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Fanfiction Voting 2011

Mumbling · 56 · 11220


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Name of fanfiction: Twilight Valley
Rating: 9/10
Review: This is a well written and well thought out story that tells the story of the Great Valley dinosaurs during a time of great crisis.  An evil sharptooth named Excidium looks to conquer the Great Valley with an army of other sharpteeth, fast-biters, meat eating flyers, and a good collection of past LBT villians who have a thing against the gang.

Twilight Valley is detailed and vivid, with lots of effort put into descriptions of minor details and the harsh realities of warfare that many of us cannot relate to very well.  The OCs that Serris has created have recognizable personalities and mannerisms that set them apart from the characters we know which makes the story all the more interesting, even though it can be unclear at times exactly what species they are (I still don't know if Mr. Bigmouth is a Crocidile like Dill or a Swimmer like Ducky's mom, but I'm sure I'll find out eventually).

A solid 9/10 is well deserved here. The main reason why it did not get a 10/10 is because, with the exception of some plot driven chapters, the story mostly feels like each installment follows the same general routine of battles, discussions and councils, and finally the 'tech time' with Bigmouth without any key plot points resolving themselves quickly.   :confused

Perhaps progess will come with time, but it's strange that after 24 chapters the Great Valley dinosaurs are still in almost the same position they were in after the big defeat in Chapter 13.

Overall Twilight Valley is definately worth a read, especially if your not too sensitive to dark things such as blood and war in the Land Before Time. :angel

The Chronicler

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Name of fanfiction: Land Before Time: Far Away Home
Rating: 9/10
Review: It took me a while to reread this story to refresh my memory, but now I can say with certainty how great it is.

There are a number of details that I liked about this fanfic. First, is how the earliest chapters seem to tie in with the previous story the author wrote. (Yes, I do remember that Far Away Home is in fact a sequel to another fanfic.) Second, is how for almost the entire story the gang is split into two groups (Cera, Ruby, and Chomper are separated from the rest), something rarely seen in other LBT fanfics (at least on such a long time frame). And third, is that as the story progressed, the gang slightly start to grow up, as if to demonstrate what a long adventure they're all on.

Other things that can be appreciated include the level of detail to provide the reader with excellent character descriptions and what the surrounding environment is like at the time. Also, let's not forget how well the author did with turning Sky's wingtail characters from just a few pictures into an interesting species with their own society. I also can't forget to mention all the fanart by Sky that was inspired by this story.

I'll be honest, it takes a lot to get a full 10/10 from me. This story was great, but not quite perfect, so that's why I'm giving a 9/10.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Name of fanfiction: Far Away Home
Rating: 9/10
Review: This unique story, two years in the making, is one of the most imaginative and gripping LBT fanfics I have ever read. It is at times a rather dark story, with some elements that the LBT purist might consider out-of-placeóan empire of sharpteeth built on coercing leafeater communities into providing them with food via periodical “sacrifices”, and technology such as optical lenses and sound-amplifying horns sculpted from volcanic glassóbut if these sorts of things don’t terribly bother you, then you will probably enjoy this fanfiction. :yes

The author’s creativity is astounding; he has devised, from scratch, entire communities of characters with their own customs, politics, and histories, the crowning example being the wingtails, an invented species of flying, birdlike dinosaurs (property of the equally talented LBT fanartist, Sky), whose blood feud with an exceptionally crafty and organized league of sharpteeth drives the plot forward.

Far Away Home bears an extensive cast of characters, many of them original, with a diverse range of impressively distinctive personalities. Some of the most interesting are the antagonists. The author has created some of the darkest and most chillingly effective villains ever seen in a LBT story, yet they fall (and at times travel) across a spectrum of morality and antagonism, with the result that you can’t always be certain who is “good” and who is “bad”, which makes the story all the more interesting. There are antiheroes who are inimical to some protagonists but benevolent to others. “Good guys” occasionally do terrible things (yet circumstances dictate that such actions are usually not excessively out-of-character for them). Even the cruelest and most irredeemable villains have motives and backstories that justify why they are the way they are.

