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Fanfiction Voting 2011

Mumbling · 56 · 11261


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Name of Fanfiction: Past-O-Rama
Rating: 9/10
Review: A very well written story that despite it being written in script format, the plot is as suspenseful and easy to follow as any story-written fanfic. The bringing a modern person to the LBT times concept works well here, as I enjoyed seeing the Professor show the gang modern concepts and in turn, learning how the gang acts and views things. Although the author's portrayal of Chomper is not the same as my own, it was a nice take on the little sharptooth.


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Name of Fanfiction: Revenge III
Rating: 9/10
Review: Wow, this takes me back. The stories Revenge I and III (for some reason, I never read the second one) rate as one of my favorite Land Before Time stories, mainly because of the antagonists. In the first story, it was Sierra and Rinkus (SIERRA WHOOOOOO!!!!), now it's Ozzy in the third item of installment. He happens to be one of my favorite characters too and that's what primarily motivated me to read Revenge III. I don't regret it at all. Turns out Thud, Screech, and Redclaw makes a major appearance too and I remember spazzing out about Thud helping Strut.

I can definitely look past the things that bother me, such as Littlefoot's snapping, violence in the face of threat. I guess I can understand that after all he's been through and if I remember correctly, the hardships Littlefoot had to go through from the first movie onward was the primary source of his snapping in Revenge I. And the general LittlefootxCera pairing is something I can very easily tolerate in a story, and his was no exception.

In Revenge III, I understand Littlefoot's initial paranoia that something's going to happen (which it does) and I love the kids' hostility towards Strut when the latter comes to warn them of his brother's plans. Cera and Chomper gets kidnapped as a result of this ignoring and it's Chomper's kidnapping that prompts Thud to spare Strut and help him in the rescue. And Redclaw....Oh my God, LBTFan13 made him a bad***, something the TV Series is too sugarcoated to show. I can read that scene where Redclaw massacres that pack of Fast biters over and over. Then he's actually given a heart, enough to spare Chomper once Thud tells him the little guy saved his life back in the episode of Escape from the Mysterious Beyond.

This story was awesome, with very few 'flaws'. It is for those who like a darker tone to the Land Before Time, though, and those who don't mind violence. Overall, I give it a 9/10 for being sooooo freakin' hardcore awesome!!!


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Okay, before I begin, let me point a little something out.  The fact is that not many of these stories hold plots that seems interesting enough for me to read them.  I tried with a few, but a part of me seems uninterested to even read LBT fanfics in general.  I don't know what's wrong with me currently, but just know, I'm not interested in them right now.

There is at least one that I've read before this whole awards thing happened.  So I can at least give a review for that.


Name of fanfiction: What have we done?

Author: Stitch

Rating: 9/10

Aside from a few mistakes with grammar and punctuation, this is a very well made Littlefoot&Cera story.  LACRN (Littlefoot & Cera Romance Novel(s)) are lacking in favor of LAARN (Littlefoot & Ali Romance Novel(s)).  It's quite understandable when you think about it.

Anyways, what I liked most was the conflict presented with the fact that they were two completely different species.  I'm kind of used to the idea by now thanks to stuff like Pokemon, but I can't forget that in that world that kind of thing is common, but back to the story.  It becomes even better with the fact of Cera's father being against it.  He makes an excellent opponent for them to face just in the name of love.

I was surprised that in this story, Cera's mom was alive. (And kicking Topsy's ego.) I know this revelation was mainly just used to help solve the whole problem, but it was still quite a surprise in the end.

Great story and I'm hoping to see more.


That's all I'll do for now.  Sorry guys, but I don't have much interest right now. -_-

The Chronicler

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Name of fanfiction: Battle of the Sacred Essences 2: Corruption's Curse
Rating: 10/10
Review: I usually try to avoid giving someone a perfect score, but I just can't do such a thing to this series. The first Battle of the Sacred Essences is without a doubt one of my favorite fanfics of all famdoms, let alone of all LBT fanfics. The first one was written so well that I consider it the original "human in the LBT universe" fanfic, because it really was the first LBT fanfic to feature a human character. I've seen a lot of later fanfics have models based on this one (some a little too much), which proves just how popular it really was. Even I have to admit that there were some parts of this fanfic that inspired me with a few ideas that I used for my first fanfic.

