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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread

The Chronicler

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I've already reviewed this week's episode, so I won't bother with repeating it. However, we do still have the YouTube release of another Equestria Girls short.
And here's the direct link:
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The school play is over, and now it's time for the after party. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle (the Cutie Mark Crusaders) had planned a slideshow of events before and during the play, but Cranky Doodle has refused to let them use the projector for it. When they mention this to their older sisters, the later girls decide to do something about it.

Choose Rarity: Rarity decides to use her skills at negotiating for her confrontation with Crank Doodle. Throughout the argument, she manages to convince him that the projector is technically school property and therefore he has no right to withhold its use on school grounds. They soon reach a compromise where, under the excuse of supervising the projector's use to ensure it doesn't get damaged, Cranky Doodle will attend the party with them, allowing the slideshow to proceed.

Choose Applejack: Applejack decides to confront Cranky Doodle by simply trying to be more stubborn than him. As they argue, the CMCs take advantage of the distraction to swap out the projector for a cardboard box with a flashlight taped to the top of it, and once they successfully make their getaway, Applejack just casually ends the argument and leaves. At the party, the slideshow is underway when Cranky Doodle suddenly barges in, but rather than accuse them of stealing the projector, he actually thanks them for finding his flashlight.

Choose Rainbow Dash: The CMCs barge in begging for help with a "math emergency" and quickly guide him out of the classroom. With the room now empty, Rainbow Dash sneaks in and soon manages to find the projector. At the party, as the slideshow gets underway, the CMCs have yet to show up, and it's because they've had to practically endure a math lecture from Cranky Doodle.

For this one, I think Rarity was the best choice, because she managed to achieve a result that left everyone satisfied, even giving Cranky Doodle a chance to unwind. Applejack was a fine choice because while they did steal the projector, Cranky Doodle somehow didn't seem to care, so that left a good result for everyone else. Rainbow Dash was also fine, but it's my least preferred choice because the diversion the CMCs set up worked a little too well as they ended up missing much of the slideshow they had done. Also, this short showed content implying which certain endings of the previous shorts had actually occurred: from the starting portion, the Applejack ending of during the play; from the Rarity option, the Pinkie Pie ending of helping build the set; from the Applejack option, again the Applejack ending of during the play; and from the Rainbow Dash option, both the Rainbow Dash and Photo Finish endings of helping build the set and both the Pinkie Pie and Micro Chips endings of moving the backdrop (so a pair of contradictions for the Rainbow Dash option).

If I've been keeping track correctly, then that was the last of the "choose your own ending" shorts. Starting next week, the only Equestria Girls shorts left to go will be all five of the 10-minute parts of "Rollercoaster of Friendship". I will not be writing any reviews for those, as I had already done one for the entire special. Instead, much like I did for "Forgotten Friendship", I will point out any new scenes that were not seen in the 44-minute version that was first shown.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
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So is the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic movie any good? I'm still a few seasons behind, but I'm catching up.

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It's hard to say.  There's both good and bad parts.  It's not a great movie.  In fact, "good" could be pushing it.  The main problem is pacing issues.  It is highly argued that this could have been a two-parter and been okay.  However, it does do quite a bit of world building for Equestria.  It even includes one species we had been waiting for... seaponies.  How that works, you might be surprised with.

There's also the problem of the villain.  One of the worst, IMO. (I'd put them in the level of Starlight and Sunset Shimmer.) So much build-up and boy does it come crashing down.  You have the second in command being the main star villain, which isn't that good to begin with, but when you get to the master, it's bad.  Just warning you there.

Despite this, best not to skip it as they talk about it in the latest season.  So, watch it purely for that and do your best to not expect something good.  That's as far as I would go.

Welp, I watched The Movie, and it was okay. Just okay. I actually rather liked Tempest, the film's secondary villain, and thought most of her scenes were pretty well done. There were a lot of good moments scattered throughout, but yeah, this was nowhere near as good as it could have been.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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So, for those that don't know, in pony news, Denmark released the Season 8 Finale of the show.  On top of that, a fan translated it and there was a stream for it on Monday.  So don't be surprised if there are spoilers of that running around.

In the meantime, here's the summary for tomorrow's episode.