The plot of Far Away Home is very complex, and it is sometimes difficult to comprehend where the interconnecting backstories of the various characters fit on the pre-story-timeline. When flashbacks are used (technically the entire story is a flashback, told by the grown-up gang to their children, but I digress), it is sometimes unclear that the events being relived take place beforehand, and are not part of the present storyline. These are relatively minor distractions, however, and the richness and unpredictability of the plot more than makes up for it, in my opinion.

I had a hard time deciding whether to rate this fanfic a 9 or a 10. Since I didn’t want to use a fractionalized number like 9.5 (in my humble opinion, that sort of thing defeats the purpose of the 1-to-10 rating system), I ultimately went with 9. Honestly, I’m not even sure how I would determine what’s worthy of a 10-point rating (it doesn’t help that I’m such a nitpicker :oops).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Name of fanfiction: Always the Same Son
Rating: 8/10
Review: This review's gonna be done a little differently than the one for the first story. When I first heard you were going to write a sequel to Lost in a Forest, I was worried that it wouldn't be as good. It turns out that it do I put this?

Here's my first impressions. The VERY beginning of the story got me excited, because it made me think that Pterano would be dealing with his past more (Kind of like with Pterano's fic). The next few chapters were just...boring to me. I wasn't really that interested in Haylie to be honest. When the two threehorn's were introduced, that was when it started to get more exciting for me. That was when the action started to heat up, and I loved that. For pretty much the rest of the story, I was really enjoying it, even though I wasn't showing it as much.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll talk about the writing. The writing started out bad. It still felt like you were rushing these chapters out, like you did for the first story. Near the end of the story though, you really improved in this regard. You slowed down your pace of writing by a LOT, and that really helped a ton in my eyes. Not only were your latter chapters better grammatically, but they were just plain better written. The dialogue was more involved, the characters interacted more dynamically. You managed to get some humor in here and there (Your first story had a little bit of humor, but not this much.) You get higher marks for your writing. Not too high, though, because the first half of this story was still written poorly.

The story itself...just didn't feel as good to me. It was very different than in your first story. this story felt a lot shorter than your first one, even though in length it was about the same. It didn't feel like as much happened in this one. I think that was because about two thirds of this story took place on the same day and night. I really liked the first story more. It was just grander and more epic. It took place over a longer period of time. I liked how the Gang itself was a part of the first story. In this one, I think the only one ever around was Petrie. The rest of the Gang was mentioned in one chapter (I think) and then were completely forgotten. I REALLY liked the threehorn characters you introduced though. You seemed to draw a parallel between them and Pterano in a way. They both did something they regretted, but they both finally took responsibility for their actions. When Pterano told them something along the lines of "You won't have to leave the Valley, but you will have to tell everyone!", that was the moment that really struck me. That was one really well done part of this story. Overall, the story wasn't as good as the first one I thought, but it had certain bits that just struck me. Really a mixed bad, I must say.

Humor is one thing I take seriously, and your humor in this story was definitely better. It seems like you snuck in a couple of Jittery quotes somehow (Oh you!) aside from that, some of the situations in this story were hilarious. From Topsy basically being forced to apologize, to Pterano getting a face full of sand and saying "My Fishy!", to him almost being squashed to death comically. I personally believe that the BEST stories are ones that can make you both laugh and cry. Hmm, I didn't really cry any in this story, (That's not saying much though. I rarely cry.) BUT I did laugh!

Overall, I think I'll just give this story the same score I gave your first one. This story was very different from your first one. There were numerous things I thought you did worse, but also numerous things I thought you did better. This story is still a pretty good read, just expect something very different from Lost in a Forest. If you come into this with an open mind, you'll enjoy and appreciate the good aspects of it.\

I"m PRETTY sure that the ending is leaving it open for a third part, so I'll look forward to it. From seeing how this one turned out, I really have no idea what the third part will be like! I'm looking forward to it...if it's coming.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

The Chronicler

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Name of fanfiction: The Adventures of Littlefoot and Ali
Rating: 7/10
Review: Ever since Rhett was first introduced in the TV series, I knew that it would have been only a matter of time until someone would write a fanfic based around a love triangle of Littlefoot, Ali, and Rhett. I have to say, this story does a relatively good job of making such a scenario believable. I like how it didn't start off right away, but rather it was not until chapters 8, 9, and 10 that the love triangle (and the issues it would cause) was confirmed for the main characters. Let's also not forget all of the one-off characters that make an appearance in this story, even if only for just one more one-off appearance.

