The Gang of Five
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My Little Pony: Elements of Friendship


  • Littlefoot
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(ooc: Hope ya don't mind that I actually jump in and all that)

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, a dark grey pony was outside Twilight's library, knocking upon the door, waiting for an answer, only to find no one was going to answer "You have got to be joking me, I head all the way into town....only for the library to be closed" she groaned as ended up banging her head upon the door a few times in frustration.

Her face happened to be somewhat muddy as well, just from her walk into town as her head remained upon the door as she groaned again.  She glanced at the amulet she was wearing that was indeed, glowing somewhat, pulsing with radiance "All I needed was a simple book, is that too much to ask? And now listen to me, I'm talking to myself" and again, she groaned and banged her head against the door a few more times, again, in frustration.

"Are you....okay?" asked a small orange Pegasus filly as she approached the Earth pony.

"No, I'm not okay, I headed into town,, not hoping, expecting the library to be open, but no, it just so happens to be closed, and all I needed was a simple book" she answered back with a groan again, banging her head some more upon the door.

"Uh, that can't be a very good thing, to bang your head against the door" Scootaloo spoke as she raised an eyebrow at the Earth pony slightly.


  • Petrie
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Chocolate Brownie silently walked through the “streets” of PonyVille, a small smile was plastered on her face as she continued her stroll towards the library, her mind set on only accomplishing the simple task of renewing her fantasy novels. The filly’s long black mane gleamed underneath the sun’s warm radiance, revealing the mare’s healthy black hair and well maintained mocha coloured coat; the bright sun making her large warm eyes sparkle profusely. 'Wow, isn't today just... great!?' she inquired gleefully, as she trotted towards the direction of the town’s large library, in which was also known to be the home for Princess Clestia’s protÈgÈ and her scaly companion.

Upon finally arriving at her destination, she was rather surprised to see that two mares were in front of the building’s main entrance, one of them was the colour of grey and the other had the colours of yellow and pinkish-red. Awkwardly,  it seemed that the older grey earth pony was repeatedly ramming her head into the walls out of (what seemed like) frustration and anger, while emitting an aura of distress and annoyance. Not knowing what to do, she decided to try and strike up a casual conversation on what was happening...

"Hi," she started nervously, "Is the library closed today?"


  • Littlefoot
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Destiny's head finally stopped banging against the door, as she did finally calm down as she heard another speak and sighed somewhat "Yes, it's closed" she glanced over at whom else had arrived.  Destiny now had a smallish bump upon her head, yet, she just seemed to ignore it for the time being "As I told this one here, all I was here for was for a book, as this....this....amulet of mine just wont stop glowing slightly"

She motioned to the amulet around her neck, which was indeed, emiting a light blue radiance and glow from the jewel in the middle as Destiny just sighed in the end "A book on what or even why my amulet's even doing that, as I've no idea at all"

"Maybe you could....when it's open, try the library?" Scootaloo suggested.

Destiny shot Scootaloo a quick look of anoyance, but did not reply to her little suggestion.


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From upstairs of the Library, there was a soft thud, then a few loud banging noises.  A few seconds later, there was a soft shuffle, then a click as the door unlocked.
"Erm...H-hi.  Sorry about the delay there.  I sorta couldn't hear you at first."
A young unicorn colt said, blushing profusely...

Dash The Longneck

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(I will make my OC CMC a little later tonight)

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had been looking all over for Scootaloo.  "Scootaloo, where are you" Sweetie Belle called out.

"Ya know maybe she's at the library she did say something about a library" Apple Bloom said.

"Well then let's go" Sweetie Belle said following Apple Bloom to the library.


  • Littlefoot
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Scooaloo was about to head inside when she heard her two friends calling out for her as she stopped in her track, seeing Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom head over "Hey guys.....yeah, sorry about taking off like that, but I just had an awesome idea, that did involve the library.  I just thought that there could be a book on how to get out cutie marks, that could give us an idea on what else we could try that we haven't already tried yet, cause there has to be tons of stuff we've still gotta try out"

Dash The Longneck

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"That's such a great idea. Good thinking Scootaloo" Sweetie Belle said patting her friend on the shoulder with a hoof in a friendly way.