Season 8 Episode 19

Title: On the Road to Friendship

Summary: When Trixie is invited to bring her magic show to the far off land of Saddle Arabia, she can think of nopony better to bring along than her great and powerful assistant, Starlight--but, not all friends are meant to travel together.

Indeed, some friends are not meant to travel together.

We'll see if I get the links to the Live Stream up before I leave for work.  Otherwise, expect the online link tomorrow after I get home.

See ya later! :wave


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So, time to see if Trixie and Starlight can keep up their sanity while traveling together.  Get the link to the Live Streams below.

Season 8 Episode 19 - On the Road to Friendship Live Stream

I'll post the online version after I get home from work.

Until then, see ya later! :wave


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Well, here's the new episode that aired today.  Enjoy!

Season 8 Episode 19 - On the Road to Friendship SendVid Version

Season 8 Episode 19 - On the Road to Friendship MEGA Version

Be warned, the MEGA Version might be a bit off sync.

See ya next week for some Scootaloo.

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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For the Equestria Girls series, Part 1 of Rollercoaster of Friendship is now on YouTube.
And here's the direct link:
As I mentioned last week, I won't be writing reviews here because I had already reviewed the full version when it was first shown a few months ago, but what I will do is point out any new scenes that were not included in the 44-minute version we previously saw. For Part 1, there's almost nothing new, perhaps a few seconds of additional scenery, but nothing significant at all.

Even though I've watched the next few episodes when they were shown early in Australia, I'm still going to wait until the American broadcast before I review them, mostly because writing just one review each week is already time-consuming enough for me. Anyway, on to my review of this week's episode.
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With Trixie visiting Ponyville, Starlight assists her in another one of her magic performances. After the show, an audience member from Saddle Arabia expresses how much he enjoyed it and would love to see her perform in his homeland. Trixie is reluctant about traveling so far away, and immediately refuses his offer to trade her wagon for his larger one, but ultimately decides to go ahead with the journey when told she has fans over there. Not wanting to be lonely on such a long journey, Trixie asks Starlight if she's interested in joining, and she happily agrees for the opportunity of bonding between best friends on a road trip (after, of course, finding someone to cover her duties at the school).

At the start, they are both very optimistic, but once they reach the village of Somnambula along the way, one thing after another gradually worsens the experience for both of them. Starlight accidentally spends too much on a snack, and Trixie insisting on waiting in lines at specific shops means that by the time they try to look for a hotel room, every place is completely booked full. They're forced to spend the night inside Trixie's wagon and neither of them get much sleep due to the cramped conditions, Starlight snoring, and Trixie talking in her sleep. At breakfast, frustrated at each other from lack of sleep, Starlight takes all the food, while Trixie takes all the juice. Later, their show's performance goes poorly due to how fed up they have become with each other. That night, after a bitter argument, Trixie decides to just sleep outside, but when she returns the next morning, Starlight had accepted the Saddle Arabian's offer to trade wagons. With Trixie furious at Starlight for selfishly giving away something that meant so much to her, they both part ways.

While Starlight struggles to go home with the larger wagon, Trixie manages to come across the Saddle Arabian with her wagon, and when he refuses to give it back, she decides to block his path in defiance. Starlight eventually returns and apologies to Trixie, and the two reconcile. But even with the larger wagon returned, the Saddle Arabian is still unsure about reversing the trade and asks for proof that Starlight and Trixie are still friends, so Starlight takes an idea from when Twilight and Cadance had attended their show at the beginning of the episode and do a special friendship chant with Trixie. Of course, the awkward chant is so obviously improvised on the spot that the Saddle Arabian sees right through it, but agrees to reverse the trade because "only true friends would be willing to do something so ridiculous for each other". With Trixie now having her old wagon back, she and Starlight agree to cancel the road trip and return to Ponyville. They conclude that despite all the problems, they're glad they took that trip, if only to find out they shouldn't do something like it ever again.

I found this to be a rather average episode. I did find it rather amusing how, at the start of the road trip, Trixie and Starlight remark how they wouldn't break into song like the Main 6 would, only to immediately do exactly that. We also got some references to the episode "Daring Don't" with the village of Somnambula, which is apparently on the way from Ponyville to Saddle Arabia. I did find it kind of weird how that Saddle Arabian pony seemed to keep following them and continuing to insist on his offer to trade wagons, so the point where Starlight and Trixie remarked about it was rather amusing. Finally, I was actually quite intrigued that the lesson was apparently that a road trip among friends is always worth it, even if the experience turns out bad enough that you'll never want to do it ever again.