The reason I'm rating this a 7 instead of an 8 has to do with where I think this story is headed. If I remember correctly, the author mentioned that the ending would be rather shocking. However, I've had a feeling, right from the start, that I know what will happen (don't worry, I won't tell anyone :angel ). It's that sense of predictability that I'm getting from this story that explains my rating. (If my predictions turn out to be wrong, I'll be sure to let you know.)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Name of fanfiction: The Mystery of the Blackweeds
Rating: 9.5/10
Review:I've been enjoying this story since the beginning of it. As you can see from my comments in the thread as you've been writing this, this story is keeping me guessing as to what is going to happen next. At first, I was very cautious of this brotherhood, then I warmed up to them a lot, then was shocked at what some of them are now doing. You've done a fantastic job of suckering me in, just like Littlefoot was suckered in. Actually, I've noticed that I've felt a lot like Littlefoot has felt while reading this story. Don't know if that's a coincidence or not, but it's interesting.

I like violence if it's used effectively. In this case, it is. It works because there is such emotion and buildup behind it. There's a meaningful reason for it. It's not just added in cheaply. This has really just came up with the latest chapter, but it's showing how everything is suddenly going downhill. It FEELS like this story is in it's climax at the moment.

The characters you've created for this story have been very interesting so far. You've done a great job at showing all of their personalities through their varied speech, they're body language, and their actions. The strange blackweeds are a nice touch that really completes this group. They have an air of mystery to them. They can be a little terrifying , but they're also strangely inviting. VERY complex characters. I really like Redback and Tero in particular.

About the only miner gripe I have is there are a few spelling errors and other grammatical errors here and there. It's really not that bad though, and in the later chapters it gets better.

I'm giving this story a 9.5, as this is the closest of any fanfiction I've read on here has come to matching The Past that Yawns Behind. You've got a hooked reader right now, and I'm heartbroken that there won't be another chapter for at least a couple weeks. I'd recommend almost anyone to give this story a read, as it's just so engaging and well written.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Name of fanfiction: PAST-O-RAMA
Rating: 7/10

A two-season TV series about LBT. What can be better than that? Anyways, this story was one that I ingored at first glance because I thought it wouldn't draw my attention that well, but once I got down into it the story, it was very exciting! I liked how you made the stretch and added a human into the series and just kept going with it. That honestly impressed me about how you did that. You made it believable too, a good quality to have in a story.

The thing that got me though, was the grammer. Honestly, in the first season, it didn't do so well, but, as you got further along, it gradually got better and better, making it easier on the eyes. Another thing was the format. I hate script format. I really do. Story format for me is a must, but, this story is a bit of an exception. You didn't really make it too much like a simple, plain script, you made it into something much more than that, so, kudos to you.

As mentioned by Caustizer up there somewhere, I kind of consider this as the second season of LBT that never was, and I honestly think that this might actually be able to happen if someone tried hard enough. And so, I give this story a 7 on 10. Great work, von.

The Chronicler

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Name of fanfiction: PAST-O-RAMA
Rating: 7/10
Review: I have to say that this is quite an interesting story so far. First of all, there is a slight change in the cast: Grandpa Longneck passed away, Bron and Shorty (and later Ali) become permanent residents, and Chomper has a new personality (slightly matured, according to the author). Let's also not forget the big difference from the official TV series: the presence of a human character we know only as Professor. One detail that I like is that Professor can't understand the dinosaur language (something most authors tend to overlook for convenience), and needs a special communicator to be able to speak with them (as humorously highlighted in one episode :lol ). I'm also interested in the author's interpretation of the Rainbowfaces, and I eagerly await to see what happens in that three-parter episode at the end of season two.