Sadly, the first Battle of the Sacred Essences is not nominated this year. Instead, I must vote for the sequel, but I hardly consider that a bad thing. The sequel is just as good as the first. This fanfic has more human characters than the previous one, many of whom are friends and family of the focus character, Kairyn. Unlike Jason from the first story (who literally had nobody to miss him), Kairyn is taken away from an ordinary life and separated from everyone he knows and loves. Well, except for one of his friends, Melissa (I honestly didn't see that one coming). Not to mention that he and the gang end up being forced to work together with the mysterious Black Ghost, whom Kairyn clearly despises. Seeing as this story is still in progress, I can't wait to see what happens next.

(To give you an idea of how great I find this story so far, I didn't need to go back and reread it for me to remember enough give an accurate score (which I must do for all the other nominated fanfics). That is how epic I consider this story!)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Name of fanfiction: The Past that Yawns Behind
Rating: 7.5/10
Review: This is a good story and one that kept me reading, which can be hard sometimes with other works of fanfiction because of how picky I am with the details.  There is flowing prose, elegant plot weaving, and intrigue that keeps the reader and reviewer entertained throughout the whole thing.  However, I do have some quams with the story that almost killed it for me (it's not personal I'm just difficult to please :angel).  The vocabulary of some characters is too large and exotic and in some places dialogue carries on and on to the point where it starts to feel like it's out of character completely (Pterano's speetch about air manuevres is a good example of this). There are also other minor cases of character inconsitancy (Petrie sometimes talks normally) and logical dilemas (Pterano gets a 'welcome back to the valley' quite unlike what a returning convict would ever get in real life) but they don't detract from the enjoyability of the plot at all.

Overall I would say that this is one of the better stories I've read on the Gang of Five and a look forward to more of this authors works with enthusiasm and encouragement.

Cancerian Tiger

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This one is rather tough for me.  I have read and continue to follow numerous fanfics written by GOF members.  "Twilight Valley" by Serris and "Far Away Home" by Caustizer have come along really nicely thus far, and Stitch has written some cute ones.  Because his series has been around the longest of all the GOF member fanfics I've followed, and because I continue to follow and anticipate what happens next in the series, my vote goes to:

Name of Fanfiction: Revenge III
Rating: 10/10

Review: Aside from what I mentioned above, LBTFan13 continues to find ways to keep me on the edge of my seat with his trilogy. It has the perfect sense of darkness, and yet has equally light moments.  He has definitely given me a few scares with his cliffhangers and has made me cry or laugh my arse off or whatever emotion he attempted to convey in his scenes.  That, to me, makes a great writer, and his skillful writing has eared him my vote for his final part of the trilogy. :goodluck


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Jul 1 2011 on  12:28 AM
This one is rather tough for me.  I have read and continue to follow numerous fanfics written by GOF members.  "Twilight Valley" by Serris and "Far Away Home" by Caustizer have come along really nicely thus far, and Stitch has written some cute ones.  Because his series has been around the longest of all the GOF member fanfics I've followed, and because I continue to follow and anticipate what happens next in the series, my vote goes to:
It is allowed, and in fact encouraged to review multiple fanfictions for this award :)  I have about four or five of them I plan to do before the 17th, so if you enjoy Stitch and my works then don't be afraid to post your thoughts on them as well. :angel

Name of fanfiction: Past-O-Rama
Rating: 7/10
Review: This story has an interesting format, and is similar to Rise of Storm Tide on my signature in that it is written by script.  The author's commitment to the story is substantial, with the first season already finished and the second already half done. As the story progresses it becomes better written with each episode, as is standard while the writer grasps what they want out of their story.  All that being said what prevents Past-O-Rama from getting a higher score in my eyes is the lack of description of character actions between lines, which as I found out with Storm Tide can make certain lines of prose seem out of place since the emotion behind the character's speech is unrevealed.  A good example of this is when Cera and Ducky suddenly decide to say that they don't like the Proffessor because of his views on sharpteeth (Usually dislike is thought or acted rather then spoken directly).  The Proffessor is another issue entirely, and while he definately contributes to the story he seems to possess an insufficiant level of intelligence or scientific passion that I would expect of a human visiting the land of the dinosaurs. I would have expected him to, say, take DNA samples, snap pictures, and question the gang on aspects of behaviour rather then simply go along with them like a normal human being would.

