The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165189


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(EDIT: Made a mistake in posting here. Just ignore it.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Petrie followed his mother back to their nest while Flapper, not having a place to sleep, went off to where Grandpa Longneck and his family slept with Grandpa Longneck.  They walked in a relaxed pace since they were in no great hurry to get there, they would sooner or later.


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The question stopped Rob right in his tracks. Great. Now what do I do? Rob knew Zaine wouldn't understand what a human is, but he was even more worried about telling him that he created him. He'll hate me forever if I tell him I created him. I can't tell him that just yet. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain."

"Try me," Zaine replied. "I want to know how you know my name and what you really are."

"I told you," Rob said. "I'm a fast biter."

"You really expect me to believe you are a fast biter?" Zaine asked skeptically.

"Well you just were two seconds ago," Rob pointed out.

"And then you somehow said me name," Zaine finished. "There's no way I've ever met you, and I know fast biters do not look like you do, so stop lying and tell me the truth!" Zaine was getting especially aggressive. How was he suppose know if this creature was friendly or dangerous if he had no idea what it was? He certainly seemed friendly enough but something still seemed strange about him.

Rob sighed, knowing there was no way out of this. Well here goes nothing. "The truth is... I'm not from around here."

"No kidding," Zaine commented.

"First of all, you're right," Rob continued. "I'm not a fast biter. In fact, I'm not a dinosaur at all. I'm called a human."

"A" Zaine had trouble pronouncing the word as he had never heard it before.

"Yes," Rob nodded. "A human is kind of like a fast runner except we have no tail. We stand on our two legs and have two arms."

"You don't seem too different from a dinosaur," Zaine said. He closely examined Rob's face. "I'm guessing that thing below your eyes is your nose?"

Rob nodded, "and these two are my ears." He pointed to his ears to clarify, but Zaine was still confused about something.

"So what exactly is that black stuff on your head, if I'm assuming correct that what I'm looking at is your head? And what is all this colored stuff all over you?"

Rob was now confused. Then he realized Zaine was mentioning his clothes. He simply shook his head and said, "You wouldn't understand even if I told you." Zaine glared at him and Rob sighed. "These are called clothes. They cover my body and keep me warm." He then pointed to his head. "This black stuff is called hair. It also protects my head."

"Cl...othes? H...air?" Zaine was getting ever more confused with all these strange words. "Why do you have them?"

Rob was startled by this question. "Well I was born with my hair, as for my clothes..." Rob hesitated before continuing. "I just have them because I do."

Zaine was highly confused, but he decided not to think about it much longer. "Ok, so you are a... human... or whatever. But you still haven't explained how you know me."

"Zaine it's really complicated," Rob said. "You wouldn't even begin to understand if I tried to explain it to you."

"I don't care!" Zaine yelled. "If you don't tell me right now then I will get my friend Longtail to beat it out of you, and believe me you don't want that."

Rob knew very well who Longtail was and what he was capable of, so he certainly didn't want an angry flyer threatening to kill him. Then again, he couldn't tell Zaine the truth. It would be too much for him to handle. "I'm sorry Zaine, but I just can't..."

"LONGTAIL!" Zaine yelled out. He continued yelling his name out numerous times, and Rob's eyes widened with fear.

"Zaine stop it! You don't know what you are doing!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail was just curling up next to his uncle when he heard his name. He blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't just hearing something else, and when he knew someone was calling for him, he quickly stood up and walked outside of the cave, spread his wings and took off flying towards where the sound was coming from.

Rick however turned to Belmont and replied, "Yeah I do hear something...but it doesn't sound like sounds like someone else." And at that moment he turned to face the mouth of the cave they were in and saw something that looked like Longtail. "Hey Belmont, do you mind if I take a look around outside for a moment?" he asked.

After flying for what felt like days Longtail finally could see who it was that was shouting his name. As he landed he closed his eyes for a moment and said, "'s late. This had better be important or so help me I'll..." he then opened his eyes and the sight immediately shut him up.
For a moment he looked at Rob and then back at Zaine. He then turned his head to face Rob once more and asked, "What, or more to the point WHO are you....and if you're trying to hurt Zaine...well lets just say I'll get a free meal outta this..." he commented with a smile.