Of course, the script format used for this story is harder to follow than a typical story format, since we don't get much descriptions and almost never know what anyone is thinking. As an example, the only things I know about what Professor looks like is that he's a human with some device on his wrist, and that's it. Not once have I seen a specific description like his age or what clothes he wears. Still, this is intended to be like a TV series, so I guess such a format is to be expected. Of course, there's the occasional grammar issue, but the author certainly seems to be making a good effort of improving.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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This is my last review for the fanfiction awards. I hope we can all do this again next year! :yes

Name of fanfiction: Total Drama Valley
Rating: 8/10
Review:Soory that this review is a little on the short side, but I don't really know what I can say about this one that I haven't said about the unfinished season 2. It was just as funny and exciting as the second season. Even though I did have some things spoiled for me from reading these out of order (some BIG things, mind you), I still found a lot of surprises in this season, and It was interesting to see how it played out already knowing what would ultimately happen in the end.

I was kind of thinking that this one wouldn't be as interesting, as it was taking place in and around the Great Valley, and not in the future,  but it's actually really good. You managed to think of good challenges that used the past to it's full potential, so bravo on that.

One thing I'll bring up about ALL of your fanfiction, Brekclub, is it just freaks the bagibus out of me out sometimes. Not in a bad way, mind you, but your fictions just have a really interesting mix of childishness, innocence, creepiness, dark humor, slapstick, and gore. It's a...really strange mix I must say. For example, in one episode of Total Drama Valley, Rita (Chomper's girlfriend) Kills several dinosaurs and arranges them in a heart shape so Chomper will see it when they fly overhead on a flyer. I was really freaked out by that, and Chomper kinda was too :lol.

Anyway, this fiction is full of love, romance, life-or-death situations, dares, trickery, back-stabbing, excitement, and all of that jazz. I'd again recommend it for anyone that likes the actual Total Drama series. I'm giving it another 8, and it's about as good as the second season is so far. It's nice to see that this little series has been at the same fairly high quality from the start, unlike Sharptooth Valley.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Name of fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
Rating: 8/10
Review: I’ll admit that I haven’t read a great deal of LBT crossover fanfics, but I can confidently state that I can recall none as original or well-executed as this one. The author does a remarkable job of merging the LBT and Bionicle universes. The awkwardness one might expect from combining two such dissimilar series is astoundingly minimal. It is a story that one can read without any prior knowledge of the Bionicle series, and still enjoy and follow with relative ease. Everything the reader needs to know about Bionicleófrom the different races of Matoran, to their masks, to the history of their worldóis outlined in-story as the gang themselves become familiarized with these strange biomechanical newcomers.

The story is peppered with wit and humor; easily one of the things I enjoyed the most while reading it. The story in general is well-written, even with the author’s occasional tendency to use the same word or phrase repeatedly in the same sentence or paragraph. Action-filled scenes are described in thorough detail, such that they are not only exciting to read, but easy for the reader to visualize.

The author sometimes has difficulty giving sufficient attention and a visible enough role to every member of the gang, what with the large number of characters (often at least ten) that tend to be present at any one time. And while the author’s portrayal of the LBT characters feels accurate for the most part, some of them occasionally do things that seem a little far-fetched for them, such as Cera attempting to use a Matoran lava surfboard to escape from a dangerous situation without any assistance or prior instruction, and Ruby developing a crush on one of the Matoran.