By the way, of those two video choices, the Mega version is off sync by almost a second, while the Sendvid version is actually the Australian broadcast. As much as I'd prefer to watch the American version, the audio issue is too much for me, so I settled for rewatching the Australian version (at least it's on Sendvid, which is my preferred site anyway).

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
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The new Spider-Man game came out today!  Been having tons of fun playing it.  Will give my own thoughts once I finally finish.

Again, it looks like the season is ending in another country.  This time it's Australia.  If you're waiting until the US version airs, try your best to avoid spoilers.

In the meantime, we have some Scootalove!  Get the summary for tomorrow's episode in the US below.

Season 8 Episode 20

Title: The Washouts

Summary: When Scootaloo becomes enamored with The Washouts, a touring group of stunt ponies, Rainbow Dash is concerned for her safety and worries that Scoot's day as her number one fan are over.

As always, expect the online version by tomorrow.  We shall see if EqD has the Streams ready before I leave.

See ya later! :wave


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It seems EqD is having a habit of uploading the Australia versions to SendVid rather than the US ones.  They don't care.  They're both in English, so they wonder why it's such a big deal.  This is what I'm stuck with.  So enjoy the episode below.

Season 8 Episode 20 - The Washouts US Version

Season 8 Episode 20 - The Washouts Australia Version

Next time, Rockhoof Returns!

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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Part 2 of Equestria Girls Rollercoaster of Friendship is now on YouTube (and since this is apparently the part that was leaked months ago, we can now say that all of the leaked content is finally behind us).
And here's the direct link:
I didn't really notice any new content in this part either, so just like with Part 1, if there is any additional content in this part, it's probably just a few seconds of scenery.

Here's my review of this week's episode.
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It seems like another day of Ponyville's Rainbow Dash fanclub (with Rainbow eavesdropping as always), but Scootaloo suddenly kicks everypony out, removes all of her Rainbow Dash memorabilia, and replaces it all with merchandise of "the Washouts". Rainbow is so stunned that she immediately walks in and not-so-subtly demands an explanation. The Washouts are a new team of stunt flyers who perform daredevil stunts so extreme that Scootaloo claims them to be way more awesome than the Wonderbolts. Rainbow talks to her friends about it and is unable to hide her jealousy that Scootaloo might have a new idol, but just to be sure they know who they're talking about, they decide to attend an upcoming show in Ponyville. Although Rainbow initially expresses heavy bias against the Washouts, after watching the show, even she can't deny how incredible they performed. Curious about who the Washouts are, Rainbow and Scootaloo go meet them after the show. They reveal that they're all former Wonderbolts that were forced out due to various issues (hence their group name), and their leader turns out to be non other than Lightning Dust (previously seen way back in Season 3).

Rainbow and Lightning initially talk surprisingly well, but the conversation turns hostile once they start considering who Scootaloo should consider a better role model. Rainbow quickly decides to take Scootaloo to Wonderbolts headquarters to show why they're better role models, but Spitfire's aggressiveness doesn't exactly provide the desired conviction. As they return to Ponyville, Rainbow expresses that she just doesn't want Scootaloo to get hurt. But when Rainbow insists on disposing all of Scootaloo's Washouts merchandise, Scootaloo decides to outright join the Washouts as a full member.

A conversation with Twilight helps Rainbow realize that she can't just force Scootaloo to idolize her, but upon discovering that Scootaloo has joined the Washouts, Rainbow begs her to reconsider, arguing that performing with them is way too dangerous. However, Scootaloo is so firm on being with the Washouts that she even brings up how her inability to fly will never make her be just like Rainbow Dash, which hurts Rainbow to the point that she doesn't bother arguing anymore. At the next show, Scootaloo is very excited to perform her rocket-propelled scooter stunt jump, but when she actually sees the size of the rocket, she begins to have second thoughts, but Lightning Dust immediately threatens to kick Scootaloo off the team if she backs out from the stunt, and even adds on more rockets. Scootaloo reluctantly agrees to go through with the stunt, but regrets it right at the moment it starts. Thankfully, Rainbow Dash swoops in to save her as the rocket goes airborne, while Lightning Dust accidentally gets dragged along by the rocket. Scootaloo and Rainbow both apologize to each other, and while Scootaloo is willing to bring back her fanclub for Rainbow Dash, Rainbow decides to start her own club for the appreciation of Scootaloo, as a sign of mutual respect.

