has yet to appear for whatever reason.  YouTube is all we get this time.

Season 7 Episode 17 - To Change A Changeling YouTube Version

I'll see ya all tomorrow for my review.

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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We start off with Starlight and Trixie going to the Changeling realm to give a surprise visit to their friend Thorax. We see that the land has already greatly improved with plant life beginning to flourish all over the place. However, the duo are captured and brought to Thorax by the one changeling who has still yet to change, his older brother Pharynx (in charge of security, formerly very trusted by Chrysalis, but now finding himself isolated and without purpose among the new changelings).

After that uneasy introduction, Thorax shows Starlight and Trixie around the newly redecorated hive, and we can see there's now a lot more open spaces with further plant life, and there's a wide diversity of activities for changelings to do whatever they want. However, speaking with the other changelings reveals that Pharynx and his stubbornness for the old ways is despised by virtually everyone, and even Thorax admits that the only reason he hasn't kicked him out is simply because he's his brother.

After some failed attempts to convince Pharynx to accept the new ways, Starlight practically gives up and decides to tell Thorax that he should just do what the other changelings want and get rid of him, but at the last minute just can't bring herself tell him that. She then comes up with the idea of solving two problems at once by luring some giant mole rat that's been causing problems lately into the hive so Pharynx can use his combat skills to deal with it, but it horribly backfires when Pharynx goes missing.

After failing to convince the other changelings to help (because unlike under Chrysalis, they are now given a choice) Thorax, Starlight, and Trixie go out to deal with the threat alone, only to see Pharynx already fighting that giant mole rat. Very little progress is made in the battle, not even when the other changelings decide to show up after all, and it's only when Pharynx and Thorax trick the giant mole rat into literally hitting itself that it finally flees.

Pharynx admits he was leaving because he had overheard Starlight's earlier doubts about him, but his dedication to the hive is so great that he was willing to fight that giant mole rat to protect the hive, even though he knew very well he couldn't do it by himself. Once he realizes just how dedicated he truly is to protecting the hive and the other changelings admit they would still need protection every now and then, Pharynx finally transforms into his new form (an appearance which is somewhere between Thorax and the other changelings).

I liked some of the call-backs mentioned, such as how just two episodes ago, Ember's advice allowed Thorax to deal with those renegade changelings, leaving Pharynx as the only one still clinging onto the old ways. And of course, Trixie is still arrogant and selfish enough that Starlight has to call it out at times.

(end spoilers)

No new Equestria Girls shorts this week, but once again one of them is now available on Hasbro's YouTube channel:
Plus, we got an unexpected short of the main series with apparently a different animation style:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Sorry for the delay again!  Been a little crazy taking care of some big dogs. (One just LOVES to play.) On to my review.  Spoilers below.

To be honest, this was an episode that I'm more interested in the new culture than the actual plot involving Thorax's brother.  Don't get me wrong, Pharynx is a good character.  However, there's more interesting things in this episode that I'm attracted to, and that's a shame.

Again, don't get me wrong, this is a good episode. (Starlight not withstanding, we'll get to her in a moment.) The plot was good, but there's more interesting things going on that I'm more interested in.

The established culture of the new changelings has been an intriguing thing to see.  We have new plant life growing, (Which I'm sure attracted the Maulwurf in the first place.) the changelings taking up arts and crafts, theater and dancing.  Plus the food of the new changelings. (Which I'm sure is omnivorous.)

However, let's talk about the Feelings Forum, because that was quite the highlight for me.  Almost immediately being introduced to it, we have a changeling with an identity crisis.  It speaks volumes due to what changelings are.  They can change themselves at will.  So one having this problem says a lot and I won't be surprised if a fanfic about it appears.

Though, let's get to the elephant in the room, Pharynx.  He's actually a nice guy, he just prefers the old ways and was in charge of the patrol.  During this time of peace, he's having a difficult time adjusting.  He actually cares about Thorax. (Evidenced by Pharynx protecting Thorax from bullies in a flashback.) Yet, everyone hates him and wants him to leave. (Which he does end up doing.)

Now, let's get to Starlight Glimmer.  They show that, despite having a similar sounding name, she is no Twilight Sparkle in this episode.  I mean, the very fact she tries to lead the Maulwurf back to the hive to get Pharynx to stay is bad enough.  However, we also have her giving up on Pharynx and her speech to try and convince the other changelings to help being an epic fail.  People say she's a clone of Twilight.  I wonder what show they're watching?

Finally, let's get to the Maulwurf.  That thing looks amazing!  This is meant to be a potential threat to changelings and it does the job well.  The fight showed that not even the most experienced changeling could beat it.  On top of that, the new changelings proved to be out of practice.  The only way they could beat it was making it hit itself.