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"Ekhem.." he coughed to fill up the silence that suddenly came on between him and threehorns "So... Are you going to let me stay here or you will chase me away or we will just keep standing here staring at each other?" he asked with a sarcasm on last part of this sentence. He wanted to know where he was standing (metaphorically of course) and waiting for Mr. Threehorn to make his decision was making him anxious. In addition, he felt a little hungry, which only strengthened his irritation...
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

Cancerian Tiger

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As Anna wandered not too far away from Ducky and Spike's nest, she spotted a large tree close to where she stood.

"Hmm...this'll work," said Anna as she sat down with her back against the tree.  She was facing the waterhole from where she sat.  Anna took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and began to meditate when she heard someone yell out in the distance.  Her green-blue eyes popped open out of startlement, and when she no longer heard yelling, she closed her eyes again and returned to meditating, unaware she was being watched.


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Rob stepped back a little bit. Why does he always have to be so intimidating? "Look I don't want to hurt anybody," he put his hands up in front of him. "I don't even know how I got here in the first place."

"Quit stalling and get to the point," Zaine said impatiently. "Who the heck are you?"

Rob sighed. I didn't want to tell him, but it seems I have no choice. Besides, I don't know if Longtail's heard this either. "If you really want to know Zaine................ Fine I'll tell you." He closed his eyes and bowed his head. "I'm not from this world. Where I'm from............ there are no dinosaurs..."

"What?" Zaine's eyes widened with shock and fear. "What do you mean no more?"

"That's not all," Rob continued. "Where I'm from............... the Great Valley isn't real. The characters in the Great Valley were all created by humans." A tear rolled down Rob's cheek. This was the hardest thing he ever had to say.

Zaine kept shaing his head. He didn't believe a word Rob was saying, not one bit. "You're lying. The Great Valley is a real place. I've lived here for so long! I've lived here..."

"Ever since you're parents died," Rob finished, still with his eyes closed. "You lost your entire herd, and you came here." He didn't open his eyes because he couldn't bring himself to look at Zaine. "And you Longtail, your past is quite dark as well. You've seen death, but you have your uncle Cyrix to look after you, even though Korr tried to kill you."

At that moment Zaine was completely horrified. He began to think that Rob was actually telling the truth. "How..... how do you know about my life? How do you know about Longtail?" When Rob didn't answer, the longneck grew furious. "ANSWER ME!"

Rob finally opened his eyes and looked at Zaine. "My name is Rob............. and where I'm from, I created you."

Zaine fell completely silent. He couldn't breathe, but the words echoed through his mind. "Wh..... what............ what did............... you say?"

"I created you," Rob replied. "I created your life, who you are, who your family was, everything about you." He glanced over at Longtail. "You too Longtail were created by another human."

Zaine let it sink into his head. He still couldn't believe what he was hearing, but the more he thought about it the more rage filled his body. "You say you created my life?" He began to cry in anger. "Why did you do it? Why did you create the earthshake? Why did you make that night?" He burst into full tears and screamed out, "WHY DID YOU KILL MY FAMILY?"

Rob began to cry a little. "I'm so sorry Zaine. I don't know why, I just did. I'm so sorry."

"You're sorry?" Zaine yelled. "That's all you have to say? You're sorry you gave me a life without my parents? You're sorry you put me in a nightmare my entire life?" Zaine collapsed to his knees.

"Zaine," Rob started, but Zaine cut him off.

"You monster! I'll kill you you b******!" Zaine burried his head into the ground.
Rob could only watch the pain he was causing the poor longneck. What have I done? he asked himself.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail was shocked to his very core, but his face remained rather placid as on reflex actoin he jumped towards Rob and in a moment he had his tail around Rob's neck choking the human to death. "I don't know how you know about me..or Zaine, and I don't know if anything you tell us is real...but my 'brother' is feeling pain in his heart because of you and I'll SEE YOU DEAD!" ANd he continued to squeeze as hard as he could.

Rick however was standing behind a tree and immediately ran forward to help Rob. "DONGTAIL STOP!!!!! What Rob said is true!!! I know I CREATED YOU! You're life is what I made it!"

Longtail for a moment stopped squeezing Rob and looked at Rick with pure blood lust and murder in his eyes..."SO....IT WAS YOU!!!! YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!!!! AND NOW I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!" He then jumped away from Rob and latched on to Ricks neck and tried to bite and claw into his flesh.


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John ran to help Longtail come back to his senses, he grabbed Longtail,pulling him off Rick.