Though the plot is interesting and generally enjoyable, the fact that the gang must embark on a new expedition each day to find each of the seven Energy Stones means that their adventures begin to feel somewhat formulaic as the story goes on. Each day’s events tend to follow the pattern of the gang first visiting one of the Matoran cities and recruiting two of its inhabitants to assist them, then embarking on a journey to the presumed location of the Energy Stone in question, menaced by Red Claw’s pack along the way, with each of their Matoran guests receiving the chance to help out in a manner demonstrating their strengths. However, the author tries his best to reduce predictability and keep the story fresh and interesting by making each adventure a little different in whatever ways he can.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Name of fanfiction: Journey to a New World
Rating: 5/10
Review: Well this story had a good plot, and had some elements of comedy that interlace with the seriousness, though it tends to have a lot of problems as well. The writing will switch from first person to third person, and a story should never do this. It should be told strictly in one voice. Keeping it completely first person would have been better, at least in my opinion. Capitalization tends to be all over the place and proper nouns such as names should always be capitalized. In other words, Jay should never be written as jay. Things tend to just jump around without transitions of any kind, and it just feels like bam, bam, bam, stuff happens. It really makes the pacing fly, and seem far too rapid.

Emotions, while written well in terms of action, suffered from a lack of description. This story itself could have been a lot stronger with better descriptive passages, consistent (and correct) punctuation, sticking with one solid voice throughout, and a better attention to pacing. It gets a 5/10 from me, as the story concept itself was good, and I think the author(s) had a good thing going, just needed to convey it better.

(runner up)
(runner up)

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Name of fanfiction: PAST-O-RAMA
Rating: 6/10
Review: This ongoing series of short stories, written in script format, is an attempt at a continuation of the LBT TV show. It differs mainly from the official series in that it features a human character known as “the Professor”, who travels from an as-yet unspecified point of time to live in the Great Valley. Unfortunately, as much as I would like to give a glowing review to every fanfiction I evaluate, I’m afraid I just didn’t enjoy this one that much. :oops

The fact that the story is written to resemble a TV series screenplay (complete with spaces for commercial breaks and the installments referred to as “episodes” instead of “chapters”) didn’t inherently bother me. However, I did have a problem with the limited amount of detail and descriptiveness in the non-dialogue text. For example, almost no information is given as to what the Professor looks like, and any descriptions of the characters’ surroundings in a scene are restricted to a brief mention of the general location and time of day. The writing style would probably work just fine for a television script, but it is less entertaining to read as a fanfiction.

In the first season in particular, there are numerous spelling and grammar errors throughout the chapters, and though I did my best to overlook them, I could do nothing about the fact that the dialogue is often awkward. I felt that too much of the characters’ thought processes were expressed through their lines; characters often say things that come off as overly obvious statements, and some lines just sound unrealistic (e.g., Mr. Threehorn saying "They sure are loud and annoying!" in reference to the gang playing, as if this is something new to him, even though he has surely watched them play hundreds of times). There were also many conversations that seemed to go on for very long, but did little to progress the story or provide exposition.

Sometimes it feels like the author is trying too hard to create conflict in the story, often at the expense of logic on the part of both the plot and the characters. The gang, the Professor, and even the gang’s parents regularly do things that seem overly foolish or defy common sense, such as the Professor setting off fireworks in an area full of flammable vegetation in Episode 9, and the gang trying to reach a beehive hanging over a tar pit in Episode 10. Then there are the instances when the author seems to just cop out on providing a reason for the events of the episode, such as in Episode 8 (in which the yellow bellies make a reappearance), where it is never explained how or why Loofah and Doofah ended up so far from their herd (and why their herd left Berry Valley in the first place), the matter being handwaved even when the gang themselves bring it up.

The author did have some interesting and original ideas, such as Saurus Rock being a site of spiritual significance to longnecks, with one chapter focusing on Littlefoot’s family taking him to the rock so that he can commune with his deceased grandfather. And I did like Episode 16’s concept of Ducky reflecting on her role in the gang, feeling weak and underappreciated, and wanting to do something about it (though the course of action she ended up taking felt completely out of character to me). Unfortunately, the chapters are often very short, and ideas that could conceivably be expanded into rich and interesting storylines are not utilized to their full potential. Oftentimes scenes change (and entire episodes end) abruptly, blocking off prospective plot paths before they can be explored, or just breaking the flow of the story.