After the battle is over, Pharynx reveals that he does still care about his hive and the changelings admit that he still has a place with them.  As a result, he changes his form, which, according to the followup, is actually being accepted by the fandom.  We'll see if that remains true.  I for one do like Pharynx's design a lot.  It is better than Thorax's.  That's for sure.

Overall, it is a good episode.  I'm sure it'll bring quite a few fanfics in the future.

Next time, Daring Do!

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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Just thought that I'd like to point out to you, Pokeplayer, how your recent decision to block all comments on Equestria Daily seems a little silly to me. Honestly, you shouldn't let one troll ruin all the fun, so that's why I always just completely ignore him. Instead, I usually just skip ahead to the good parts, such as the comments that were posted as the episode was showing to see people's live reactions (believe me, some of them can be quite funny).

I always post my reviews here before I ever get a chance the read any of those comments (so you guys can see my original and authentic thoughts on these episodes), and once I do read them, I do in fact gain a better understanding for the episodes. With the most recent one as an example, it had never occurred to me that Thorax and his brother Pharynx could be compared to Celestia and Luna, respectively. Those comments even give me an insight into what minor details could potentially become surprisingly popular, such as that changeling who complained about his soup at the feelings forum.

In addition, it turns out there actually was a link posted to a Dailymotion version. You just had to dig really deep through the comments to find it. I'll be nice to save you the trouble of finding it by just posting the link here myself:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Liked both this episode and the episode due to air this saturady. Yeah some intern screwed up and released this weeks episode early.


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After some thought, I have chosen to get back onto the comment section of EqD.  However, I will make a few changes to what appears there.  Biggest change will be setting it to "newest first".  That way, I don't even see the troll period and I can move on.

Anyways, time for that summary of tomorrow's episode.

Title: Daring Done

Summary: A. K. Yearling announces her retirement.  Rainbow Dash convinces Pinkie Pie to help her find out if the book on Daring Do will be closed forever.

Wow!  I don't know how the fandom will handle this one.  It's up in the air here.

See ya tomorrow! :wave


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Hello, internet!  Time for another episode of pony!  Today, Daring Do makes another appearance.  Get the link to the Live Streams below.

Season 7 Episode 18 - Daring Done Live Streams

As always, expect the Online Version later today and my review tomorrow.

See ya later! :wave


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I'm still trying to wrap my head around how some fans of the show don't see anything Daring Do related as cannon.  Until that mystery is solved, here's the new episode.

Season 7 Episode 18 - Daring Done Dailymotion Version

I'll give my review tomorrow.

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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Pinkie Pie reads a newspaper to a bored Rainbow Dash and they come across an article announcing A. K. Yearling's retirement. Since the article doesn't explain much, Rainbow and Pinkie quickly rush over to Yearling's house and after a lot of asking, Yearling finally reveals that Daring Do's reputation has been completely ruined due to all the collateral damaged she had unintentionally caused on her latest adventure. Rainbow decides that they should go back to that village and convince the locals that Daring Do isn't really so bad (with Daring obviously going in her Yearling identity to avoid any problems).

At the village, we see the collateral damage, including the statue of Somnabula, a figure of an ancient Egyptian style legend who never gave up hope when faced with troubles, including saving a prince from an evil sphinx. However, despite Rainbow's best efforts, the villagers still question Daring, especially due to a certain cloaked figure insisting that Daring was a menace, even accusing her of stealing all of the town's precious stones, which she certainly didn't. (I knew it was Cabileron as soon as I saw that scruffy muzzle, and especially when he kept saying "your- our statue".)

Rainbow Dash eventually confronts the cloaked figure, and Cabileron reveals himself, then he and his henchmen kidnap her and take her to the pyramid of Somnabula's legend. Pinkie and Daring go after them and, just like in the legend, they can't use wings to cross a boiling pit to save their friend. Pinkie comes up with the idea of following the legend's lesson of never giving up hope and decides to "take a leap of faith", and it turns out they are able to bonce off some vents to safely get across.

The three of them return to the village and confront Cabileron as he tries to leave, exposing him to the village that he's the one who actually stole all their precious stones. Cabileron admits his rather ingenious plan to stop Daring Do by ruining her reputation, but now that the villagers have caught onto the truth, he's once again forced to flee with nothing. After that, Daring shares the lesson she had learned: no matter how much of a good guy you are, if bad things happen because of your actions, even if they were unintentional, you're still responsible for them, and you need to make sure you set things right. The episode finishes with Daring replacing a destroyed apple cart, paying off a tavern she frequently stays at, and making sure that the village gets back their all-important statue of Somnabula.