This was a rather average episode for me. It was nice to once again see a character return after many seasons, this time being Lightning Dust, who we see is still as reckless as ever. Among the other Washouts, I actually recognized Short Fuse from a previous episode (I forget the name, but it was from late in Season 6, the map mission for Twilight and Rainbow where we met Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger) as a Wonderbolts recruit (and I'll admit, I found his "anger issues" to be hilarious). There were a pair of running gags in the middle segment that I just didn't like very much, especially with Spitfire's pointless aggressiveness thrown in. Rainbow certainly went too far to pressure Scootaloo to forget the Washouts, which naturally only pushed Scootaloo to get even closer to the Washouts. Thankfully, Twilight was able to help Rainbow understand what she did wrong, while Scootaloo had to be traumatized by a near-death experience to realize that Rainbow really does care about her, while Lightning Dust was only concerned with putting on an epic show at the expense of all safety laws, which made Scootaloo determine that Rainbow Dash really is her best idol all along. Oh, and at the Scootaloo appreciation club, we can see that Rainbow's parents are rather predictably among its members.

By the way, the guy who uploaded the US version on Mega also later uploaded a version on Sendvid, but you'll have to search through the comments to find the link to it.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 10:36:32 PM by The Chronicler »

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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So sorry about not posting the summary until now.  I was exhausted and crashed.  I had meant to sleep only 25 minutes and it turned into 6 hours.  I just woke up.

Anyways, here's the summary for today's episode.

Season 8 Episode 21

Title: A Rockhoof and A Hard Place

Summary: When Rockhoof, heroic Pillar of the past, is having trouble fitting into the modern world, Twilight and her friends strive to help him find a new purpose.

Get the link to the Live Streams of this episode below.

Season 8 Episode 21 - A Rockhoof and A Hard Place Live Stream

Expect the Online Version when I get home from work.

See ya later! :wave


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Will make an effort to edit this later.  For now, here's the MEGA link for the online version.

Season 8 Episode 21 - A Rockhoof and A Hard Place MEGA Version

Next time, we have an episode of the Student Six.

See ya later! :wave

Edit: I waited for another link for the US Version as long as I could.  Sadly, it looks like this is it.

From now on this is what I'll do.  I'll wait for a second link.  If it doesn't happen, then that's how it'll be.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 04:54:27 AM by pokeplayer984 »

The Chronicler

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Part 3 of Equestria Girls Rollercoaster of Friendship is now on YouTube.
And here's the direct link:
Once again, there was no significant additional content in this part either. However, I noticed a rather odd discrepancy in the credits: Cranky Doodle is credited despite not appearing at all, yet the security guard that Applejack encounters is not credited at all. I remember reading comments saying that Cranky Doodle had to be in the additional content due to be credited, but here it's now very obvious that may not be the case and could simply be the result of some sort of error. Also, I remember calculating the length of each segment of the TV version and determining that Part 4 would be most likely to have additional content, so I guess we'll wait and see next week.

And now for my review of this week's episode.
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Rockhoof tries to help the archaeology team working at his old village, but his methods don't exactly work well for the team's effort of trying to carefully preserve history, so the lead professor asks Twilight to consider giving him a different job, to which she gladly accepts. Rockhoof is given a teaching position at the School of Friendship and soon starts telling a story of one of his past exploits, but while the students love him, his theatrics accidentally causes a lot of damage. Later, he tries to stop what he thinks is a fire in the building, but turns out to actually be just Spike and Smolder being competitive as always. Feeling sorry for all the trouble he has caused, he decides to leave and find something else he could do.

