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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

What are you thinking about?

Amaranthine · 1119 · 106770


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Pangaea, I doubt anyone but yourself even sees why you would not be accepted. The question what would cause for you not be accepted by someone really beats me. I don't often talk about people without them present, but frankly I am not lying when saying that I never ever heard anything but very positive sentiments expressed about you; sentiments which I share  :exactly
The most "critical" thing I ever read / wrote about you was concern about you wearing yourself out too much while trying to please everyone and seeing like obligations what should only be voluntary fun. Please relax Pangaea, we love you :yes
Also never feel obligued for a chat (in case this may be what you are worrying about). It is only an invitation, not a challenge :)


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Causality loops :wacko
More importantly, thinking about getting a bike. As much as I like walking, it's wearing me down to get up at 3 a.m. just to walk to work. :confused


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, Pangaea. I don't know how you can think your not accepted on here. You keep thinking so low of yourself, though no one on here seems to share your pessimism in yourself. It's really quite baffleing to me.

Hey, do you have MSN or Skype? Idk, maybe you'd like just a friendly little chat sometime. I'm not pushing you or anything of course. Only if you want to. :yes
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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^That's brutal, Justin. When does your shift start? I think you'll love your bicycle. I almost never walk in my hometown. I can get anywhere with my bicycle, in a mere 15 minutes at most.

Thinking about the it-can-not-be-done mentality that is spreading in the Western world (and wider). What inspired me was an article about how building a permanent Moon base would cost 1 trillion USD. Sure, if the base were to be built by NASA using non-reusable rockets, like the old Saturn V, it would cost that much. Perhaps even more. But, if the base were to be built by private companies competing for awards, like the Google Lunar X-Prize, using fully reusable rockets (SpaceX appears to be close to buiding such a rocket), 10 billion USD would be a better estimate.


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How I once retaliated against someone playing gangsta rap in my dorm last year at extreme volumes.

What I did was play a mix of industrial rock, power metal, goa trance and intense orchestral/choral as loud as I could. I used a set of Sennheiser headphones to play similar music at lower volumes to protect my hearing.

In a few minutes, I got the annoying rapper to shut up.

Bonus, I had a lot of people surprised that I listened to that type of music. And I had some people asking what music it was.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

Cancerian Tiger

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I don't recall anyone saying you're not accepted on the GOF, Pangaea :unsure:.  I think that, coming from a fellow Aspie, it's in our nature to question whether or not we are accepted into social circles.  I find myself doing this often, including on the GOF, but having the confidence and self-esteem to tell yourself you're a good person who deserves friendship and acceptance goes a long way :yes.  I hope you're not discouraged by anyone, as I have never heard anything negative about you on here :).


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Oh, shoot, I posted before my post was complete. Give me a few minutes…

Oh, drat. I accidentally made a new post instead of editing this one. :slap

Just ignore this post.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Pterano, Malte, vonboy, Cancerian Tiger: Thank you. It is warming to hear that you think so highly of me (far better than I've been deserving of these past several months). Honestly, it comes as a real surprise to me that anyone would speak fondly of me anymore, what with me being so negligent of my friends on the GOF.

Quote from: Malte279,Jan 31 2012 on  11:09 AM
Pangaea, I doubt anyone but yourself even sees why you would not be accepted. The question what would cause for you not be accepted by someone really beats me. I don't often talk about people without them present, but frankly I am not lying when saying that I never ever heard anything but very positive sentiments expressed about you; sentiments which I share :exactly
The most "critical" thing I ever read / wrote about you was concern about you wearing yourself out too much while trying to please everyone and seeing like obligations what should only be voluntary fun. Please relax Pangaea, we love you :yes
Also never feel obligued for a chat (in case this may be what you are worrying about). It is only an invitation, not a challenge :)
I'm hardly wearing myself out on the GOF; it's the fact that I've hardly done anything at all on the forum since June that bothers me. Also, did you receive the e-mail I sent you on January 15th? I explained in that message the reason for my chickening out on a Skype conversation, but since you didn't respond I wasn't sure you got it. (Not that I'd blame you for not responding; it took me a month to get around to sending that message; I'm surprised anyone can stand to talk to me at all. :unsure:)

Quote from: vonboy,Jan 31 2012 on  06:52 PM
Yeah, Pangaea. I don't know how you can think your not accepted on here. You keep thinking so low of yourself, though no one on here seems to share your pessimism in yourself. It's really quite baffleing to me.