This isn’t to say that PAST-O-RAMA is a bad fanfic; as of Episode 12, there has been a marked improvement in the quality of the storylines, and the author does seem to be improving with spelling and grammar. And he manages to succeed in amusing the reader even in the early, rushed episodes (One moment I enjoyed was in Episode 4, after Cera crashes into the side of a cliff while being carried by a carnivorous flyer; the Professor asks her, “did you hurt the cliff?” Cue Cera attempting to charge the Professor :lol).

Overall, I found this story original enough to rate it as above average, but it just fell too far short in its execution for me to consider it “great”. I know I’m a very picky reader, and I hope I wasn’t too harsh here. :unsure:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Name of fanfiction: Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Rating: 9/10
Review: I can’t say that I’ve ever seen another LBT fanfiction like this. The author has taken three characters from the original LBT, who collectively received only a few seconds of screentime and have seldomóif everóbeen so much as mentioned in any other LBT fanfiction; devised names and personalities for them, plus an explanation of how they came to be the way they are; and given them a story of their own. More than that, she’s made them into truly capable villains; cunning, nefarious, and demonstratively dangerous, motivated by both hunger and hatred.

The story is excellently written, with many twists and turns that will likely surprise readers. Characterization is good, although I couldn’t help but feel that Grandpa Longneck (even considering his forgiving nature) was overly tolerant of the domeheads’ offensive attitude towards him and the other valley residents. And while darker than any official LBT installment, the fanfiction contains no elements I can identify that would be out of place in a canon LBT story. So for those readers who prefer “pure” LBT stories, this is a fanfic that you can enjoy (provided you don’t mind a few OC deaths).

I’ll admit that I was a tiny bit disappointed that we didn’t get to see the main characters’ one canon run-in with the gang from their perspective (though I’ve been assured that it will be referenced later on in the story). It’s a very trivial qualm, however, with little to no effect on my rating. I very much hope that the author will continueóand eventually completeówork on this fanfiction. :yes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Name of fan fiction: The Past That Yawns Behind

Rating: 9/10

Review: I quickly discovered that I could discuss this story for an extremely long period, but for the sake of a reasonable length, I will, for once, show some restraint, heh heh heh.

This is a story of Pterano’s return and is focused on him and how he adapts to life in the Great Valley after his banishment comes to an end. Unfortunately, any possible adaptation is quickly cut short by a false accusation towards him. While he was welcomed back at first, seemingly forgiven, how quickly they turned on him shows the lack of sincerity. Everyone was kept canon. Cera’s father was accusatory, and Littlefoot’s grandfather was logical, during the meetings to get to the bottom of things. To keep the conflict lasting, the author caged the protagonist in a prison of right and wrong, both sides having a tempting allure. To do right meant he must suffer but his loved one would be alright, and to do wrong, meant ill for another while his own misery would reach its end. The protagonist is constantly haunted by a dreary past that he tried to forget that current events keep bringing up, so he is subjected to torture both new and old before the conclusion.

The author introduces side characters, both canon and original, who all play a role in progressing the engaging storyline. While some can be taken at face value, and others have more than meets the eye, he adds even more variety by using a canon character who has more to offer as time goes on, doing things for the wrong reasons at first, but becoming wholesome in the end. This particular character was unique because he acted as a friendly nemesis, not really bad at all anymore, though hiding the good behind a mask of indifference. Examples of such characters are Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, Tokiya from Flame of Recca, and Ren from Shaman King. These characters are like M&M’s, as they’re true content is hidden inside a voluntary shell, and the author worked this into his story brilliantly.

This story was not a single road to walk, as it can be boring to watch the exact same characters perform in a straight line from beginning to end with no change of focus. He divided the characters into groups, though these groups shifted as well for even more variety through new combinations, and so the scenes could have a unique approach. Furthermore, no group was created as a filler. Each scene played a role in progressing the plot to its end. Even the side romance which was added to keep this story feeling fresh played a significant part in justice being done. The author did not leave room for unimportance. Everyone does their part to help out with the dilemma, and this provides a much more satisfactory ending than if the main character had done everyone important alone.