Despite my minor detail quams however this story becomes quite interesting as you proceed to the later chapters, and is definately worth reading as sort of a 'replacement' for the Second Season of the LBT Tv series that will never happen :angel


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Name of fanfiction: "What Have We Done?!"

Rating: 9/10

Review: This is probably my first look into LBT romance fics, and I must say, judging by what alot of people say about other ones, this appears to be one of the better examples. Despite the forbidden romance being the main plot point, it managed to talk about it in a relatively implicit way; not dwelling on it too much. It was well written, people were in character, and the introduction of Cera's mother was a nice touch. My only real qualm was the length, but that's just personal choice: I'm more a fan of relatively long fics. 3 relatively short chapters to do an entire story, just seemed a little quick, but that's just me.


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Name of Fanfiction: Battle of the Sacred Essences 2: Corruption's Curse

Rating: 9/10

I must say, this is one of the most epic stories I have ever read.  Having read the first story, I was more than a little excited when I saw that he had written a sequel.

As I was reading it, I did catch the references to other works that were sprinkled throughout. The group that seemed to be referenced the most was Organization 13.  It makes sense, since the story has the feel of a Kingdom Hearts tale.  I'm sure that there were more references, but I haven't played the games in a little while.

One of the most interesting plot twists, I thought, whas when Kairyn had to team up with both the gang of five and the Black Ghost (who kind of reminds me of Axel) in order to find the great valley.  It was a nice way of showing a journey before having more human influences in the LBT world.

In short, this is one story that I really enjoyed reading, and I can't wait for the next chapter.  Great job.


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Name of fanfiction Far Away Home
Rating 10/10
Review Cautizer is one of the most talented fanfic writers I have ever had the pleasure of reading works from, and Far Away Home is no exception. he crafts everything from his plot to the character dialogue so well that I almost forget that I'm reading a fanfic, I'm simply reading a great story. One of the more difficult challenges is writing an OC into a story like this and keeping him/her balanced with the other characters, and yet in here I could picture Sky the Wingtail as if he were already a part of the LBT universe. So much time and effort has been put into this story to make it the best it can be, and it really shows the passion Cautizer has for his story. I am proud to give his story a 10/10!


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Reviewing is not really my strength, but I will try my very best. :)

Name of fanfiction: Land Before Time: Far Away Home
Rating: 10/10

Short Summary: At the beginning, the gang is seen as adults with Sky, a blue wingtail, telling the story of Far Away Home to their children. Of course, the story itself is focused on the gang in their younger years getting older by the time through the whole story. They meet the intelligent blue wingtail Sky who is seeking for his beloved mate Star at Feral Forest. Sky has not only enemies of sharpteeth, but also enemies of his own kind, blaming him for theft of a small item called "the Occular". Eybron is of them and seeks to rule the whole land. Glide, the older brother of Star, is against Sky's partnership with Star, making him an antagonist as well. The gang make their way with their new wingtail friend to find the Feral Forest, his "Far Away Home".

A story that started almost 2(!) years ago, is still ongoing but nearing it's final chapter. Written by a great writer named Caustizer, this story is a great and enjoyful read for those who like long and deep stories. :yes A lot of old characters from the LBT universe but also new characters as well are included. The personalities of the gang and other well known characters still remain, but with a deeper plot. The reason for this story is because of my wingtail characters. He saw my creations, but was disappointed by the lack of backgroundstory. So he decided to write one himself and he made it really, really good. Although, a part of me is quite jealous and a little sad as I have the feeling he's making a much better job with my wingtails than I do... :unsure:

What I like about this story are the different views. One time you see Sky, Littlefoot and Ali, the other time you see Ruby, Chomper and other characters. It makes the story more varied and interesting. Heh, but what I really like are the romantic scenes with Sky and Star. It always touches my heart and brings me always a smile to my face. :wub A very great written fanfiction with a lot of depth that keeps you on the edge of your seat everytime. An excitement that makes you eager to read the next chapter! :DD


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Name of fanfiction: Far Away Home: Another Day
Rating: 10/10

Short Summary: A little story about a father with his little wingtail child. Cloud, the son of Sky and Star, get's teased and bullied by his classmates because of the actions his father Sky has done in the past. As a caring and loving parent, Sky tries to set things right and hopes to give him and his son a little respect.