I think the lesson of this episode is a very good one. I honestly can't help but think of Mythbusters and the aftermath of that cannonball incident as an excellent example of that.

(end spoilers)

Also, although it was apparently not reported on Equestria Daily, another Equestria Girls short was uploaded to the Hasbro YouTube channel yesterday:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I'd say this was a good episode.  Time you all to find out why.  Spoilers below.

Pinkie Pie picks up the local newspaper and starts going through the titles to Rainbow Dash, despite the fact that Rainbow finds the newspaper boring.  That is until the announcement that A. K. Yearling is retiring is said.  The newspaper at hand gives little to no explanation as to why this is.

Worried that this could mean their friend is in trouble, (and that Rainbow also thinks it means the end of Daring Do Books) the two rush over to A. K. Yearling's house to get some answers.  Turns out that it has to do with the fact that in her latest adventure, Daring Do caused damage to a town accidentally, thus killing her reputation.

When Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Yearling go to the town, they find that the damage includes a destroyed apple cart, an overdue hotel room payment (the likely has late fees attached) and the complete destruction of a statue.  Daring Do is even being blamed by a cloaked pony for stealing "glow-paz" from citizens.  A crime she didn't commit.

The statue turned out to be that of a pony named Somnabula.  Long ago, when a Sphinx ruled over the ponies, she was a symbol of hope.  She had saved the Pharaoh's son when he was captured.  It also tells how "glow-paz" became their symbol.  So yeah, the statue was pretty important.

Of course, this tale doesn't stop the cloaked pony from swaying the townspeople of how terrible Daring Do is.  Rainbow finally confronts him about what his problem with Daring Do is, and the cloaked pony reveals himself to be Caballeron. (They kind of made it obvious.) He captures Rainbow Dash and hauls her off to the pyramid.  Rainbow screams for help, prompting Pinkie Pie and A. K. Yearling to chase after them.  Along the way, A. K. Yearling turns into Daring Do.

They arrive at the pyramid and find Rainbow tied up over a pool of acid. (Refuse to call it "slime" when we know what it actually is.) Like in the story, the pyramid has a powerful magic that makes pegasi unable to fly.  However, thanks to some air vents, they make it to Rainbow and save her. (I actually facepalmed at that.)

Meanwhile, Caballeron and his goons try to leave town with the glow-paz they stole, but Rainbow, Pinkie and Daring arrive to stop him and reveal him as the thief of the glow-paz.  He then proceeds to reveal his plan, which is admittedly a good one, though one wonders why he didn't expand it further if his plan was to destroy Daring Do's reputation.  He gets away after the townspeople try to gang up on him.

After learning her lesson, Daring Do replaces the apple cart, pays off her debt to the hotel (and as a result, puts Caballeron on the "not allowed" list for the place) and erects a new statue of Somnabula for the townspeople.

Despite a few flaws, it was a good episode.

Next time, Rarity loses her mane.

See ya later! :wave


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Hello everyone!  We have more pony tomorrow and have Zecora joining the party!

Get the summary below!

Title: It Isn't the Mane Thing About You

Summary: When Rarity's shampoo is accidentally switched with Zecora's magical remover potion, she does everything she can to fix her devastated mane in time for an upcoming photo shoot.

Oh dear!  Zecora is so dead!

Well, see ya tomorrow for what I hope to be a good episode.

See ya later! :wave


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Good morning, Internet!  It's time for another day of pony!  Get the link to the Live Streams below.

Season 7 Episode 19 - It Isn't the Mane Thing About You Live Streams
Season 7 Episode 19 - It Isn't the Mane Thing About You Live Streams

As always, expect the online version later today and my review tomorrow.

Until then, see ya later! :wave


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Well, this was quite the episode!  Get the link below!

Season 7 Episode 19 - It Isn't the Mane Thing About You Daily Motion Version
Season 7 Episode 19 - It Isn't the Mane Thing About You Daily Motion Version

Won't have a problem writing about this one tomorrow.

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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In perhaps one of the longest intro scenes ever on this show, we see Rarity preparing for her "best mane" photoshoot by going around town to arrange for some special items she needs, while also giving advice to improve their businesses in the process. But then she gets to Sugarcube Corner and encounters Pinkie Pie celebrating some anniversary with the Cake twins by recklessly shooting "sticky string" all over the place.

Rarity and Pinkie both go to Zecora to get potions to solve their respective problems, special shampoo for Rarity to get the mess out of her mane, and special remover to help Pinkie clean up the big mess at home. However, both potions look identical, so when Rarity accidentally knocks them off the table, it was inevitable that they would get mixed up.