"I like the idea too. But, do you think we should be in Twilight's Library without Twilight's permission? You know maybe we should hold off until at least Twilight comes back" Apple Bloom said now noticing that Twilight wasn't around and it didn't feel like the good thing to do at this moment.


  • Petrie
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“Really?” Brownie asked, intrigued by the pony's magical amulet and continued to stare at the necklace, as she closely inspected the cerulean coloured jewel's radiant glow.  Turning her gaze away from the amulet momentarily, she looked at Destiny before adding on, “Cool, well my name's Brownie! What’s yours?” she asked, grinning one of her genuine smiles, as she purposely ignored the pony’s current bedraggled state, after all, it wasn’t in her nature to judge others simply for their outer appearances. Plus, she wasn't exactly considered average by several of her peers when it came to entertainment and personal interests anyway (she had always preferred to stay inside during recess to draw or read, rather than play with others outside).

However, before the conservation could carry on, the mocha coloured filly heard the library door click open. 'Hm, well it's not like we can't continue our conversation inside the library, right?' she thought, briefly looking at the Unicorn at the door.


  • Littlefoot
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Destiny paused for a moment as Brownie was looking at her amulet, while she ignored the three fillies chatting away about cutie marks as sh answered Brownie's question "Destiny" was all she said as she turned her attention to the unicorn "Finally, somepony was at least in the library, listen, all I was after was a book on amulets, that's all, my glowing amulet is just driving me nuts right now"

Scootaloo groaned as Sweetie Belle patted her "Yeah, well, when I got there, it was closed and that pony there" she motioned to Destiny "Was banging her head upon the door.  But I think it's now open"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Twilight grinned as she looked around at her friends arranged in the chariot noticing how close they were to Canterlot. "I can Princess Celestia!" she commented with joy as she stared out the window. "Hey Spike what do you say we show our new friends over to Pony Joes when we land?" she asked at a whisper.

Rainrunner smiled both shyly but coyly as she looked at Luna before speaking. "I would like that very much Luna. Would you be able to show me around the castle once we arrive?" she asked quietly "That is after you lower the moon of course."

Thunderclap despite the short trip somehow managed to fall asleep nuzzling up to Haru fondly in his sleep with a content smile.

Twilight however shook her head as she used her horn and focused her magic. "I can't shake the feeling somethings wrong." as the magic solidified it showed the library in Ponyvillie and she was rather surprised to not only see the Cutie Mark Crusaders but three other ponies she didn't recognize. But, she smiled as she saw her replacement librarian opening the door. "See... this is why I plan ahead." She said with a bright smile.


  • Littlefoot
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"So then, shall we head into the....library....?" Scootaloo trailed off in the end when she heard something flying through the air and looked past her friends, seeing another younger Pegasus, with a helmet on, heading straight for a tree, and at a bit of a high speed for that matter.

"Tree!" the young Pegasus just had to call out, realzing what she was about to hit.

Crash.  Thud.

She had hit the tree, and a bit hard for that matter "Oww...." she groaned as she slid all the way down to the ground.  Although, the young Pegasus got back up again, but swayed around for a few moment before shaking her head and was back to normal again "Not what was planned...."


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Luna smiled wide and nodded at Rainrunner.
"Of course I can!  I'd...I'd really like to."
She said, blushing through her coat...

Haru smiled at Thunderclap, gently nuzzling against him.

The moment the pegasus made contact with the tree, Hikari was outside, looking at her and panicking a little.
"Umm...are you...I mean...are you hurt at all?"
He stammered, looking around and then back at her nervously...


  • Littlefoot
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The young filly Pegasus at first, ignored him as she looked at her flank, but still, no cutie mark as she pouted "Yeah, I'm fine I think, but somepony put that tree in my way" Dawn finally told Hikari, still pouting as she still hadn't achieved what she wanted out of....whatever it is she was doing as she straighted the helmet on her head again.

Though, by that point, she started to think out loud without even realizing it "Maybe if I aim the launcher somewhere else....I need another boulder though...."

Dash The Longneck

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Sweetie Belle and AppleBloom were immediately at Scootaloo's side "Yeah, maybe we should go inside after all the library is o" Sweetie started but covered her eyes as the other Pegasus hit a tree.  " Are you OK"? She asked running over to her side worriedly.