A sweet little story that was written especially for me due to my depression. Written by the same author who wrote "Far Away Home", Caustizer. A very nice, yet short story to read. All the things a father would do to give his offspring a better life, it makes me feel really warm inside. :^.^: The story only has three parts, but it has a lot of detail in it which makes it a very joyful read.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Name of fanfic: Guilty until proven Innocent.
Rating: 10/10

My first impression was rather skeptical as I read alot of Land Before Time Fanfiction, but after reading through half of the first chapter, I was all but hooked. The story not only focuses on three almost non-existent characters from the Original LBT, but fleshes them out, makes them each their own individual dinosaur and then makes them clash with everyone they come into contact with. Even going so far as to insult and outright threaten both the children AND the valley elders!

All in all, this story is well written, well thought out, and kept in synch with the characters emotions and feelings. Well deserving of the rating, and more so worthy of reading!

The Great Valley Guardian

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Name of fanfic: Self Control
Rating: 9.5/10

Another grand story by FlipperBoldSkua. Focusing on Ozzy, Strut and Ozzy's mate. To see such a heart warming story in the beginning turn into a gut wrenching story of personal betrayal is truly touching. The plot was superb and I am rather shocked to see that Ozzy had absolutely no self control, even when it came to his own hatchlings!

Overall a wonderful story with a sad ending, but this also explains how and perhaps why he acted the way he did in the second movie (As stated in the Author's comments) I look forward to more stories from this particular author and enjoy reading these stories.


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Name of fanfic: The Past that Yawns Behind
Rating: 9/10
Review: Very nice story that kept me reading from start to finish. It had me guessing, rethinking, and kept me at the edge of my seat at all times, entrigued at what would happen next. One thing that suprised me was how modest Pterano was in the story, and how he would do anything to save Petrie, even those rough tests from Brightneck. Speaking of that, it was very exciting how he always kept me thinking of just who the boss would be and why he would be doing that to Pterano. Plot flows nicely from start to finish, few grammer and spelling mistakes, and a great idea to go with it. I give this story a solid 9 on 10. Great job on creating such a great story Pterano. I look forward to more of your works in the future. ;)


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Caustizer's Far Away Home -
Rating: 9.5/10
Comments: This story combines a deep plot with the same characters we all know and love. Not to mention there are very few if any errors that snap the illusion and the scenery descriptions are absolutely dazzling. While he keeps everyone in character, he is not afraid to experiment and push the bounds. Unfortunately, the pacing sometimes suffers in the form of it being too slow but those moments are rare.

FlipperBoidSkua's Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Comments: This story focuses on three background characters with little to no screentime and turns them into full fledged protagonists. The pacing is good, the interactions lively. All in all, a great piece of work.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I've got three mores reviews for today, for some of FlipperBoidSkua's work. I actually already read these three fictions beforehand. I guess for some reason, these three really caught my eye. I didn't even know they were from the same member. :DD

Name of fanfiction: One Time Thing
Rating: 8/10
Review: I found this story very interesting. A story from one of the villains point of view, showing his time of humility in begging his enemies for help. A good story that showed an interesting side to three characters who never had much of a personality in the TV series. Your writing is good, with a lot of nice descriptions and explanations of what is going on. You do a good job at showing how rare an occurrence this is, though. You show how apprehensive both parties are, and how both sides are taking big risks in going along with the other. I can't really notice any grammar issues with this one. Overall, this is a good short story to read to get a little different feel for Redclaw and his Crones...but just a little. I'm giving this a 8, because, while I do like this story, there's others I love much better.

Name of fanfiction: Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Rating: 9/10
Review: I really like this story. It's almost disgusting in a way, how a group of omnivores who apparently never ate meat before got on the habit to stay alive, then couldn't stop. I liked how it is putting my favorite character through a very trying situation. He's always trying to prove that he's good, but often times, others do not believe him. The writing itself is pretty good. Your doing a good job of building suspense, what with slowly getting Chomper further and further into trouble, making me wonder if the Great Valley will take action soon. I can't really see any grammer problems or anything yet. I guess the only real reason I'm giving it a 9 is because it's still incomplete, and there's a variety of directions this very interesting tale can take, for better or for worse. I see you haven't added to this incomplete story in quite a while, but I encourage you to get back on it! I really like it, and I see several other members have enjoyed it as well. This is a great read if your a Chomper fan! I like this story the most so far out of the three I've read from you, FlipperBoidSkua.