Hey, do you have MSN or Skype? Idk, maybe you'd like just a friendly little chat sometime. I'm not pushing you or anything of course. Only if you want to. :yes
I do have Skype, but I'm so shy that I haven't used it to talk to anyone outside my family. A couple months ago I mustered up the courage to ask Malte for a Skype chat, but ultimately I wimped out, deciding that I wasn't ready after all. Someday I do want to try to talk to other members via Skype, but given my downright pathetic level of shyness, I don't know when that day will be.

Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Jan 31 2012 on  08:37 PM
I don't recall anyone saying you're not accepted on the GOF, Pangaea :unsure:. I think that, coming from a fellow Aspie, it's in our nature to question whether or not we are accepted into social circles. I find myself doing this often, including on the GOF, but having the confidence and self-esteem to tell yourself you're a good person who deserves friendship and acceptance goes a long way :yes. I hope you're not discouraged by anyone, as I have never heard anything negative about you on here :).
No one has directly said anything that made me think I was unwanted or disliked (not yet, anyway), but I strongly suspect that many of them are disappointed in me for failing to fulfill promises I've made to them for so long. I've barely given any art or writing feedback in ages, take forever to respond to messages and PMs,  there are at least three members I promised star day cards to long ago that I have still failed to deliver, the "In The Land Before Time" RP is at a standstill thanks to me being so indecisive and sporadic on what and when to post, and I haven't even responded to my own "Ask Me" thread since October. And I keep balking whenever I do make an attempt to work on these things. :bang Some days I'll think to myself "today I'm going to get this thing done!"; I start writing, and make a little progress, but then become unsure of how to continue, start getting nervous about how my post will be received, take a break with the intention of getting back to work once I've calmed down, get sidetracked, and before I know it the day is over and I'm too tired to continue. :bang

My self-esteem has gotten so bad that I'm afraid that even talking about myself on the forum, or even drawing attention to myself just by posting, makes me look like a selfish person who just wants attention. I mean, I do want attentionóit's horribly lonely and painful to not be noticedóbut I don't want to inconvenience people or make them waste their time (and perish the thought of getting them to talk to me out of sheer pity), or annoy them by sounding like a complainer, a braggart, a fussbudget, or a know-it-all. After all, I may have problems, but they're only because I'm a deficient weakling who can't handle or keep up with the real world; the other members here have much more serious and difficult problems than me (housing, money issues, finding and keeping jobs, family drama, etc.), and if I were in any of their places I would never survive.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to turn this thread into a topic about myself :unsure: (just PM me if you want me to remove this post). If any of you have anything else you want to say to me, why don't you post it in this thread I made a while back for the express purpose of explaining what's going on with me and apologizing for my innumerable faults and mistakes (so that I wouldn't have to clutter up the rest of the forum with my complaining)?

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Sky went in for surgery today to remove some gall stones.

I'm hoping he made it out okay.  :angel


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Hey Pangaea, I actually have been feeling the exact same way. I was absent for a good chunk of time here, due to depression issues/lack of time type things, and now I feel like I've been letting my friends down on here because I'm not there for them, or I'm not fulfilling my commitments to them. I end up staying offline even more, because I think I'm some big disappointment, and probably end up just making things worse for myself. :p I dunno, I just go in circles when I start talking about this. I think the exact same thing you do. Maybe they don't say it but... they might be disappointed or discontent with me and my lack of activity. Once again, I don't really know. It's a self-perpetuating quandary.  :confused

Either way, hope things go smoothly for you. I understand being shy as well. Well... here's to you at least! :yes Figured I'd end on a positive note at least. :p

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Cancerian Tiger

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How strong my bones must be.  To my knowledge I've never had a fracture, though I suspect I may have had a mild stress fracture in my right hip a few years ago :crazy.