  • Petrie
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(( OOC: Woah! I didn’t notice that I already got the member status of “Queen”! *starts celebrating by posting this post* :DD ))

“Well, if it’s alright with you… may I come inside and renew my--?”

Unfortunately, before the young teenager could utter another word, she was abruptly interrupted by a loud resonating crash from behind, the large (and rather clamorous) sound quickly grabbed her attention. Causing the female pony to stare flabbergasted at the door, before she turned her entire frame to fully examine the scene behind her, completely losing interest with what she was about to ask as she diverted her entire attention towards the scene before her...

ëSo, much for renewing my overdue books,’ she sighed inwardly, somewhat disappointed that her day of having a relaxing and normal evening wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Ignoring her thoughts, she proceeded to walk towards the younger filly as she stared at her with a questioning gaze, "Hey, are you alright?" she asked, her voice carrying a twinge of sincere concern.


  • Littlefoot
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Dawn looked at everyone else as it finally started to sink in, her eyes squinting, only slightly at the group "Uh yeah, I'm fine, but can I ask....can you stop spinning so much?" she asked Brownie in particular as she removed her helmet in order to rub her head slightly.

"What were you doing? And why did you fly right into a tree? Scootaloo asked back, arching an eyebrow at her.

"Getting in flying practice, using Rainbow Dash's launcher thingy" Dawn replied back a bit proudly "Just was seeing how fast I could go without the help of my wings"

"By launching yourself, straight...into....a tree?" Scootaloo questioned back.

"Uh no, that tree got in my way" Dawn then looked at the others again "But at least I can cross, "crashing into trees" off my cutie mark to get list" her gaze shifted to Apple Bloom in particular and gave her a little smile as well.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Celestia had to admit for the first time in close to 1000 years, she was impressed. Her sister Luna had gone to Ponyvillie to join the festivities of some party Pinkie Pie had mentioned, and yet here she was coming back almost in record time. At first Celestia was inclined to think something was wrong, but at seeing Twilight in the window of one of the chariots made the alicorn smile brightly, as it had been quite a while since she'd seen her favorite student and her friends. "Although, I get the feeling that something even more impressive is going to happen once they arrive... wouldn't you agree?" she spoke aloud to two unicorns who were obscured in the shadows.


Twilight smiled faintly as she thought about her time back at the castle with Princess Celestia and all the things she'd learned so far. Despite the warm and loving memories, Twilight couldn't help but feel like something special was going to happen. "I wonder if Celestia has a surprise for us when we reach the castle?" she asked herself.

Rainrunner looked up at the moon and simply had to smile This night had been simply amazing for her. She had reconciled her emotions with her brother, found a friend in the Princess of the Moon, and was certain to enjoy all that she saw once they reached the castle. "Could this night get any better?" she asked out loud without realizing it.

Thunderclap however had remained sleeping quietly and instinctively wrapped a wing around Haru as he slept, a smile spreading over his muzzle as he dreamt.


  • Littlefoot
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Fluttershy's gaze had been diverted to the scene outside the carriage as she just smile to herself "I do wonder what will happen once we do reach the castle" she ended up saying to herself, just for now,letting the others in the same carriage as her, either get some sleep, or, talk amongst themselves.  After all, she wasn't exactly going to bother anyone about something as trivial as that anyway.

Yet, her gaze did shift to the others momentarily as she smiled to them before she went back to looking outside again.  The moon and the stars, for Fluttershy, they were indeed, just amazing as felt rather content with herself still, yet, the pegasus did have to give off a small yawn as well.


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Rainbow Dash Huddled up in a corner of the carriage.. she had been tired yupon reaching the carriage and had missed a lot of what had happened with her friends, being asleep at the time..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Hikari chuckled a little bit.
"Well, one can certainly hope that that wouldn't be your life's talent, right?"
He said with a smile.  
"Now, shall we go inside and continue our conversations in there?"

Inside the carriage, Luna smiled and nuzzled Rainrunner softly.  
"Well, maybe it could.  We'll see..."
She whispered teasingly, a small, impish grin on her face...

Haru smiled gently, cuddling against Thunderclap with a blissfully happy smile on his face.  Applejack grinned over at him, and he smiled in return as she nuzzled Dash.
"Hey, sleepyhead.  We're almost ta Canterlot..."
She whispered...