 "calm down, I'm sure we can explain all of this" John said deciding it was best if they talked about why they were so angry after hearing that they were made up,rather then killing each other.



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Red Claw felt his surroundings, by using his face and nose. he tried to use the distance of the two ends of the opening of the wall. He slowly came in and his mouth instantly watered at all of the senses that were coming to him.

I never would have instantly received these scents if I still could see. He almost apprciated his blindness.

However, he smelt some dinosaurs up and alive.

Looks like my midnight snack is coming earlier then usual.

He charged to where Little Foot and his Grandmother was.
Little Foot's eyes widened as he saw the sharptooth charging towards him.

"Alli, c'mon, we better go!"
Amy, surprised by Pterano's sudden appearance, she stumbled back a little, which made her bump into Panagea.

"Oh, hi, I...just was wondering why you left so quickly, you just left as quickly as you" Suddenly feeling awkward, she fiddled with a leaf in her hands, being very nervous.

She then said to Panagea in back of her, "Sorry about that Panagea, I didn't know you were behind me."
Mr. Three Horn rolled his eyes and said, "Alright, I'll take you to Chomper, I'm sure you two will be GREAT friends...." He turned to his mate's face and seeing the expression he said, "I'll only be gone for a moment. You should go back with Cera and Tricia." He then turned to the sharp tooth and dramatically changed his gentle tone from talking to Tria. "Alright, let's go!" He pointed his nose to the direction where he would lead the sharp tooth.
Rebecca lead Petrie to his nest and she told her son, "Get some sleep,the faster you do so, the sooner you can be with your new friends." She smiled gently.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Sam had found a spot by a tree to sleep. "Well I hope that none of the other GOF members that are here pull anything stupid like telling residents of the great valley that we know just about everthing about them or the characters they created,' sam thought.

Thud waited at one of  smaller enterances to the valley.


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Tria took her daughter and step-daughter with her. "Let's go, kids. Your father has a good point" ("for once") she added mentally.

Pterano looked around. He saw that Amy and Pangaea were standing next to him, but... something else was near.

"Thomas" knew that something was up as well. He guessed it was a predator attack. That's how it usually went in these situations...


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Petrie reached his family's nest and went to sleep, a bit apart from his siblings as he usually did.

Grandpa Longneck soon arrived with Flapper at the area where he and his family often slept.

Mim reached her usual sleeping are and lay down to relax, looking up at the night lights a bit before trying to go to sleep.

The Chronicler

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As Chronicler and Ruby walked to her cave, Ruby noticed that Chronicler was looking up at the night sky with a smile on his face. Curious, Ruby asked, "What are you looking at that's making you seem so happy?"

Chronicler suddenly realized that Ruby had said something to him. He said, "Oh, uh... it's just that... I've never seen the night sky with so many stars. Where I come from, there is often so much, uh... so many lights on the ground that it's sometimes hard to see many stars in the sky. You know, when I was younger, I always enjoyed looking at the night sky. Hey, did you know that there are a few of these stars that actually move across the sky as the seasons change, instead of staying where they always are like the others?"

"Yes, actually," replied Ruby. "My dad told me about those stars. He says they are called the wandering stars, because they always wander across the sky."

Chronicler chuckled a little. "You know, when the earliest of my kind first noticed those stars, they also called them 'wandering stars'. In fact, that term in an ancient language is where the word 'planet' comes from."

"What's a planet?"

"That's what my kind calls the wandering stars these days. Hey, do you know how many 'wandering stars' there are?"

"I think there are five of them."

"Just as I thought. It seems that where we live in our universes is actually very similar. On my world, if you could find a dark enough area of course, you will also see five planets. There's actually two more, but they're so far away that you can't see them."

"Wow, that's amazing, amazing that is. Wait a minute, how do know there are two more wandering stars if you said they are too far away to see?"

"Uh..." Chronicler thought for a minute on how to answer. "Let's say that, a few hundred years ago, somebody created something that allowed far away objects to appear much closer than they actually are." He then decided to quickly change the subject back to planets, something he was more comfortable talking about. "That something not only allowed us to find those two far-away planets, but also revealed some amazing things about each of the planets, which makes each and every one of them truly unique."

"Really? Could you tell me about them?"

"Maybe tomorrow. It's a little late today for me to talk about so much stuff."