Just today, as I was helping someone move a three-hundred pound cast-iron woodstove, we ended up dropping it, and one of the feet landed on my right baby toe.  Man it hurt, but surprisingly, the most damage I sustained was a minor bruise :huh:  :crazy.  I've even had a couple hundred pounds of frozen salmon fall on me in my workplace's freezer, and it knocked me on my tail, and yet I walked away unscathed :confused.

The Chronicler

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I'm thinking about how interesting today is in terms of history. Today is Charles Dickens' 200th birthday. Today is also the 200th anniversary of one of the strongest earthquakes to ever hit the United States, one of a series of massive earthquakes in the New Madrid Fault Zone in southeastern Missouri. (An interesting result of those earthquakes is that a lot of people didn't want to live there anymore, so a rich businessman (I forget his name) bought all of that abandoned land. He later influenced congress to make it all become a part of the new state of Missouri, due to the power it would have in being "the Gateway to the West". That's why Missouri, as seen on a map, has that weird notch on the southeastern corner.)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Quote from: The Chronicler,Feb 7 2012 on  09:50 PM
I'm thinking about how interesting today is in terms of history. Today is Charles Dickens' 200th birthday. Today is also the 200th anniversary of one of the strongest earthquakes to ever hit the United States, one of a series of massive earthquakes in the New Madrid Fault Zone in southeastern Missouri. (An interesting result of those earthquakes is that a lot of people didn't want to live there anymore, so a rich businessman (I forget his name) bought all of that abandoned land. He later influenced congress to make it all become a part of the new state of Missouri, due to the power it would have in being "the Gateway to the West". That's why Missouri, as seen on a map, has that weird notch on the southeastern corner.)

Extremely interesting to know! :DD I knew about Dickens's Birthday, but not about the rest of those facts! Dickens just happens to be my favorite author, so it's nice to see him getting some recognition here. :yes

I'm thinking about taking a leave of absence. It's something I've been considering over the past month, and I know I'm not around here much anyway. Still considering it.

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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Feb 3 2012 on  08:01 PM
How strong my bones must be.  To my knowledge I've never had a fracture, though I suspect I may have had a mild stress fracture in my right hip a few years ago :crazy.

Just today, as I was helping someone move a three-hundred pound cast-iron woodstove, we ended up dropping it, and one of the feet landed on my right baby toe.  Man it hurt, but surprisingly, the most damage I sustained was a minor bruise :huh:  :crazy.  I've even had a couple hundred pounds of frozen salmon fall on me in my workplace's freezer, and it knocked me on my tail, and yet I walked away unscathed :confused.
You're Wonder Woman. :o :D

I'm also thinking about:

Animation styles
Which characters from MLP: FIM I relate to the most

The Chronicler

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Once again, I'm thinking about how I never seem to have enough time to get things done. I've got multiple assignments for some of my classes that I need to get done within a few days. Not to mention, I've made hardly any progress on my fanfic in weeks. The good news is that I'm starting to manage my time more efficiently by not wasting so much time reading news articles online.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

Dr. Curzon

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How DarkHououmon's profile had a teaser for what seemed like an epic, high octane thriller/war story.

Rating: PG-13
Description: When Pterano discovers the real Stone of Cold Fire, the entire planet is plunged into a terrible Flyer Reign. A resistance group is the Earth's only chance of salvation.

And how much it kinda depresses me that it will never be seen.

And how much I regret not copying and archiving Regina Demonica's Icthy-centric LBT war story Silver. It's actually really, really good.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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About how bad the TV series sucked for LBT, espicially with stashing most of the good episodes in the first half of the one season, and putting a lot of the nastier ones at the back, as well as ending it with probably the worst episode they could have chosen to end it.  <_<

And how awesome Madonna's new album is!  :exactly


And how much I regret not copying and archiving Regina Demonica's Icthy-centric LBT war story Silver. It's actually really, really good.

I remember seeing that one, and now it's gone. I never read it, so it doesn't upset me.

What does is a similar fate happened to Hunter and co.'s "Two from the past". It was the best LBT fanfic I've ever read.

And now it's gone.  :cry

Help finding it is much appreciated.


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The idea that medical science could significantly improve and people may end up living longer then 100+ years of age. Also hearing that there could be a way to cure aging too. Some say we may even see 1000 year olds too in the near future. If that happens can you imagine how strange that would be?  :o