Name of fanfiction: Betting Game
Rating: 8/10
Review: A very short, dark, interesting tale on the origins of Redclaw and the Gang. I really like the air of cruelty this story has. How the fastbiter trio turns into a duo, and is basically forced to join the very sharptooth that killed their sister. It has an almost godfather type feel to it actually. This is one of your more darker stories I think. Even darker than Guilty Until Proven Innocent in a way. It was interesting reading about a hunt from a sharptooth's point of view as well. like with your other writing, your mostly good with squashing grammar errors. for me anyway, if a work only has a few errors, I tend to gloss over them without even noticing. So if I can't remember anything bad, that' a pretty good thing :). Overall, this was another interesting sharptooth-oriented story(Which looks like your forte.) that I liked as well. This get's an 8, as again, while I liked this story, there's others I loved better which I believe deserve better scores.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Name of fanfiction: The Mystery of the Blackweeds
Rating: 9/10

OK, so it's been awhile since I've done this, but it's good to be back. So this review will deal with Allicloud's story, "The Mystery of the Blackweeds." I struggled with whether to give it an 8 or a 9, but ultimately chose 9, and here's why. First off, the story is very engaging, and though it is far from finished, it keeps me guessing every chapter how it is going to turn out. The pacing is good, and kept me reading from the start. The Blackweed Brotherhood are very well written, and credit goes to the author for coming up with four separate characters for this group, each very different and unique. I also love the ambiguity that Allicloud uses. He leaves it unclear if Ducky is telling the truth about Celya or not when she's shown around the Great Valley. Is Celya really disinterested, and is Rheddo the same? If that's the case, why is Redback the only one that expressed any genuine interest in the place? Or... conversely, is Ducky not being completely truthful (oh the horror!) because she's not at ease with the Bortherhood? I like how that was written, and left the reader to come up with their own interpretation. There are a few touching scenes too that Allicloud writes well, and any emotional scene that can move me is well written in my book.

Now there are a few things that the author could do to improve his work (and probably garner a 10 instead of a 9). I did notice some capitalization inconsistencies in the first couple of chapters, such as Longnecks and Threehorns being capitalized, but swimmers not. Thundering falls would be another example as well. If it's a proper noun, the whole name should begin with capitalization, so it would be Thundering Falls. There are a few big run on sentences in the first few chapters as well, and commas just don't cut it for breaking them up. They could really benefit from periods or semicolons. There's also a misspelled word here and there (as well as some words that are left out), but overall the spelling isn't too bad. I also noticed some repetition in the early chapters too, such as using the same word like "ridge" three times in the same paragraph. To read "ridge, ridge, ridge" over and over can make for some choppy reading. A thesaurus is useful for avoiding repetition, and the author could easily substitute a word like "hill" or "furrow" or whatever, just so that the reader doesn't have to read the same thing multiple times.

On the positive side however, most of these issues have been cleared up by the later chapters. The author shows signs of improving as he goes along, and because he doesn't tend to repeat his mistakes, that's why I gave this a 9 instead of an 8. One thing I WOULD like to see more of however is the use of descriptive passages. It's difficult to write this way, but it really engrosses the reader and makes a good plot even better. Use of comparisons, similes and metaphors really helps with this, as it sort of paints a picture for the reader in the reader's mind, rather than just outright stating what happens.

Overall though, this is a very good story; it has improved as it's gone on, and with a bit more detail and description (such as for surroundings, and especially for emotional reactions), this story would probably be a 10. I'm giving it a 9 out of 10, and I have to say here, very well done. Looking forward to reading more.

(runner up)
(runner up)

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Epicly long review incoming!

Name of fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
Rating: 7.5/10
Review: Before I started on this story, I was worried that you were going to be shoving Bionicle info down my throat the whole time. I was also worried that this story would be mostly focused on the Matorans, and that the LBT characters would play little real role in the story.