After failing in numerous cases to help Rockhoof find a new purpose, the main six decide to have him meet with his fellow Pillars to see how well they've adapted to modern Equestria. Flash Magnus now commands a squad of royal guards in Canterlot, Mistmane is now the royal gardener in the Crystal Empire, Somnambula is now a motivational speaker at the village of her namesake, Meadowbrook now essentially runs a pharmacy at her home village, we already know about Starswirl, and Stygian has written a series of novels inspired by his personal experiences. With no effective leads from any of the Pillars, their next attempt tries to make use of his talent at being a hero by enlisting him in the hippogriff navy. Unfortunately, after an accident due to the stars having moved over the last thousand years into patterns he doesn't recognize, that effort also ends in failure.

Convinced that that there's nothing he could possibly do in modern Equestria, Rockhoof ultimately asks Twilight to cast a spell on him to turn him into a stone statue, which Twilight absolutely refuses. Later, after Spike substitutes the class that Rockroof had previously taught and mentions to the students about Rockhoof's wishes to become petrified, Yona rushes to him and begs him to reconsider, even having gone so far as to talk about Rockhoof in her recent essay assignment. She convinces him to at least finish the story he had been telling the class earlier, and when Twilight sees how enthusiastic everyone is during the tale, she realizes that Rockhoof really can have a purpose in modern Equestria, and uses her princess status to appoint him as "official keeper of tales".

After the finale last season, I was really hoping we would get an episode that showed the old Pillars adjusting to life in modern Equestria, and this episode definitely delivered on that subject. Sure, it was mostly about Rockhoof, but at least we got a glimpse of all the others too. I was rather amused at the antics of a Viking type of pony trying to fit in with a modern society (even the use of his accent amused me). But I think what turned out to be a surprisingly strong aspect of this episode was how Rockhoof eventually became so depressed that he asked to be turned to stone (which is pretty much the closest this show could possibly go on the issue of suicide), with Twilight and Yona playing the part of good friends who try to talk him out of doing such a horrible thing to himself. Overall, definitely one of the better episodes of this season.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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Here we are!  The summary for tomorrow's episode.  Get it below!

Season 8 Episode 22

Title: What Lies Beneath

Summary: The students of Twilight's School of Friendship are cramming for "History of Magic in Equestria" exam in the school library when they discover a part of the school that no pony else knows about. When they decide to do some exploring they end up learning much more than they bargained for.

We'll see if they post the Live Streams tomorrow before I leave for work.  Regardless, expect the online version tomorrow.

Until then, see ya later! :wave


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So Twilight, what are you hiding in that school of yours, hmm?  Get the link to the Live Stream below.

Season 8 Episode 22 - What Lies Beaneath Live Streams

Once again, online version will be posted when I get home from work.

Until then, see ya later! :wave


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Here's the online versions of the episode.  Hope you enjoy!

Season 8 Episode 22 - What Lies Beneath SendVid Version

Season 8 Episode 22 - What Lies Beneath MEGA Version

Next time, Applejack and Fluttershy on a Map Episode.

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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Part 4 of Equestria Girls Rollercoaster of Friendship is now on YouTube.
And here's the direct link:
Well, looks like there was never going to be any additional scenes after all. Unlike Forgotten Friendship which had a full length of 50 minutes, it seems this one was always intended to be just 44 minutes, which means this week's part is notably shorter than all the others. Just one more part left to go, and that'll be the last of the Equestria Girls content that we know of.

And now for my review of this week's episode.
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At the School of Friendship, Twilight teaches her class about the Tree of Harmony, and at the end of class tells the students to study for a test on the impact of friendship on Equestrian history the next day. While the young six are studying in the library, they encounter Cozy Glow, who pretty much doesn't hold back in pointing out negative stereotypes of all the different creatures they are, ultimately claiming that friendship just isn't in their nature. As they try to keep studying, the young six stumble across a crystal root growing through a grate in the floor, opening access to a cave below the school. They decide to explore it and soon come across a sparkly glowing version of Twilight, who initially behaves hostile to them because they don't believe "friendship is in their nature", but when they mention the test they're trying to study for, "Twilight" decides to test the young six, threatening to trap them underground forever if they can't find a way out by sunset.