They soon arrived at Ruby's cave. As they stood at the entrance, Ruby called, "Chomper, I'm here. I'm here, Chomper." After a few seconds, there was no reply.

Chronicler looked back out of the cave and said, "Maybe he's not here yet."

"I do wonder where he is. He's usually not this late."

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Myrkin/Claw was glad that Mr. Threehorn had allowed him to stay in the Valley and what is more he actually was going to show him, where to find Chomper. The sooner he will learn how to be a sharptooth in this world, the better.

He followed a threehorn closely. While they were wandering, he used his nose to smell different things, like plants, trees and so on. He tried to remember all scents, but after some time he realised, that it is pointless to know how plants smell, if he wasn't going to eat them or have any other use of it. The scent of dinosaurs on the other hand... Well... It was much more pretty to his predator's nose and even if he didn't plan on hunting any creature that could speak, it might still come handy to know how to find them. Then, he sniffied the air, picking up different scents, but he could only identify one of them: the odor of threehorn, he was following. Still, it was some beginning...

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at they destination: an entrance to a cave, where two fastrunners were standing at the moment...
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail was still horribly furious and struggled against Belmont's efforts as he shouted, "PUT ME DOWN! THAT LONGNECK IS GOING TO DIE FOR THE LIES HE'S TOLD!"

Rick however coughed and shook his neck and could clearly feel the few superfical wounds Longtail had inflicted. He wouldn't die from them, but they still stung. ...I always knew I'd made Longtail deadly but...he could've killed me just now...' He then looked to Belmont and gave a swift "thanks" to his friend.


Grandma Longneck turned to Ali and shouted "RUN!" She then stepped in front of Redclaw and whipped her tail around trying to hit him in the face.


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Pangaea was about to say something in response to Amy, when suddenly a blue fast biter leapt out of the bushes, landing in a crouched position directly in front of him, Guido, Amy, and Pterano. Its jaws gaped slightly as it hissed, its gaze fixed menacingly on Amy. But a moment later a look of what appeared to be surprise came over its face, and its glance Pangaea’s direction.
Pangaea felt like he had just about had a heart attack, so startled and terrified he was by the fast biter’s arrival. But then he took a double-take, and for an instant he forgot his fear, as he realized that he knew this sharptooth, and not just from watching the Land Before Time series...

“You!” he exclaimed, pointing at the fast biter.

You!” the fast biter roared back. The word was in Sharptooth, but it needed no translation. This was the same fast biter that had ambushed Pangaea on the edge of the Great Wall when he had first arrived in the Land Before Time, and both of them knew it.

“I thought I recognized you before! You’re Screech, aren’t you?”

The fast biter’s response was an angry snarl.

Pangaea figured that Screech probably wasn’t in the valley for diplomatic purposes. He also knew that, while Pterano could certainly fly to safety, neither he nor Guido, being gliders, could take off from the ground, and, having seen Amy’s wounds, he wasn’t sure if she could, either. In any case, none of them had any chance of outrunning the fast biter on open ground. Quickly, Pangaea tried to think of a way to distract him.

“Uh...hey!” he said to Screech, “Do you understand Leafeater? If you do, put both of your hands over your eyes until I tell you to take them off.”

Pangaea wasn’t sure if Screech understood him, but the fast biter did give him a very strange look. Whether he was simply perplexed that his prey was attempting to communicate with him rather than running away, or had indeed comprehended the bizarre instructions, he certainly wasn’t falling for Pangaea’s thinly veiled ruse.

Pangaea looked at Guido, Amy, and Pterano out of the corners of his eyes, and shrugged. “It was worth a shot,” he said. Then, in a whisper, he added: “Amy, can you fly? If yes, do it now. If no, you and Guido run as fast as you can to the nearest tree you can climb.”

(OOC: I spent a long time writing out my confrontation with Screech beforehand, but it turned out so lengthy that I’ve had to stagger it, posting it in multiple installments. So, if you don’t mind, please no one get involved in this. I’ll let you all know when I’m free to interact with again. ;))

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Sam couldn't sleep so he decided to go for a walk.


Thud meanwhile had entered the valley and was moving from bush to bush blending in and staying down wind to avoid detection.


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"Enough" John said as he tightened his grip on Longtail.
Ali continued to run from Red Claw ,she looked back and saw that the predator was getting closer "faster" Ali yelled.