Fortunately, that didn't happen. The story started out slow, but I kind of liked that. I loved the long buildup to the main conflict, because I really enjoy first encounters. You know, two different groups of characters meeting for the first time, having to learn to live together, dealing with their differences, trying to get along; all of that kind of stuff. This story had a very mythical/mysterious/fantastical feel to it. Nearing the end of the story, I actually almost teared up a little bit. You just wrote a very good story, making me interested in the characters, so that I actually felt it when we had to say goodbye to all of them.

I liked how you incorporated a huge variety of LBT characters in this fiction. Having the Matorans meet the adults for a more diplomatic discussion was great. Also, bringing back a few one-off characters during the actual quest, such as Pterano, Ruby's family and Ali. The sub-plot you made around ruby's family was nice, as it came at a time when I was starting to get a little bored. It was a very exciting section that really rekindled my interest in the story. Well timed, I must say.

It was good that you mostly focused on the main Gang of Seven overall. I got what you said at the end of this story, about how this was their heroic quest, and how the Matoran's just helped them along the way. I might argue that Takua did a little more than that, but whatever. I LOVED all the conflict Cera created. That's what makes her such a great character. Like I've said multiple times, she's a good characters because she always makes the story more interesting, providing comic relief and also conflict hwere there isn't enough, and that's just what you used her for. I though Petrie learning tree-speak was quite funny (OH GOD NO!!! NOW HE TALKS WORSER!!!). You also handled Chomper well.

As for the Bionicle universe, I knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it when I first began this story. Coming into this story, I had to have my hand held for me for awhile, but you did a fine job of that. You slowly revealed about the Matoran's culture, lifestyle, mythos, ect. You really explained the Bionicle universe well I think, but you also didn't focus on it too much. I never felt like you were trying to shove it down my face.

I think you handled the Bionicle characters well, especially Takua. You displayed their personalities through their speech and through their actions. You showed how all of the Matoran characters are unique from each other, with a wide variety of personalities. You found many places through this long tale to fit these characters into, bringing them in to help Takua and the Gang on their quest. This also gave them an opportunity to shine. I didn't know that the Bionicle fiction had so many great characters. You made these characters very likable through all of this, making me want to learn more about the Bionicle universe. VERY good job on that, as I think that was one main goal of this work. (Right?)

(This paragraph is spoiling a part of the story) For the most part, I loved the story, but one BIG disappointment I had with the story was in retrieving the 5th energy stone. For this one, the Gang returned to the Island from the 5th movie. This got me really excited, due to how big a Chomper fan I am, but I was really disappointed with how this section of the story turned out. I was hoping to meet Chomper's parents again, but that didn't happen. It would have been okay if you explained why his parents weren't there anymore, but you didn't even do that! You did what the writers did for the TV series; leaving a big gaping hole in the plot, never explaining it. There was not even any real conversation or mention of Chomper's parents. Some comment from Takua, and then a reply from Chomper even would have added a lot.

The grammar wasn't THAT bad. I found a few mistakes here and there, but most of the time, nothing really jumped out at me. What I DID have a problem with though was with the writing style. I don't know if your just borrowing this style from the Bionicle books, but I just didn't like it. If I could describe it, I would just say that it's too wordy. a lot of your sentences run on for two long. You often state the same idea multiple times. I just find it makes it harder to read. It confused me sometimes, to the point where I had to reread a sentence to get the message. I would much rather prefer shorter, better worded sentences that got the same message across. I think that would be much easier and more fun to follow.

I know what I said in a review for another writer's fiction, but I liked these shorter chapters in this case. I think it was because even though they were short, they didn't seem rushed.

Overall, I really liked the story. Other than that awful bit, it was great. The weak part is the writing in my eyes. It's not really a problem with grammar or punctuation (Though there is room for improvement on that front) It was just the style you wrote the story in. Like I said earlier, I just didn't like it. I Debated all through my read-through of this story whether to give it a 7 or an 8. I finally settled on a 7.5. There are a lot of improvements you could make. Even then though, you have a good story, and that makes up for MOST of your other shortfalls. If someone at least has a good story, I'll be fair and give them at least a decent score. I'd recommend this story to any Bionicle or LBT fans, as it is a very interesting and fun read.
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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