The six students are teleported to separate and very different rooms, each with their own challenge to overcome. Gallus is trapped in a very small chamber, Smolder ends up in a series of tunnels that all lead to the same room of two mares having a tea party, Ocellus finds herself in a chamber resembling the old changeling hive and is horrified to see herself stuck looking like Queen Chrysalis, Yona ends up in a tunnel swarming with spiders, Silverstream believes she's back at her homeland and quickly hides from what she thinks is the Storm King, and Sandbar is asked by "Rarity" and "Rainbow Dash" to join them on a friendship mission without the rest of his friends. Gallus manages to calm his nerves enough to figure out the puzzle in escaping that ever-compressing chamber, while Smolder discovers the only way to stop being constantly sent back to the same room is to actually join the tea party and ends up enjoying it. After overcoming their challenges, those two meet up at the exit, but while they acknowledge that any griffin or dragon would chose to just leave immediately, Gallus and Smolder decide to head back and help the rest of their friends figure out that they have to overcome their greatest fears in order to escape.

Gallus helps Silverstream stand up to the Storm King (who turns out to be just a stack of rocks), and Smolder helps Ocellus understand that she's nothing like the old changelings (allowing her to change back into herself). The four meet up again at the exit and are soon joined by Yona, who overcame her fear of spiders by realizing they can be just as friendly as any other creature. With only Sandbar left, all five of them agree to find him, and arrive just in time to hear him tell off "their professors" for trying to make him abandon his friends in favor of ponies only. The six students return to the exit and once again encounter "Twilight", only now they realize that it was never really Twilight all along, but rather the spirit of the Tree of Harmony. Having successfully passed their challenges, the young six proved to the Tree that they are indeed worthy of friendship, and allows them to leave. As soon as they return to the library, Cozy Glow finds them, and when they consider telling the professors about what they found, Cozy immediately begs them not to tell anyone, even going so far as to apologize for her earlier comments by claiming that she was jealous that they were able to understand friendship much better than she was. The young six are so exhausted from their adventure that they don't bother to argue with her and just fall asleep right there.

This particular episode, I have to admit, I found it to be quite exciting. Seeing the young six (the new group of friends that I've been so eager to see more of at any opportunity) going into an unknown underground chamber beneath the school and ending up facing a series of challenges to test their worthiness was something that really got my attention. In fact, as a huge fan of Bionicle, I couldn't help but be reminded of certain years of that storyline from watching this episode. Not to mention, after so many hints over the last few seasons, we finally got absolute proof that the Tree of Harmony really does have a mind and spirit of its own. As for what Cozy Glow is up to, while I have already seen the Australian broadcast of the finale, I will just say here what my initial thoughts were back when I first saw the Australian broadcast of this episode many weeks ago: With her blatantly racist comments right in the faces of the young six, I couldn't help but wonder if she has some sort of connection with Chancellor Neighsay.

I just want to say this much outside of the spoilers: This episode has definitely become one of my favorites of the entire series.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 08:02:16 PM by The Chronicler »

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

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I saw the rest of the season from the Australian episodes. I thought it was good.


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So, here we go!  Tomorrow is a new episode.  Get the summary of it below.

Season 8 Episode 23

Title: Sounds of Silence

Summary: Fluttershy and Applejack journey to the edge of the map on a Friendship Quest to help a group of ponies named Kirin -- who are so afraid of hurting each other's feelings, they've taken a potion of silence.

Ah yes, the Kirin!  Part pony, part dragon.  Well, I'd say the existence of this will add fuel to the Rarity & Spike Fans.

As always, the Live Stream post might happen it might not.  However, do expect the online version tomorrow afternoon.

Until then, see ya later! :wave


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Well, EqD put up the link for the Live Streams, so here it is.  Hope you enjoy!

Season 8 Episode 23 - Sounds of Silence Live Streams

As always, expect the online versions today after I get back from work.

See ya later! :wave


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This post will be edited later.  For now, here's the MEGA link for the episode.

Season 8 Episode 23 - Sounds of Silence MEGA Version

Next time, a dragon who claims to be Spike's Father?  What!? :o

See ya later! :wave

EDIT: Again, it seems we're stuck with MEGA only.  That is, unless you want KimCartoon, which I highly recommend to have an adblocker if you plan to look there.  This is from my own personal experience.

Anyways, this time there was a reason.  It seems that the one whom usually supplies the link had a recording problem.  They had to use a different one, which only gave the MEGA link.  Oh well!

With that, see ya later! :wave
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 09:53:39 PM by pokeplayer984 »