The detail is magnificent, allowing for constant visuals even to those with weak imaginations. The dialogue was realistic, canon, witty, and interesting all at once, allowing for long conversations to be easily enjoyed. He added character development not only throughout the story but also before the story itself which was explained during the story. The plot contained a mystery for most of the chapters, but the author allowed for reader interaction by letting the conclusion be revealed for those perceptive enough. Some clues stood alone to help readers out, but interestingly enough, some clues did not mean anything until much later, meaning that the author interwove his information with long threads. The author creates numerous surprises, some more shocking than others, and the plot keeps people guessing with its unexpected turns. Full of emotion, readers can connect with the story through their hearts, not just analyze it with their minds.

Readers feel sympathy for Pterano, admiration for Littlefoot’s kindness, wisdom, and acceptance, fear for Petrie’s life, anger at Mr. Threehorn, happiness at the love between several characters, hatred of the villain, followed by doubt of that hatred, and much more. The story was simply engrossing. Even explanations and bridges between parts were not boring. The author found a way to thrill from beginning to end. The ending was beautiful, as it left readers with the sheer joy of the change that took place. Pterano ended up becoming exactly like Littlefoot was when he tossed that food down for Cera long ago and said nothing about himself in the process. Yet, while the ending was a closing, it left something open as well. The intentions of the villain are now unclear, so readers have to, in a sense, end the story themselves with what their heart deems is best.

Now then, despite being a masterpiece, this fan fiction is not quite perfect. There are some grammar issues, mostly in the quotations from using periods were commas should be and occasionally in other areas, such as using a comma before a coordinating conjunction when the part after the conjunction is a dependant clause. One section of the story brought a sense of mystery, but it was never explained, leaving readers guessing with no clues. When fastbiters invade the Great Valley, Chomper mentions hearing them say it was part of some plan. However, not only is it never explained how the villain was able to communicate with them, being a leaf-eater, and the story never says if any of his henchmen can communicate with them either, but it only adds to the confusion how the villain worked this out with them yet not allowing for his own safety, as he attacked some and could have been killed. When a villain devises a plot, it is unusual when he could die from it, especially with one so determined as the antagonist in this story. Lastly, readers never actually get to learn what the plan actually is. All that can be assumed is that they were asked to come in and attack on sight.

This was masterfully done, and is a good read for LBT fans and non LBT fans alike. The author shows us a world, shows us characters in this world, then throws them into a situation that just grows darker and darker. Though it ends with light, it leaves a gray area for readers to enjoy their own theory, meaning the author generously gave readers some control here as well. Everyone is likable or dislikable, meaning that each character was portrayed with unique characteristics that really showed. This was a puzzle with no extra pieces; nothing was pointless. Tiny details could be fixed, but none of them detract from the epic experience one has when he or she picks up The Past That Yawns Behind.


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Name of fanfiction: Battle of the Sacred Essences 2: Corruption’s Curse
Rating: 9/10
Review: This style of fanfiction is normally one that I don’t care for, so it says a lot about the skills of the author that I like it so much. His writing style is rich, eloquent, and vividly detailed, its one drawback being the amount of time it takes to get to the next point in the story (The chapters are so enjoyable, however, that one barely notices their length; only the time until the next one is posted :p). Action scenes (of which there are many) are tense and exciting. The author’s portrayal of the LBT characters is dead-on, and he does an outstanding job of making sure every member of the gang (even Spike) gets their fair share of attention in the narrative, so that they all get a chance to contribute to the story, and maintain a constant, visible presence in it.

I’ll admit that I still prefer LBT fanfictions where the dinosaur characters take center stage (seeing the Black Ghost effortlessly one-up attacking dinosaurs gets old for me fast), but that’s just me. :p On another note, some of the references to the original movie in chapters 22–27 (in which the gang re-tread the same path they took when they first traveled to the Great Valley) felt a little forced to me (although I loved the scenes showing how Cera has grown since that first adventure). And is it a bad thing that I think I already have a good idea of who the Black Ghost is? :oops

This fanfiction hasn’t been updated in a while, and I hope the author is able to continue it. I am under the impression that the ending is still a long way off, and it would be a shame for this fantastic story to be left hanging where it is.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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