After the damage is done, while Zecora offers to try her best to find a solution, Rarity is forced to go around town in a hooded cloak. Not only is she so unrecognizable to the point of being a complete pushover, she also ends up failing to acquire any of the items she needed for the photoshoot. She goes to Twilight and Starlight for help, but as they point out, magic can't make something like hair just spontaneously appear. At this point, Zecora arrives and confirms there's nothing she can do to help. With the only possible cure being the use of time travel, both Twilight and Starlight immediately refuse to attempt any such magic ever again.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all offer their own kinds of solutions, but none of them work, and Rarity is forced to cancel the photoshoot. All of her friends (except Pinkie who's still trying the clean the mess at Sugarcube Corner) arrive to offer words of encouragement, and that not even a loss of hair would ever change who she is. With this encouragement, Rarity decides to use what little hair she has left to take on a punk rock type of hairstyle, and in spite of the obviously different look, she and everypony in town are back to behaving just like normal.

It takes months for Rarity's hair to grow back into her normal style, and it is only by then that she learns that her friends had arranged to have Photo Finish discretely take pictures of Rarity's puck rock hairstyle, and it ends up becoming so popular that other ponies have decided to use it as well.

(end spoilers)

And of course, this week's Equestria Girls short added to Hasbro's YouTube channel:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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So, here we go with this review.  I have a few things I want to talk about.  Spoilers below.

So, in one of the longest openings ever, (probably THE longest) we get quite a bit to happen.  The one that sparks my interest the most is the first line that's uttered, which was by Filthy Rich.  Apparently we have a new pony holiday here called "Mare's Day".  I guess it's to buy something for "Your Special Mare" or something?  I don't know.  It's not really made clear in the end.  However, I would like to see what the fandom comes up with for it.

Anyways, after a long opening where Rarity makes orders and helps those businesses become better, she arrives at Sugar Cube Corner, where Pinkie is celebrating The Cake Twins' First Sneeze Anniversary. (Leave it to Pinkie to come up with the strangest things to celebrate.) However, Pinkie gets her special Super Sticky Silly String all over the place.  Including in Rarity's hair.

With Pinkie Pie making a mess and Rarity needing her hair fixed before her photo shoot with Photo Finish tomorrow, the two head to Zecora's to get a potion for each of them.  Two main problems make themselves known with the potions.  One, they look the same.  Two, they aren't labeled.  As such, it was inevitable that they would get mixed up when Rarity accidentally knocked them over.  Pinkie ends up with the shampoo and Rarity gets the remover potion.  Resulting in Rarity losing most of her mane and tail.

Rarity rushes back to Zecora's to get a cure, but Zecora tells her that it will take time.  While she waits, Rarity tries to get the other things on her list done, but with her being behind a cloak that covers her body, no one recognizes her and she can't get her items.

Desperate for help, Rarity goes to Twilight's.  However, Twilight tells her that there is no known spell for fixing her mane.  Rarity pretty much begs her and Starlight to try anything.  They used many different spells at their disposal, but nothing helps in getting Rarity's mane back.  Zecora arrives at the castle and gives Rarity the disappointing news that she can't help her, but does inform Rarity that in time her hair will grow back.

Obviously distraught, Rarity tries to do what she can, but even Applejack, Rainbow and Fluttershy have trouble giving their honest opinions of how bad it is.  They all decide to try and help.  They do their best, (I especially like Rainbow's attempt.) but nothing seems to work.  She goes home depressed and decides to cancel the photo shoot.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Twilight and Starlight all go to Rarity's home to find her so depressed that she's eating a tub of ice cream.  They then give her words of encouragement and, deciding to shine from the inside out, Rarity uses what's left of her hair to take on a new punk rock look.

Rarity cancels her orders, but allows them to be sold to other clients. (Including a distraught Flithy Rich who got his wife the wrong color of flowers.  Apparently, Spoiled's favorite color is purple.) However, after giving away the sofa that would have been hers, she suddenly realizes that Pinkie must have the shampoo.  Pinkie's attempt at cleaning up Sugar Cube Corner resulted in the entire place being filled with soapy bubbles to the point where it was about to burst. (Plus, Pinkie and the Cake Twins have their hair being extra bouncy.) Rarity decides to fetch the rest of the remover potion she didn't use.

Months pass and Rarity has gotten her hair back.  However, her friends surprise her with the new book that Photo Finish made and it turns out that Rarity's new punk rock look made the front cover.  Apparently, her friends had Photo Finish secretly take pictures of her.  The episode ends with showing that the new style was a hit. (Apparently, the fandom has also exploded with it.)

A good episode that was very entertaining.

Next week, Zecora gets sick.

See ya later! :wave


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How dark is the show? Is it darker than the original LBT film?
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)